unit uPSComponent; {$I PascalScript.inc} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, uPSRuntime, uPSDebugger, uPSUtils, uPSCompiler, uPSC_dll, uPSR_dll, uPSPreProcessor; const {alias to @link(ifps3.cdRegister)} cdRegister = uPSRuntime.cdRegister; {alias to @link(ifps3.cdPascal)} cdPascal = uPSRuntime.cdPascal; CdCdecl = uPSRuntime.CdCdecl; CdStdCall = uPSRuntime.CdStdCall; type TPSScript = class; TDelphiCallingConvention = uPSRuntime.TPSCallingConvention; {Alias to @link(ifps3.TPSRuntimeClassImporter)} TPSRuntimeClassImporter = uPSRuntime.TPSRuntimeClassImporter; TPSPlugin = class(TComponent) public procedure CompOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); virtual; procedure ExecOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); virtual; procedure CompileImport1(CompExec: TPSScript); virtual; procedure CompileImport2(CompExec: TPSScript); virtual; procedure ExecImport1(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); virtual; procedure ExecImport2(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); virtual; end; TIFPS3Plugin = class(TPSPlugin); TPSDllPlugin = class(TPSPlugin) public procedure CompOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure ExecOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); override; end; TIFPS3DllPlugin = class(TPSDllPlugin); TPSPluginItem = class(TCollectionItem) private FPlugin: TPSPlugin; procedure SetPlugin(const Value: TPSPlugin); protected function GetDisplayName: string; override; public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; //Birb published property Plugin: TPSPlugin read FPlugin write SetPlugin; end; TIFPS3CEPluginItem = class(TPSPluginItem); TPSPlugins = class(TCollection) private FCompExec: TPSScript; protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; public constructor Create(CE: TPSScript); end; TIFPS3CEPlugins = class(TPSPlugins); TPSOnGetNotVariant = function (Sender: TPSScript; const Name: tbtstring): Variant of object; TPSOnSetNotVariant = procedure (Sender: TPSScript; const Name: tbtstring; V: Variant) of object; TPSCompOptions = set of (icAllowNoBegin, icAllowUnit, icAllowNoEnd, icBooleanShortCircuit); TPSVerifyProc = procedure (Sender: TPSScript; Proc: TPSInternalProcedure; const Decl: tbtstring; var Error: Boolean) of object; TPSEvent = procedure (Sender: TPSScript) of object; TPSOnCompImport = procedure (Sender: TObject; x: TPSPascalCompiler) of object; TPSOnExecImport = procedure (Sender: TObject; se: TPSExec; x: TPSRuntimeClassImporter) of object; {Script engine event function} TPSOnNeedFile = function (Sender: TObject; const OrginFileName: tbtstring; var FileName, Output: tbtstring): Boolean of object; TPSOnProcessDirective = procedure ( Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; Var Continue: Boolean) of Object; // jgv TPSScript = class(TComponent) private FOnGetNotificationVariant: TPSOnGetNotVariant; FOnSetNotificationVariant: TPSOnSetNotVariant; FCanAdd: Boolean; FComp: TPSPascalCompiler; FCompOptions: TPSCompOptions; FExec: TPSDebugExec; FSuppressLoadData: Boolean; FScript: TStrings; FOnLine: TNotifyEvent; FUseDebugInfo: Boolean; FOnAfterExecute, FOnCompile, FOnExecute: TPSEvent; FOnCompImport: TPSOnCompImport; FOnExecImport: TPSOnExecImport; RI: TPSRuntimeClassImporter; FPlugins: TPSPlugins; FPP: TPSPreProcessor; FMainFileName: tbtstring; FOnNeedFile: TPSOnNeedFile; FUsePreProcessor: Boolean; FDefines: TStrings; FOnVerifyProc: TPSVerifyProc; FOnProcessDirective: TPSOnProcessDirective; FOnProcessUnknowDirective: TPSOnProcessDirective; FOnFindUnknownFile: TPSOnNeedFile; function GetRunning: Boolean; procedure SetScript(const Value: TStrings); function GetCompMsg(i: Integer): TPSPascalCompilerMessage; function GetCompMsgCount: Longint; function GetAbout: tbtstring; function ScriptUses(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: tbtstring): Boolean; function GetExecErrorByteCodePosition: Cardinal; function GetExecErrorCode: TIFError; function GetExecErrorParam: tbtstring; function GetExecErrorProcNo: Cardinal; function GetExecErrorString: tbtstring; function GetExecErrorPosition: Cardinal; function GetExecErrorCol: Cardinal; function GetExecErrorRow: Cardinal; function GetExecErrorFileName: tbtstring; procedure SetDefines(const Value: TStrings); protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; protected //jgv move where private before - not very usefull procedure OnLineEvent; virtual; procedure SetMainFileName(const Value: tbtstring); virtual; //--jgv new function DoOnNeedFile (Sender: TObject; const OrginFileName: tbtstring; var FileName, Output: tbtstring): Boolean; virtual; function DoOnUnknowUses (Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: tbtstring): Boolean; virtual; // return true if processed procedure DoOnCompImport; virtual; procedure DoOnCompile; virtual; function DoVerifyProc (Sender: TPSScript; Proc: TPSInternalProcedure; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; virtual; procedure DoOnExecImport (RunTimeImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); virtual; procedure DoOnExecute (RunTimeImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); virtual; procedure DoAfterExecute; virtual; function DoOnGetNotificationVariant (const Name: tbtstring): Variant; virtual; procedure DoOnSetNotificationVariant (const Name: tbtstring; V: Variant); virtual; procedure DoOnProcessDirective (Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; Var Continue: Boolean); virtual; procedure DoOnProcessUnknowDirective (Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; Var Continue: Boolean); virtual; public property RuntimeImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter read RI; function FindNamedType(const Name: tbtstring): TPSTypeRec; function FindBaseType(Bt: TPSBaseType): TPSTypeRec; property SuppressLoadData: Boolean read FSuppressLoadData write FSuppressLoadData; function LoadExec: Boolean; procedure Stop; virtual; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function Compile: Boolean; virtual; function Execute: Boolean; virtual; property Running: Boolean read GetRunning; procedure GetCompiled(var data: tbtstring); procedure SetCompiled(const Data: tbtstring); property Comp: TPSPascalCompiler read FComp; property Exec: TPSDebugExec read FExec; property CompilerMessageCount: Longint read GetCompMsgCount; property CompilerMessages[i: Longint]: TPSPascalCompilerMessage read GetCompMsg; function CompilerErrorToStr(I: Longint): tbtstring; property ExecErrorCode: TIFError read GetExecErrorCode; property ExecErrorParam: tbtstring read GetExecErrorParam; property ExecErrorToString: tbtstring read GetExecErrorString; property ExecErrorProcNo: Cardinal read GetExecErrorProcNo; property ExecErrorByteCodePosition: Cardinal read GetExecErrorByteCodePosition; property ExecErrorPosition: Cardinal read GetExecErrorPosition; property ExecErrorRow: Cardinal read GetExecErrorRow; property ExecErrorCol: Cardinal read GetExecErrorCol; property ExecErrorFileName: tbtstring read GetExecErrorFileName; function AddFunctionEx(Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring; CallingConv: TDelphiCallingConvention): Boolean; function AddFunction(Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; function AddMethodEx(Slf, Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring; CallingConv: TDelphiCallingConvention): Boolean; function AddMethod(Slf, Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; function AddRegisteredVariable(const VarName, VarType: tbtstring): Boolean; function AddNotificationVariant(const VarName: tbtstring): Boolean; function AddRegisteredPTRVariable(const VarName, VarType: tbtstring): Boolean; function GetVariable(const Name: tbtstring): PIFVariant; function SetVarToInstance(const VarName: tbtstring; cl: TObject): Boolean; procedure SetPointerToData(const VarName: tbtstring; Data: Pointer; aType: TIFTypeRec); function TranslatePositionPos(Proc, Position: Cardinal; var Pos: Cardinal; var fn: tbtstring): Boolean; function TranslatePositionRC(Proc, Position: Cardinal; var Row, Col: Cardinal; var fn: tbtstring): Boolean; function GetProcMethod(const ProcName: tbtstring): TMethod; function ExecuteFunction(const Params: array of Variant; const ProcName: tbtstring): Variant; published property About: tbtstring read GetAbout stored false; property Script: TStrings read FScript write SetScript; property CompilerOptions: TPSCompOptions read FCompOptions write FCompOptions; property OnLine: TNotifyEvent read FOnLine write FOnLine; property OnCompile: