.. _scriptref_web: Internet Functions ================== The internet functions in Simba range from HTTP functions and low-level socket functions. With the HTTP functions you can scrape the web, send form data to web pages. With the socket functions you can implement virtually any network procotol: there have been several IRC bots. HTTP Functions -------------- OpenWebPage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure OpenWebPage(const url : string); OpenWebPage opens the given web page (url) with your default browser. Example: .. code-block:: pascal OpenWebPage('http://villavu.com'); GetPage ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function GetPage(const url : string): string; GetPage returns a string of HTML from the given web page. InitializeHTTPClient ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function InitializeHTTPClient(HandleCookies: Boolean): Integer; InitializeHTTPClient creates a new client and assigns it an ID. You use this for all the other web functions that require a client. InitializeHTTPClientWrap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function InitializeHTTPClientWrap(HandleCookies: Boolean): Integer; This should probably not be documented. FreeHTTPClient ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure FreeHTTPClient(Client: Integer); Free the HTTP client returned by *InitializeHTTPClient*. GetHTTPPage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function GetHTTPPage(Client: Integer;const URL: string): string; GetHTTPPage is just like GetPage, except you can choose which client to get the HTTP code from. SetHTTPUserAgent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetHTTPUserAgent(Client: Integer;const Agent: string); SetHTTPUserAgent allows you to change the agent string of a client. PostHTTPPage ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function PostHTTPPage(Client: Integer;const Url,PostData: string): string; PostHTTPPage requests to post data (PostData) on the web page (Url) of the client (Client). PostHTTPPageEx ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function PostHTTPPageEx(Client: Integer;const Url: string): string; PostHTTPPageEx is just like PostHTTPPage but uses predefined post data added by ddPostVariable and cleared by ClearPostData. ClearPostData ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure ClearPostData(Client: Integer); ClearPostData clears the post data added to the web page (Client). Used with PostHTTPPageEx. AddPostVariable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure AddPostVariable(Client: Integer;const VarName, VarValue: string); AddPostVariable adds a post variable to the web page (Client). Used with PostHTTPPageEx. GetRawHeaders ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function GetRawHeaders(Client: Integer): string; GetRawHeaders returns a string of headers from the specified client. Socket Functions ---------------- CreateSocket ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function CreateSocket: integer; CreateSocket creates a new socket and assigns it an ID. FreeSocket ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure FreeSocket(Index: integer); FreeSocket frees the socket with the ID (Index) assigned to it upon creation. ConnectSocket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure ConnectSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string); ConnectSocket connects the socket to an IP and port on the specified client (Client). BindSocket ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure BindSocket(Client: integer; IP, Port: string); BindSocket binds a connected socket to an IP and port on the specified client (Client). ListenSocket ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure ListenSocket(Client: integer); ListenSocket allows for a client socket to accept connections. AcceptSocket ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function AcceptSocket(Client: integer): integer; AcceptSocket accepts pending connection requests to a client socket. CloseSocket ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure CloseSocket(Client: integer); CloseSocket closes connections to a client socket. RecvSocket ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function RecvSocket(Client: integer): string; RecvSocket method reads all data waiting for read. RecvSocketStr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function RecvSocketStr(Client: integer): string; Method waits until data string is received. This string is terminated by CR-LF characters. The resulting string is returned without this termination (CR-LF) RecvSocketEx ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal function RecvSocketEx(Client, Length: integer): string; RecvSocketEx returns received data of a specified length from a bound socket as a string. SendSocket ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure SendSocket(Client: integer; Data: string); SendSocket sends a string of data to a bound client socket. SetTimeout ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetTimeout(Client, Time: integer); SetTimeout sets a maximum amount of time for a bound client socket to wait for data from another socket. SocketInfo ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure SocketInfo(Client: integer; out IP, Port: string); SocketInfo sets where a bound socket will be sending data to (out IP, out Port). Generic functions ----------------- SetProxy ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetProxy(Client : Integer; pHost, pPort : String);'); SetProxy configures a proxy with the given client (Client) proxy host (pHost) and port (pPort).