{$mode objfpc} {$h+} unit bzip2stream; {**************************************************************************** BZIP2 decompression unit Copyright (C) 2002 by Daniel Mantione Class port (C) 2009 by Michael Van Canneyt This unit provides a decompression stream to decode .bz2 files. It is inpired by Julian R. Seward's libbzip2 library and therefore you should send credits to him and bug reports to me :) This code is licensed under the same terms as the original libbz2 library, which is decsribed in the file LICENSE. If you don't have this file, look at http://www.freepascal.org for this bzip2 unit, the LICENSE file will be included. In case of problems, contact the author. E-mail addresses: Michael Van Canneyt <michael@freepascal.org> Daniel Mantione <daniel.mantione@freepascal.org> Julian R. Seward <jseward@acm.org> Please do not contact Julian about this Pascal library, he didn't wrote it. ****************************************************************************} interface {$goto on} uses Classes,SysUtils, bzip2comn; Type TDecompressBzip2Stream=Class(TOwnerStream) Private block_randomized:boolean; blocksize:byte; tt:Pcardinal_array; tt_count:cardinal; rle_run_left,rle_run_data:byte; nextrle:Pbyte; decode_available:cardinal; block_origin:cardinal; current_block:cardinal; read_data,bits_available:byte; inuse16:set of 0..15; inuse:set of 0..255; inuse_count:cardinal; seq_to_unseq:array[0..255] of byte; alphasize:cardinal; group_count,group_pos,gsel,gminlen:byte; group_no:cardinal; glimit,gperm,gbase:Phuffarray; selector_count:cardinal; selector,selector_mtf:array[0..max_selectors] of byte; len:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of byte; limit:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal; base:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal; perm:array[0..max_groups,0..max_alpha_size] of cardinal; minlens:array[0..max_groups] of byte; cftab:array[0..257] of cardinal; mtfbase:array[0..256 div mtfl_size-1] of cardinal; mtfa:array[0..mtfa_size-1] of byte; function get_bits(n:byte):byte; function get_boolean:boolean; function get_byte:byte; function get_cardinal24:cardinal; function get_cardinal:cardinal; procedure receive_mapping_table; procedure receive_selectors; procedure undo_mtf_values; procedure receive_coding_tables; procedure make_hufftab; procedure init_mtf; function get_mtf_value:cardinal; procedure move_mtf_block; procedure receive_mtf_values; procedure detransform; function decode_block : boolean; Function new_block : boolean; Function consume_rle : Boolean; inline; Function rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;count:Longint) : longint; Procedure Error(Msg : String; ACode : Integer); Public Constructor Create(ASource : TStream); Destructor Destroy; override; function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override; end; EBzip2 = Class(Exception) ErrCode : Integer; end; implementation {$ifdef i386} {$i bzip2si386.inc} {$endif} {***************************************************************************** TDecompressBzip2Stream *****************************************************************************} Resourcestring BZip2Initialize = 'Invalid BZip2 stream: invalid header'; SDecodingError = 'Decoding error'; SErrUnimplemented = 'Feature not implemented'; Constructor TDecompressBzip2Stream.Create(ASource: TStream); var magic:array[1..3] of char; c:char; begin Inherited Create(ASource); {Read the magic.} Source.ReadBuffer(magic,sizeof(magic)); if magic<>bzip2_stream_magic then Error(BZip2Initialize,bzip2_bad_header_magic); {Read the block size and allocate the working array.} Source.ReadBuffer(c,1); blocksize:=byte(c)-byte('0'); GetMem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal)); decode_available:=high(decode_available); end; Procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.Error(Msg : String; ACode : Integer); Var BE : EBzip2; begin BE:=EBzip2.Create(Msg); BE.ErrCode:=ACode; Raise BE; end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_bits(n:byte):byte; var data:byte; begin if n>bits_available then begin Source.ReadBuffer(data,1); get_bits:=(read_data shr (8-n)) or data shr (8-(n-bits_available)); read_data:=data shl (n-bits_available); inc(bits_available,8); end else begin get_bits:=read_data shr (8-n); read_data:=read_data shl n; end; dec(bits_available,n); end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_boolean:boolean; begin get_boolean:=boolean(get_bits(1)); end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_byte:byte; begin get_byte:=get_bits(8); end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_cardinal24:cardinal; begin get_cardinal24:=get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or get_bits(8); end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_cardinal:cardinal; begin get_cardinal:=get_bits(8) shl 24 or get_bits(8) shl 16 or get_bits(8) shl 8 or get_bits(8); end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_mapping_table; {Receive the mapping table. To save space, the inuse set is stored in pieces of 16 bits. First 16 bits are stored which pieces of 16 bits are used, then the pieces follow.