program SecurityExtension; type TNamedArray = record a: TStringArray; name: String; end; { var SecurityEnabled: Boolean; Global variable which decides whether or not to pass through any security measures. It is toggled by the Menu Item (Tools -> Security -> Enabled). } var SecurityEnabled: Boolean; Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED, Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED: Boolean; { var Menu*: TMenuItem; Different variables for the different parts of the Menu added to Simba's TMainMenu. } {$IFDEF EXTENSION} var MenuHead, MenuCheck, MenuEdit: TMenuItem; {$ENDIF} { var Icon_Lock: TMufasaBitmap; Holds the lock image so that it is not reloaded each and every time. The license for this icon can be found here: [url][/url] And the image can be found here: [url][/url] } var Icon_Lock: TMufasaBitmap; { var PathArr: array of TNamedArray; Array which stores the different lists of URLs and Files/Directories. Each one is accessed through the consants listed later which are prefixed with `P_'. } var PathArr: array [0..1] of array of TNamedArray; { const P_?_*: Integer; Each constant is associated with a Path. W/B/L depicts whether is a White, Black, or Local list respectively. These constants are in reference to indexes in the `PathArr' variable. } const WALL_FIRE = 0; WALL_FILE = 1; ALLOW_ONCE = -2; DENY_ONCE = -1; ALLOW_LOCAL = 0; DENY_LOCAL = 1; ALLOW_ALWAYS = 2; DENY_ALWAYS = 3; ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR = 4; DENY_ALWAYS_DIR = 5; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} DirectorySeparator = '\'; {$ELSE} DirectorySeparator = '/'; {$ENDIF} { var Settings_DEFAULT_(URL|FILE): Integer; Depict the default option for when the Option dialog times out. These values must be part of the constants. *MAY CRASH SIMBA IF NOT ONE OF THE CONSTANTS* } var Settings_DEFAULT_URL, Settings_DEFAULT_FILE: Integer; { var Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Integer; Time to wait in seconds before timing out the Option Dialog. This allows scripts to progress without needing User Interaction and will choose the Settings_DEFAULT_(URL|FILE) respectively. } var Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: Integer; { Checks if `s' occurs in TStringArray `a'. } function InStrArray(s: String; a: TStringArray): Boolean; var i, h: Integer; begin Result := True; h := High(a); for i := 0 to h do begin if (s = a[i]) then Exit; end; Result := False; end; { Like `pos(substr, s)' but searches from the end of a string backwards. } function LastPos(SubStr, Str: string): integer; var i, p: integer; s, ss: string; begin for i := Length(str) downto 1 do S := S + Str[i]; for i := Length(substr) downto 1 do ss := ss + substr[i]; p := Pos(ss, S); if P > 0 then Result := Length(Str) - p end; { Remove the PHP params being passed around. } function trimPHPParams(url: String): String; var qPos: Integer; begin qPos := pos('?', url); if (qPos > 0) then Result := Copy(url, 1, qPos-1) else Result := url; end; { Replaces the paths found with an easier to read name. Will remove all the specified constants from within Simba. } function substitutePaths(path: String): String; var paths, names: TStringArray; i, p: Integer; begin paths := [ScriptPath, IncludePath, PluginPath, FontPath, AppPath]; names := ['SCRIPTPATH', 'INCLUDEPATH', 'PLUGINPATH', 'FONTPATH', 'SIMBAPATH']; for i := 0 to 4 do begin p := pos(paths[i], path); if (p > 0) then begin Result := format( '%%%s%%%s%s', [names[i], DirectorySeparator, copy(path,p+length(paths[i]),Length(path))] ); writeln(Result); Exit; end; p := 0; end; { Otherwhise, return normal path } Result := path; end; { Private method for adding to the global arrays. } procedure _AddStr(s: String; uf, p: Integer); var l: Integer; {$IFDEF EXTENSION}tmp: String;{$ENDIF} begin if (p < 0) then Exit; { Increase the size of the array, adding the new value } l := Length(PathArr[uf][p].a); SetLength(PathArr[uf][p].a, l + 1); PathArr[uf][p].a[l] := s; {$IFDEF EXTENSION} { Write to the Settings.xml } tmp := Settings.getKeyValueDef(PathArr[uf][p].name, ''); Settings.setKeyValue(PathArr[uf][p].name, tmp + DirectorySeparator + s); {$ENDIF} end; { Changes MS into a format of: HH:MM:SS. Taken from SRL4/core/Timing.scar } function MsToTime(MS: Integer): string; var STA: TVariantArray; Time: array [0..2] of Integer; i: Integer; begin STA := [':', ':', '', True, 2]; ConvertTime(MS, Time[0], Time[1], Time[2]); for i := 0 to 2 do if (Time[i] > 0) or (STA[3]) or (i = 2) then Result := Result + PadZ(IntToStr(Time[i]), STA[4]) + STA[i]; end; { Prints a warning message whenever something attempts to break security measures. } procedure SecurityWarn(msg: String); begin Writeln( Format('[%s] :: SECURITY WARNING :: %s', [MSToTime(GetSystemTime), msg]) ); end; { var Option*: FormComponents Various Form components associated with the User Input Dialog. } var OptionForm: TForm; Option_Label_Path, Option_Label_Default, Option_Label_Title: