/* USB EHCI Host for Teensy 3.6 * Copyright 2017 Paul Stoffregen (paul@pjrc.com) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "USBHost_t36.h" // Read this header first for key info #define print USBHost::print_ #define println USBHost::println_ void JoystickController::init() { contribute_Pipes(mypipes, sizeof(mypipes)/sizeof(Pipe_t)); contribute_Transfers(mytransfers, sizeof(mytransfers)/sizeof(Transfer_t)); contribute_String_Buffers(mystring_bufs, sizeof(mystring_bufs)/sizeof(strbuf_t)); driver_ready_for_device(this); USBHIDParser::driver_ready_for_hid_collection(this); } //***************************************************************************** // Some simple query functions depend on which interface we are using... //***************************************************************************** uint16_t JoystickController::idVendor() { if (device != nullptr) return device->idVendor; if (mydevice != nullptr) return mydevice->idVendor; return 0; } uint16_t JoystickController::idProduct() { if (device != nullptr) return device->idProduct; if (mydevice != nullptr) return mydevice->idProduct; return 0; } const uint8_t *JoystickController::manufacturer() { if ((device != nullptr) && (device->strbuf != nullptr)) return &device->strbuf->buffer[device->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_MAN]]; if ((mydevice != nullptr) && (mydevice->strbuf != nullptr)) return &mydevice->strbuf->buffer[mydevice->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_MAN]]; return nullptr; } const uint8_t *JoystickController::product() { if ((device != nullptr) && (device->strbuf != nullptr)) return &device->strbuf->buffer[device->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_PROD]]; if ((mydevice != nullptr) && (mydevice->strbuf != nullptr)) return &mydevice->strbuf->buffer[mydevice->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_PROD]]; return nullptr; } const uint8_t *JoystickController::serialNumber() { if ((device != nullptr) && (device->strbuf != nullptr)) return &device->strbuf->buffer[device->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_SERIAL]]; if ((mydevice != nullptr) && (mydevice->strbuf != nullptr)) return &mydevice->strbuf->buffer[mydevice->strbuf->iStrings[strbuf_t::STR_ID_SERIAL]]; return nullptr; } //***************************************************************************** // Support for Joysticks that USe HID data. //***************************************************************************** hidclaim_t JoystickController::claim_collection(USBHIDParser *driver, Device_t *dev, uint32_t topusage) { // only claim Desktop/Joystick and Desktop/Gamepad if (topusage != 0x10004 && topusage != 0x10005) return CLAIM_NO; // only claim from one physical device if (mydevice != NULL && dev != mydevice) return CLAIM_NO; mydevice = dev; collections_claimed++; anychange = true; // always report values on first read return CLAIM_REPORT; } void JoystickController::disconnect_collection(Device_t *dev) { if (--collections_claimed == 0) { mydevice = NULL; axis_mask_ = 0; } } void JoystickController::hid_input_begin(uint32_t topusage, uint32_t type, int lgmin, int lgmax) { // TODO: set up translation from logical min/max to consistent 16 bit scale } void JoystickController::hid_input_data(uint32_t usage, int32_t value) { //Serial.printf("Joystick: usage=%X, value=%d\n", usage, value); uint32_t usage_page = usage >> 16; usage &= 0xFFFF; if (usage_page == 9 && usage >= 1 && usage <= 32) { uint32_t bit = 1 << (usage -1); if (value == 0) { if (buttons & bit) { buttons &= ~bit; anychange = true; } } else { if (!(buttons & bit)) { buttons |= bit; anychange = true; } } } else if (usage_page == 1 && usage >= 0x30 && usage <= 0x39) { // TODO: need scaling of value to consistent API, 16 bit signed? // TODO: many joysticks repeat slider usage. Detect & map to axis? uint32_t i = usage - 0x30; axis_mask_ |= (1 << i); // Keep record of which axis we have data on. if (axis[i] != value) { axis[i] = value; anychange = true; } } // TODO: hat switch? } void JoystickController::hid_input_end() { if (anychange) { joystickEvent = true; } } void JoystickController::joystickDataClear() { joystickEvent = false; anychange = false; } //***************************************************************************** // Support for Joysticks that are class specific and do not use HID // Example: XBox One controller. //***************************************************************************** // Note: currently just XBOX one. JoystickController::product_vendor_mapping_t JoystickController::pid_vid_mapping[] = { { 0x045e, 0x02ea },{ 0x045e, 0x02dd } }; static uint8_t start_input[] = {0x05, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00}; bool