unit uPSR_dll; {$I PascalScript.inc} interface uses uPSRuntime, uPSUtils; procedure RegisterDLLRuntime(Caller: TPSExec); procedure RegisterDLLRuntimeEx(Caller: TPSExec; AddDllProcImport: Boolean); function ProcessDllImport(Caller: TPSExec; P: TPSExternalProcRec): Boolean; function ProcessDllImportEx(Caller: TPSExec; P: TPSExternalProcRec; ForceDelayLoad: Boolean): Boolean; function UnloadProc(Caller: TPSExec; p: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; implementation uses {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF Darwin} LCLIntf, Unix, baseunix, dynlibs, termio, sockets; {$ELSE} dl;{$IFNDEF FPC}, Windows{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Windows; {$ENDIF} { p^.Ext1 contains the pointer to the Proc function p^.ExportDecl: 'dll:'+DllName+#0+FunctionName+#0+chr(Cc)+Chr(DelayLoad)+Chr(AlternateSearchPath)+VarParams } type PLoadedDll = ^TLoadedDll; TLoadedDll = record dllnamehash: Longint; dllname: tbtstring; {$IFDEF LINUX} dllhandle: Pointer; {$ELSE} dllhandle: THandle; {$ENDIF} end; TMyExec = class(TPSExec); PInteger = ^Integer; procedure LAstErrorFree(Sender: TPSExec; P: PInteger); begin dispose(p); end; procedure DLLSetLastError(Sender: TPSExec; P: Integer); var pz: PInteger; begin pz := Sender.FindProcResource(@LastErrorFree); if pz = nil then begin new(pz); Sender.AddResource(@LastErrorFree, PZ); end; pz^ := p; end; function DLLGetLastError(Sender: TPSExec): Integer; var pz: PInteger; begin pz := Sender.FindProcResource(@LastErrorFree); if pz = nil then result := 0 else result := pz^; end; procedure DllFree(Sender: TPSExec; P: PLoadedDll); begin {$IFDEF LINUX} dlclose(p^.dllhandle); {$ELSE} FreeLibrary(p^.dllhandle); {$ENDIF} Dispose(p); end; function LoadDll(Caller: TPSExec; P: TPSExternalProcRec): Boolean; var s, s2, s3: tbtstring; h, i: Longint; ph: PLoadedDll; {$IFDEF LINUX} dllhandle: Pointer; {$ELSE} dllhandle: THandle; {$ENDIF} loadwithalteredsearchpath: Boolean; begin s := p.Decl; Delete(s, 1, 4); s2 := copy(s, 1, pos(tbtchar(#0), s)-1); delete(s, 1, length(s2)+1); h := makehash(s2); s3 := copy(s, 1, pos(tbtchar(#0), s)-1); delete(s, 1, length(s3)+1); loadwithalteredsearchpath := bytebool(s[3]); i := 2147483647; // maxint dllhandle := 0; repeat ph := Caller.FindProcResource2(@dllFree, i); if (ph = nil) then begin if s2 = '' then begin // don't pass an empty filename to LoadLibrary, just treat it as uncallable p.Ext2 := Pointer(1); Result := False; exit; end; {$IFDEF UNIX} {$IFDEF DARWIN} dllhandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(s2)); {$ELSE} dllhandle := dlopen(PChar(s2), RTLD_LAZY); {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} if loadwithalteredsearchpath then dllhandle := LoadLibraryExA(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(s2)), 0, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH) else dllhandle := LoadLibraryA(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(s2))); {$ENDIF} if dllhandle = {$IFDEF LINUX}nil{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}then begin p.Ext2 := Pointer(1); Result := False; exit; end; new(ph); ph^.dllnamehash := h; ph^.dllname := s2; ph^.dllhandle := dllhandle; Caller.AddResource(@DllFree, ph); end; if (ph^.dllnamehash = h) and (ph^.dllname = s2) then begin dllhandle := ph^.dllhandle; end; until dllhandle <> {$IFDEF LINUX}nil{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF LINUX} p.Ext1 := dlsym(dllhandle, pchar(s3)); {$ELSE} p.Ext1 := GetProcAddress(dllhandle, pansichar(s3)); {$ENDIF} if p.Ext1 = nil then begin p.Ext2 := Pointer(1); Result := false; exit; end; Result := True; end; function DllProc(Caller: TPSExec; p: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; var i: Longint; MyList: TIfList; n: PPSVariantIFC; CurrStack: Cardinal; cc: TPSCallingConvention; s: tbtstring; begin if p.Ext2 <> nil then // error begin Result := false; exit; end; if p.Ext1 = nil then begin if not LoadDll(Caller, P) then begin Result := false; exit; end; end; s := p.Decl; delete(S, 1, pos(tbtchar(#0), s)); delete(S, 1, pos(tbtchar(#0), s)); if length(S) < 2 then begin Result := False; exit; end; cc := TPSCallingConvention(s[1]); delete(s, 1, 3); // cc + delayload + alternatesearchpath (delayload might also be forced!) CurrStack := Cardinal(Stack.Count) - Cardinal(length(s)); if s[1] = #0 then inc(CurrStack); MyList := tIfList.Create; for i := 2 to length(s) do begin MyList.Add(nil); end; for i := length(s) downto 2 do begin MyList[i - 2] := NewPPSVariantIFC(Stack[CurrStack], s[i] <> #0); inc(CurrStack); end; if s[1] <> #0 then begin n := NewPPSVariantIFC(Stack[CurrStack], true); end else n := nil; try TMYExec(Caller).InnerfuseCall(nil, p.Ext1, cc, MyList, n); {$IFNDEF LINUX} DLLSetLastError(Caller, GetLastError); {$ENDIF} finally DisposePPSvariantIFC(n); DisposePPSVariantIFCList(MyList); end; result := true; end; function ProcessDllImport(Caller: TPSExec; P: TPSExternalProcRec): Boolean; begin Result := ProcessDllImportEx(Caller, P, False); end; function ProcessDllImportEx(Caller: TPSExec; P: TPSExternalProcRec; ForceDelayLoad: Boolean): Boolean; var DelayLoad: Boolean; s: tbtstring; begin if not ForceDelayLoad then begin s := p.Decl; Delete(s,1,pos(tbtchar(#0), s)); Delete(s,1,pos(tbtchar(#0), s)); DelayLoad := bytebool(s[2]); end else DelayLoad := True; if DelayLoad then begin p.ProcPtr := DllProc; Result := True; end else begin p.ProcPtr := DllProc; Result := LoadDll(Caller, p); end; end; function GetLastErrorProc(Caller: TPSExec; p: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; begin Stack.SetInt(-1, DLLGetLastError(Caller)); Result := true; end; function UnloadProc(Caller: TPSExec; p: TPSExternalProcRec; Global, Stack: TPSStack): Boolean; var h, i: Longint; pv: TPSProcRec; ph: PLoadedDll; sname, s: tbtstring; begin sname := Stack.GetAnsiString(-1); for i := Caller.GetProcCount -1 downto 0 do begin pv := Caller.GetProcNo(i); if not (pv is TPSExternalProcRec) then continue; if @TPSExternalProcRec(pv).ProcPtr <> @DllProc then continue; s := (TPSExternalProcRec(pv).Decl); delete(s,1,4); if copy(s,1,pos(tbtchar(#0),s)-1) = sname then begin TPSExternalProcRec(pv).Ext1 := nil; end; end; h := MakeHash(sname); i := 2147483647; // maxint repeat ph := Caller.FindProcResource2(@dllFree, i); if (ph = nil) then break; if (ph.dllnamehash = h) and (ph.dllname = sname) then begin {$IFDEF LINUX} dlclose(ph^.dllhandle); {$ELSE} FreeLibrary(ph^.dllhandle); {$ENDIF} Caller.DeleteResource(ph); dispose(ph); end; until false; result := true; end; procedure RegisterDLLRuntime(Caller: TPSExec); begin RegisterDLLRuntimeEx(Caller, True); end; procedure RegisterDLLRuntimeEx(Caller: TPSExec; AddDllProcImport: Boolean); begin if AddDllProcImport then Caller.AddSpecialProcImport('dll', @ProcessDllImport, nil); Caller.RegisterFunctionName('UNLOADDLL', UnloadProc, nil, nil); Caller.RegisterFunctionName('DLLGETLASTERROR', GetLastErrorProc, nil, nil); end; end.