TLabel; Option_Button_Okay: TButton; Option_Timer, Option_Timer_Label: TTimer; Option_ComboBox: TComboBox; Option_Default_Time: Integer; Option_Lock_Image: TImage; { var Option_*_Options: TStringArray; The different options for the option dialog. Consts are associated with these arrays. } var Option_URL_Options, Option_File_Options: TStringArray; { Method to close the form, disables `Option_Timer' as well. } procedure OptionCloseForm(Sender: TObject); begin OptionForm.MODALRESULT := mrOk; Option_Timer.ENABLED := False; end; { Method which will reset the `Option_Timer' when User Input is detected. It is currently called when the User Click on a radio button of `Option_RadGrp'. } procedure OptionResetTimer(Sender: TObject); begin Option_Timer.ENABLED := False; Option_Timer_Label.ENABLED := False; Option_Timer.ENABLED := True; Option_Timer_Label.ENABLED := True; Option_Default_Time := GetSystemTime; Option_Timer_Label.ONTIMER(Option_Timer_Label); end; { Modifies a label based on a timer to show how many seconds left until the form auto-picks the option listed. } procedure DefaultLabel(Sender: TObject); var t: Integer; begin t := Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT-((GetSystemTime-Option_Default_Time) div 1000); Option_Label_Default.CAPTION := format('Selecting in %ds', [t]); if (t < 6) then Option_Label_Default.FONT.Style := [fsBold] else Option_Label_Default.FONT.Style := []; end; { Loads and Shows the form. `isURL' depicts whether or not its a file path vs. a URL. `path' is the actual path which is displayed on the form. This method needs to be called in a SafeThread when testing. This is covered later on using the `TESTING' define. } procedure LoadOptionDialog(const isURL: Boolean; const path: String); var i, w, h: Integer; begin { Load the form. } OptionForm := TForm.Create(nil); OptionForm.BringToFront; OptionForm.Visible := False; OptionForm.BORDERSTYLE := bsSingle; OptionForm.BORDERICONS := [biSystemMenu]; OptionForm.SetBounds({L} 100, {T} 100, {W} 200, {H} 150); OptionForm.POSITION := poDesktopCenter; Option_Lock_Image := TImage.Create(OptionForm); Option_Lock_Image.Parent := OptionForm; w := Icon_Lock.Width; h := Icon_Lock.Height; Icon_Lock.DrawToCanvas(0, 0, Option_Lock_Image.Canvas); Option_Lock_Image.SetBounds({L} 140, {T} 10, w, h); Option_Lock_Image.Visible:= True; Option_Label_Title := TLabel.Create(OptionForm); Option_Label_Title.Parent := OptionForm; Option_Label_Title.setBounds({L} 10, {T} 20, {W} 130, {H} 50); Option_Label_Title.FONT.Size := 20; Option_Label_Title.Visible := True; Option_Label_Title.WORDWRAP := True; Option_Label_Path := TLabel.Create(OptionForm); Option_Label_Path.Parent := OptionForm; Option_Label_Path.Left := 10; Option_Label_Path.Top := 65; Option_Label_Path.Visible := True; Option_Label_Path.FONT.Style := [fsBold]; Option_Label_Path.WORDWRAP := True; Option_Label_Path.ShowHint := True; Option_Button_Okay := TButton.Create(OptionForm); Option_Button_Okay.Parent := OptionForm; Option_Button_Okay.CAPTION := 'Okay'; Option_Button_Okay.Left := 115; Option_Button_Okay.Top := 120; Option_Button_Okay.Visible := True; Option_Button_Okay.ONCLICK := @OptionCloseForm; Option_Label_Default := TLabel.Create(OptionForm); Option_Label_Default.Parent := OptionForm; Option_Label_Default.Left := 10; Option_Label_Default.Top := 125; Option_Label_Default.Visible := True; Option_Timer := TTimer.Create(OptionForm); Option_Timer.INTERVAL := Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 1000; Option_Timer.ONTIMER := @OptionCloseForm; Option_Timer.ENABLED := True; Option_Timer_Label := TTimer.Create(OptionForm); Option_Timer_Label.INTERVAL := 1000; Option_Timer_Label.ONTIMER := @DefaultLabel; Option_Timer_Label.ENABLED := True; Option_Default_Time := GetSystemTime; Option_Timer_Label.ONTIMER(Option_Timer_Label); Option_ComboBox := TComboBox.Create(OptionForm); Option_ComboBox.Parent := OptionForm; Option_ComboBox.SetBounds({L} 10, {T} 90, {W} 180, {H} 30); Option_ComboBox.ONCHANGE := @OptionResetTimer; Option_ComboBox.CLEAR; { Use the passed parameters to change how the form looks depending on whether its a URL or a File path. } if (isURL) then begin { Form Caption } OptionForm.CAPTION := 'Security - Fire Wall'; Option_Label_Title.CAPTION := 'Fire Wall'; { Fill the combo box with options. } for i := 0 to high(Option_URL_Options) do Option_ComboBox.ITEMS.Add(Option_URL_Options[i]); { Default Option: } Option_ComboBox.ITEMINDEX := Settings_DEFAULT_URL; { Show the path in question. } Option_Label_Path.CAPTION := Path; end else begin { Form Captions. } OptionForm.CAPTION := 'Security - File Wall'; Option_Label_Title.CAPTION := 'File Wall'; { Fill the combo box with options. } for i := 0 to high(Option_File_Options) do Option_ComboBox.ITEMS.Add(Option_File_Options[i]); { Default Option: } Option_ComboBox.ITEMINDEX := Settings_DEFAULT_FILE; { Show the path in question. } Option_Label_Path.CAPTION := substitutePaths(Path); end; { Display the full path as a hint. } Option_Label_Path.Hint := Path; OptionForm.ShowModal; end; function ShowOptionDialog(const isURL: Boolean; const path: String): Integer; {$IFNDEF EXTENSION} var V: TVariantArray; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF EXTENSION} V := [isURL, path]; ThreadSafeCall('LoadOptionDialog', V); {$ELSE} LoadOptionDialog(isURL, path); {$ENDIF} Result := Option_ComboBox.ITEMINDEX - 2; OptionForm.Free; end; function _checkPath(p: String; w: Integer; var cont: Boolean): Boolean; var i, h: Integer; begin Result := False; h := High(pathArr[w]); for i := 0 to h do begin if InStrArray(p, pathArr[w][i].a) then begin Result := True; cont := (i mod 2) = 0; Exit; end; end; end; procedure onOpenConnection(var url: string; var Cont: boolean); var tmp_url: String; begin if (not (SecurityEnabled and Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED)) then Exit; tmp_url := trimPHPParams(lowercase(url)); { Check the Loaded URLs } if _checkPath(tmp_url, WALL_FIRE, cont) then begin if (not cont) then SecurityWarn( Format('Blocked URL ''%s'' was attempted to be accessed.', [tmp_url]) ); Exit; end; { Ask what to do with URL using the Dialog. } case ShowOptionDialog(True, tmp_url) of ALLOW_ONCE: Cont := True; DENY_ONCE: Cont := False; ALLOW_LOCAL: begin _AddStr(tmp_url, WALL_FIRE, ALLOW_LOCAL); Cont := True; end; DENY_LOCAL: begin _AddStr(tmp_url, WALL_FIRE, DENY_LOCAL); Cont := False; end; ALLOW_ALWAYS: begin _AddStr(tmp_url, WALL_FIRE, ALLOW_ALWAYS); Cont := True; end; DENY_ALWAYS: begin _AddStr(tmp_url, WALL_FIRE, DENY_ALWAYS); Cont := False; end; end; Writeln(Format('Cont [%s] URL [%s]', [BoolToStr(Cont), tmp_url])); end; procedure onOpenFile(var FileName : string; var Cont : boolean); var dir: String; begin if (not (SecurityEnabled and Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED)) then Exit; { check if in either Allowed_URLs, or Local_Allowed_URL } dir := Copy(FileName, 1, LastPos(DirectorySeparator, FileName)); //Writeln(Format('Dir [%s] File [%s]', [dir, FileName])); { Check the Loaded URLs } if InStrArray(dir, PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR].a) then begin Cont := True; Exit; end; if InStrArray(dir, PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS_DIR].a) then begin SecurityWarn(Format('File in dir: %s was attempted to be used.', [dir])); Cont := False; Exit; end; if InStrArray(FileName, PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_LOCAL].a) then begin Cont := True; Exit; end; if InStrArray(FileName, PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_LOCAL].a) then begin SecurityWarn(Format('File: %s was attempted to be used.', [FileName])); Cont := False; Exit; end; if InStrArray(FileName, PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS].a) then begin Cont := True; Exit; end; if InStrArray(FileName, PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS].a) then begin SecurityWarn(Format('File: %s was attempted to be used.', [FileName])); Cont := False; Exit; end; { Ask what to do with File Path using the Dialog. } case ShowOptionDialog(False, FileName) of ALLOW_ONCE: Cont := True; DENY_ONCE: Cont := False; ALLOW_LOCAL: begin _AddStr(FileName, WALL_FILE, ALLOW_LOCAL); Cont := True; end; DENY_LOCAL: begin _AddStr(FileName, WALL_FILE, DENY_LOCAL); Cont := False; end; ALLOW_ALWAYS: begin _AddStr(FileName, WALL_FILE, ALLOW_ALWAYS); Cont := True; end; DENY_ALWAYS: begin _AddStr(FileName, WALL_FILE, DENY_ALWAYS); Cont := False; end; ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR: begin _AddStr(dir, WALL_FILE, ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR); Cont := True; end; DENY_ALWAYS_DIR: begin _AddStr(dir, WALL_FILE, DENY_ALWAYS_DIR); Cont := False; end; end; Writeln(Format('Cont [%s] File [%s]', [BoolToStr(Cont), FileName])); end; procedure onWriteFile(var FileName : string; var Cont : boolean); begin onOpenFile(FileName, Cont); end; { Shows a dialog to make sure one wants to quit. } {$IFDEF EXTENSION} procedure OnMenuCheckClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (MenuCheck.checked) then begin case MessageDlg( 'Security', 'Are you sure you want to disable Security?', mtConfirmation, [mbNo,mbYes], 0 ) of mrNo : Exit; else Writeln('Security Disabled.'); end; end else Writeln('Security Enabled.'); MenuCheck.checked := not MenuCheck.checked; Settings.setKeyValue('SecurityEnabled', toStr(MenuCheck.checked)); SecurityEnabled := MenuCheck.CHECKED; end; {$ENDIF} { Consts for array parts in the different components of the settings form. } const TAB_MAIN = 0; TAB_FIRE = 1; TAB_FILE = 2; LIST_BLACK = 0; LIST_WHITE = 1; LIST_FILE = 0; LIST_DIR = 1; BUTTON_ADD = 0; BUTTON_DELETE = 1; DEFAULT_FIRE_OPT = 0; DEFAULT_FILE_OPT = 1; { var SForm_*; Variables for the different components of the settings form. } var SettingsForm: TForm; SForm_PageControl: TPageControl; SForm_Tabs: array [0..2] of TTabSheet; SForm_File_ListBoxs: