unit v_ideCodeInsight; {$include ValistusDefines.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, CastaliaPasLex, CastaliaPasLexTypes, v_ideCodeParser; type TCodeInsight = class; TCodeInsightArray = array of TCodeInsight; TOnFindInclude = function(Sender: TObject; var FileName: string): Boolean of object; TOnLoadLibrary = function(Sender: TObject; var FileName: string; out ci: TCodeInsight): Boolean of object; { TCodeInsight } TCodeInsight = class(TCodeParser) protected fFileName: string; fMemoryStream: TMemoryStream; fOwnStream: Boolean; fPos: Integer; fDeclarationAtPos: TDeclaration; fOnFindInclude: TOnFindInclude; fOnLoadLibrary: TOnLoadLibrary; fIncludes: TCodeInsightArray; InFunc: TDeclarationArray; InWith: TDeclarationArray; InClassFunction: Integer; Proposal_Filled: Boolean; Proposal_ItemList: TStrings; Proposal_InsertList: TStrings; procedure SetPos(APos: Integer); procedure Reset; procedure Init; function FindInclude(var FileName: string): Boolean; procedure ParseInclude(FileName: string); function LoadLibrary(var LibName: string): Boolean; procedure OnInclude(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); override; function GetVarType(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; function GetFuncType(FuncName, FuncClass: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; function FindStruct(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; var ArrayCount: Integer): Boolean; public function GetExpressionAtPos(var BraceCount, BracketCount, CommaCount: Integer; out sp : Integer; IgnoreBrackets: Boolean = False): string; overload; function GetExpressionAtPos(var BraceCount, BracketCount, CommaCount: Integer; IgnoreBrackets: Boolean = False): string; overload; function GetExpressionAtPos: string; overload; function FindVarBase(s: string; GetStruct: Boolean = False; Return: TVarBase = vbName): TDeclaration; constructor Create(FileName: string = ''); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(From: TObject); override; procedure Run(SourceStream: TCustomMemoryStream = nil; BaseDefines: TStringList = nil; MaxPos: Integer = -1; ManageStream: Boolean = False); reintroduce; procedure Proposal_AddDeclaration(Item: TDeclaration; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); procedure FillProposal; procedure FillSynCompletionProposal(ItemList, InsertList: TStrings; Prefix: string = ''); property OnFindInclude: TOnFindInclude read fOnFindInclude write fOnFindInclude; property OnLoadLibrary: TOnLoadLibrary read fOnLoadLibrary write fOnLoadLibrary; property FileName: string read fFileName write fFileName; property Position: Integer read fPos write SetPos; property DeclarationAtPos: TDeclaration read fDeclarationAtPos; property Includes: TCodeInsightArray read fIncludes; end; TIncludeBuffer = record Script: string; DefinesIn, DefinesOut: TSaveDefinesRec; LastChanged: Integer; CodeInsight: TCodeInsight; end; TIncludeBufferArray = array of TIncludeBuffer; const LibPrefix = 'lib:'; var CoreBuffer: TCodeInsightArray; IncludeBuffer: TIncludeBufferArray; CoreDefines: TStringList; implementation uses v_Constants, v_MiscFunctions; procedure ClearCoreBuffer; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(CoreBuffer) do FreeAndNil(CoreBuffer[i]); SetLength(IncludeBuffer, 0); end; procedure DeleteIncludeBufferIndex(Index: Integer); var i: Integer; begin IncludeBuffer[Index].CodeInsight.Free; for i := Index to High(IncludeBuffer) - 1 do IncludeBuffer[i] := IncludeBuffer[i + 1]; SetLength(IncludeBuffer, Length(IncludeBuffer) - 1); end; procedure ClearIncludeBuffer; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(IncludeBuffer) do IncludeBuffer[i].CodeInsight.Free; SetLength(IncludeBuffer, 0); end; function GetIncludeBuffer(FileName: string; ci: TCodeInsight): TIncludeBuffer; var i, l, lc: Integer; Defines: TSaveDefinesRec; DefineMatch: Boolean; begin lc := 1;//FileAge(FileName); Defines := ci.Lexer.SaveDefines; l := Length(IncludeBuffer); for i := l - 1 downto 0 do begin if (IncludeBuffer[i].CodeInsight <> nil) and (IncludeBuffer[i].CodeInsight.FileName = FileName) then begin DefineMatch := (IncludeBuffer[i].DefinesIn.Defines = Defines.Defines) and (IncludeBuffer[i].DefinesIn.Stack = Defines.Stack); if (ci.FileName = IncludeBuffer[i].Script) and (not DefineMatch) then begin DeleteIncludeBufferIndex(i); Dec(l); Break; end else if DefineMatch then begin //if (IncludeBuffer[i].LastChanged = lc) then begin ci.Lexer.LoadDefines(IncludeBuffer[i].DefinesOut); Result := IncludeBuffer[i]; Exit; end; DeleteIncludeBufferIndex(i); Dec(l); Break; end; end; end; SetLength(IncludeBuffer, l + 1); with IncludeBuffer[l] do begin Script := ci.FileName; DefinesIn := Defines; LastChanged := lc; CodeInsight := TCodeInsight.Create(FileName); with CodeInsight do begin Assign(ci); //Lexer.CloneDefinesFrom(ci.Lexer); if (ci.Lexer.Defines.IndexOf('IS_INCLUDE') < 0) then i := ci.Lexer.Defines.Add('IS_INCLUDE') else i := -1; Run; if (i > -1) then begin i := ci.Lexer.Defines.IndexOf('IS_INCLUDE'); if (i > -1) then ci.Lexer.Defines.Delete(i); end; //DefinesOut := Lexer.SaveDefines; Weird bug, so moved out of the with statement ci.Lexer.CloneDefinesFrom(Lexer); end; end; IncludeBuffer[l].DefinesOut := IncludeBuffer[l].CodeInsight.Lexer.SaveDefines; Result := IncludeBuffer[l]; end; function TCodeInsight.FindInclude(var FileName: string): Boolean; var s: string; begin s := FileName; if Assigned(OnFindInclude) and OnFindInclude(Self, s) then begin FileName := s; Exit(True); end; s := ExtractFilePath(fFileName); if (s <> '') and FileExists(s + FileName) then begin FileName := s + FileName; Exit(True); end; {s := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); if (s <> '') and FileExists(s + FileName) then begin FileName := s + FileName; Exit(True); end; Result := FileExists(FileName);} Result := False; end; procedure TCodeInsight.ParseInclude(FileName: string); var l: Integer; begin l := Length(fIncludes); SetLength(fIncludes, l + 1); fIncludes[l] := GetIncludeBuffer(FileName, Self).CodeInsight; end; function TCodeInsight.LoadLibrary(var LibName: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; s: string; ci: TCodeInsight; begin Result := False; for i := High(fIncludes) downto 0 do if (fIncludes[i].FileName = LibPrefix+LibName) then Exit(True); for i := High(IncludeBuffer) downto 0 do if (IncludeBuffer[i].Script = LibPrefix+LibName) then begin SetLength(fIncludes, Length(fIncludes) + 1); fIncludes[High(fIncludes)] := IncludeBuffer[i].CodeInsight; Exit(True); end; s := LibName; if Assigned(OnLoadLibrary) and OnLoadLibrary(Self, s, ci) and (ci <> nil) then begin LibName := s; SetLength(fIncludes, Length(fIncludes) + 1); fIncludes[High(fIncludes)] := ci; SetLength(IncludeBuffer, Length(IncludeBuffer) + 1); with IncludeBuffer[High(IncludeBuffer)] do begin Script := LibPrefix+LibName; CodeInsight := ci; CodeInsight.FileName := LibPrefix+LibName; end; Exit(True); end; end; procedure TCodeInsight.OnInclude(Sender: TmwBasePasLex); var Param: string; i, p: Integer; begin Param := Sender.DirectiveParamOriginal; {$IFDEF FPC} Param := SetDirSeparators(param); {$ELSE} Param := StringReplace(Param, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); {$ENDIF} if (not Sender.IsJunk) and (Param <> '') then begin p := Pos('loadlib', LowerCase(Sender.Token)); if (p > 0) and (p <= 3) then begin if LoadLibrary(Param) then Param := ''; end else if FindInclude(Param) then begin p := Pos('include_once', LowerCase(Sender.Token)); if (p > 0) and (p <= 3) then for i := High(fIncludes) downto 0 do if (fIncludes[i].FileName = Param) then begin Param := ''; Break; end; if (Param <> '') then begin ParseInclude(Param); Param := ''; end; end; if (Param <> '') and Assigned(OnMessage) then OnMessage(Self, meError, Format(ci_UnknownInclude, [Param]), Sender.PosXY.X, Sender.PosXY.Y); end; inherited; end; procedure TCodeInsight.SetPos(APos: Integer); begin if (fPos = APos) then Exit; Reset; fPos := APos; Init; end; procedure TCodeInsight.Init; var a, b: TDeclarationArray; d: TDeclaration; i, ii: Integer; s: string; begin if (fPos >= 0) then fDeclarationAtPos := fItems.GetItemInPos(fPos, fPos, True) else fDeclarationAtPos := nil; (*if (fDeclarationatPos is TciJunk) and (fDeclarationatPos.Owner <> nil) {and (fDeclarationatPos.EndPos = fPos)} then fDeclarationAtPos := fDeclarationatPos.Owner;*) if (fDeclarationAtPos <> nil) and (not (fDeclarationAtPos is TciJunk)) then begin InFunc := fDeclarationAtPos.GetOwnersOfClass(TciProcedureDeclaration); if (fDeclarationAtPos is TciProcedureDeclaration) then begin SetLength(InFunc, Length(InFunc) + 1); InFunc[High(InFunc)] := fDeclarationAtPos; end; if (Length(InFunc) > 0) and (InFunc[0].Owner = nil) then begin d := InFunc[0].