TPSEvent read FOnCompile write FOnCompile; property OnExecute: TPSEvent read FOnExecute write FOnExecute; property OnAfterExecute: TPSEvent read FOnAfterExecute write FOnAfterExecute; property OnCompImport: TPSOnCompImport read FOnCompImport write FOnCompImport; property OnExecImport: TPSOnExecImport read FOnExecImport write FOnExecImport; property UseDebugInfo: Boolean read FUseDebugInfo write FUseDebugInfo default True; property Plugins: TPSPlugins read FPlugins write FPlugins; property MainFileName: tbtstring read FMainFileName write SetMainFileName; property UsePreProcessor: Boolean read FUsePreProcessor write FUsePreProcessor; property OnNeedFile: TPSOnNeedFile read FOnNeedFile write FOnNeedFile; property Defines: TStrings read FDefines write SetDefines; property OnVerifyProc: TPSVerifyProc read FOnVerifyProc write FOnVerifyProc; property OnGetNotificationVariant: TPSOnGetNotVariant read FOnGetNotificationVariant write FOnGetNotificationVariant; property OnSetNotificationVariant: TPSOnSetNotVariant read FOnSetNotificationVariant write FOnSetNotificationVariant; property OnFindUnknownFile: TPSOnNeedFile read FOnFindUnknownFile write FOnFindUnknownFile; published //-- jgv property OnProcessDirective: TPSOnProcessDirective read FOnProcessDirective write FOnProcessDirective; property OnProcessUnknowDirective: TPSOnProcessDirective read FOnProcessUnknowDirective write FOnProcessUnknowDirective; end; TIFPS3CompExec = class(TPSScript); TPSBreakPointInfo = class private FLine: Longint; FFileNameHash: Longint; FFileName: tbtstring; procedure SetFileName(const Value: tbtstring); public property FileName: tbtstring read FFileName write SetFileName; property FileNameHash: Longint read FFileNameHash; property Line: Longint read FLine write FLine; end; TPSOnLineInfo = procedure (Sender: TObject; const FileName: tbtstring; Position, Row, Col: Cardinal) of object; TPSScriptDebugger = class(TPSScript) private FOnIdle: TNotifyEvent; FBreakPoints: TIFList; FOnLineInfo: TPSOnLineInfo; FLastRow: Cardinal; FOnBreakpoint: TPSOnLineInfo; function GetBreakPoint(I: Integer): TPSBreakPointInfo; function GetBreakPointCount: Longint; protected procedure SetMainFileName(const Value: tbtstring); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Pause; virtual; procedure Resume; virtual; procedure StepInto; virtual; procedure StepOver; virtual; procedure SetBreakPoint(const Fn: tbtstring; Line: Longint); procedure ClearBreakPoint(const Fn: tbtstring; Line: Longint); property BreakPointCount: Longint read GetBreakPointCount; property BreakPoint[I: Longint]: TPSBreakPointInfo read GetBreakPoint; function HasBreakPoint(const Fn: tbtstring; Line: Longint): Boolean; procedure ClearBreakPoints; function GetVarContents(const Name: tbtstring): tbtstring; published property OnIdle: TNotifyEvent read FOnIdle write FOnIdle; property OnLineInfo: TPSOnLineInfo read FOnLineInfo write FOnLineInfo; property OnBreakpoint: TPSOnLineInfo read FOnBreakpoint write FOnBreakpoint; end; TIFPS3DebugCompExec = class(TPSScriptDebugger); TPSCustumPlugin = class(TPSPlugin) private FOnCompileImport2: TPSEvent; FOnExecOnUses: TPSEvent; FOnCompOnUses: TPSEvent; FOnCompileImport1: TPSEvent; FOnExecImport1: TPSOnExecImport; FOnExecImport2: TPSOnExecImport; public procedure CompOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure ExecOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure CompileImport1(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure CompileImport2(CompExec: TPSScript); override; procedure ExecImport1(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); override; procedure ExecImport2(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); override; public published property OnCompOnUses : TPSEvent read FOnCompOnUses write FOnCompOnUses; property OnExecOnUses: TPSEvent read FOnExecOnUses write FOnExecOnUses; property OnCompileImport1: TPSEvent read FOnCompileImport1 write FOnCompileImport1; property OnCompileImport2: TPSEvent read FOnCompileImport2 write FOnCompileImport2; property OnExecImport1: TPSOnExecImport read FOnExecImport1 write FOnExecImport1; property OnExecImport2: TPSOnExecImport read FOnExecImport2 write FOnExecImport2; end; implementation {$IFDEF DELPHI3UP } resourceString {$ELSE } const {$ENDIF } RPS_UnableToReadVariant = 'Unable to read variant'; RPS_UnableToWriteVariant = 'Unable to write variant'; RPS_ScripEngineAlreadyRunning = 'Script engine already running'; RPS_ScriptNotCompiled = 'Script is not compiled'; RPS_NotRunning = 'Not running'; RPS_UnableToFindVariable = 'Unable to find variable'; RPS_UnknownIdentifier = 'Unknown Identifier'; RPS_NoScript = 'No script'; function MyGetVariant(Sender: TPSExec; const Name: tbtstring): Variant; begin Result := TPSScript (Sender.Id).DoOnGetNotificationVariant(Name); end; procedure MySetVariant(Sender: TPSExec; const Name: tbtstring; V: Variant); begin TPSScript (Sender.Id).DoOnSetNotificationVariant(Name, V); end; function CompScriptUses(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := TPSScript(Sender.ID).ScriptUses(Sender, Name); end; procedure ExecOnLine(Sender: TPSExec); begin if assigned(TPSScript(Sender.ID).FOnLine) then begin TPSScript(Sender.ID).OnLineEvent; end; end; function CompExportCheck(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; Proc: TPSInternalProcedure; const ProcDecl: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := TPSScript(Sender.ID).DoVerifyProc (Sender.ID, Proc, ProcDecl); end; procedure callObjectOnProcessDirective ( Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; Var Continue: Boolean); begin TPSScript (Sender.ID).DoOnProcessUnknowDirective(Sender, Parser, Active, DirectiveName, DirectiveParam, Continue); end; procedure callObjectOnProcessUnknowDirective ( Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; Var Continue: Boolean); begin TPSScript (Sender.ID).DoOnProcessDirective(Sender, Parser, Active, DirectiveName, DirectiveParam, Continue); end; { TPSPlugin } procedure TPSPlugin.CompileImport1(CompExec: TPSScript); begin // do nothing end; procedure TPSPlugin.CompileImport2(CompExec: TPSScript); begin // do nothing end; procedure TPSPlugin.CompOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); begin // do nothing end; procedure TPSPlugin.ExecImport1(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin // do nothing end; procedure TPSPlugin.ExecImport2(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin // do nothing end; procedure TPSPlugin.ExecOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); begin // do nothing end; { TPSScript } function TPSScript.AddFunction(Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := AddFunctionEx(Ptr, Decl, cdRegister); end; function TPSScript.AddFunctionEx(Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring; CallingConv: TDelphiCallingConvention): Boolean; var P: TPSRegProc; begin if not FCanAdd then begin Result := False; exit; end; p := Comp.AddDelphiFunction(Decl); if p <> nil then begin Exec.RegisterDelphiFunction(Ptr, p.Name, CallingConv); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function TPSScript.AddRegisteredVariable(const VarName, VarType: tbtstring): Boolean; var FVar: TPSVar; begin if not FCanAdd then begin Result := False; exit; end; FVar := FComp.AddUsedVariableN(varname, vartype); if fvar = nil then result := False else begin fvar.exportname := fvar.Name; Result := True; end; end; function CENeedFile(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; const callingfilename: tbtstring; var FileName, Output: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := TPSScript (Sender.ID).DoOnNeedFile(Sender.ID, CallingFileName, FileName, Output); end; procedure CompTranslateLineInfo(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; var Pos, Row, Col: Cardinal; var Name: tbtstring); var res: TPSLineInfoResults; begin if TPSScript(Sender.ID).FPP.CurrentLineInfo.GetLineInfo(Name, Pos, Res) then begin Pos := Res.Pos; Row := Res.Row; Col := Res.Col; Name := Res.Name; end; end; function TPSScript.Compile: Boolean; var i: Longint; dta: tbtstring; begin FExec.Clear; FExec.CMD_Err(erNoError); FExec.ClearspecialProcImports; FExec.ClearFunctionList; if ri <> nil then begin RI.Free; RI := nil; end; RI := TPSRuntimeClassImporter.Create; for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil) and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecImport1(Self, ri); end; DoOnExecImport (RI); for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecImport2(Self, ri); end; RegisterClassLibraryRuntime(Exec, RI); for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecOnUses(Self); end; FCanAdd := True; FComp.BooleanShortCircuit := icBooleanShortCircuit in FCompOptions; FComp.AllowNoBegin := icAllowNoBegin in FCompOptions; FComp.AllowUnit := icAllowUnit in FCompOptions; FComp.AllowNoEnd := icAllowNoEnd in FCompOptions; if FUsePreProcessor then begin FPP.Clear; FPP.Defines.Assign(FDefines); FComp.OnTranslateLineInfo := CompTranslateLineInfo; Fpp.OnProcessDirective := callObjectOnProcessDirective; Fpp.OnProcessUnknowDirective := callObjectOnProcessUnknowDirective; Fpp.MainFile := FScript.Text; Fpp.MainFileName := FMainFileName; Fpp.PreProcess(FMainFileName, dta); if FComp.Compile(dta) then begin FCanAdd := False; if (not SuppressLoadData) and (not LoadExec) then begin Result := False; end else Result := True; end else Result := False; Fpp.AdjustMessages(Comp); end else begin FComp.OnTranslateLineInfo := nil; if FComp.Compile(FScript.Text) then begin FCanAdd := False; if not LoadExec then begin Result := False; end else Result := True; end else Result := False; end; end; function TPSScript.CompilerErrorToStr(I: Integer): tbtstring; begin Result := CompilerMessages[i].MessageToString; end; constructor TPSScript.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FComp := TPSPascalCompiler.Create; FExec := TPSDebugExec.Create; FScript := TStringList.Create; FPlugins := TPSPlugins.Create(self); FComp.ID := Self; FComp.OnUses := CompScriptUses; FComp.OnExportCheck := CompExportCheck; FExec.Id := Self; FExec.OnRunLine:= ExecOnLine; FExec.OnGetNVariant := MyGetVariant; FExec.OnSetNVariant := MySetVariant; FUseDebugInfo := True; FPP := TPSPreProcessor.Create; FPP.Id := Self; FPP.OnNeedFile := CENeedFile; FDefines := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TPSScript.Destroy; begin FDefines.Free; FPP.Free; RI.Free; FPlugins.Free; FPlugins := nil; FScript.Free; FExec.Free; FComp.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TPSScript.Execute: Boolean; begin if Running then raise Exception.Create(RPS_ScripEngineAlreadyRunning); if SuppressLoadData then LoadExec; DoOnExecute (RI); FExec.DebugEnabled := FUseDebugInfo; Result := FExec.RunScript and (FExec.ExceptionCode = erNoError) ; DoAfterExecute; end; function TPSScript.GetAbout: tbtstring; begin Result := TPSExec.About; end; procedure TPSScript.GetCompiled(var data: tbtstring); begin if not FComp.GetOutput(Data) then raise Exception.Create(RPS_ScriptNotCompiled); end; function TPSScript.GetCompMsg(i: Integer): TPSPascalCompilerMessage; begin Result := FComp.Msg[i]; end; function TPSScript.GetCompMsgCount: Longint; begin Result := FComp.MsgCount; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorByteCodePosition: Cardinal; begin Result := Exec.ExceptionPos; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorCode: TIFError; begin Result := Exec.ExceptionCode; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorParam: tbtstring; begin Result := Exec.ExceptionString; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorPosition: Cardinal; begin Result := FExec.TranslatePosition(Exec.ExceptionProcNo, Exec.ExceptionPos); end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorProcNo: Cardinal; begin Result := Exec.ExceptionProcNo; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorString: tbtstring; begin Result := TIFErrorToString(Exec.ExceptionCode, Exec.ExceptionString); end; function TPSScript.GetVariable(const Name: tbtstring): PIFVariant; begin Result := FExec.GetVar2(name); end; function TPSScript.LoadExec: Boolean; var s: tbtstring; begin if (not FComp.GetOutput(s)) or (not FExec.LoadData(s)) then begin Result := False; exit; end; if FUseDebugInfo then begin FComp.GetDebugOutput(s); FExec.LoadDebugData(s); end; Result := True; end; function TPSScript.ScriptUses(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: tbtstring): Boolean; var i: Longint; begin if Name = 'SYSTEM' then begin for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.CompOnUses(Self); end; for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.CompileImport1(self); end; DoOnCompImport; for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.CompileImport2(Self); end; DoOnCompile; Result := true; for i := 0 to