array [0..1] of array [0..1] of TListBox; SForm_File_Radios: array [0..1] of TRadioButton; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs: array [0..1] of TListBox; SForm_ListLabels: array [1..2] of array [0..1] of TLabel; SForm_ManiButtons: array [1..2] of array [0..1] of TButton; SForm_ChkBox_Enabled: array [1..2] of TCheckBox; SForm_DefOpts_Labels: array [0..3] of TLabel; SForm_DefOpts_Combobox: array [0..1] of TComboBox; SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit: TEdit; //SpinEdit; SForm_Title: TLabel; SForm_QuitButton: TButton; SForm_Icon: TImage; { Change between working with directories or with Files. } procedure SForm_ChangeFileDir(Sender: TObject); var b: Boolean; i: Integer; begin b := (Sender = SForm_File_Radios[LIST_FILE]); for i := 0 to 1 do begin SForm_File_ListBoxs[List_FILE][i].Visible := b; SForm_File_ListBoxs[List_FILE][i].Enabled := b; SForm_File_ListBoxs[List_DIR][i].Visible := not b; SForm_File_ListBoxs[List_DIR][i].Enabled := not b; end; end; var __SForm_ListBox_DragPoint: TPoint; __SForm_ListBox: TListBox; { Load a point, then store where it started from. } procedure SForm_List_MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button <> mbMiddle) then begin __SForm_ListBox_DragPoint := Point(x, y); __SForm_ListBox := TListBox(Sender); end; end; { Check if the sender is not the same as the source, thus allowable to be dragged. } procedure SForm_List_DragOver( Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean ); begin Accept := Sender <> Source; end; { Moves item from Source to Sender. } procedure SForm_List_DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); var src, snd: TListBox; srcPos: Integer; begin if (Sender = Source) then Exit; src := TListBox(Source); snd := TListBox(Sender); { Get the items at the source position. } srcPos := src.ITEMATPOS(__SForm_ListBox_DragPoint, True); __SForm_ListBox_DragPoint := Point(-1,-1); { If the source position doesn't exist, we can't move anything, eh. } if (srcPos < 0) then Exit; { Move the items around. } snd.ITEMS.Add(src.ITEMS.Strings[srcPos]); src.ITEMS.Delete(srcPos); end; { Adds and removes items based on which items are clicked. } procedure SForm_ManiItems(Sender: TObject); var addString: String; delInd: Integer; begin if (__SForm_ListBox = nil) then Exit; case Sender of SForm_ManiButtons[TAB_FIRE][BUTTON_ADD], SForm_ManiButtons[TAB_FILE][BUTTON_ADD]: begin //writeln('pushed button_add'); if (not InputQuery( 'Add Item:', 'Please input your new item.', addString) ) then Exit; __SForm_ListBox.ITEMS.Add(addString); end; SForm_ManiButtons[TAB_FIRE][BUTTON_DELETE], SForm_ManiButtons[TAB_FILE][BUTTON_DELETE]: begin delInd := __SForm_ListBox.ITEMATPOS(__SForm_ListBox_DragPoint, True); __SForm_ListBox.ITEMS.Delete(delInd); end; end; __SForm_ListBox := nil; __SForm_ListBox_DragPoint := Point(-1, -1); end; { Small Hack to remove the need to disable all the different items each time. } procedure SForm_PC_Change(Sender: TObject); begin __SForm_ListBox := nil; __SForm_ListBox_DragPoint := Point(-1, -1); end; { Handles when the enabling check boxs are clicked. It will disable the necessary components. } procedure SForm_ChkBox_Click(Sender: TObject); var i, j: Integer; b, bb: Boolean; begin b := TCheckBox(Sender).Checked; case Sender of SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FIRE]: begin for i := 0 to 1 do begin SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].Enabled := b; SForm_ManiButtons[Tab_FIRE][i].Enabled := b; end; end; SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FILE]: begin bb := SForm_File_Radios[0].Checked; for i := 0 to 1 do begin for j := 0 to 1 do SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].Enabled := b; SForm_ManiButtons[Tab_FILE][i].Enabled := b; SForm_File_Radios[i].Enabled := b; if (b) then begin if (i = 1) then bb := not bb; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][0].Enabled := bb; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][1].Enabled := bb; end; end; end; end; end; procedure asdf(); begin end; { Loads the settings from the XML document to the forms components. } procedure LoadSettingsXML; var i,j,k,h: Integer; begin {$IFDEF EXTENSION} Settings_DEFAULT_URL := 2 + StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Default_URL', toStr(ALLOW_ONCE)) ); Settings_DEFAULT_FILE := 2 + StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Default_File', toStr(ALLOW_ONCE)) ); Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT := StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_TimeOut', '60') ); Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED := StrToBool( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_FileWallOn', 'True') ); Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED := StrToBool( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_FireWallOn', 'True') ); {$ENDIF} SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FIRE].CHECKED := Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED; SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FILE].CHECKED := Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED; SForm_DefOpts_Combobox[0].ITEMINDEX := Settings_DEFAULT_URL; SForm_DefOpts_ComboBox[1].ITEMINDEX := Settings_DEFAULT_FILE; SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit.TEXT := toStr(Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (not SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FIRE].checked) then for i := 0 to 1 do begin SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].Enabled := False; SForm_ManiButtons[Tab_FIRE][i].Enabled := False; end; if (not SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FILE].checked) then for i := 0 to 1 do begin for j := 0 to 1 do SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].Enabled := False; SForm_ManiButtons[Tab_FILE][i].Enabled := False; SForm_File_Radios[i].Enabled := False; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][0].Enabled := False; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][1].Enabled := False; end; for i := LIST_BLACK to LIST_WHITE do begin { Depending on which list, you know which list to use. } if (i = LIST_BLACK) then h := DENY_ALWAYS else h := ALLOW_ALWAYS; for j := 0 to High(PathArr[WALL_FIRE][h].a) do SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].ITEMS.Add( PathArr[WALL_FIRE][h].a[j] ); end; for i := 0 to 1 do for j := LIST_BLACK to LIST_WHITE do begin { Depending on which list, you know which list to use. } if (j = LIST_BLACK) then h := DENY_ALWAYS else h := ALLOW_ALWAYS; for k := 0 to High(PathArr[WALL_FILE][h].a) do SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].ITEMS.Add( PathArr[WALL_FILE][h].a[k] ); end; end; { Private method for imploding the TListBox strings into a single String object. } function __implodeListBox(obj: TListBox): String; var i, h: Integer; t: String; begin h := obj.ITEMS.Count - 1; Result := ''; t := DirectorySeparator; for i := 0 to h do if (obj.ITEMS.Strings[i] <> '') then Result := Result + obj.ITEMS.Strings[i] + t; Delete(Result, Length(Result)-Length(t), Length(Result)); end; { Private method for converting from TStrings to TStringArray. } function __TStringsToStrArr(obj: TStrings): TStringArray; var i, h: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, obj.Count); h := obj.count - 1; for i := 0 to h do Result[i] := obj.Strings[i]; end; { Method to save the various settings from the various form components. } procedure SaveSettingsXML; begin {$IFDEF EXTENSION} Settings.setKeyValue('Default_URL', toStr(SForm_DefOpts_ComboBox[0].ITEMINDEX-2)); Settings.setKeyValue('Default_File', toStr(SForm_DefOpts_ComboBox[1].ITEMINDEX-2)); Settings.setKeyValue('Settings_TimeOut', SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit.TEXT); Settings.setKeyValue( 'Settings_FireWallOn', toStr(SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FIRE].CHECKED) ); Settings.setKeyValue( 'Settings_FileWallOn', toStr(SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[Tab_FILE].CHECKED) ); { Save the lists. } Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FIRE][ALLOW_ALWAYS].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[LIST_WHITE]) ); Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FIRE][DENY_ALWAYS].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[LIST_BLACK]) ); Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_FILE][LIST_WHITE]) ); Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_FILE][LIST_BLACK]) ); Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_DIR][LIST_WHITE]) ); Settings.setKeyValue( PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS_DIR].name, __implodeListBox(SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_DIR][LIST_BLACK]) ); {$ENDIF} PathArr[WALL_FIRE][ALLOW_ALWAYS].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[LIST_WHITE].ITEMS ); PathArr[WALL_FIRE][DENY_ALWAYS].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[LIST_BLACK].ITEMS ); PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_FILE][LIST_WHITE].ITEMS ); PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_FILE][LIST_BLACK].ITEMS ); PathArr[WALL_FILE][ALLOW_ALWAYS_DIR].