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciProcedureClassName); if (d <> nil) then d := FindVarBase(d.CleanText, True, vbType); if (d <> nil) and (d is TciStruct) then begin SetLength(InWith, Length(InWith) + 1); InClassFunction := High(InWith); InWith[InClassFunction] := d; end; end; a := fDeclarationAtPos.GetOwnersOfClass(TciWithStatement); if (fDeclarationAtPos is TciWithStateMent) then begin SetLength(a, Length(a) + 1); a[High(a)] := fDeclarationAtPos; end else if fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciClassType, d, True) then begin SetLength(InWith, Length(InWith) + 1); InWith[High(InWith)] := d; end; for i := High(a) downto Low(a) do begin b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciVariable); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do begin if (fDeclarationAtPos is TciVariable) and (b[ii].EndPos >= fPos) then Continue; s := b[ii].CleanText; d := FindVarBase(s, True, vbType); if (d <> nil) and (d is TciStruct) then begin SetLength(InWith, Length(InWith) + 1); InWith[High(InWith)] := d; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TCodeInsight.Reset; begin Lexer.Init; //SetLength(fIncludes, 0); SetLength(InFunc, 0); SetLength(InWith, 0); InClassFunction := -1; Proposal_ItemList.Clear; Proposal_InsertList.Clear; Proposal_Filled := False; fDeclarationAtPos := nil; end; function TCodeInsight.GetVarType(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; var a, b: TDeclarationArray; i, ii, iii, iiii, FuncOffset, SetOffset: Integer; c: array [1..3] of TDeclarationClass; d: TDeclaration; begin Result := False; FuncOffset := 0; SetOffset := 0; if (s = 'RESULT') and (Length(InFunc) > 0) then begin Decl := InFunc[Low(InFunc)].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType); if (Decl <> nil) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if (s = 'SELF') and (InClassFunction <> -1) and InWith[InClassFunction].HasOwnerClass(TciTypeDeclaration, d, True) then begin Decl := d.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeName); if (Decl <> nil) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; for i := Low(InFunc) to High(InFunc) + 1 do begin for iiii := 1 to 3 do begin case iiii of 1: begin c[1] := TciVarDeclaration; c[2] := TciVarName; c[3] := TciTypeKind; end; 2: begin if (Return = vbType) then Continue; c[1] := TciConstantDeclaration; c[2] := TciConstantName; c[3] := TciExpression; end; 3: begin if (Return = vbType) then Continue; c[1] := TciLabelDeclaration; c[2] := TciLabelName; c[3] := nil; end; else Break; end; if (i = High(InFunc) + 1) then a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(c[1]) else a := InFunc[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(c[1]); for ii := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := a[ii].Items.GetItemsOfClass(c[2]); for iii := Low(b) to High(b) do if (PrepareString(b[iii].CleanText) = s) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) and (c[3] <> nil) then Decl := a[ii].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(c[3]) else Decl := b[iii]; Exit; end; end; end; if (Return = vbName) then begin if (i = High(InFunc) + 1) then a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciQualifiedIdentifier, True) else a := InFunc[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciQualifiedIdentifier, True); for ii := Low(a) to High(a) - SetOffset do begin if (i = High(InFunc) + 1) then if a[ii].HasOwnerClass(TciTypeDeclaration, d, True) then begin if d.HasOwnerClass(TciProcedureDeclaration, d, True) then Continue; end else if a[ii].HasOwnerClass(TciProcedureDeclaration, d, True) and (d.Owner <> nil) then Continue; if (PrepareString(a[ii].CleanText) = s) then begin Result := True; Decl := a[ii]; Exit; end; end; SetOffset := Length(a); end; if (i <= High(InFunc)) then begin a := InFunc[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciParameterName, True); for ii := Low(a) to High(a) - FuncOffset do if (PrepareString(a[ii].CleanText) = s) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then Decl := a[ii].Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciParameterType) else Decl := a[ii]; Exit; end; FuncOffset := Length(a); end; end; end; function TCodeInsight.GetFuncType(FuncName, FuncClass: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; var a: TDeclarationArray; b: TDeclaration; i, ii: Integer; begin Result := False; for ii := Low(InFunc) to High(InFunc) + 1 do begin if (ii = High(InFunc) + 1) then a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciProcedureDeclaration) else a := InFunc[ii].