# aaa - cli [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/moparisthebest/adjective-adjective-animal.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/moparisthebest/adjective-adjective-animal) [![license](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/moparisthebest/adjective-adjective-animal/blob/master/LICENSE-MIT) Random name generator tool that gives you suitably random and reasonably unique human readable (and fairly adorable) ids, ala GiphyCat ## Usage Simple! Run without any parameters, you get a name: ```sh > aaa IndustrialSecretiveSwan ``` Need more? Tell it how many: ```sh > aaa 10 IronfistedSubhexagonalTern HoroscopicDrowsyBlackfish QuarrelsomeDoubtfulCommabutterfly UniqueHurtYaffle GrubbyBoskyIchthyosaurs BolsteredSyntheticTopi PredespondentAssociativeOkapi StereotypedComfortableScaup CuratorialLacklustreWyvern DazedStonyGiantschnauze ``` If you're ever confused, at least there's help: ```sh > aaa --help aaa 0.1.0 Author: Travis Burtrum A random name generator with results like `DeliriousHungryDolphin'. USAGE: aaa [amount] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information ARGS: Number of names to generate (default: 1) ``` ## Installation ### Building from source If you want (or need) to build the CLI from source, the following should not take too long. Note that you'll need a version of Rust (and Cargo which ships with the Rust distributions) before running: ```sh > git clone https://github.com/moparisthebest/adjective-adjective-animal.git > cd adjective-adjective-animal/cli > cargo build --release # test it out > ./target/release/aaa ```