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_DIR][LIST_WHITE].ITEMS ); PathArr[WALL_FILE][DENY_ALWAYS_DIR].a := __TStringsToStrArr( SForm_File_ListBoxs[LIST_DIR][LIST_BLACK].ITEMS ); end; procedure SForm_OnQuit(Sender: TObject); begin SaveSettingsXML; SettingsForm.MODALRESULT := mrOK; end; procedure LoadSettingsForm; var i, j, w, h: Integer; tmpStrings: TStringArray; begin { MainForm: } SettingsForm := TForm.Create(nil); SettingsForm.SetBounds({L} 200, {T} 100, {L} 400, {H} 290); SettingsForm.BringToFront; SettingsForm.Visible := False; SettingsForm.BORDERSTYLE := bsSingle; SettingsForm.BORDERICONS := [biSystemMenu]; SettingsForm.CAPTION := 'Security Settings'; SettingsForm.POSITION := poDesktopCenter; SForm_PageControl := TPageControl.Create(SettingsForm); SForm_PageControl.Parent := SettingsForm; SForm_PageControl.SetBounds({L} 0, {T} 0, {W} 400, {H} 230); { Tab Setups: } { Load all the tabs } tmpStrings := ['Main', 'Fire Wall', 'File Wall']; for i := 0 to 2 do begin SForm_Tabs[i] := TTabSheet.Create(SettingsForm); SForm_Tabs[i].Parent := SettingsForm; SForm_Tabs[i].PageControl := SForm_PageControl; SForm_Tabs[i].CAPTION := tmpStrings[i]; SForm_Tabs[i].ONSHOW := @SForm_PC_Change; end; tmpStrings := [ 'Default Option Timeout:', 'Default Fire Wall:', 'Default File Wall:' ]; for i := 0 to 2 do begin SForm_DefOpts_Labels[i] := TLabel.Create(SForm_Tabs[0]); SForm_DefOpts_Labels[i].Parent := SForm_Tabs[0]; SForm_DefOpts_Labels[i].CAPTION := tmpStrings[i]; SForm_DefOpts_Labels[i].SetBounds({L} 255,{T} 20+50*i,{W} 100,{H} 20); end; SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit := TEdit.Create(SForm_Tabs[0]); SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit.Parent := SForm_Tabs[0]; SForm_DefOpts_SpinEdit.SetBounds(250, 40, 125, 20); for i := 0 to 1 do begin SForm_DefOpts_Combobox[i] := TComboBox.Create(SForm_Tabs[0]); SForm_DefOpts_Combobox[i].Parent := SForm_Tabs[0]; SForm_DefOpts_Combobox[i].SetBounds({L} 250, {T} 90+50*i,{W} 125,{H} 20); if (i=0) then tmpStrings := Option_URL_Options else tmpStrings := Option_File_Options; h := High(tmpStrings); for j := 0 to h do SForm_DefOpts_Combobox[i].ITEMS.Add(tmpStrings[j]); end; tmpStrings := ['Always Allow:', 'Always Deny:', 'Fire', 'File']; for i := Tab_FIRE to Tab_FILE do begin { Load list labels. } for j := LIST_BLACK to LIST_WHITE do begin SForm_ListLabels[i][j] := TLabel.Create(SForm_Tabs[i]); SForm_ListLabels[i][j].Parent := SForm_Tabs[i]; SForm_ListLabels[i][j].CAPTION := tmpStrings[j]; SForm_ListLabels[i][j].SetBounds(5 + 250*j, 30, 150, 150); end; { Load Enabling CheckBoxs: } SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[i] := TCheckBox.Create(SForm_Tabs[i]); SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[i].Parent := SForm_Tabs[i]; SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[i].SetBounds({L} 5, {T} 8, {W} 150, {H} 100); SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[i].CAPTION := 'Enable ' + tmpStrings[1+i] + ' Wall'; SForm_ChkBox_Enabled[i].ONCLICK := @SForm_ChkBox_Click; end; { Fire Wall Tab: } for i := LIST_BLACK to LIST_WHITE do begin SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i] := TListBox.Create(SForm_Tabs[TAB_FIRE]); SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].Parent := SForm_Tabs[TAB_FIRE]; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].SetBounds({L} 250*i, {T} 50, {W} 150, {H} 150); SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].DRAGMODE := dmAutomatic; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].ENABLED := True; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].ONDRAGDROP := @SForm_List_DragDrop; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].ONMOUSEDOWN := @SForm_List_MouseDown; SForm_Fire_ListBoxs[i].ONDRAGOVER := @SForm_List_DragOver; end; { File Wall: } tmpStrings := ['Files', 'Directories']; for i := 0 to 1 do begin SForm_File_Radios[i] := TRadioButton.Create(SForm_Tabs[Tab_FILE]); SForm_File_Radios[i].Parent := SForm_Tabs[Tab_FILE]; SForm_File_Radios[i].SetBounds({L}200 + 90*i, {T}10, {W}150, 10); SForm_File_Radios[i].CHECKED := (i = 0); SForm_File_Radios[i].CAPTION := tmpStrings[i]; SForm_File_Radios[i].ONCLICK := @SForm_ChangeFileDir; end; { Create lists. } for i := 0 to 1 do for j := LIST_BLACK to LIST_WHITE do begin SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j] := TListBox.Create(SForm_Tabs[TAB_FILE]); SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].Parent := SForm_Tabs[TAB_FILE]; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].SetBounds({L} 250*j, {T} 50, {W} 150, {H} 150); SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].DRAGMODE := dmAutomatic; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].Visible := (i = 0); SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].ENABLED := (i = 0); SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].ONDRAGDROP := @SForm_List_DragDrop; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].ONMOUSEDOWN := @SForm_List_MouseDown; SForm_File_ListBoxs[i][j].ONDRAGOVER := @SForm_List_DragOver; end; // Manipulation Buttons tmpStrings := ['Add', 'Delete']; for i := 1 to 2 do for j := BUTTON_ADD to BUTTON_DELETE do begin SForm_ManiButtons[i][j] := TButton.Create(SForm_Tabs[i]); SForm_ManiButtons[i][j].Parent := SForm_Tabs[i]; SForm_ManiButtons[i][j].setBounds({L} 175, {T} 100 + 30*j, {W} 50, {H} 20); SForm_ManiButtons[i][j].Caption := tmpStrings[j]; SForm_ManiButtons[i][j].ONCLICK := @SForm_ManiItems; end; SForm_Icon := TImage.Create(SettingsForm); SForm_Icon.Parent := SettingsForm; w := Icon_Lock.Width; h := Icon_Lock.Height; Icon_Lock.DrawToCanvas(0, 0, SForm_Icon.Canvas); SForm_Icon.SetBounds({L} 10, {T} 