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciProcedureDeclaration); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := nil; if (FuncClass <> '') then b := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciProcedureClassName); if ((FuncClass = '') and (b = nil)) or ((b <> nil) and (PrepareString(b.CleanText) = FuncClass)) then begin b := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciProcedureName); if (b <> nil) and (PrepareString(b.CleanText) = FuncName) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then Decl := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType) else Decl := b; if (a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciForward) = nil) then Exit; end; end; end; end; end; function TCodeInsight.FindStruct(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; var ArrayCount: Integer): Boolean; var a, b: TDeclarationArray; i, ii: Integer; begin Result := False; s := PrepareString(s); a := fItems.GetItemsOfClass(TciTypeDeclaration); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin b := a[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciTypeName); for ii := Low(b) to High(b) do if (PrepareString(b[ii].CleanText) = s) then begin Result := True; if (Return = vbType) then begin Decl := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind); if (Decl = nil) then Decl := a[i].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciClassType); if (Decl is TciTypeKind) then Decl := TciTypeKind(Decl).GetRealType(ArrayCount); if (Decl is TciStruct) then Result := True else Result := (Decl <> nil) and (PrepareString(Decl.CleanText) <> s) and FindStruct(Decl.CleanText, Decl, Return, ArrayCount); end else Decl := b[ii]; if (Decl <> nil) then Exit; end; end; end; function TCodeInsight.GetExpressionAtPos(var BraceCount, BracketCount, CommaCount: Integer; out sp: Integer; IgnoreBrackets: Boolean): string; var i, StartPos, EndPos, Dif: Integer; s: string; a: TDeclarationArray; d: TDeclaration; LastWasDot: Boolean; begin Result := ''; d := nil; if (fDeclarationAtPos = nil) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciJunk) or (not ( (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciCompoundStatement, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciCompoundStatement)) or (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciConstantDeclaration, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciConstantDeclaration)) or (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciVarDeclaration, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciVarDeclaration)) or (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciLabelDeclaration, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciLabelDeclaration)) or (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciTypeDeclaration, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciTypeDeclaration)) or (fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciProcedureDeclaration, d, True) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciProcedureDeclaration)) )) then Exit; if (d = nil) then d := fDeclarationAtPos; a := d.Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciJunk, True); EndPos := fPos - d.StartPos; s := d.CleanText; Dif := EndPos; for i := Low(a) to High(a) do if (fPos > a[i].EndPos) then if (Pos(LineEnding, a[i].RawText) > 0) then EndPos := EndPos - a[i].EndPos + a[i].StartPos + Length(LineEnding) else EndPos := EndPos - a[i].EndPos + a[i].StartPos + 1; Dif := Dif - EndPos; StartPos := EndPos; LastWasDot := False; while (StartPos > 0) do begin if (BraceCount = 0) and ((BracketCount = 0) or IgnoreBrackets) and (s[StartPos] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_']) then {nothing} else if (BraceCount = 0) and ((BracketCount = 0) or IgnoreBrackets) and (s[StartPos] in [#10, #11, #13, #32]) then begin i := StartPos; Dec(StartPos); while (StartPos > 0) and (s[StartPos] in [#10, #11, #13, #32]) do Dec(StartPos); if (StartPos > 0) and (not ((LastWasDot and (s[StartPos] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', ']', ')'])) or ((not LastWasDot) and (s[StartPos] = '.')))) then begin StartPos := i - BracketCount - BraceCount; Break; end; Inc(StartPos); end else if (s[StartPos] = '.') then begin LastWasDot := True; Dec(StartPos); Continue; end else if (s[StartPos] = ']') then Inc(BracketCount) else if (s[StartPos] = '[') then begin Dec(BracketCount); LastWasDot := True; Dec(StartPos); Continue; end else if (s[StartPos] = ')') then Inc(BraceCount) else if (s[StartPos] = '(') then begin Dec(BraceCount); LastWasDot := True; Dec(StartPos); Continue; end else if (BraceCount = 1) and (BracketCount = 0) and (s[StartPos] = ',') then Inc(CommaCount) else if (BraceCount = 0) and ((BracketCount = 0) or IgnoreBrackets) then Break; if (BraceCount < 0) or ((BracketCount < 0) and (not IgnoreBrackets)) then