{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Bitmap.inc for the Mufasa Macro Library } function CreateBitmap(w,h : integer):integer; begin result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.CreateBMP(w,h); end; procedure FreeBitmap(Number : integer); begin CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.FreeBMP(Number); end; procedure SaveBitmap(Bmp : integer; path : string); begin; CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].SaveToFile(Path); end; function BitmapFromString(Width,height : integer; Data : string) : integer; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.CreateBMPFromString(Width,Height,Data); end; function LoadBitmap(Path : String) : integer; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.CreateBMPFromFile(Path); end; procedure SetBitmapSize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer); begin; if (NewW>=0) and (NewH >=0) then CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].SetSize(NewW,NewH) else raise exception.createfmt('Wrong Width or Height in SetBitmapSize: (%d,%d)',[NewW,NewH]); end; procedure StretchBitmapResize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer); begin; if (NewW>=0) and (NewH >=0) then CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].StretchResize(NewW,NewH) else raise exception.createfmt('Wrong Width or Height in ScretchResize: (%d,%d)',[NewW,NewH]); end; procedure GetBitmapSize(Bmp : integer; var BmpW,BmpH : integer); begin; With CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bmp] do begin; BmpW := width; BmpH := Height; end; end; procedure SetBitmapName(Bmp : integer; name : string); begin; CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].BmpName:= name; end; function CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp : integer) : integer; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp, MirrorWidth); end; function CreateMirroredBitmapEx(Bmp : integer; MirrorStyle : TBmpMirrorStyle) : integer; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp,MirrorStyle); end; function FastGetPixel(bmp,x,y : integer) : LongWord; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].FastGetPixel(x,y); end; function FastGetPixels(bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray; begin; result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].FastGetPixels(TPA); end; procedure FastSetPixel(Bmp,x,y : integer; Color : TColor); begin CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bmp].FastSetPixel(x,y,color); end; procedure FastSetPixels(Bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray); begin; CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].FastSetPixels(TPA,Colors); end; procedure FastDrawClear(bmp : integer; Color : TColor); begin; CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bmp].FastDrawClear(Color); end; procedure FastDrawTransparent(x, y: Integer; SourceBitmap, TargetBitmap: Integer); begin; CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[SourceBitmap].FastDrawTransparent(x,y,CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[TargetBitmap]); end; procedure SetTransparentColor(Bmp : integer; Color : TColor); begin CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].SetTransparentColor(Color); end; function GetTransparentColor(Bmp : integer) : TColor; begin; Result := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[bmp].GetTransparentColor; end; procedure FastReplaceColor(bmp: Integer; OldColor, NewColor: TColor); begin CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.Bmp[Bmp].FastReplaceColor(OldColor,NewColor); end; procedure ps_CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer); var mBMP: TMufasaBitmap; begin mBMP := CurrThread.Client.MBitmaps.GetBMP(bmp); if mBMP = nil then exit; mBMP.CopyClientToBitmap(CurrThread.Client.MWindow, xs, ys, xe, ye); end; function FindBitmap(Bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmap( MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap],x,y); end; function FindBitmapIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmapIn( MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap],x,y,xs,ys,xe,ye); end; function FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmapToleranceIn( MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap],x,y,xs,ys,xe,ye,tolerance); end; function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmapSpiral(Mbitmaps.bmp[bitmap],x,y,xs,ye,xe,ye); end; function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; x, y: Integer; var Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap],x,y,points,xs,ys,xe,ye,tolerance); end; function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance : integer): Boolean; begin; with CurrThread.Client do result := MFinder.FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(MBitmaps.Bmp[bitmap],x,y,xs,ys,xe,ye,tolerance); end;