235, w, h); SForm_Icon.Visible:= True; SForm_QuitButton := TButton.Create(SettingsForm); SForm_QuitButton.Parent := SettingsForm; SForm_QuitButton.SetBounds({L}300, {T}250, {W}80, {H}20); SForm_QuitButton.CAPTION := 'Save and Quit'; SForm_QuitButton.ONCLICK := @SForm_OnQuit; SForm_Title := TLabel.Create(SettingsForm); SForm_Title.Parent := SettingsForm; SForm_Title.SetBounds(10 + w + 10, 235+(h div 2)-12, 200, 40); SForm_Title.CAPTION := 'Security Settings'; SForm_Title.FONT.height := 25; LoadSettingsXML; SettingsForm.ShowModal; end; procedure ShowSettingsForm(Sender: TObject); {$IFNDEF EXTENSION} var V: TVariantArray; {$ENDIF} begin writeln('showing extention form.'); {$IFNDEF EXTENSION} V := []; ThreadSafeCall('LoadSettingsForm', V); {$ELSE} LoadSettingsForm; {$ENDIF} SettingsForm.Free; end; procedure Init; var i, j, l: Integer; ToolsMenu : TMenuItem; begin; { Load consts for the User Input Form. } Option_URL_Options := [ 'Allow Once', 'Deny Once', 'Allow This Session', 'Deny This Session', 'Always Allow', 'Never Allow' ]; Option_FILE_Options := [ 'Allow Once', 'Deny Once', 'Allow This Session', 'Deny This Session', 'Always Allow for File', 'Never Allow for File', 'Always allow for Directory', 'Never allow for Directory' ]; for i := 0 to 1 do begin if (i = 0) then l := Length(Option_URL_Options)-2 else l := Length(Option_FILE_Options)-2; setLength(pathArr[i], l); dec(l); for j := 0 to l do begin pathArr[i][j].name := format('lists_%d_%d', [i, j]); {$IFDEF EXTENSION} { Load the previously saved settings. } //s := PathArr[i][j].a := Explode( DirectorySeparator, Settings.getKeyValue(PathArr[i][j].name) ); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$IFDEF EXTENSION} { Load Default Settings from Settings.xml } Settings_DEFAULT_URL := StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Default_URL', toStr(ALLOW_ONCE)) ); Settings_DEFAULT_FILE := StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Default_File', toStr(ALLOW_ONCE)) ); Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT := StrToInt( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_TimeOut', '60') ); Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED := StrToBool( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_FileWallOn', 'True') ); Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED := StrToBool( Settings.getKeyValueDef('Settings_FireWallOn', 'True') ); { Find the Tools Menu. } for i := 0 to Simba_MainMenu.Items.count - 1 do begin if (Simba_MainMenu.Items.items[i].caption = '&Tools') then begin ToolsMenu := Simba_MainMenu.Items.items[i]; Break; end; end; if (ToolsMenu = nil) then begin Writeln('Could not find tools menu.'); Exit; end; { Load the Menu Items into the Tools menu. } MenuHead := TMenuItem.Create(ToolsMenu); MenuHead.caption := 'Se&curity'; ToolsMenu.Add(MenuHead); MenuCheck := TMenuItem.CREATE(MenuHead); MenuCheck.caption := 'Security &Enabled'; MenuCheck.checked := LowerCase(Settings.getKeyValueDef('SecurityEnabled', 'true')) = 'true'; MenuCheck.OnClick := @OnMenuCheckClick; MenuHead.add(MenuCheck); SecurityEnabled := MenuCheck.CHECKED; MenuEdit := TMenuItem.CREATE(MenuHead); MenuEdit.caption := '&Settings'; MenuEdit.OnClick := @ShowSettingsForm; MenuHead.Add(MenuEdit); {$ELSE} SecurityEnabled := True; Settings_DEFAULT_URL := ALLOW_ONCE; Settings_DEFAULT_FILE := ALLOW_ONCE; Settings_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT := 30; Settings_FILE_WALL_ENABLED := True; Settings_FIRE_WALL_ENABLED := True; {$ENDIF} { Icon_Lock := GetMufasaBitmap( BitmapFromString( 48, 48, 'meJzFmAlUk3fWxnG3gI61TqeLa5' + '3W+aZal7p+LqAoCtZdQEERBAEXRCwqSt2qVo/S1rpVqfpZkUUWUUG' + 'QHQIJBLIvJCQsISyBkH0PAe7cVz4Zj2PV8ejMPTmc5Jx/3vze5z53' + 'ebGze4fBZDLPnz+/d+/eHTt27N69+/Dhw7GxsTU1Ne/yN18cubm5h' + 'w4d2rp1a1RU1NWrV+Pj42/fvv3TTz9FRET4+/uHh4cXFRX9x2BYLF' + 'ZgYCCqQaFQFAqF2WyGp6HX6+l0+oULF/DAgQMHGhsb3zXMgwcPtmz' + 'ZcunSpebmZpVK1dTU1NLSgm+sVis8EwKB4NSpU35+fgUFBe8O5pdf' + 'fgkICEhKSmptbZVIJFVVVXw+v7a2tr6+HvGeQ7LZbMnJyZi+1NTUd' + 'wETGRm5a9euwsJCFITL5VKp1LKyMhKJdPPmzaNHj6Kdzp07h2o8mz' + '4M1BNthn57iyRisTg4OBity2azGxoakCQvLy8rKwtvHzEwKceOHbt' + '48eLBgwd9fX2/++47rLseGI1Ggwm9fPkyIkml0jcGKNJBiR563hfk' + '5OAvYl1jUkQiERZOWloaFhRaCGs8NDRUKBT2fhGlO3HiBOYID6C38' + 'SOyZWZm7tmzB+V9A5IbCUmTBWBXCX1oMFsM0cnpoZs2JCQmyuVyDo' + 'eTnZ19586dK1euHD9+HBU7cuTICy+Sn5+Pt4DA6OrHjx/HxcWdPHk' + 'SqwBL79+CSVaDIxscC7WL7lUtTa8eTjEMeVR/Ma+sW6PksJjp6enX' + 'rl374YcfsMlgOWPbecmlMK3ofCRJSUnBVGJCMZX43deH2SwhNBmT1' + 'bwxmb4tlb4lhb4umTUyX/mnKtjPlmWnP7x+5dKRo0cxQUFBQXjXr7' + 'wgpgwFRD3PnDmzf/9+Hx+fkJCQ1yGpNsNnfOhPscy5Xx2SQgtMY25' + 'MZngmM9cnMVbH0ybcq7Er65hcLI04HR0R6PdtUIBYIHidy8pkMrQN' + 'mhl9jrewYsUKTOIrv3WuFQYyYUS+wiOFFXGvMvAe0zuZ4XGXsTaJs' + 'fIuc/ldpns8fVocp2+hbnCxeuG1tNch6Qkej4c8mKPt27d7eno6OT' + 'mhhV7+lYUisKN2fpUhCU2lBWULp+Y2eycxNiRUrkmkr0xkuCcwliY' + 'yXRJZixKYc2IZIzJa+rBgRh1Uy1WvwxMWFoYzBcsKMdzc3ObNm4dg' + 'f3Q4WwvD2eBQone/x9udRovM5SerrWOE4FCkW5LMXRNLdYuju8YzX' + 