{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. MMLPSThread for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit mmlpsthread; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, client, uPSComponent,uPSCompiler,uPSRuntime,stdCtrls, uPSPreProcessor,MufasaTypes, web,bitmaps; type { TMMLPSThread } TSyncInfo = record V : MufasaTypes.TVariantArray; MethodName : string; Res : Variant; SyncMethod : procedure of object; OldThread : TThread; PSScript : TPSScript; end; TWritelnProc = procedure(s: string); TDbgImgInfo = record DispSize : ^TPoint; ShowForm : procedure of object; ToDrawBitmap : ^TMufasaBitmap; DrawBitmap : procedure of object; end; PSyncInfo = ^TSyncInfo; TErrorType = (errRuntime,errCompile); TOnError = procedure (ErrorAtLine,ErrorPosition : integer; ErrorStr : string; ErrorType : TErrorType) of object; TExpMethod = record FuncDecl : string; FuncPtr : Pointer; end; TMMLPSThread = class(TThread) procedure OnProcessDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: string; var Continue: Boolean); procedure PSScriptProcessUnknowDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: string; var Continue: Boolean); private ScriptPath, AppPath : string; protected //DebugTo : TMemo; DebugTo: TWritelnProc; DebugImg : TDbgImgInfo; PluginsToload : Array of integer; FOnError : TOnError; procedure OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript); function RequireFile(Sender: TObject; const OriginFileName: String; var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean; procedure OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler); procedure OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec; x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); procedure OutputMessages; procedure OnThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); procedure Execute; override; public ExportedMethods : array of TExpMethod; PSScript : TPSScript; // Moved to public, as we can't kill it otherwise. Client : TClient; StartTime : LongWord; SyncInfo : PSyncInfo; //We need this for callthreadsafe property OnError : TOnError read FOnError write FOnError; procedure LoadMethods; procedure SetPSScript(Script : string); procedure SetDebug( writelnProc : TWritelnProc ); procedure SetDbgImg( DebugImageInfo : TDbgImgInfo); procedure SetPaths(ScriptP,AppP : string); constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean; TheSyncInfo : PSyncInfo); destructor Destroy; override; end; threadvar CurrThread : TMMLPSThread; implementation uses dtmutil, {$ifdef mswindows}windows,{$endif} uPSC_std, uPSC_controls,uPSC_classes,uPSC_graphics,uPSC_stdctrls,uPSC_forms, uPSC_extctrls, //Compile-libs uPSR_std, uPSR_controls,uPSR_classes,uPSR_graphics,uPSR_stdctrls,uPSR_forms, uPSR_extctrls, //Runtime-libs Graphics, //For Graphics types math, //Maths! strutils, colour_conv, input, forms,//Forms lclintf; // for GetTickCount and others. {Some General PS Functions here} procedure psWriteln(str : string); //{$IFDEF WINDOWS} begin if Assigned(CurrThread.DebugTo) then CurrThread.DebugTo(str) else writeln(str); {if CurrThread.DebugTo <> nil then begin; CurrThread.DebugTo.lines.add(str); CurrThread.DebugTo.Refresh; end; } end; //{$ELSE} //begin //writeln(str); //end; //{$ENDIF} function ThreadSafeCall(ProcName: string; var V: TVariantArray): Variant; begin; CurrThread.SyncInfo^.MethodName:= ProcName; CurrThread.SyncInfo^.V:= V; CurrThread.SyncInfo^.PSScript := CurrThread.PSScript; CurrThread.SyncInfo^.OldThread := CurrThread; CurrThread.Synchronize(CurrThread.SyncInfo^.SyncMethod); Result := CurrThread.SyncInfo^.Res; { Writeln('We have a length of: ' + inttostr(length(v))); Try Result := CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.RunProcPVar(v,CurrThread.PSScript.Exec.GetProc(Procname)); Except Writeln('We has some errors :-('); end;} end; { Note to Raymond: For PascalScript, Create it on the .Create, Execute it on the .Execute, and don't forget to Destroy it on .Destroy. Furthermore, all the wrappers can be in the unit "implementation" section. Better still to create an .inc for it, otherwise this unit will become huge. (You can even split up the .inc's in stuff like color, bitmap, etc. ) Also, don't add PS to this unit, but make a seperate unit for it. Unit "MMLPSThread", perhaps? See the TestUnit for use of this thread, it's pretty straightforward. It may also be wise to turn the "Importing of wrappers" into an include as well, it will really make the unit more straightforward to use and read. } constructor TMMLPSThread.Create(CreateSuspended : boolean; TheSyncInfo : PSyncInfo); begin SyncInfo:= TheSyncInfo; SetLength(PluginsToLoad,0); Client := TClient.Create; PSScript := TPSScript.Create(nil); PSScript.UsePreProcessor:= True; PSScript.OnNeedFile := @RequireFile; PSScript.OnProcessDirective:=@OnProcessDirective; PSScript.OnProcessUnknowDirective:=@PSScriptProcessUnknowDirective; PSScript.OnCompile:= @OnCompile; PSScript.OnCompImport:= @OnCompImport; PSScript.OnExecImport:= @OnExecImport; OnError:= nil; // Set some defines {$I PSInc/psdefines.inc} // Load the methods we're going to export Self.LoadMethods; FreeOnTerminate := True; Self.OnTerminate := @Self.OnThreadTerminate; inherited Create(CreateSuspended); end; procedure TMMLPSThread.OnThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); begin // Writeln('Terminating the thread'); end; destructor TMMLPSThread.Destroy; begin SetLength(PluginsToLoad,0); Client.Free; PSScript.Free; inherited; end; // include PS wrappers {$I PSInc/Wrappers/other.