} var i,j:byte; begin inuse16:=[]; {Receive the first 16 bits which tell which pieces are stored.} for i:=0 to 15 do if get_boolean then include(inuse16,i); {Receive the used pieces.} inuse:=[]; inuse_count:=0; for i:=0 to 15 do if i in inuse16 then for j:=0 to 15 do if get_boolean then begin include(inuse,16*i+j); seq_to_unseq[inuse_count]:=16*i+j; inc(inuse_count); end; { system.write('Mapping table: '); for i:=0 to 255 do if i in inuse then system.write(i,' '); writeln;} end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_selectors; {Receives the selectors.} var i:cardinal; j:byte; begin group_count:=get_bits(3); selector_count:=get_bits(8) shl 7 or get_bits(7); for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do begin j:=0; while get_boolean do begin inc(j); if j>5 then error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error); end; selector_mtf[i]:=j; end; { system.write('Selector_mtf: '); for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do system.write(selector_mtf[i],' '); writeln;} end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.undo_mtf_values; {Undo the MTF values for the selectors.} var pos:array[0..max_groups] of byte; i:cardinal; v,tmp:byte; begin for v:=0 to group_count-1 do pos[v]:=v; for i:=0 to selector_count-1 do begin v:=selector_mtf[i]; tmp:=pos[v]; while v<>0 do begin pos[v]:=pos[v-1]; dec(v); end; pos[0]:=tmp; selector[i]:=tmp; end; end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_coding_tables; var t,curr:byte; i:cardinal; begin for t:=0 to group_count-1 do begin curr:=get_bits(5); for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do begin repeat if not(curr in [1..20]) then error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error); if not get_boolean then break; if get_boolean then dec(curr) else inc(curr); until false; len[t,i]:=curr; end; end; end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.make_hufftab; {Builds the Huffman tables.} var i:cardinal; t,minlen,maxlen:byte; begin for t:=0 to group_count-1 do begin minlen:=32; maxlen:=0; for i:=0 to alphasize-1 do begin if len[t,i]>maxlen then maxlen:=len[t,i]; if len[t,i]<minlen then minlen:=len[t,i]; end; hb_create_decode_tables(limit[t],base[t],perm[t],len[t], minlen,maxlen,alphasize); minlens[t]:=minlen; end; end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.init_mtf; var i,j:byte; k:cardinal; begin k:=mtfa_size-1; for i:=256 div mtfl_size-1 downto 0 do begin for j:=mtfl_size-1 downto 0 do begin mtfa[k]:=i*mtfl_size+j; dec(k); end; mtfbase[i]:=k+1; end; end; function TDecompressBzip2Stream.get_mtf_value:cardinal; var zn:byte; zvec:cardinal; begin if group_pos=0 then begin inc(group_no); group_pos:=group_size; gsel:=selector[group_no]; gminlen:=minlens[gsel]; glimit:=@limit[gsel]; gperm:=@perm[gsel]; gbase:=@base[gsel]; end; dec(group_pos); zn:=gminlen; zvec:=get_bits(zn); while zvec>glimit^[zn] do begin inc(zn); zvec:=zvec shl 1 or byte(get_boolean); end; get_mtf_value:=gperm^[zvec-gbase^[zn]]; end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.move_mtf_block; var i:byte; j,k:cardinal; begin k:=MTFA_SIZE; for i:=256 div MTFL_SIZE-1 downto 0 do begin j:=mtfbase[i]; Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 4])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+12])^; Pcardinal(@mtfa[k- 8])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 8])^; Pcardinal(@mtfa[k-12])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j+ 4])^; dec(k,16); Pcardinal(@mtfa[k ])^:=Pcardinal(@mtfa[j ])^; mtfbase[i]:=k; end; end; procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.receive_mtf_values; const run_a=0; run_b=1; var t,next_sym:cardinal; es:cardinal; n:byte; nn,i:cardinal; p,q:Pbyte; u,v:Pcardinal; lno,off:cardinal; begin group_no:=high(group_no); group_pos:=0; t:=0; for i:=0 to 257 do cftab[i]:=0; init_mtf; next_sym:=get_mtf_value; while next_sym<>inuse_count+1 do begin { writeln(t,' ',next_sym); if t=22296 then t:=t; } if next_sym<=run_b then begin es:=0; n:=0; repeat inc(es,(next_sym+1) shl n); inc(n); next_sym:=get_mtf_value; until next_sym>run_b; n:=seq_to_unseq[mtfa[mtfbase[0]]]; inc(cftab[n],es); if t+es>100000*blocksize then error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error); while es>0 do begin tt^[t]:=n; dec(es); inc(t); end; end else begin nn:=next_sym-1; if nn<mtfl_size then begin {Avoid the costs of the general case.