unit v_ideCodeParser; {$include ValistusDefines.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, CastaliaPasLex, CastaliaSimplePasPar, v_MiscFunctions; type TDeclaration = class; TDeclarationArray = array of TDeclaration; TDeclarationClass = class of TDeclaration; TVarBase = (vbName, vbType); TDeclarationStack = class private fItems: TList; fTop: TDeclaration; public procedure Push(Item: TDeclaration); function Pop: TDeclaration; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Top: TDeclaration read fTop; end; TDeclarationList = class private fItems: TList; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TDeclaration; function GetCount: Integer; public procedure AddItem(AItem: TDeclaration); procedure DeleteItem(AItem: TDeclaration); function GetItemsOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclarationArray; function GetFirstItemOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclaration; function GetItemsInPos(AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclarationArray; function GetItemInPos(AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclaration; procedure Clear; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Items[Index: Integer]: TDeclaration read GetItem; default; property Count: Integer read GetCount; end; TDeclaration = class private fParser: TmwSimplePasPar; fOwner: TDeclaration; fOrigin: PAnsiChar; fRawText: string; fCleanText: string; fShortText: string; fStartPos: Integer; fEndPos: Integer; fItems: TDeclarationList; function GetRawText: string; virtual; function GetCleanText: string; virtual; function GetShortText: string; virtual; public function HasOwnerClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; out Declaration: TDeclaration; Recursive: Boolean = False): Boolean; function GetOwnersOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass): TDeclarationArray; constructor Create(AParser: TmwSimplePasPar; AOwner: TDeclaration; AOrigin: PAnsiChar; AStart: Integer; AEnd: Integer = -1); overload; virtual; constructor Create(AssignFrom: TDeclaration); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Parser: TmwSimplePasPar read fParser; property Owner: TDeclaration read fOwner; property Origin: PAnsiChar read fOrigin; property RawText: string read GetRawText write fRawText; property CleanText: string read GetCleanText; property ShortText: string read GetShortText; property StartPos: Integer read fStartPos write fStartPos; property EndPos: Integer read fEndPos write fEndPos; property Items: TDeclarationList read fItems; end; TciStruct = class(TDeclaration) private function GetShortText: string; override; public function HasField(Name: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase = vbName): Boolean; function GetDefault(Return: TVarBase = vbName): TDeclaration; end; TciTypeKind = class(TDeclaration) private function GetShortText: string; override; public function GetRealType(var ArrayCount: Integer): TDeclaration; overload; function GetRealType: TDeclaration; overload; end; TciProcedureDeclaration = class(TDeclaration) private fProcType: string; fParams: string; fSynParams: string; function GetProcType: string; function GetParams: string; function GetSynParams: string; function GetShortText: string; override; public function GetParamDeclarations: TDeclarationArray; property ProcType: string read GetProcType; property Params: string read GetParams; property SynParams: string read GetSynParams; end; TciUsedUnit = class(TDeclaration); //Included Units TciInclude = class(TDeclaration); //Includes TciJunk = class(TDeclaration); //Junk TciCompoundStatement = class(TDeclaration); //Begin-End TciWithStatement = class(TDeclaration); //With TciSimpleStatement = class(TDeclaration); //Begin-End + With TciVariable = class(TDeclaration); //With //TciTypeKind = class(TciVarType); //Var + Const + Array + Record TciTypedConstant = class(TDeclaration); //Var + Procedure/Function Parameters TciExpression = class(TDeclaration); //Var + Const + Enum TciProceduralType = class(TciProcedureDeclaration); //Var + Tciype + Procedure/Function Parameters TciTypeDeclaration = class(TDeclaration); //Type TciTypeName = class(TDeclaration); //Type TciVarDeclaration = class(TDeclaration); //Var TciVarName = class(TDeclaration); //Var TciConstantDeclaration = class(TDeclaration); //Const TciConstantName = class(TDeclaration); //Const TciLabelDeclaration = class(TDeclaration); //Label TciLabelName = class(TDeclaration); //Label //TciProcedureDeclaration = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function TciProcedureName = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function TciProcedureClassName = class(TDeclaration); //Class Procedure/Function TciReturnType = class(TciTypeKind); //Function Result TciForward = class(TciTypeKind); //Forwarding TciConstParameter = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciOutParameter = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciFormalParameter = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciInParameter = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciVarParameter = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciParameterName = class(TDeclaration); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciParameterType = class(TciTypeKind); //Procedure/Function Parameters TciArrayType = class(TDeclaration); //Array TciArrayConstant = class(TDeclaration); //Array TciRecordType = class(TciStruct); //Record TciClassField = class(TDeclaration); //Record TciFieldName = class(TDeclaration); //Record TciRecordConstant = class(TDeclaration); //Record TciRecordFieldConstant = class(TDeclaration); //Record TciClassType = class(TciStruct); //Class TciAncestorId = class(TDeclaration); //Class TciClassMethodHeading = class(TciProcedureDeclaration); //Record + Class TciClassProperty = class(TDeclaration); //Record + Class TciPropertyDefault = class(TDeclaration); //Record + Class TciSetType = class(TDeclaration); //Set TciOrdinalType = class(TDeclaration); //Set TciEnumType = class(TDeclaration); //Enum TciQualifiedIdentifier = class(TDeclaration); //Enum TCodeParser = class(TmwSimplePasPar) protected fStack: TDeclarationStack; fItems: TDeclarationList; function InDeclaration(AClass: TDeclarationClass): Boolean; function InDeclarations(AClassArray: array of TDeclarationClass): Boolean; procedure PushStack(AClass: TDeclarationClass; AStart: Integer = -1); procedure PopStack(AEnd: Integer = -1); procedure ParseFile; override; procedure OnInclude(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); virtual; //Includes procedure UsedUnitName; override; //Included Units procedure NextToken; override; //Junk procedure OnDirect(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); //Junk procedure CompoundStatement; override; //Begin-End procedure WithStatement; override; //With procedure SimpleStatement; override; //Begin-End + With procedure Variable; override; //With procedure TypeKind; override; //Var + Const + Array + Record procedure TypedConstant; override; //Var + Procedure/Function Parameters procedure Expression; override; //Var + Const + ArrayConst procedure ProceduralType; override; //Var + Tciype + Procedure/Function Parameters procedure TypeDeclaration; override; //Type procedure TypeName; override; //Type procedure VarDeclaration; override; //Var procedure VarName; override; //Var procedure ConstantDeclaration; override; //Const procedure ConstantName; override; //Const procedure LabelDeclarationSection; override; //Label procedure LabelId; override; //Label procedure ProcedureDeclarationSection; override; //Procedure/Function procedure FunctionProcedureName; override; //Procedure/Function procedure ObjectNameOfMethod; override; //Class Procedure/Function procedure ReturnType; override; //Function Result procedure ForwardDeclaration; override; //Forwarding procedure ConstParameter; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure OutParameter; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure ParameterFormal; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure InParameter; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure VarParameter; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure ParameterName; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure NewFormalParameterType; override; //Procedure/Function Parameters procedure ArrayType; override; //Array procedure ArrayConstant; override; //Array Const procedure RecordType; override; //Record procedure ClassField; override; //Record + Class procedure FieldName; override; //Record + Class procedure RecordConstant; override; //Record Const procedure RecordFieldConstant; override; //Record Const procedure ClassType; override; //Class procedure AncestorId; override; //Class procedure ClassMethodHeading; override; //Class procedure ConstructorName; override; //Class procedure DestructorName; override; //Class procedure FunctionMethodName; override; //Class procedure ProcedureMethodName; override; //Class procedure ClassProperty; override; //Record + Class procedure PropertyName; override; //Record + Class procedure TypeId; override; //Record + Class procedure PropertyDefault; override; //Record + Class procedure SetType; override; //Set procedure OrdinalType; override; //Set + Array Range procedure EnumeratedType; override; //Enum procedure QualifiedIdentifier; override; //Enum public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Items: TDeclarationList read fItems; end; implementation uses CastaliaPasLexTypes; procedure TDeclarationStack.Push(Item: TDeclaration); begin fItems.Add(Item); fTop := Item; end; function TDeclarationStack.Pop: TDeclaration; begin with fItems do begin if (Count > 0) then Delete(Count - 1); if (Count > 0) then fTop := TDeclaration(Items[Count - 1]) else fTop := nil; end; Result := fTop; end; constructor TDeclarationStack.Create; begin fItems := TList.Create; fTop := nil; end; destructor TDeclarationStack.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(fItems); inherited; end; function TDeclarationList.GetItem(Index: Integer): TDeclaration; begin Result := TDeclaration(fItems[Index]); end; function TDeclarationList.