JoystickController::claim(Device_t *dev, int type, const uint8_t *descriptors, uint32_t len) { println("JoystickController claim this=", (uint32_t)this, HEX); // only claim at device level if (type != 0) return false; print_hexbytes(descriptors, len); uint8_t i = 0; for (; i < (sizeof(pid_vid_mapping)/sizeof(pid_vid_mapping[0])); i++) { if ((dev->idVendor == pid_vid_mapping[i].idVendor) && (dev->idProduct == pid_vid_mapping[i].idProduct)) { break; } } if (i == (sizeof(pid_vid_mapping)/sizeof(pid_vid_mapping[0]))) return false; // Not in our list // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *9 10 1 2 3 4 5 *6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1... // 09 04 00 00 02 FF 47 D0 00 07 05 02 03 40 00 04 07 05 82 03 40 00 04 09 04 01 00 00 FF 47 D0 00 // Lets do some verifications to make sure. if (len < 9+7+7) return false; uint32_t count_end_points = descriptors[4]; if (count_end_points < 2) return false; if (descriptors[5] != 0xff) return false; // bInterfaceClass, 3 = HID uint32_t rxep = 0; uint32_t txep = 0; rx_size_ = 0; tx_size_ = 0; uint32_t descriptor_index = 9; while (count_end_points-- && ((rxep == 0) || txep == 0)) { if (descriptors[descriptor_index] != 7) return false; // length 7 if (descriptors[descriptor_index+1] != 5) return false; // ep desc if ((descriptors[descriptor_index+3] == 3) // Type 3... && (descriptors[descriptor_index+4] <= 64) && (descriptors[descriptor_index+5] == 0)) { // have a bulk EP size if (descriptors[descriptor_index+2] & 0x80 ) { rxep = descriptors[descriptor_index+2]; rx_size_ = descriptors[descriptor_index+4]; } else { txep = descriptors[descriptor_index+2]; tx_size_ = descriptors[descriptor_index+4]; } } descriptor_index += 7; // setup to look at next one... } if ((rxep == 0) || (txep == 0)) return false; // did not find two end points. print("JoystickController, rxep=", rxep & 15); print("(", rx_size_); print("), txep=", txep); print("(", tx_size_); println(")"); rxpipe_ = new_Pipe(dev, 2, rxep & 15, 1, rx_size_); if (!rxpipe_) return false; txpipe_ = new_Pipe(dev, 2, txep, 0, tx_size_); if (!txpipe_) { //free_Pipe(rxpipe_); return false; } rxpipe_->callback_function = rx_callback; queue_Data_Transfer(rxpipe_, rxbuf_, rx_size_, this); txpipe_->callback_function = tx_callback; queue_Data_Transfer(txpipe_, start_input, sizeof(start_input), this); memset(axis, 0, sizeof(axis)); // clear out any data. return true; } void JoystickController::control(const Transfer_t *transfer) { } /************************************************************/ // Interrupt-based Data Movement /************************************************************/ void JoystickController::rx_callback(const Transfer_t *transfer) { if (!transfer->driver) return; ((JoystickController *)(transfer->driver))->rx_data(transfer); } void JoystickController::tx_callback(const Transfer_t *transfer) { if (!transfer->driver) return; ((JoystickController *)(transfer->driver))->tx_data(transfer); } /************************************************************/ // Interrupt-based Data Movement // XBox one input data when type == 0x20 // Information came from several places on the web including: // https://github.com/quantus/xbox-one-controller-protocol /************************************************************/ typedef struct { uint8_t type; uint8_t const_0; uint16_t id; // From online references button order: // sync, dummy, start, back, a, b, x, y // dpad up, down left, right // lb, rb, left stick, right stick // Axis: // lt, rt, lx, xy, rx, ry // uint16_t buttons; int16_t axis[6]; } xbox1data20_t; static const uint8_t xbox_axis_order_mapping[] = {4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3}; void JoystickController::rx_data(const Transfer_t *transfer) { // print("JoystickController::rx_data: "); // print_hexbytes((uint8_t*)transfer->buffer, transfer->length); axis_mask_ = 0x3f; xbox1data20_t *xb1d = (xbox1data20_t *)transfer->buffer; if ((xb1d->type == 0x20) && (transfer->length >= sizeof (xbox1data20_t))) { // We have a data transfer. Lets see what is new... if (xb1d->buttons != buttons) { buttons = xb1d->buttons; anychange = true; } for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof (xbox_axis_order_mapping); i++) { // The first two values were unsigned. int axis_value = (i < 2)? (int)(uint16_t)xb1d->axis[i] : xb1d->axis[i]; if (axis_value != axis[xbox_axis_order_mapping[i]]) { axis[xbox_axis_order_mapping[i]] = axis_value; anychange = true; } } joystickEvent = true; } queue_Data_Transfer(rxpipe_, rxbuf_, rx_size_, this); } void JoystickController::tx_data(const Transfer_t *transfer) { } void JoystickController::disconnect() { axis_mask_ = 0; // TODO: free resources }