program MSIUpdater; {$INCLUDE ..\Extensions\Updater.sei} procedure ClickMSI(Sender: TObject); begin if (not (FileExists(IncludePath + 'msi\RunMe.simba'))) then begin WriteLn('MSI: Couldn''t find MSI!'); Exit; end; if (TMenuItem(Sender).Caption = 'Run') then WriteLn('Running MSI...') else WriteLn('Opening MSI...'); OpenScriptEx(IncludePath + 'msi\RunMe.simba', (TMenuItem(Sender).Caption = 'Run')); end; procedure Init; var MSI, I: integer; MenuItems: array[0..1] of TMenuItem; Names: array of string; begin if (AddUpdater('MSI', '', '', IncludePath, True, True, MSI)) then begin Names := ['Run', 'Open']; for I := 0 to 1 do begin MenuItems[I] := TMenuItem.Create(UpdaterArr[MSI].MainMenu); MenuItems[I].OnClick := @ClickMSI; MenuItems[I].Caption := Names[I]; UpdaterArr[MSI].MainMenu.Insert(I, MenuItems[I]); end; end; end; function GetName: string; begin Result := 'MSI Updater'; end; function GetVersion: string; begin Result := '0.1'; end; begin end.