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := fItems.Count; end; procedure TDeclarationList.AddItem(AItem: TDeclaration); begin fItems.Add(AItem); end; procedure TDeclarationList.DeleteItem(AItem: TDeclaration); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do if (TDeclaration(fItems[i]) = AItem) then begin TDeclaration(fItems[i]).Free; fItems.Delete(i); Break; end; end; function TDeclarationList.GetItemsOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclarationArray; procedure SearchItem( AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean; Item: TDeclaration; var Res: TDeclarationArray; var ResIndex: Integer); var i: Integer; begin if (Item is AClass) then begin SetLength(Res, ResIndex + 1); Res[ResIndex] := Item; Inc(ResIndex); end; if SubSearch then for i := 0 to Item.Items.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AClass, SubSearch, Item.Items[i], Res, ResIndex); end; var i, l: Integer; begin l := 0; SetLength(Result, 0); for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AClass, SubSearch, TDeclaration(fItems[i]), Result, l); end; function TDeclarationList.GetFirstItemOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclaration; function SearchItem(AClass: TDeclarationClass; SubSearch: Boolean; Item: TDeclaration; out Res: TDeclaration): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Item is AClass) then begin Res := Item; Result := True; Exit; end; if SubSearch then for i := 0 to Item.Items.Count - 1 do if SearchItem(AClass, SubSearch, Item.Items[i], Res) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; var i: Integer; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AClass, SubSearch, TDeclaration(fItems[i]), Result); end; function TDeclarationList.GetItemsInPos(AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclarationArray; procedure SearchItem( AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean; Item: TDeclaration; var Res: TDeclarationArray; var ResIndex: Integer); var i: Integer; b: Boolean; begin b := False; if (AStart >= Item.StartPos) and (AEnd <= Item.EndPos) then begin SetLength(Res, ResIndex + 1); Res[ResIndex] := Item; Inc(ResIndex); b := True; end; if SubSearch and b then for i := 0 to Item.Items.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AStart, AEnd, SubSearch, Item.Items[i], Res, ResIndex); end; var i, l: Integer; begin l := 0; SetLength(Result, 0); for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AStart, AEnd, SubSearch, TDeclaration(fItems[i]), Result, l); end; function TDeclarationList.GetItemInPos(AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean = False): TDeclaration; function SearchItem(AStart, AEnd: Integer; SubSearch: Boolean; Item: TDeclaration; out Res: TDeclaration): Boolean; var i: Integer; b: Boolean; begin Result := False; b := (AStart >= Item.StartPos) and (AEnd <= Item.EndPos); if b and ((Item.Items.Count < 1) or (not SubSearch)) then begin Res := Item; Result := True; Exit; end; if SubSearch and b then for i := 0 to Item.Items.Count - 1 do if SearchItem(AStart, AEnd, SubSearch, Item.Items[i], Res) then begin Result := True; Break; end; if b and (not Result) then begin Res := Item; Result := True; end; end; var i: Integer; begin Result := nil; for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do SearchItem(AStart, AEnd, SubSearch, TDeclaration(fItems[i]), Result); end; procedure TDeclarationList.Clear; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do if (Assigned(fItems[i])) then TDeclaration(fItems[i]).Free; fItems.Clear; end; constructor TDeclarationList.Create; begin fItems := TList.Create; end; destructor TDeclarationList.Destroy; begin Clear; FreeAndNil(fItems); inherited; end; function TDeclaration.GetRawText: string; begin Result := ''; if (fRawText <> '') then Result := fRawText else if (fStartPos <> fEndPos) and (fOrigin <> nil) then begin SetString(fRawText, fOrigin + fStartPos, fEndPos - fStartPos); Result := fRawText; end; end; function TDeclaration.GetCleanText: string; var i: Integer; a: TDeclarationArray; begin Result := ''; if (fCleanText <> '') then Result := fCleanText else if (fStartPos <> fEndPos) and (fOrigin <> nil) then begin fCleanText := RawText; a := Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciJunk, True); for i := High(a) downto 0 do begin Delete(fCleanText, a[i].StartPos - fStartPos + 1, a[i].EndPos - a[i].StartPos); if (Pos(LineEnding, a[i].GetRawText) > 0) then Insert(LineEnding, fCleanText, a[i].StartPos - fStartPos + 1) else Insert(' ', fCleanText, a[i].StartPos - fStartPos + 1); end; Result := fCleanText; end; end; function TDeclaration.GetShortText: string; begin if (fShortText = '') then fShortText := CompressWhiteSpace(CleanText); Result := fShortText; end; function TDeclaration.HasOwnerClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass; out Declaration: TDeclaration; Recursive: Boolean = False): Boolean; function IsOwner(Item: TDeclaration; AClass: TDeclarationClass; out Decl: TDeclaration; Recursive: Boolean): Boolean; begin if (Item.Owner is AClass) then begin Result := True; Decl := Item.Owner; end else if (Item.Owner <> nil) and Recursive then Result := IsOwner(Item.Owner, AClass, Decl, True) else Result := False; end; begin Declaration := nil; if (AClass = nil) then Result := True else Result := IsOwner(Self, Aclass, Declaration, Recursive); end; function TDeclaration.GetOwnersOfClass(AClass: TDeclarationClass): TDeclarationArray; procedure IsOwner( AClass: TDeclarationClass; Item: TDeclaration; var Res: TDeclarationArray; var ResIndex: Integer); begin if (Item.Owner is AClass) then begin SetLength(Res, ResIndex + 1); Res[ResIndex] := Item.Owner; Inc(ResIndex); end; if (Item.Owner <> nil) then IsOwner(AClass, Item.Owner, Res, ResIndex); end; var l: Integer; begin l := 0; SetLength(Result, 0); IsOwner(AClass, Self, Result, l); end; constructor TDeclaration.Create(AParser: TmwSimplePasPar; AOwner: TDeclaration; AOrigin: PAnsiChar; AStart, AEnd: Integer); begin fParser := AParser; fOwner := AOwner; fOrigin := AOrigin; fRawText := ''; fCleanText := ''; fStartPos := AStart; if (AEnd > -1) then fEndPos := AEnd else fEndPos := AStart; fItems := TDeclarationList.Create; end; constructor TDeclaration.Create(AssignFrom: TDeclaration); begin if (AssignFrom <> nil) then Create(AssignFrom.Parser, AssignFrom.Owner, AssignFrom.Origin, AssignFrom.StartPos, AssignFrom.EndPos) else Create(nil, nil, nil, -1); end; destructor TDeclaration.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(fItems); inherited; end; function TciStruct.GetShortText: string; begin if (fShortText = '') then fShortText := GetFirstWord(CleanText); Result := fShortText; end; function TciStruct.HasField(Name: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase = vbName): Boolean; var a, b: TDeclarationArray; i, ii: Integer; begin Result := False; Name := PrepareString(Name); a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciClassField); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciFieldName); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do begin if (PrepareString(b[ii].CleanText) = Name) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then Decl := b[ii].Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind) else Decl := b[ii]; Exit; end; end; end; a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciClassProperty); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciFieldName); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do begin if (PrepareString(b[ii].CleanText) = Name) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then Decl := b[ii].Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind) else Decl := b[ii]; Exit; end; end; end; a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciClassMethodHeading); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciProcedureName); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do if (PrepareString(b[ii].CleanText) = Name) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then Decl := b[ii].Owner else Decl := b[ii]; Exit; end; end; end; function TciStruct.GetDefault(Return: TVarBase = vbName): TDeclaration; var d: TDeclaration; begin Result := nil; d := fItems.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciPropertyDefault, True); if (d <> nil) then if (Return = vbType) then Result := d.Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind) else Result := d.Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciFieldName) end; function TciTypeKind.GetShortText: string; var d: TDeclaration; begin if (fShortText = '') then begin d := GetRealType; if (d = nil) or (not (d is TciStruct)) then fShortText := CompressWhiteSpace(CleanText) else fShortText := CompressWhiteSpace(StringReplace(CleanText, d.CleanText, GetFirstWord(d.CleanText), [])); end; Result := fShortText; end; function TciTypeKind.GetRealType(var ArrayCount: Integer): TDeclaration; var d, t: TDeclaration; begin d := Self; while (d <> nil) do begin if (d.Items.Count > 0) then begin d := d.Items[0]; if (d is TciArrayType) then begin d := d.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind); Inc(ArrayCount); Continue; end; if (d is TciProceduralType) then begin t := d.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType); if (t <> nil) then begin d := t; Continue; end else Break; end; if (d is TciTypeKind) then Continue; end; Break; end; Result := d; end; function TciTypeKind.GetRealType: TDeclaration; var a: Integer; begin Result := GetRealType(a); end; function TciProcedureDeclaration.GetProcType: string; var s: string; begin if (fProcType = '') then begin s := CleanText; fProcType := GetFirstWord(s); if (LowerCase(fProcType) = 'class') then begin Delete(s, 1, 6); fProcType := GetFirstWord(s); end; if (fProcType = '') then if (Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType) <> nil) then fProcType := 'function' else fProcType := 'procedure'; end; Result := fProcType; end; function TciProcedureDeclaration.GetParams: string; var i: Integer; a: TDeclarationArray; begin Result := ''; if (fParams <> '') then Result := fParams else if (fItems.Count > 0) then begin a := GetParamDeclarations; for i := Low(a) to High(a) do if (fParams <> '') then fParams := fParams + '; ' + a[i].ShortText else fParams := fParams + a[i].ShortText; Result := fParams; end; end; function TciProcedureDeclaration.GetSynParams: string; var i, ii: Integer; a, b: TDeclarationArray; d: TDeclaration; s, t: string; begin Result := ''; if (fSynParams <> '') then Result := fSynParams else if (fItems.Count > 0) then begin a := GetParamDeclarations; for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin if (fItems[i] is TciConstParameter) then s := 'const ' else if (fItems[i] is TciOutParameter) then s := 'out ' else if (fItems[i] is TciInParameter) then s := 'in ' else if (fItems[i] is TciVarParameter) then s := 'var ' else s := ''; d := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciParameterType); if (d <> nil) then t := ': ' + d.ShortText else t := ''; b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciParameterName); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do begin if (fSynParams <> '') then fSynParams := fSynParams + ';","' + s + b[ii].ShortText + t else fSynParams := '"' + s + b[ii].ShortText + t; end; end; if (fSynParams <> '') then fSynParams := fSynParams + '"'; Result := fSynParams; end; end; function TciProcedureDeclaration.GetShortText: string; begin if (fShortText = '') then fShortText := ProcType; Result := fShortText; end; function TciProcedureDeclaration.GetParamDeclarations: TDeclarationArray; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 0); for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do if (fItems[i] is TciConstParameter) or (fItems[i] is TciOutParameter) or (fItems[i] is TciFormalParameter) or (fItems[i] is TciInParameter) or (fItems[i] is TciVarParameter) then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[High(Result)] := fItems[i]; end; end; function TCodeParser.InDeclaration(AClass: TDeclarationClass): Boolean; begin if (fStack.Top = nil) then Result := (AClass = nil) else Result := (fStack.Top is AClass); end; function TCodeParser.InDeclarations(AClassArray: array of TDeclarationClass): Boolean; var i: Integer; t: TDeclaration; begin Result := False; t := fStack.Top; if (t = nil) then begin for i := Low(AClassArray) to High(AClassArray) do if (AClassArray[i] = nil) then begin Result := True; Break; end; Exit; end; for i := Low(AClassArray) to High(AClassArray) do if (t is AClassArray[i]) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; procedure TCodeParser.PushStack(AClass: TDeclarationClass; AStart: Integer = -1); var t: TDeclaration; begin if (AStart = -1) then AStart := Lexer.TokenPos; t := AClass.Create(Self, fStack.Top, Lexer.Origin, AStart); if (fStack.Top <> nil) then fStack.Top.Items.AddItem(t) else fItems.AddItem(t); fStack.Push(t); end; procedure TCodeParser.PopStack(AEnd: Integer = -1); begin if (AEnd = -1) then AEnd := Lexer.TokenPos; if (fStack.Top <> nil) then fStack.Top.EndPos := AEnd; fStack.Pop; end; constructor TCodeParser.Create; begin inherited; fStack := TDeclarationStack.Create; fItems := TDeclarationList.Create; Lexer.OnIncludeDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnInclude; Lexer.OnDefineDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnElseDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnEndIfDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnIfDefDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnIfNDefDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnUnDefDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnIfDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnIfEndDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; Lexer.OnElseIfDirect := {$IFDEF FPC}@{$ENDIF}OnDirect; end; destructor TCodeParser.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(fStack); FreeAndNil(fItems); inherited; end; procedure TCodeParser.ParseFile; begin SkipJunk; case GenID of TokLibrary: begin LibraryFile; end; TokPackage: begin PackageFile; end; TokUnit: begin UnitFile; end; else begin if (Lexer.GenID = TokProgram) then begin Expected(TokProgram); QualifiedIdentifier; if TokenID = TokRoundOpen then begin NextToken; IdentifierList; Expected(TokRoundClose); end; SEMICOLON; end; if (TokenID = TokUses) then MainUsesClause; while TokenID in [TokClass, TokConst, TokConstructor, TokDestructor, TokExports, TokFunction, TokLabel, TokProcedure, TokResourceString, TokThreadVar, TokType, TokVar{$IFDEF D8_NEWER}, TokSquareOpen{$ENDIF}] do begin DeclarationSection; end; if (TokenID = TokBegin) then begin CompoundStatement; Expected(TokPoint); end; end; end; end; procedure TCodeParser.OnInclude(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); begin if (not Sender.IsJunk) then begin PushStack(TciInclude, Sender.TokenPos); fStack.Top.RawText := Sender.DirectiveParam; PopStack(Sender.TokenPos + Sender.TokenLen); end; Sender.Next; end; procedure TCodeParser.UsedUnitName; begin PushStack(TciUsedUnit); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.NextToken; var ValidJunk: Boolean; begin ValidJunk := False; Lexer.Next; if Lexer.IsJunk and (not InDeclaration(TciJunk)) then begin {if (not InDeclaration(nil)) then PushStack(TciJunk); while (Lexer.IsJunk) do