#!/usr/bin/ruby # Yaaic - Yet Another Android IRC Client # # Copyright 2009-2010 Sebastian Kaspari # # This file is part of Yaaic. # # Yaaic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Yaaic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Yaaic. If not, see . # TODO: Use a XML parser instead of reading lines base_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../res/" original_file = "#{base_path}values/strings.xml" languages = [] items = {} pattern = Regexp.new '([^<]+)' lang_pattern = Regexp.new 'values-([a-zA-Z_-]+)' show_keys = false show_keys = true if ARGV.length == 1 && ARGV[0] == '--show-keys' # Scan for languages Dir.new(base_path).entries.each { |directory| result = lang_pattern.match directory if !result.nil? then languages.push result[1] end } puts "Found #{languages.length} language(s): #{languages.inspect}" # Grab all keys from the original file file = File.new(original_file, 'r') while line = file.gets result = pattern.match line if !result.nil? then items[result[1]] = result[2] end end file.close puts "Found #{items.length} items in strings.xml" puts # Check all langauges files for keys languages.each { |language| keys = 0 check = items.clone untranslated = {} unused = {} language_file = "#{base_path}values-#{language}/strings.xml" file = File.new(language_file, 'r') while line = file.gets result = pattern.match line if !result.nil? then key = result[1] value = result[2] check.delete key if items[key].nil? then unused[key] = value else untranslated[key] = value if items[key] == value end keys += 1 end end translated = items.length - untranslated.length - check.length translated_percent = sprintf('%.2f', 100.to_f / items.length.to_f * translated.to_f) keys_percent = sprintf('%.2f', 100.to_f / items.length.to_f * keys.to_f) puts "Language #{language}" puts " * Keys: #{keys.to_s.rjust 5}/#{items.length.to_s.ljust 5} #{keys_percent.to_s.rjust 6}%" puts " * Translated: #{translated.to_s.rjust 5}/#{items.length.to_s.ljust 5} #{translated_percent.to_s.rjust 6}%" if show_keys then if check.length > 0 then puts " * Missing keys:" check.each { |key,value| puts " * #{key}" } end if untranslated.length > 0 then puts " * Untranslated keys:" untranslated.each { |key,value| puts " * #{key}" } end if unused.length > 0 then puts " * Unused keys:" unused.each { |key,value| puts " * #{key}" } if unused.length > 0 end end puts }