beta9 rom loading function flow: main() //init n64, fs, controller //joypad loop //button (A) -> select rom loadrom(disp,name_file); //readout rom header //check if swapped evd_mmcSetDmaSwap(1); //dma read file to 0xb0000000 cartspace diskRead(); //change key mapping //if (START) bootRom(); //save LAST.CRT for reboot cart-save //set fpga to eeprom, sram, flashram evd_setSaveType(boot_save); //do pif simulation to boot the rom simulate_boot(boot_cic, bios_cic); cart-save overview: before pif simulation the cart_id and cart_savetype is stored in LAST.CRT [maybe it's a better solution to use rom filenames 'cause the cart_id includes no game-version] -> bootRom(); at every start of the menu a function is called that checks LAST.CRT, if there is something todo and disable it for next boot by setting a flag in that file -> backupSaveData(disp); if it's a warm boot (reset) the fpga savegame is still there -> save_cfg_stat = evd_readReg(REG_SAV_CFG); if it's a reset reboot to backup a savegame into a file saveTypeToSd(disp, cartID, save_t) is called it's only for some file operations and calls utils.c: getSaveFromCart(stype, cartsave_data) to store the savegame into a buffer, which could be saved into a file some notes: eeprom is connected directly to the pif (i2c?) and could be read out stable with the libdragon function sram/flashram is a serial device that is mapped into memory it has to be accessed with dma to rdram through the pif it's a domain2 device which needs other timing than the cart timings: PI_BSD_DOM2_XXX_REG sram/fram: val XXX desc 05 LAT Latency OC PWD Pulse Width //sram - 0D //fram Animal Forest - 0F OD PGS Page Size 02 RLS Release Duration carts/dev-carts: 40 Latency 12 Pulse Width 07 Page Size 03 Release Duration IPL at 0xA6000000: 40 Latency 07 Pulse Width 07 Page Size 02 Release Duration cartidge: PI_BSD_DOM1_XXX_REG is set with the first word in the header e.g. 0x[80]371240 -> ~ 40,12,07,03