begin Dec(StartPos, BraceCount); Dec(StartPos, BracketCount); Break; end; LastWasDot := False; Dec(StartPos); end; sp := StartPos + d.StartPos + Dif; Result := CompressWhiteSpace(Copy(s, StartPos + 1, EndPos - StartPos)); end; function TCodeInsight.GetExpressionAtPos(var BraceCount, BracketCount, CommaCount: Integer; IgnoreBrackets: Boolean = False): string; var sp : integer; begin result := GetExpressionAtPos(bracecount,bracketcount,commacount,sp,ignorebrackets); end; function TCodeInsight.GetExpressionAtPos: string; var bcc, bkc, cc: Integer; begin bcc := 0; bkc := 0; cc := 0; Result := GetExpressionAtPos(bcc, bkc, cc); end; function TCodeInsight.FindVarBase(s: string; GetStruct: Boolean = False; Return: TVarBase = vbName): TDeclaration; function PartOfWith(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; CheckClass: Boolean; var ArrayCount: Integer): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; for i := High(InWith) downto Low(InWith) do if CheckClass xor (i <> InClassFunction) then if TciStruct(InWith[i]).HasField(s, Decl, Return, ArrayCount) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; function DoGetVarType(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; function CheckIt(s: string; Item: TCodeInsight; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; const CheckCore: Boolean = True): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if Item.GetVarType(s, Decl, Return) then Exit(True); for i := High(Item.Includes) downto Low(Item.Includes) do if CheckIt(s, Item.Includes[i], Decl, Return) then Exit(True); if (not CheckCore) then Exit; for i := High(CoreBuffer) downto Low(CoreBuffer) do if CheckIt(s, CoreBuffer[i], Decl, Return, False) then Exit(True); end; begin Result := CheckIt(s, Self, Decl, Return); end; function DoGetFuncType(FuncName, FuncClass: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase): Boolean; function CheckIt(FuncName, FuncClass: string; Item: TCodeInsight; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; const CheckCore: Boolean = True): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if Item.GetFuncType(FuncName, FuncClass, Decl, Return) then Exit(True); for i := High(Item.Includes) downto Low(Item.Includes) do if CheckIt(FuncName, FuncClass, Item.Includes[i], Decl, Return) then Exit(True); if (not CheckCore) then Exit; for i := High(CoreBuffer) downto Low(CoreBuffer) do if CheckIt(FuncName, FuncClass, CoreBuffer[i], Decl, Return, False) then Exit(True); end; begin Result := CheckIt(FuncName, FuncClass, Self, Decl, Return); end; function DoFindStruct(s: string; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; var ArrayCount: Integer): Boolean; function CheckIt(s: string; Item: TCodeInsight; out Decl: TDeclaration; Return: TVarBase; var ArrayCount: Integer; const CheckCore: Boolean = True): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if Item.FindStruct(s, Decl, Return, ArrayCount) then Exit(True); for i := High(Item.Includes) downto Low(Item.Includes) do if CheckIt(s, Item.Includes[i], Decl, Return, ArrayCount) then Exit(True); if (not CheckCore) then Exit; for i := High(CoreBuffer) downto Low(CoreBuffer) do if CheckIt(s, CoreBuffer[i], Decl, Return, ArrayCount, False) then Exit(True); end; begin Result := CheckIt(s, Self, Decl, Return, ArrayCount); end; var f, NameClass: string; sa: TStringArray; d: TDeclaration; i, NeedArrayCount, ArrayCount: Integer; InStruct: TciStruct; VarBase: TVarBase; Found, CheckVar, IsForward: Boolean; begin Result := nil; if (fDeclarationAtPos is TciJunk) or (PrepareString(s) = '') then Exit; InStruct := nil; NameClass := ''; IsForward := False; CheckVar := (fPos < 0); sa := Explode('.', PrePrepareString(s)); if (fDeclarationAtPos <> nil) then begin if (fDeclarationAtPos is TciProcedureName) and (fDeclarationAtPos.Owner <> nil) then begin if fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciClassType, d, True) and (d.Owner <> nil) then begin d := d.Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeName); if (d <> nil) then NameClass := PrepareString(d.CleanText); end else if (fDeclarationAtPos.Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciForward) <> nil) then IsForward := True; end; if (Return = vbName) and ( (fDeclarationAtPos is TciVarName) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciConstantName) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciTypeName) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciLabelName) or ((fDeclarationAtPos is TciProcedureName) and (NameClass = '') and (fDeclarationAtPos.Owner <> nil) and (not IsForward) and (fDeclarationAtPos.Owner.