#include #include "types.h" #include "image.h" //#define STBI_HEADER_FILE_ONLY #define STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_image.h" /* * Load an image from the rom filesystem, returning a pointer to the * sprite that hold the image. */ sprite_t *loadImageDFS(char *fname) { int size, x, y, n, fd; u8 *tbuf; u8 *ibuf; sprite_t *sbuf; fd = dfs_open(fname); if (fd < 0) return 0; // couldn't open image size = dfs_size(fd); tbuf = malloc(size); if (!tbuf) { dfs_close(fd); return 0; // out of memory } dfs_read(tbuf, 1, size, fd); dfs_close(fd); ibuf = stbi_load_from_memory(tbuf, size, &x, &y, &n, 4); free(tbuf); if (!ibuf) return 0; // couldn't decode image sbuf = (sprite_t*)malloc(sizeof(sprite_t) + x * y * 2); if (!sbuf) { stbi_image_free(ibuf); return 0; // out of memory } sbuf->width = x; sbuf->height = y; sbuf->bitdepth = 2; sbuf->format = 0; sbuf->hslices = x / 32; sbuf->vslices = y / 16; color_t *src = (color_t*)ibuf; u16 *dst = (u16*)((u32)sbuf + sizeof(sprite_t)); for (int j=0; jdata, sbuf->width * sbuf->height * sbuf->bitdepth ); stbi_image_free(ibuf); return sbuf; } sprite_t *loadImage32(u8 *png, int size) { int x, y, n, fd; u8 *tbuf; u32 *ibuf; sprite_t *sbuf; tbuf = malloc(size); memcpy(tbuf,png,size); ibuf = (u32*)stbi_load_from_memory(tbuf, size, &x, &y, &n, 4); free(tbuf); if (!ibuf) return 0; // couldn't decode image sbuf = (sprite_t*)malloc(sizeof(sprite_t) + x * y * 4); if (!sbuf) { stbi_image_free(ibuf); return 0; // out of memory } sbuf->width = x; sbuf->height = y; sbuf->bitdepth = 4; sbuf->format = 0; sbuf->hslices = x / 32; sbuf->vslices = y / 32; // color_t *src = (color_t*)ibuf; u32 *dst = (u32*)((u32)sbuf + sizeof(sprite_t)); for (int j=0; jdata, sbuf->width * sbuf->height * sbuf->bitdepth ); stbi_image_free(ibuf); return sbuf; } sprite_t *loadImage32DFS(char *fname) { int size, x, y, n, fd; u8 *tbuf; u32 *ibuf; sprite_t *sbuf; fd = dfs_open(fname); if (fd < 0) return 0; // couldn't open image size = dfs_size(fd); tbuf = malloc(size); if (!tbuf) { dfs_close(fd); return 0; // out of memory } dfs_read(tbuf, 1, size, fd); dfs_close(fd); ibuf = (u32*)stbi_load_from_memory(tbuf, size, &x, &y, &n, 4); free(tbuf); if (!ibuf) return 0; // couldn't decode image sbuf = (sprite_t*)malloc(sizeof(sprite_t) + x * y * 4); if (!sbuf) { stbi_image_free(ibuf); return 0; // out of memory } sbuf->width = x; sbuf->height = y; sbuf->bitdepth = 4; sbuf->format = 0; sbuf->hslices = x / 32; sbuf->vslices = y / 32; // color_t *src = (color_t*)ibuf; u32 *dst = (u32*)((u32)sbuf + sizeof(sprite_t)); for (int j=0; jdata, sbuf->width * sbuf->height * sbuf->bitdepth ); stbi_image_free(ibuf); return sbuf; } /* * Draw an image to the screen using the sprite passed. */ void drawImage(display_context_t dcon, sprite_t *sprite) { int x, y = 0; rdp_sync(SYNC_PIPE); rdp_set_default_clipping(); rdp_enable_texture_copy(); rdp_attach_display(dcon); // Draw image for (int j=0; jvslices; j++) { x = 0; for (int i=0; ihslices; i++) { rdp_sync(SYNC_PIPE); rdp_load_texture_stride(0, 0, MIRROR_DISABLED, sprite, j*sprite->hslices + i); rdp_draw_sprite(0, x, y, 0); x += 32; } y += 16; } rdp_detach_display(); }