-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.9 - 2011-07-17 - xx commits, xx files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SASL support (pocmo) * Fullscreen chat setting (reyncor) * Extended IRC URI support (reyncor) * GUI for adding authentication data for Nickserv/SASL (pocmo) * Only hide MOTD once (dsalt) * Ignore status characters in front of nicks for the purpose of nick completion (rasher) * Configurable history size (Steven Luo) * Overhaul notifications system (Steven Luo) * Now displays the number of mentions that the user has not seen in the notification. * When no mentions are outstanding, display which servers the user is connected to, not the last message. * When more than one mention is outstanding, display the names of the conversations with new mentions, not just the last message received. * Notifications of mentions are suppressed if you're in the conversation at the time of the mention. * Notifications of mentions automatically clear when you bring up the conversation. * Vibrate notifications now generate the user's chosen default vibrate pattern, not a hard-coded one. * Add ticker text to the notification that's displayed when the IRCService goes into the foreground, instead of displaying a blank ticker. * Include channel topic in the displayed conversation title (Steven Luo) * Actually deliver actions to existing private message windows (Steven Luo) * Notify the user on receipt of all private messages, not just ones with nick mentions. (Steven Luo) * Ensure privmsg with mention of user's nick opens new query when appropriate (Steven Luo) * Remembers which conversation was last selected (Steven Luo) * Danish translation (rasher) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.8 - 2011-03-15 - 27 commits, 35 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Support for mIRC colors (liato) * Support for graphical smilies (liato) * Bugfix: Connection issues when nickname already in use (pocmo) * Bugfix: Only automatically change nickname on server code 433 if not already registered with server (pocmo) * Turkish translation (Hasan Kiran) * Several bugs fixed regarding force closes (pocmo) * On own nick change: Display message in server info window (pocmo) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.7 - 2011-03-27 - 79 commits, 144 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * New setting: Play notification sound on highlight. * Updated Robotium to 2.0.2 * All current scenario tests are now running * Ident: Added "-" to the list of allowed characters * Fixed voice recognition (Only add top match to the text input) * Code cleanup and eclipse code formatter settings * New translation: Italian (Thanks to Gianmarco Laggia!) * Minimum width defined for some buttons that may become difficult to touch * A lot of code cleanup (mostly formatting) * New user action view and new actions: reply, query * Fixed typo: "joines" -> "joins" * Fixed some issues in the IRC parser for bouncers. Especially regarding Irsii proxy. * Tablet support. Yaaic will scale to different screen resolutions. * Tweak some nick colors for readability on Yaaic's dark background. (kugel-) * Reduce sensitivity of channel switcher (kugel-) * Always open last activity and do not start with server list (liato & kugel-) * Resolved a lot of connection issues - especially with bouncers. * Some improvements for accessibility (but still a lot of things to do) * All dimensions and fontsizes now use screen independent sizes and should therefore look better on differen screen sizes. * It's now possible to hide quit messages as well. * New Setting: Show notices in server window -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.6.1 - 2010-12-17 - 15 commits, 109 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed a bug in the french and spanish translation that may cause force closes on connecting to a server. * New setting available: Hide join and part messages. * Automated testing: Some first scenario tests using the Robotium framework. * Improved nickname detection: Words including the nickname won't cause a highlight. (Thanks to liato!) * Vibrating on highlight is now available as a setting. (Thanks to liato!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.6 - 2010-11-16 - 80 commits, 179 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Voice recognition via Google API * Everything is now easy translatable via one XML file * Customizable font sizes (8px - 20px) * New shortcut: /w for /whois * Every unknown command will now be sent to the server. No more command whitelisting. * Colored nicknames (by chantra) * Set a list of nickname aliases (by ZoogieZork) * Small ruby script to check the translation status * Userlist is now sorted alphabetically (By mloskot) * Nick completion via search button - completes current selection or at the cursor position (Patch by Thomas Martitz) * Build files for ant * Merged yaaic application and testing repositories * First scenario tests via the robotium lib. * Translations: o Chinese o Japanese (work in progress) o German (work in progress) o French o Spanish -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.5 - 2010-08-27 - 35 commits, 19 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Awesome channel indicator at the bottom of the screen showing highlights and new messages in other channels * Define a custom quit message in the settings menu * Execute commands on connect BEFORE joining channels * Wait a small amount of time before auto-joining channels (because of slow server commands) * Tap a nickname in the user list to perform an action (op, deop, kick, ...) * Bugfix: Enter key did not work on Motorola Milestone * Disable "Ok" button on Add Channel, Add Command dialogs until something's actually been added or removed. (by brion. thanks!) * Other small adjustments and bugfixes * Bugfix: The ident now can contain numbers * Bugfix: Nicknames now can start with an underscore (_) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.4.1 - 2010-04-27 - 14 commits, 13 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * When using the reconnect feature (Settings) - Yaaic sometimes did reconnect even when you disconnected yourself (even when "exit" was used) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.4 - 2010-04-25 - 66 commits, 36 files changed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You can now define channels to join after connecting to a server * It's also possible now to add commands that are executed after connecting to a server * When adding/editing a server spaces at the beginning and ending will be removed due to some "on screen keyboards" adding spaces. * The following server commands have been added to the whitelist and Yaaic will now send them to the server: /opper, /nickserv, /ns, /chanserv, /cs, /authserv, /hostserv, /memoserv, /operserv * Bugfix: Closed queries couldn't be reopened when closed * New command: Send a message to a channel or user: /msg (See Issue 10) * New command: Send a message to all channels on the server: /amsg * Bugfix: Nicknames can now contain a hyphen (-) (See issue 9) * Bugfix: When using BIP IRC Proxy channels were not joined (See Issue 8) * New command: /quote or /raw to send a raw line to the server * Settings: You can now enable to reconnect automatically on disconnect * Bugfix: Sometimes the notification icon was still in the notification bar if not connected to any server and yaaic not running * The menu now contains an "exit" option to disconnect from all servers and exiting Yaaic. * Bugfix: When selection "connect" via long-click on a connected server in the list, Yaaic disconnected. * The /help command now shows the usage of a command if given as parameter: /help (Thanks to Kell) * The server list now also shows the nickname and the port of the server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.3 - 2010-04-15 - 145 commits, 79 files changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Yaaic now has an awesome icon designed by androidicons.com * It's now possible to select a charset when adding/editing a server. See the list of supported charsets for more details. * SSL-Support! You are now able to use SSL connections with Yaaic. But beware! The current TrustManager will accept every certificate. * There will be an icon in your notification bar if you are connected to a server. * You can now connect to some IRC networks that use strange spam bot checks. * The background service is now persistent so that you don't get disconnected while yaaic is in the background and you are using an other app. * Bugfix: Sometimes the app crashed if you disconnected from a server and connected again to the same server later. * There has been a lot of code optimization. Hopefully Yaaic is now much more smoother. * You are now notified about a disconnect in all conversation views. * The background color is now fixed so that Yaaic should look the same on Android 1.5 as well as on Android 2.x. * There's now a menu option to show a list of the users in the current selected channel * Highlights (if someone mentions your nickname), Connects and Disconnects are now shown as notifications in the notification bar. * You can now use the dialpad up and dialpad down buttons to scroll in the history of messages entered by you * Menu items that are not ussable until connect are now inactive. * There's now a /help command showing all commands available (Thanks to Kell) * If a disconnect occurs Yaaic will now ask you if you want to reconnect (Currently only if yaaic is not in the background) * Developers: There's now a second repository for automated testing with some unit tests already added: http://github.com/pocmo/Yaaic-Test * Bugfix: The timestamps sometimes were wrong, especially the timestamps in 12h format were totally wrong at all * New commands handled by the client: /away /whois * Last but not least, thanks to tkn for contributing a bug fix! :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.2 - 2010-03-20 - 58 commits, 22 files changed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bugfix: Fixed an annoying bug that caused messages to sometimes appear in the wrong channel / query * Bugfix: A lot of (visual) issues have been fixed when using the on screen keyboard * More IRC events are now shown as messages: * On set / remove channel key * On set / remove channel secret * On set / remove channel ban * On set / remove channel limit * On set / remove topic protection * On set / remove external messages * On set / remove invite only * On set / remove moderated * On set / remove private * On invite into channel * Send files via DCC with /dcc SEND * The join channel dialog is now permanent and does not disappear on rotation * It's now mandatory to enter a real name as servers require a value on connect * A nicer look and feel with transcluent conversation windows and rounded corners * Bugfix: Scrollbar didn't scroll automatically sometimes * Bugfix: Messages updated their timestamp when application was resumed * Server responses are now shown in the server info window (some are skipped) * Messages containing the current nickname are now highlighted (red color) * If you are clicking on an irc:// link in the browser you are now able to add this server to your server list * Servers in the serverlist can now be edited (long touch a server) * UTF-8 is now the default enconding used by the IRC client. There will be an option to choose an enconding in a future release * Bugfix: Messages that have been written by users while the client was paused didn't appear directly on resume * Server titles now have to be unique * ... some other small fixes and adjustments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yaaic 0.1 (Beta) - 2010-03-14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This is the first release. There hasn't changed anything to prior releases ;)