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciProcedureClassName) = nil)) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciParameterName) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciFieldName) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciQualifiedIdentifier)) then Exit; CheckVar := (NameClass = '') and (( (Length(InFunc) > 0) or (Length(InWith) > 0) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciCompoundStatement) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciExpression) or fDeclarationAtPos.HasOwnerClass(TciCompoundStatement, d, True)) or ( (Return = vbType) and ( (fDeclarationAtPos is TciTypeKind) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciParameterType) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciReturnType) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciQualifiedIdentifier) or (fDeclarationAtPos is TciExpression)))); end; for i := Low(sa) to High(sa) do begin f := PrepareString(sa[i], ArrayCount); NeedArrayCount := 0; if (Return = vbName) and (i = High(sa)) then VarBase := vbName else VarBase := vbType; if (InStruct <> nil) then Found := InStruct.HasField(f, Result, VarBase, NeedArrayCount) else begin Found := CheckVar and PartOfWith(f, Result, VarBase, False, NeedArrayCount); if (not Found) and (i = Low(sa)) then begin Found := (CheckVar and DoGetVarType(f, Result, VarBase)) or ((CheckVar or (NameClass <> '') or IsForward) and DoGetFuncType(f, NameClass, Result, VarBase)) or DoFindStruct(f, Result, VarBase, NeedArrayCount); end; if (not Found) and CheckVar then Found := PartOfWith(f, Result, VarBase, True, NeedArrayCount); end; if Found and (Result is TciTypeKind) then Result := TciTypeKind(Result).GetRealType(NeedArrayCount); if Found and (Result <> nil) and (not (Result is TciStruct)) and ((i < High(sa)) or GetStruct) then Found := DoFindStruct(Result.CleanText, Result, VarBase, NeedArrayCount); if Found and (Result <> nil) and (ArrayCount <> NeedArrayCount) and ((Result is TciStruct) or (InStruct <> nil)) and ((i < High(sa)) or GetStruct) then begin if (InStruct <> nil) then Result := InStruct.GetDefault(VarBase) else Result := TciStruct(Result).GetDefault(VarBase); Found := (Result <> nil); if Found and (Result is TciTypeKind) then Result := TciTypeKind(Result).GetRealType(NeedArrayCount); if Found and (not (Result is TciStruct)) and ((i < High(sa)) or GetStruct) then Found := DoFindStruct(Result.CleanText, Result, VarBase, NeedArrayCount); if (not Found) then begin if Assigned(OnMessage) then OnMessage(Self, meError, Format(ci_RangeError, [sa[i], s]), -1, -1); Result := nil; Exit; end; end; if (not Found) or (Result = nil) then begin if Assigned(OnMessage) then if (i > Low(sa)) then OnMessage(Self, meError, Format(ci_UnknownMember, [sa[i], s]), -1, -1) else OnMessage(Self, meError, Format(ci_UnknownStruct, [sa[i], s]), -1, -1); Result := nil; Exit; end; InStruct := TciStruct(Result); end; end; constructor TCodeInsight.Create(FileName: string = ''); begin inherited Create; Proposal_InsertList := TStringList.Create; TStringList(Proposal_InsertList).Sorted := True; Proposal_ItemList := TStringList.Create; fOnFindInclude := nil; fOnLoadLibrary := nil; fFileName := FileName; if (fFileName <> '') and (not FileExists(fFileName)) then fFileName := ''; fPos := -1; Reset; Lexer.Defines.AddStrings(CoreDefines); fOwnStream := (fFileName <> ''); if fOwnStream then begin fMemoryStream := TMemoryStream.Create; with TStringList.Create do begin LoadFromFile(filename); //Converts the line-endings. SaveToStream(fMemoryStream); Free; end; end else fMemoryStream := nil; end; destructor TCodeInsight.Destroy; begin if fOwnStream then FreeAndNil(fMemoryStream); FreeAndNil(Proposal_InsertList); FreeAndNil(Proposal_ItemList); inherited; end; procedure TCodeInsight.Assign(From: TObject); begin if (From is TCodeInsight) then with From as TCodeInsight do begin Self.OnFindInclude := OnFindInclude; Self.OnLoadLibrary := OnLoadLibrary; end; inherited; end; procedure TCodeInsight.Run(SourceStream: TCustomMemoryStream = nil; BaseDefines: TStringList = nil; MaxPos: Integer = -1; ManageStream: Boolean = False); begin if Assigned(BaseDefines) then begin Lexer.ClearDefines; Lexer.Defines.AddStrings(CoreDefines); Lexer.Defines.AddStrings(BaseDefines); end; SetLength(fIncludes, 0); if ManageStream then begin if (SourceStream <> nil) then begin if fOwnStream then FreeAndNil(fMemoryStream); fMemoryStream := TMemoryStream(SourceStream); end; fOwnStream := True; end; if fOwnStream then inherited Run(fMemoryStream, MaxPos - 1) else if Assigned(SourceStream) then inherited Run(SourceStream, MaxPos - 1); if (MaxPos > -1) then Position := MaxPos; end; procedure TCodeInsight.Proposal_AddDeclaration(Item: TDeclaration; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); function FormatFirstColumn(s: string): string; inline; begin Result := '{#clNavy}' + LowerCase(s) + '{#0} {|}' end; function FormatTypeName(s: string): string; inline; begin Result := '{#clBlue}' + s; end; function FormatMainName(s: string): string; inline; begin Result := '{B+}' + s + '{B-}'; end; function FormatMainExtra(s: string): string; inline; begin Result := '{I+}' + s + '{I-}' end; function GetEnumTypeName(Item: TDeclaration): string; begin Result := 'Enumeration'; if (Item.Items.Count > 0) then begin Result := Result + '(' + Item.Items[0].ShortText; if (Item.Items.Count > 1) then Result := Result + '..' + Item.Items[Item.Items.Count - 1].ShortText; Result := Result + ')'; end; end; procedure AddEnums(Item: {TCodeInsight}TDeclaration; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); overload; var {i,} ii, SetOffset: Integer; a: TDeclarationArray; d: TDeclaration; s: string; begin SetOffset := 0; //for i := Low(Item.InFunc) to High(Item.InFunc) + 1 do begin //if (i = High(Item.InFunc) + 1) then a := Item.Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciQualifiedIdentifier, True); //else // a := Item.InFunc[i].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciQualifiedIdentifier, True); for ii := Low(a) to High(a) - SetOffset do begin {if (i = High(Item.InFunc) + 1) then if a[ii].HasOwnerClass(TciTypeDeclaration, d, True) then begin if d.HasOwnerClass(TciProcedureDeclaration, d, True) then Continue; end else if a[ii].HasOwnerClass(TciProcedureDeclaration, d, True) and (d.Owner <> nil) then Continue;} {$IFDEF ciCHECKDUPLICATES} if (InsertList.IndexOf(a[ii].ShortText) > -1) then Continue; {$ENDIF} s := FormatFirstColumn('enum') + FormatMainName(a[ii].ShortText); if a[ii].HasOwnerClass(TciTypeDeclaration, d, True) then begin d := d.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeName); if (d <> nil) then s := s + ' ' + FormatMainExtra('(' + d.ShortText + ')'); end; ItemList.Insert(InsertList.Add(a[ii].ShortText), s); end; //SetOffset := Length(a); end; end; procedure AddEnums(a: TDeclarationArray; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); overload; var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(a) to High(a) do AddEnums(a[i], ItemList, InsertList); end; procedure AddFuncDeclaration(Item: TciProcedureDeclaration; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); var s, n: string; d: TDeclaration; begin s := FormatFirstColumn(Item.ProcType); d := Item.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciProcedureName); if (d = nil) then Exit; n := d.ShortText; {$IFDEF ciCHECKDUPLICATES} if (InsertList.IndexOf(n) > -1) then Exit; {$ENDIF} s := s + FormatMainName(n); if (Item.Params <> '') then begin s := s + FormatMainExtra('(' + Item.Params + ')'); //n := n {+ '('}; end; d := Item.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType); if (d <> nil) then s := s + ': ' + FormatTypeName(d.ShortText) {else s := s + ';'}; ItemList.Insert(InsertList.Add(n), s); AddEnums(Item.GetParamDeclarations, ItemList, InsertList); if (d <> nil) then AddEnums(d, ItemList, InsertList); end; function PropertyIndex(Item: TciClassProperty): string; var i: Integer; d: TDeclaration; a: TDeclarationArray; begin d := Item.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciPropertyParameterList); Result := ''; if (d <> nil) then begin a := d.Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciIdentifier); for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin if (Result <> '') then Result := Result + ', '; Result := Result + a[i].ShortText; end; d := d.