/* Copyright Paul James Mutton, 2001-2007, http://www.jibble.org/ This file is part of PircBot. This software is dual-licensed, allowing you to choose between the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the www.jibble.org Commercial License. Since the GPL may be too restrictive for use in a proprietary application, a commercial license is also provided. Full license information can be found at http://www.jibble.org/licenses/ */ package org.jibble.pircbot; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; /** * This class is used to allow the bot to interact with a DCC Chat session. * * @since 0.9c * @author Paul James Mutton, * http://www.jibble.org/ * @version 1.4.6 (Build time: Wed Apr 11 19:20:59 2007) */ public class DccChat { /** * This constructor is used when we are accepting a DCC CHAT request * from somebody. It attempts to connect to the client that issued the * request. * * @param bot An instance of the underlying PircBot. * @param sourceNick The nick of the sender. * @param address The address to connect to. * @param port The port number to connect to. * * @throws IOException If the connection cannot be made. */ DccChat(PircBot bot, String nick, String login, String hostname, long address, int port) { _bot = bot; _address = address; _port = port; _nick = nick; _login = login; _hostname = hostname; _acceptable = true; } /** * This constructor is used after we have issued a DCC CHAT request to * somebody. If the client accepts the chat request, then the socket we * obtain is passed to this constructor. * * @param bot An instance of the underlying PircBot. * @param sourceNick The nick of the user we are sending the request to. * @param socket The socket which will be used for the DCC CHAT session. * * @throws IOException If the socket cannot be read from. */ DccChat(PircBot bot, String nick, Socket socket) throws IOException { _bot = bot; _nick = nick; _socket = socket; _reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_socket.getInputStream())); _writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(_socket.getOutputStream())); _acceptable = false; } /** * Accept this DccChat connection. * * @since 1.2.0 * */ public synchronized void accept() throws IOException { if (_acceptable) { _acceptable = false; int[] ip = _bot.longToIp(_address); String ipStr = ip[0] + "." + ip[1] + "." + ip[2] + "." + ip[3]; _socket = new Socket(ipStr, _port); _reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_socket.getInputStream())); _writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(_socket.getOutputStream())); } } /** * Reads the next line of text from the client at the other end of our DCC Chat * connection. This method blocks until something can be returned. * If the connection has closed, null is returned. * * @return The next line of text from the client. Returns null if the * connection has closed normally. * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs. */ public String readLine() throws IOException { if (_acceptable) { throw new IOException("You must call the accept() method of the DccChat request before you can use it."); } return _reader.readLine(); } /** * Sends a line of text to the client at the other end of our DCC Chat * connection. * * @param line The line of text to be sent. This should not include * linefeed characters. * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs. */ public void sendLine(String line) throws IOException { if (_acceptable) { throw new IOException("You must call the accept() method of the DccChat request before you can use it."); } // No need for synchronization here really... _writer.write(line + "\r\n"); _writer.flush(); } /** * Closes the DCC Chat connection. * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs. */ public void close() throws IOException { if (_acceptable) { throw new IOException("You must call the accept() method of the DccChat request before you can use it."); } _socket.close(); } /** * Returns the nick of the other user taking part in this file transfer. * * @return the nick of the other user. * */ public String getNick() { return _nick; } /** * Returns the login of the DCC Chat initiator. * * @return the login of the DCC Chat initiator. null if we sent it. * */ public String getLogin() { return _login; } /** * Returns the hostname of the DCC Chat initiator. * * @return the hostname of the DCC Chat initiator. null if we sent it. * */ public String getHostname() { return _hostname; } /** * Returns the BufferedReader used by this DCC Chat. * * @return the BufferedReader used by this DCC Chat. */ public BufferedReader getBufferedReader() { return _reader; } /** * Returns the BufferedReader used by this DCC Chat. * * @return the BufferedReader used by this DCC Chat. */ public BufferedWriter getBufferedWriter() { return _writer; } /** * Returns the raw Socket used by this DCC Chat. * * @return the raw Socket used by this DCC Chat. */ public Socket getSocket() { return _socket; } /** * Returns the address of the sender as a long. * * @return the address of the sender as a long. */ public long getNumericalAddress() { return _address; } private PircBot _bot; private String _nick; private String _login = null; private String _hostname = null; private BufferedReader _reader; private BufferedWriter _writer; private Socket _socket; private boolean _acceptable; private long _address = 0; private int _port = 0; }