
162 lines
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//! This crate provides a generate that constructs random name strings suitable
//! for use in container instances, project names, application instances, etc.
//! The name `Generator` implements the `Iterator` trait so it can be used with
//! adapters, consumers, and in loops.
//! # Usage
//! This crate is [on]( and can be
//! used by adding `names` to your dependencies in your project's `Cargo.toml`
//! file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! names = "0.1.0"
//! ```
//! and this to your crate root:
//! ```
//! extern crate names;
//! ```
//! # Example: painless defaults
//! The easiest way to get started is to use the default `Generator` to return
//! a name:
//! ```
//! use names::{Generator, Name};
//! let mut generator = Generator::default(Name::Plain);
//! println!("Your project is: {}",;
//! // #=> "rusty-nail"
//! ```
//! If more randomness is required, you can generate a name with a trailing
//! 4-digit number:
//! ```
//! use names::{Generator, Name};
//! let mut generator = Generator::default(Name::Numbered);
//! println!("Your project is: {}",;
//! // #=> "pushy-pencil-5602"
//! ```
//! # Example: with custom dictionaries
//! If you would rather supply your own custom adjective and noun word lists,
//! you can provide your own by supplying 2 string slices. For example,
//! this returns only one result:
//! ```
//! use names::{Generator, Name};
//! let adjectives = &["imaginary"];
//! let nouns = &["roll"];
//! let mut generator = Generator::new(adjectives, nouns, Name::Plain);
//! assert_eq!("imaginary-roll",;
//! ```
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;
mod adjectives;
mod nouns;
/// A naming strategy for the `Generator`
pub enum Name {
/// This represents a plain naming strategy of the form `"ADJECTIVE-NOUN"`
/// This represents a naming strategy with a random number appended to the
/// end, of the form `"ADJECTIVE-NOUN-NUMBER"`
/// A random name generator which combines an adjective, a noun, and an
/// optional number
/// A `Generator` takes a slice of adjective and noun words strings and has
/// a naming strategy (with or without a number appended).
pub struct Generator<'a> {
adjectives: &'a [&'static str],
nouns: &'a [&'static str],
naming: Name,
impl<'a> Generator<'a> {
/// Constructs a new `Generator<'a>`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use names::{Generator, Name};
/// let adjectives = &["sassy"];
/// let nouns = &["clocks"];
/// let naming = Name::Plain;
/// let mut generator = Generator::new(adjectives, nouns, naming);
/// assert_eq!("sassy-clocks",;
/// ```
pub fn new(
adjectives: &'a [&'static str],
nouns: &'a [&'static str],
naming: Name
) -> Generator<'a> {
Generator {
adjectives: adjectives,
nouns: nouns,
naming: naming,
/// Construct and returns a default `Generator<'a>` containing a large
/// collection of adjectives and nouns
/// ```
/// use names::{Generator, Name};
/// let mut generator = Generator::default(Name::Plain);
/// println!("My new name is: {}",;
/// ```
pub fn default(naming: Name) -> Generator<'a> {
fn rand_adj(&self) -> &str {
fn rand_noun(&self) -> &str {
fn rand_num(&self) -> u16 {
rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 10000)
impl<'a> Iterator for Generator<'a> {
type Item = String;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
let adj = self.rand_adj();
let noun = self.rand_noun();
Some(match self.naming {
Name::Plain => format!("{}-{}", adj, noun),
Name::Numbered => format!("{}-{}-{:04}", adj, noun, self.rand_num()),