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciTypeKind); if (d <> nil) then begin if (Result <> '') then Result := Result + ': '; Result := Result + d.ShortText; end; end; if (Result <> '') then Result := '['+Result+']'; end; var i: Integer; FirstColumn, s, n: string; a: TDeclarationArray; b: array[1..2] of TDeclaration; c: array[0..2] of TDeclarationClass; begin if (Item is TciProcedureDeclaration) then begin AddFuncDeclaration(TciProcedureDeclaration(Item), ItemList, InsertList); Exit; end; c[0] := nil; c[1] := nil; c[2] := nil; if (Item is TciVarDeclaration) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('variable'); c[0] := TciVarName; c[2] := TciTypeKind; end else if (Item is TciConstantDeclaration) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('constant'); c[0] := TciConstantName; c[1] := TciExpression; end else if (Item is TciLabelDeclaration) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('label'); c[0] := TciLabelName; end else if (Item is TciTypeDeclaration) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('type'); c[0] := TciTypeName; c[2] := TciTypeKind; end else if (Item is TciClassField) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('variable'); c[0] := TciFieldName; c[2] := TciTypeKind; end else if (Item is TciClassProperty) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('property'); c[0] := TciFieldName; c[2] := TciTypeKind; end else if (Item is TciConstParameter) or (Item is TciOutParameter) or (Item is TciFormalParameter) or (Item is TciInParameter) or (Item is TciVarParameter) then begin FirstColumn := FormatFirstColumn('param'); c[0] := TciParameterName; c[2] := TciParameterType; end; if (c[0] = nil) then Exit; a := Item.Items.GetItemsOfClass(c[0]); if (c[1] <> nil) then b[1] := Item.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(c[1]) else b[1] := nil; if (c[2] <> nil) then begin b[2] := Item.Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(c[2]); if (b[2] is TciTypeKind) and (b[2].Items.Count > 0) and (not (b[2].Items[0] is TciArrayType)) then b[2] := b[2].Items[0]; end else b[2] := nil; for i := Low(a) to High(a) do begin n := a[i].ShortText; {$IFDEF ciCHECKDUPLICATES} if (InsertList.IndexOf(n) > -1) then Continue; {$ENDIF} s := FirstColumn + FormatMainName(n); if (Item is TciClassProperty) then s := s + FormatMainExtra(PropertyIndex(TciClassProperty(Item))); if (b[1] <> nil) then s := s + FormatMainExtra(' = ' + b[1].ShortText); if (b[2] <> nil) then if (b[2] is TciEnumType) then s := s + ': ' + FormatTypeName(GetEnumTypeName(b[2])) else s := s + ': ' + FormatTypeName(b[2].ShortText) {else s := s + ';'}; ItemList.Insert(InsertList.Add(n), s); if (b[2] <> nil) and (b[2].Items.Count > 0) then AddEnums(b[2], ItemList, InsertList); end; end; procedure TCodeInsight.FillProposal; var i: Integer; begin if (not Proposal_Filled) then begin Proposal_ItemList.BeginUpdate; Proposal_InsertList.BeginUpdate; try for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do Proposal_AddDeclaration(Items[i], Proposal_ItemList, Proposal_InsertList); Proposal_Filled := True; finally Proposal_ItemList.EndUpdate; Proposal_InsertList.EndUpdate; end; end; end; procedure TCodeInsight.FillSynCompletionProposal(ItemList, InsertList: TStrings; Prefix: string = ''); procedure AddFile(Item: TCodeInsight; ItemList, InsertList: TStrings); var i: Integer; begin if item = nil then exit; if (not Item.Proposal_Filled) then Item.FillProposal; {$IFNDEF ciCHECKDUPLICATES} ItemList.AddStrings(Item.Proposal_ItemList); InsertList.AddStrings(Item.Proposal_InsertList); {$ELSE} for i := 0 to Item.Proposal_InsertList.Count - 1 do if (InsertList.IndexOf(Item.Proposal_InsertList[i]) = -1) then begin ItemList.Insert(InsertList.Add(Item.Proposal_InsertList[i]), Item.Proposal_ItemList[i]); //ItemList.Add(Item.Proposal_ItemList[i]); end; {$ENDIF} //AddEnums(Item, ItemList, InsertList); for i := Low(Item.Includes) to High(Item.Includes) do AddFile(Item.Includes[i], ItemList, InsertList); end; var i, ii: Integer; d: TDeclaration; begin ItemList.BeginUpdate; InsertList.BeginUpdate; try ItemList.Clear; InsertList.Clear; if (PrepareString(Prefix) <> '') then begin d := FindVarBase(Prefix, True, vbType); if (d <> nil) then for i := 0 to d.Items.Count - 1 do Proposal_AddDeclaration(d.Items[i], ItemList, InsertList); end else begin for i := High(InWith) downto Low(InWith) do if (i <> InClassFunction) then for ii := 0 to InWith[i].Items.Count - 1 do Proposal_AddDeclaration(InWith[i].Items[ii], ItemList, InsertList); for i := Low(InFunc) to High(InFunc) do for ii := 0 to InFunc[i].Items.Count - 1 do Proposal_AddDeclaration(InFunc[i].Items[ii], ItemList, InsertList); if (InClassFunction <> -1) then for i := 0 to InWith[InClassFunction].Items.Count - 1 do Proposal_AddDeclaration(InWith[InClassFunction].Items[i], ItemList, InsertList); AddFile(Self, ItemList, InsertList); for i := 0 to High(CoreBuffer) do AddFile(CoreBuffer[i], ItemList, InsertList); end; finally ItemList.EndUpdate; InsertList.EndUpdate; end; end; initialization {nothing} CoreDefines := TStringList.Create; finalization ClearIncludeBuffer; ClearCoreBuffer; CoreDefines.Free; end.