mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/Simba synced 2025-03-03 02:41:54 -05:00
2010-03-12 18:10:10 +01:00

344 lines
10 KiB

{ implementation of the powerpc osx abi for function calls in pascal script
Copyright (c) 2007 by Henry Vermaak (henry.vermaak@gmail.com) }
{$ifndef darwin}
{$fatal This code is Darwin specific at the moment!}
{$ifndef cpu32}
{$fatal This code is 32bit specific at the moment!}
rtINT = 0;
rtINT64 = 1;
rtFLOAT = 2;
Trint = array[1..8] of dword;
Trfloat = array[1..13] of double;
{$goto on}
{ define labels }
{ call a function from a pointer }
{ resulttype: 0 = int, 1 = int64, 2 = float }
function ppcasmcall(rint: Trint; rfloat: Trfloat; proc, stack: pointer; stacksize, resulttype: integer): pointer; assembler; nostackframe;
mflr r0
stw r0, 8(r1)
{ save non-volatile register/s - make sure the stack size is sufficient! }
stw r31, -4(r1) { stacksize }
stwu r1, -240(r1) { create stack }
{ get all the params into the stack }
stw r3, 48(r1) { rint }
stw r4, 52(r1) { rfloat }
stw r5, 56(r1) { proc }
stw r6, 60(r1) { stack }
stw r7, 64(r1) { stacksize }
stw r8, 68(r1) { resulttype }
{ result is stored in 72(r1) and 76(r1) (if returning int64) }
{ write rint array into stack }
lwz r2, 48(r1) { rint }
lfd f0, 0(r2)
stfd f0, 80(r1) { rint[1], rint[2] }
lfd f0, 8(r2)
stfd f0, 88(r1) { rint[3], rint[4] }
lfd f0, 16(r2)
stfd f0, 96(r1) { rint[5], rint[6] }
lfd f0, 24(r2)
stfd f0, 104(r1) { rint[7], rint[8] }
{ write rfloat array into stack }
lwz r2, 52(r1) { rfloat }
addi r4, r1, 112 { rfloat[1] from here upwards (8 bytes apart) }
subi r2, r2, 8 { src }
subi r4, r4, 8 { dest }
li r3, 13 { counter }
subic. r3, r3, 1 { dec counter }
lfdu f0, 8(r2) { load rfloat[x] + update }
stfdu f0, 8(r4) { store rfloat[x] + update }
bne cr0, rfloat_loop
{ create new stack }
mflr r0
stw r0, 8(r1)
mr r12, r1 { remember previous stack to fill in regs later }
lwz r31, 64(r12) { load stacksize into r31 }
neg r3, r31 { negate }
stwux r1, r1, r3 { create new stack }
{ build up the stack here }
mr r3, r31 { counter }
subic. r3, r3, 24 { don't write first 24 }
blt cr0, load_regs { don't fill in stack if there is none }
lwz r2, 60(r12) { pointer to stack }
addi r2, r2, 24 { start of params }
subi r2, r2, 1 { src }
addi r4, r1, 24 { start of params }
subi r4, r4, 1 { dest }
subic. r3, r3, 1 { dec counter }
lbzu r5, 1(r2) { load stack + update }
stbu r5, 1(r4) { store stack + update }
bne cr0, stack_loop
load_regs: { now load the registers from the previous stack in r12 }
lwz r3, 80(r12)
lwz r4, 84(r12)
lwz r5, 88(r12)
lwz r6, 92(r12)
lwz r7, 96(r12)
lwz r8, 100(r12)
lwz r9, 104(r12)
lwz r10, 108(r12)
lfd f1, 112(r12)
lfd f2, 120(r12)
lfd f3, 128(r12)
lfd f4, 136(r12)
lfd f5, 144(r12)
lfd f6, 152(r12)
lfd f7, 160(r12)
lfd f8, 168(r12)
lfd f9, 176(r12)
lfd f10, 184(r12)
lfd f11, 192(r12)
lfd f12, 200(r12)
lfd f13, 208(r12)
{ now call this function }
lwz r2, 56(r12) { proc }
mtctr r2 { move to ctr }
bctrl { branch and link to ctr }
{ restore stack - use stacksize in r31 }
add r1, r1, r31
lwz r0, 8(r1)
mtlr r0
{ check resulttype and put appropriate pointer into r3 }
lwz r2, 68(r1) { resulttype }
cmpwi cr0, r2, 0 { int result? }
beq cr0, int_result { branch if equal }
cmpwi cr0, r2, 1 { single result? }
beq cr0, int64_result { branch if equal }
float_result: { the result is a double}
stfd f1, 72(r1) { write f1 to result on stack }
b asmcall_end
int64_result: { the result is a single }
stw r3, 72(r1) { write high dword to result on stack }
stw r4, 76(r1) { write low dword to result on stack }
b asmcall_end
int_result: { the result is dword }
stw r3, 72(r1) { write r3 to result on stack }
asmcall_end: { epilogue }
addi r3, r1, 72 { pointer to result on the stack }
addi r1, r1, 240 { restore stack }
{ restore non-volatile register/s }
lwz r31, -4(r1)
lwz r0, 8(r1)
mtlr r0
function TPSExec.InnerfuseCall(_Self, Address: Pointer; CallingConv: TPSCallingConvention; Params: TPSList; res: PPSVariantIFC): Boolean;
rint: Trint; { registers r3 to r10 }
rfloat: Trfloat; { registers f1 to f13 }
st: packed array of byte; { stack }
i, j, rindex, findex, stindex: integer;
fvar: PPSVariantIFC;
IsConstructor: Boolean;
{ add a dword to stack }
procedure addstackdword(value: dword);
setlength(st, stindex+4);
pdword(@st[stindex])^ := value;
inc(stindex, 4);
{ add a float to stack }
procedure addstackfloat(value: pointer; size: integer);
setlength(st, stindex + (size * 4));
if size = 1
then psingle(@st[stindex])^ := single(value^)
else pdouble(@st[stindex])^ := double(value^);