} p:=@mtfa[mtfbase[0]]; q:=p+nn; n:=q^; repeat q^:=(q-1)^; dec(q); until q=p; q^:=n; end else begin {General case.} lno:=nn div MTFL_SIZE; off:=nn and (MTFL_SIZE-1); p:=@mtfa[mtfbase[lno]]; q:=p+off; n:=q^; while(q<>p) do begin q^:=(q-1)^; dec(q); end; u:=@mtfbase; v:=u+lno; repeat mtfa[v^]:=mtfa[(v-1)^+MTFL_SIZE-1]; dec(v); dec(v^); until v=u; mtfa[v^]:=n; if v^=0 then move_mtf_block; end; inc(cftab[seq_to_unseq[n]]); tt^[t]:=cardinal(seq_to_unseq[n]); inc(t); if t>100000*blocksize then error(SDecodingError,bzip2_data_error); next_sym:=get_mtf_value; end; end; tt_count:=t; {Setup cftab to facilitate generation of T^(-1).} t:=0; for i:=0 to 256 do begin nn:=cftab[i]; cftab[i]:=t; { writeln(i,' ',t);} inc(t,nn); end; end; {$ifndef HAVE_DETRANSFORM} procedure TDecompressBzip2Stream.detransform; var a:cardinal; p,q,r:Pcardinal; begin a:=0; p:=@tt^[0]; q:=p+tt_count; while p<>q do begin r:=@tt^[cftab[p^ and $ff]]; inc(cftab[p^ and $ff]); r^:=r^ or a; inc(a,256); inc(p); end; end; {$endif} function TDecompressBzip2Stream.decode_block:boolean; {Decode a new compressed block.} var magic:array[1..6] of char; stored_blockcrc:cardinal; i:byte; begin for i:=1 to 6 do magic[i]:=char(get_byte); if magic='1AY&SY' then begin inc(current_block); stored_blockcrc:=get_cardinal; block_randomized:=get_boolean; block_origin:=get_cardinal24; {Receive the mapping table.} receive_mapping_table; alphasize:=cardinal(inuse_count)+2; {Receive the selectors. Raises exception} receive_selectors; {Undo the MTF values for the selectors.} undo_mtf_values; {Receive the coding tables.} receive_coding_tables; {Build the Huffman tables.} make_hufftab; {Receive the MTF values.} receive_mtf_values; {Undo the Burrows Wheeler transformation.} detransform; decode_available:=tt_count; Result:=True; end else begin if magic<>#$17'rE8P'#$90 then error(SDecodingError,bzip2_bad_block_magic); Result:=false; end; end; Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.new_block : Boolean; begin Result:=decode_block; If result then nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8] else nextrle:=nil; end; Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.consume_rle : Boolean;inline; {Make nextrle point to the next decoded byte. If nextrle did point to the last byte in the current block, decode the next block.} begin { Pcardinal(nextrle)^:=Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8;} nextrle:=@tt^[Pcardinal(nextrle)^ shr 8]; dec(decode_available); if decode_available=0 then Result:=new_block else Result:=True; end; Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.rle_read(bufptr:Pbyte;Count:Longint) : LongInt; var rle_len:cardinal; data:byte; label rle_write; begin Result:=0; rle_len:=rle_run_left; data:=rle_run_data; if block_randomized then {Not yet implemented.} Error(SErrUnimplemented,-1) else begin if rle_len<>0 then {Speed is important. Instead of an if statement within the repeat loop use a goto outside the loop.} goto rle_write; repeat if decode_available=0 then break; rle_len:=1; data:=nextrle^; if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then begin inc(rle_len); if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then begin inc(rle_len); if consume_rle and (decode_available>0) and (data=nextrle^) then begin if consume_rle then inc(rle_len,nextrle^+1); consume_rle; end; end; end; rle_write: repeat bufptr^:=data; inc(bufptr); dec(count); dec(rle_len); inc(Result); until (rle_len=0) or (count=0); until count=0; end; rle_run_data:=data; rle_run_left:=rle_len; end; Function TDecompressBzip2Stream.Read(var Buffer; Count : Longint) : LongInt; var bufptr:Pbyte; begin bufptr:=@buffer; if decode_available=high(decode_available) then begin {Initialize the rle process: - Decode a block - Initialize pointer.} if not decode_block then begin nextrle:=nil; error(SDecodingError,bzip2_endoffile); end; nextrle:=@tt^[tt^[block_origin] shr 8]; end; Result:=rle_read(bufptr,count); end; Destructor TDecompressBzip2Stream.Destroy; begin if tt<>nil then FreeMem(tt,blocksize*100000*sizeof(cardinal)); Inherited; end; end.