begin if (not (Lexer.TokenID in [TokCRLF, TokCRLFCo, TokSpace])) then ValidJunk := True; Lexer.Next; end; if InDeclaration(TciJunk) then begin if ValidJunk then PopStack else begin if (fStack.Top.Owner <> nil) then fStack.Top.Owner.Items.DeleteItem(fStack.Top) else fStack.Top.Free; fStack.Pop; end; end;} while Lexer.IsJunk do begin if (Lexer.TokenID in [tokAnsiComment, tokBorComment, tokSlashesComment]) then begin if (not InDeclaration(TciJunk)) then PushStack(TciJunk); end else if InDeclaration(TciJunk) then PopStack; Lexer.Next; end; end; end; procedure TCodeParser.OnDirect(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); begin if (Sender.TokenID = TokElseDirect) then begin Sender.Next; Exit; end; if InDeclaration(TciJunk) then Exit; if (not InDeclaration(nil)) then PushStack(TciJunk, Sender.TokenPos); if (not (Sender.TokenID in [TokEndIfDirect, TokIfEndDirect])) then if Sender = Lexer then NextToken else Sender.Next; if InDeclaration(TciJunk) then PopStack(Sender.TokenPos + Sender.TokenLen); end; procedure TCodeParser.CompoundStatement; begin if (not InDeclarations([nil, TciProcedureDeclaration, TciWithStatement])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciCompoundStatement); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.WithStatement; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciCompoundStatement])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciWithStatement); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.SimpleStatement; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciWithStatement)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciSimpleStatement); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.Variable; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciWithStatement)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciVariable); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.TypeKind; var n: Boolean; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciVarDeclaration, TciConstantDeclaration, TciTypeDeclaration, TciArrayType, TciClassField])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; n := (InDeclaration(TciArrayType)) and (TokenID = tokConst); PushStack(TciTypeKind); if n then NextToken else inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.TypedConstant; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciVarDeclaration, TciConstParameter, TciOutParameter, TciFormalParameter, TciInParameter, TciVarParameter])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciTypedConstant); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.Expression; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciVarDeclaration, TciConstantDeclaration, TciOrdinalType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciExpression); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ProceduralType; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciTypeKind)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProceduralType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.TypeDeclaration; begin PushStack(TciTypeDeclaration); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.TypeName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciTypeDeclaration)) then Exit; PushStack(TciTypeName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.VarDeclaration; begin PushStack(TciVarDeclaration); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.VarName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciVarDeclaration)) then Exit; PushStack(TciVarName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ConstantDeclaration; begin PushStack(TciConstantDeclaration); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ConstantName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciConstantDeclaration)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciConstantName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.LabelDeclarationSection; begin PushStack(TciLabelDeclaration); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.LabelId; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciLabelDeclaration)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciLabelName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ProcedureDeclarationSection; begin PushStack(TciProcedureDeclaration); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.FunctionProcedureName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciProcedureDeclaration)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ObjectNameOfMethod; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciProcedureDeclaration)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureClassName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ReturnType; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciReturnType); //inherited; TypeKind; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ForwardDeclaration; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciProcedureDeclaration)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciForward); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ConstParameter; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciConstParameter); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.OutParameter; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciOutParameter); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ParameterFormal; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciFormalParameter); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.InParameter; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciInParameter); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.VarParameter; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciProcedureDeclaration, TciProceduralType, TciClassMethodHeading])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciVarParameter); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ParameterName; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciConstParameter, TciOutParameter, TciFormalParameter, TciInParameter, TciVarParameter])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciParameterName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.NewFormalParameterType; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciConstParameter, TciOutParameter, TciFormalParameter, TciInParameter, TciVarParameter])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciParameterType); //inherited; TypeKind; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ArrayType; begin PushStack(TciArrayType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ArrayConstant; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciTypedConstant)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciArrayConstant); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.RecordType; begin PushStack(TciRecordType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ClassField; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciRecordType, TciClassType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciClassField); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.FieldName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassField)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciFieldName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.RecordConstant; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciTypedConstant, TciArrayConstant])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciRecordConstant); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.RecordFieldConstant; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciRecordConstant)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciRecordFieldConstant); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ClassType; begin PushStack(TciClassType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.AncestorId; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassType)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciAncestorID); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ClassMethodHeading; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciRecordType, TciClassType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciClassMethodHeading); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ConstructorName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassMethodHeading)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.DestructorName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassMethodHeading)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.FunctionMethodName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassMethodHeading)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ProcedureMethodName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassMethodHeading)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciProcedureName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.ClassProperty; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciRecordType, TciClassType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciClassProperty); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.PropertyName; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassProperty)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciFieldName); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.TypeId; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassProperty)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciTypeKind); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.PropertyDefault; begin if (not InDeclaration(TciClassProperty)) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciPropertyDefault); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.SetType; begin PushStack(TciSetType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.OrdinalType; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciSetType, TciArrayType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciOrdinalType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.EnumeratedType; begin PushStack(TciEnumType); inherited; PopStack; end; procedure TCodeParser.QualifiedIdentifier; begin if (not InDeclarations([TciEnumType])) then begin inherited; Exit; end; PushStack(TciQualifiedIdentifier); inherited; PopStack; end; end.