inc(stindex, size*4);
{ add to the general registers or overflow to stack }
procedure addgen(value: dword);
if rindex <= 8
then begin
rint[rindex] := value;
else begin
{ add to the float registers or overflow to stack }
{ size = 1 for single, 2 for double }
procedure addfloat(value: pointer; size: integer);
if findex <= 13
then begin
if size = 1
then rfloat[findex] := single(value^)
else rfloat[findex] := double(value^);
inc(rindex, size);
addstackfloat(value, size);
else begin
addstackfloat(value, size);
if (Integer(CallingConv) and 64) <> 0 then begin
IsConstructor := true;
CAllingConv := TPSCallingConvention(Integer(CallingConv) and not 64);
end else IsConstructor := false;
rindex := 1;
findex := 1;
stindex := 24;
setlength(st, stindex);
Result := False;
{ the pointer of the result needs to be passed first in the case of some result types }
if assigned(res)
then begin
case res.atype.basetype of
btStaticArray, btRecord: addgen(dword(res.dta));
{ process all parameters }
for i := 0 to Params.Count-1 do begin
if Params[i] = nil
then Exit;
fvar := Params[i];
{ cook dynamic arrays - fpc stores size-1 at @array-4 }
if (fvar.aType.BaseType = btArray)
then dec(pdword(pointer(fvar.dta^)-4)^);
if fvar.varparam
then begin { var param }
case fvar.aType.BaseType of
{ add var params here }
btArray, btVariant, btSet, btStaticArray, btRecord, btInterface, btClass, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} btWideString, btWideChar, {$ENDIF}
btU8, btS8, btU16, btS16, btU32, btS32, btSingle, btDouble, btExtended, btString, btPChar, btChar, btCurrency
{$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}, bts64{$ENDIF}: addgen(dword(fvar.dta)); { TODO: test all }
else begin
writeln(stderr, 'Parameter type not recognised!');
end; { case }
end else begin { not a var param }
case fvar.aType.BaseType of
// btArray, btVariant, btSet, btStaticArray, btRecord, btInterface, btClass, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} btWideString, btWideChar, {$ENDIF}
// btU8, btS8, btU16, btS16, btU32, btS32, btSingle, btDouble, btExtended, btString, btPChar, btChar, btCurrency
// {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}, bts64{$ENDIF}: writeln('normal param');
{ add normal params here }
btString: addgen(dword(pstring(fvar.dta)^));
btU8, btS8: addgen(dword(pbyte(fvar.dta)^));
btU16, BtS16: addgen(dword(pword(fvar.dta)^));
btU32, btS32: addgen(dword(pdword(fvar.dta)^));
btSingle: addfloat(fvar.dta, 1);
btDouble, btExtended: addfloat(fvar.dta, 2);
btPChar: addgen(dword(ppchar(fvar.dta)^));
btChar: addgen(dword(pchar(fvar.dta)^));
{$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64:{$ENDIF} begin
addgen(dword(pint64(fvar.dta)^ shr 32));
addgen(dword(pint64(fvar.dta)^ and $ffffffff));
btStaticArray: addgen(dword(fvar.dta));
btRecord: for j := 0 to (fvar.atype.realsize div 4)-1 do
addgen(pdword(fvar.dta + j*4)^);
btArray: addgen(dword(fvar.dta^));
{ TODO add and test }
{ btVariant, btSet, btInterface, btClass }
else begin
writeln(stderr, 'Parameter type not implemented!');
end; { case }
end; { else }
end; { for }
if not assigned(res)
then begin
ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT); { ignore return }
else begin
case res.atype.basetype of
{ add result types here }
btString: pstring(res.dta)^ := pstring(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^;
btU8, btS8: pbyte(res.dta)^ := byte(pdword(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^);
btU16, btS16: pword(res.dta)^ := word(pdword(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^);
btU32, btS32: pdword(res.dta)^ := pdword(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^;
btSingle: psingle(res.dta)^ := pdouble(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtFLOAT))^;
btDouble, btExtended: pdouble(res.dta)^ := pdouble(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtFLOAT))^;
btPChar: ppchar(res.dta)^ := pchar(pdword(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^);
btChar: pchar(res.dta)^ := char(pdword(ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT))^);
btStaticArray, btRecord: ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT);
btArray: res.dta := ppcasmcall(rint, rfloat, address, st, stindex, rtINT);
{ TODO add and test }
else begin
writeln(stderr, 'Result type not implemented!');
end; { else }
end; { case }
{ cook dynamic arrays - fpc stores size-1 at @array-4 }
for i := 0 to Params.Count-1 do begin
fvar := Params[i];
if (fvar.aType.BaseType = btArray)
then inc(pdword(pointer(fvar.dta^)-4)^);
Result := True;