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/bitmap.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/window.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/colour.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/math.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/mouse.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/file.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/keyboard.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/dtm.inc} {$I PSInc/Wrappers/ocr.inc} procedure TMMLPSThread.OnProcessDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: string; var Continue: Boolean); begin end; procedure TMMLPSThread.PSScriptProcessUnknowDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: string; var Continue: Boolean); var TempNum : integer; I: integer; begin if DirectiveName= 'LOADDLL' then if DirectiveParam <> '' then begin; TempNum := PluginsGlob.LoadPlugin(DirectiveParam); if TempNum < 0 then psWriteln(Format('Your DLL %s has not been found',[DirectiveParam])) else begin; for i := High(PluginsToLoad) downto 0 do if PluginsToLoad[i] = TempNum then Exit; SetLength(PluginsToLoad,Length(PluginsToLoad)+1); PluginsToLoad[High(PluginsToLoad)] := TempNum; end; end; Continue:= True; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompile(Sender: TPSScript); var i,ii : integer; begin for i := high(PluginsToLoad) downto 0 do for ii := 0 to PluginsGlob.MPlugins[PluginsToLoad[i]].MethodLen - 1 do PSScript.AddFunctionEx(PluginsGlob.MPlugins[PluginsToLoad[i]].Methods[i].FuncPtr, PluginsGlob.MPlugins[PluginsToLoad[i]].Methods[i].FuncStr, cdStdCall); for i := 0 to high(VirtualKeys) do PSScript.Comp.AddConstantN(Format('VK_%S',[VirtualKeys[i].Str]),'Byte').SetInt(VirtualKeys[i].Key); // Here we add all the Consts/Types to the engine. {$I PSInc/pscompile.inc} //Export all the methods for i := 0 to high(ExportedMethods) do PSScript.AddFunction(ExportedMethods[i].FuncPtr,ExportedMethods[i].FuncDecl); end; function TMMLPSThread.RequireFile(Sender: TObject; const OriginFileName: String; var FileName, OutPut: string): Boolean; var path: string; f: TFileStream; begin if FileExists(FileName) then Path := FileName else Path := AppPath+ 'Includes' + DS + Filename; if not FileExists(Path) then begin; psWriteln(Path + ' doesn''t exist'); Result := false; Exit; end; try F := TFileStream.Create(Path, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); except Result := false; exit; end; try SetLength(Output, f.Size); f.Read(Output[1], Length(Output)); finally f.Free; end; Result := True; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.OnCompImport(Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler); begin SIRegister_Std(x); SIRegister_Controls(x); SIRegister_Classes(x, true); SIRegister_Graphics(x, true); SIRegister_stdctrls(x); SIRegister_Forms(x); SIRegister_ExtCtrls(x); end; procedure TMMLPSThread.OnExecImport(Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec; x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin RIRegister_Std(x); RIRegister_Classes(x, True); RIRegister_Controls(x); RIRegister_Graphics(x, True); RIRegister_stdctrls(x); RIRegister_Forms(x); RIRegister_ExtCtrls(x); end; procedure TMMLPSThread.OutputMessages; var l: Longint; b: Boolean; begin b := False; for l := 0 to PSScript.CompilerMessageCount - 1 do begin psWriteln(PSScript.CompilerErrorToStr(l)); if (not b) and (PSScript.CompilerMessages[l] is TIFPSPascalCompilerError) then begin b := True; if OnError <> nil then with PSScript.CompilerMessages[l] do OnError(Row, Pos, MessageToString,errCompile); end; end; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.Execute; begin CurrThread := Self; Starttime := lclintf.GetTickCount; try if PSScript.Compile then begin OutputMessages; psWriteln('Compiled succesfully in ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - Starttime) + ' ms.'); // if not (ScriptState = SCompiling) then if not PSScript.Execute then begin if OnError <> nil then OnError(PSScript.ExecErrorRow,PSScript.ExecErrorPosition,PSScript.ExecErrorToString,errRuntime); end else psWriteln('Succesfully executed'); end else begin OutputMessages; psWriteln('Compiling failed'); end; except on E : Exception do psWriteln('ERROR IN PSSCRIPT: ' + e.message); end; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.LoadMethods; var c : integer; procedure AddFunction( Ptr : Pointer; DeclStr : String); begin; // SetLength(ExportedMethods,c+1); if c >= 200 then raise exception.create('PSThread.LoadMethods: Exported more than 200 functions'); ExportedMethods[c].FuncDecl:= DeclStr; ExportedMethods[c].FuncPtr:= Ptr; inc(c); end; begin c := 0; SetLength(ExportedMethods,200); {$i PSInc/psexportedmethods.inc} SetLength(ExportedMethods,c); end; procedure TMMLPSThread.SetPSScript(Script: string); begin PSScript.Script.Text:= Script; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.SetDebug(writelnProc: TWritelnProc); begin DebugTo := writelnProc; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.SetDbgImg(DebugImageInfo: TDbgImgInfo); begin DebugImg := DebugImageInfo; end; procedure TMMLPSThread.SetPaths(ScriptP, AppP: string); begin AppPath:= AppP; ScriptPath:= ScriptP; end; { Include stuff here? } //{$I inc/colors.inc} //{$I inc/bitmaps.inc} end.