'OIZTvGsBYnsJal81xTe/6TV9i8xOrAgVgkvh8EuhDA4YdH5q1atmj' + 'FjxrJly7DKXnh4pxT6onWzZSGptPMFnI0s9VCS4SSvjWSyrmwCuzL' + 'blw/q3GIrltyhO8Ux58ezFiZzl6RVuWeIVmeJ56fXvJ+vQud71P0h' + '0s8//4wwWFlYiWvXrp07dy7yYEusrKx87mRTB/y9CvpRrE4ZNYfT6' + 'ety63aXN5Isnd8gBsnyTYmsQKH7QQMObPggu31+HNMpluaUyHZJ5S' + '99KFyeKV6VU+tZ2LA6r/7z3FbEHskBhvF5qsTERJzsOPqRytvb29X' + 'VdebMmZs2bTp9+vRzJ28q4D0WjChQ+z7gHHvEuCNo2ioDO3LHGrKM' + 'pNSe0sIAWvdHue2/ieTp5q7JNWBXbJqcKnK9y3K9X+WWIVrxuGZNX' + 'v364kYfcvMWSvOCohb7UmN/Ohxp+ScSqagIlx+csyjO5s2bly9fjj' + 'Bo5n379j0Hs7oW7Cq6Jj+WHsxgnsrl7s9knyBVF2iNJ7UwiNY9Kq/' + '9plj+0NI1CR2er99W3lKsNwe0QZ+KrrE5MveHgpWZolW5desKG7xI' + 'jT6UFr/KthCG3IvaNrpUi5edWU0g1Ukku3dsx56MM6LHNrNnz8a/O' + 'Faw9ntJcrTwCQeGlho8MoRnczmnCviRWexvM1jBKbSgFFqCWJZmha' + '+eYGyntpToTYFtYFfaMbmg7WGr9qoB/syDoSS9a67EK6/Os1i6kdz' + 'sS23dSpMHsRS7+apQnup/qep+5bahdNuKoz8WZ2bgZMHu5+XltWjR' + 'Ind3d6wpHDS9MNGtRNe1o8G4Mv3xEvHZPM6hLPbeh8xdaYzAZJp3X' + 'PmKG6WHC4WFRmugHHNnm5Lfer9FFWOAD9hgn685K1LmWTsX1kOfMt' + 'sckty3ROpbRoizjdG+naMM5au/rdZG1eh8uNoPKyx2ZdaDj8ujTxx' + 'H2yxduhSdg20wJyfn2TR9yiZgiBcDhjM6Ue2DD+mhqZXbkip946me' + 't8tW3iQ7/0rySKDdb1ZdNcFwDgzKUZ3iy/PMNsSwK7Z4MVQlJssBB' + 'Qykw2dlehQnmNYWzFLs5KnCBJoIke5gnf77BmNUvWFiFXyQUROwxf' + 'eb5ctdXFxwfv3+++/P2WYY8ykPvujQhwFTyMqtqYyAWPKG25TV/0d' + '2u166+DfyvKsl836jnKU1ZFu7F0rArtC8lion6UyRCsJ1Eyi61HbD' + 'XROMrwJHasd6hmoPVxFWRYhzoEYfVW88LjUdazTvauoekS/z8PJa5' + 'roER0N0dPS/toKhT3kwa4Po4IAfWTCcanZNq/K6QXKPKVkcU+ocUz' + 'o/hjw7hjzpcql/ZlWezhypwr7dNb5EfVemQ4wxfBhYajleryd3dK7' + 'D3lXR7cQy7hdqIsUojuFog+mQxHRYat7aCMMyJdj3Nvn4YD/8V5hn' + '9elHB3tMGQs+5sAQDvRnwIRMqeu1kkVXiuZfK51zlTwrhjL7BnX6D' + 'eqyFG5CozreAuOwU5FM34m0pdbONVKwo3Su4hlLzR1nVeDIhPGMjv' + 'Aaw/cS40GJKVJi3icxLa+FoWmCDZ4ee8PDXwjTy4PiYPZRqz+zYBQ' + 'XvuDDOLxlLLoi7fRbtHmXimZcKZkVUzb3VuWCOIZTAts5iXuSIyvs' + '6PLAPknudGPqSQbLWQ0MpsNYmiVBZc2ydk+pBgdal7/YHCUx7a03+' + 'VUbZwngo4fCncFBL1lNe3j60cDhqTjjePA3PkwTwnQhfMhH8TtHJ4' + 'tn/1oy93rZ/Fj6wgT2khTe0vuCxfcFwWRpjo7AsKfDKKo5tt2cae2' + 'eLIR+5Z0HG63Uzi6/JvCqtkTUGTcLje4cw+dcGJXGo1PIfwTTw9Pj' + 'nD+hOGwYzYW/8mGiAL4WwjwxLKmFydXQnwXDchSzYhkusTSXJO7SN' + 'L57evWqrJoV2bVeRQ13ZLqHFphWDX3LbBH15orOzm3YkCu6N9da41' + 'TWsBrjJoHBjWOYSdf/hdYxhqp/CQwGatK/Vxw2jOPCBD7ghowddcE' + 'TnjUScKuDv+A+RrZ89aDWPYnt/kCw4pFoTU7t+oJ6bIAeJY1nxKoS' + 'a2cwDhdqtzPfWmCx/aSGDQJTqEjvzdcvZeln0PRjKXoHimU07xVz/' + 'wseDHhWHB5glyDEkcBiKUGyqh68peDXCNPFhOdH57cvz6helyVel1' + '+P4viQm7aUt2ymtn7LU+YYrL/q4a/c7u3Vhp+bTWFPYJYwddMrdQg' + 'ztFjXt6xjStUreCIaiV/5p3OqYIoQZtXAtPu0OZncNQrYoIBNzRDQ' + 'BOEy8JTC+1xwJJsX50t98uu8SdLNlGb/ClkQXR7EJBpggtJysdUcK' + 'tQFC3QbubolDO00qnZMqRbrAisRjYoj++U8uMv16DO2VxwRzK2Fz7' + 'x8+9s7fBYQNvXY+U115pA2CJXBITkcaIOpIjR519elSr/Sxq3lLYG' + '0thBm+y6uak+VerdAEybU7hTqvNjaxTTN1+WaUSTNkELNgCJDn8ru' + 'lTWvgOmJMCkh0UgusflMeeIc5waYFZPy8Zd/+/+cem3drYa9coiUw' + '/cK+FEN3o3wHhNGlpt8K9t2MOQ7OMowvjpcoAkVaLcLtBvYGpdK9V' + 'SKelSx2jFfPaBA24faOfFVmXo2vq4CXFTG8giYeSJYVAfLaqyzz1w' + 'aNWtmz4GFZ69FmeGwAk4o4JwKYrRwSklMh6EVtgCWMpynDHsiTkiV' + 'xpOpdqGqJpNVI4tUQ/JUA/I0fcttaM7Xh+kJVxFR+J9wwUkMy2phZ' + 'QOsb+6aF33N8cMRPQecD58+aYTTKvhRBZc1EGuAO0aYJIRRNOtenm' + 'oXXx3M0+DkWliunFKi/LRA4ZirHJSrwlVzMBNEln+bB+NCG9Fgh7E' + 'IJI8G8G6BzfXmib6Bg4cN6TdwAB7YeCvlvBUuaOCaDm7pIc0MsUZ4' + 'nw0ruIadXNV6utK5TDmJpPg0v90hWzE4W9G/xNSXDo80bwLTE3UWm' + 'MAlOsD0aqLGQ9rBj93ifOLHWTvC+w4cMGm1x6UOuKKF63pCnGQTFN' + 'kgsAVGM20+dIUzpX1iUfsnuXLH7PbBjxUDivRYULhfvTFMb4Q0QN9' + 'KGM8H/0bYr4QoAxw3wLYs8t5SziUjIc7vBkg0Efrk2SDBBB+yuxdS' + 'VZMK2j7KbnPMkg/Oah9UoLWr7PaXvAWYniCev5hE7tY3wDEFUVbRJ' + 'rhghCsauK6DOAMhTroFcjuguBO+FMAXJNXHWTLHzDb7TPngXFWfis' + '651W8NpjechcSDGNrppBLOa54656k4WVYotAGlixheI/JVDukt9pl' + 't72Ur+pZ3YKt/6zA9gQYYVEm0yig5QXJDD3FGSDFDhhVyOqCkC6jd' + 'BI9DrtI+XWafJe9Htgxhve4j85sFVuvnHGLm+jcRytwzPxGnAwpsU' + 'NYNlfCEJ09lnyHrTzLiIldheFfiPBsB+BBRQeQOO0++jRAHnVPRDb' + 'QnPETry9f0ocOtV02otxhZWnifAZ9yIFpNpKn8CQwdYKoQBhYbcLH' + 'f1/Sfg+mNBQJinwxshspuEACwASYJiM3nG/F/AaYnzshgQAXMEhFe' + 'emQlng3//qpF610H3wzj2TCQAUNZRKf678L0RlQT+Ne94J8qbxz/A' + 'NOJAeU=' ) );} { Temp hack } Icon_Lock := TMufasaBitmap.Create(); Icon_lock.SetSize(48, 48); Icon_Lock.Name := 'Security-lock-icon.bmp'; Icon_Lock.FastReplaceColor(clBlack, 13160660); end; procedure Free; begin // Only here so people won't freak out. :) { Icon_Lock.Free; } end; {$IFDEF EXTENSION} procedure Attach; begin; Writeln('Security Extention started.'); MenuHead.Visible := True; SecurityEnabled := MenuCheck.CHECKED; end; procedure Detach; begin MenuHead.Visible := False; SecurityEnabled := False; end; function GetName: string; begin; result := 'Security Extension'; end; function GetVersion: string; begin; result := '0.1'; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF EXTENSION} var cont: Boolean; URL, FileName: String; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF EXTENSION}Init; ShowSettingsForm(nil); { //writeln(DirectorySeperator); URL := ''; onOpenConnection(URL, cont); onOpenConnection(URL, cont); FileName := ScriptPath + 'tmp.txt'; onOpenFile(FileName, cont); } Free; {$ENDIF} end.