.. _whimsical: Why Simba? ========== So why would you use Simba? For several reasons. Number one is probably the active community combined with the open-mindedness of the Simba developers. Simba is: Free ~~~~ Simba is, and always will be free. It is free as in Free Beer **and** Freedom. Simba is 100% free to use. In fact, we welcome you to share it with the rest of the world. The source code to the program is also freely available, under the GPL license. .. note:: The source code allows everyone to see how the program actually works. Most developers choose not to share their source code and therefore decide to withhold knowledge. The Simba developers highly disagree with this mentality and will fight for a world with free knowledge for everyone. "Closed Source" as not sharing source code is called, is holding back innovation and research in the world. Extensible ~~~~~~~~~~ Simba supports both plug-ins in binary format as well as extensions written in the Simba programming language (which is Pascal-based). This way one can easily extend Simba. See :ref:`writing-simba-extensions` Reliable ~~~~~~~~ Simba is actively maintained by a team of knowledgeable programmers. We as a team do our best to make Simba into a quality product. However this does not guarantee a bug free program. (Bug free programs don't exist) Should you encouter a bug, please consider sending a bug report so we can resolve the issue: :ref:`bug report`. Cross Platform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simba has been written with freedom in mind and believes Simba should not be limited to one platform, as that limits its users to one platform as well. Currently the supported platforms are Windows and Linux with attempts being made to port it to OSX (it may run on OSX if you install X11). Even though we try hard to make Simba bug-free on all platforms, some issues remain. The biggest issue is the interpreter that executes your program. It is an external component and does not play too well on Linux. Hopefully this will be improved upon soon. Fast ~~~~ The Simba developers have designed and written Simba with speed in mind. However, some speed was sacrificed for readability and maintainability, regardless, Simba is still quite fast.