Sender.MsgCount -1 do begin if Sender.Msg[i] is TPSPascalCompilerError then Result := false; end; end else begin Result := DoOnUnknowUses (Sender, Name); { If Not Result then Sender.MakeError('', ecUnknownIdentifier, Name);} end; end; procedure TPSScript.SetCompiled(const Data: tbtstring); var i: Integer; begin FExec.Clear; FExec.ClearspecialProcImports; FExec.ClearFunctionList; if ri <> nil then begin RI.Free; RI := nil; end; RI := TPSRuntimeClassImporter.Create; for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecImport1(Self, ri); end; DoOnExecImport(RI); for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecImport2(Self, ri); end; RegisterClassLibraryRuntime(Exec, RI); for i := 0 to FPlugins.Count -1 do begin if (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]) <> nil)and (TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin <> nil) then TPSPluginItem(FPlugins.Items[i]).Plugin.ExecOnUses(Self); end; if not FExec.LoadData(Data) then raise Exception.Create(GetExecErrorString); end; function TPSScript.SetVarToInstance(const VarName: tbtstring; cl: TObject): Boolean; var p: PIFVariant; begin p := GetVariable(VarName); if p <> nil then begin SetVariantToClass(p, cl); result := true; end else result := false; end; procedure TPSScript.SetScript(const Value: TStrings); begin FScript.Assign(Value); end; function TPSScript.AddMethod(Slf, Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := AddMethodEx(Slf, Ptr, Decl, cdRegister); end; function TPSScript.AddMethodEx(Slf, Ptr: Pointer; const Decl: tbtstring; CallingConv: TDelphiCallingConvention): Boolean; var P: TPSRegProc; begin if not FCanAdd then begin Result := False; exit; end; p := Comp.AddDelphiFunction(Decl); if p <> nil then begin Exec.RegisterDelphiMethod(Slf, Ptr, p.Name, CallingConv); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; procedure TPSScript.OnLineEvent; begin if @FOnLine <> nil then FOnLine(Self); end; function TPSScript.GetRunning: Boolean; begin Result := FExec.Status = isRunning; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorCol: Cardinal; var s: tbtstring; D1: Cardinal; begin if not TranslatePositionRC(Exec.ExceptionProcNo, Exec.ExceptionPos, D1, Result, s) then Result := 0; end; function TPSScript.TranslatePositionPos(Proc, Position: Cardinal; var Pos: Cardinal; var fn: tbtstring): Boolean; var D1, D2: Cardinal; begin Result := Exec.TranslatePositionEx(Exec.ExceptionProcNo, Exec.ExceptionPos, Pos, D1, D2, fn); end; function TPSScript.TranslatePositionRC(Proc, Position: Cardinal; var Row, Col: Cardinal; var fn: tbtstring): Boolean; var d1: Cardinal; begin Result := Exec.TranslatePositionEx(Proc, Position, d1, Row, Col, fn); end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorRow: Cardinal; var D1: Cardinal; s: tbtstring; begin if not TranslatePositionRC(Exec.ExceptionProcNo, Exec.ExceptionPos, Result, D1, s) then Result := 0; end; procedure TPSScript.Stop; begin if (FExec.Status = isRunning) or (Fexec.Status = isPaused) then FExec.Stop else raise Exception.Create(RPS_NotRunning); end; function TPSScript.GetProcMethod(const ProcName: tbtstring): TMethod; begin Result := FExec.GetProcAsMethodN(ProcName) end; procedure TPSScript.SetMainFileName(const Value: tbtstring); begin FMainFileName := Value; end; function TPSScript.GetExecErrorFileName: tbtstring; var D1, D2: Cardinal; begin if not TranslatePositionRC(Exec.ExceptionProcNo, Exec.ExceptionPos, D1, D2, Result) then Result := ''; end; procedure TPSScript.SetPointerToData(const VarName: tbtstring; Data: Pointer; aType: TIFTypeRec); var v: PIFVariant; t: TPSVariantIFC; begin v := GetVariable(VarName); if (Atype = nil) or (v = nil) then raise Exception.Create(RPS_UnableToFindVariable); t.Dta := @PPSVariantData(v).Data; t.aType := v.FType; t.VarParam := false; VNSetPointerTo(t, Data, aType); end; function TPSScript.AddRegisteredPTRVariable(const VarName, VarType: tbtstring): Boolean; var FVar: TPSVar; begin if not FCanAdd then begin Result := False; exit; end; FVar := FComp.AddUsedVariableN(varname, vartype); if fvar = nil then result := False else begin fvar.exportname := fvar.Name; fvar.SaveAsPointer := true; Result := True; end; end; procedure TPSScript.SetDefines(const Value: TStrings); begin FDefines.Assign(Value); end; function TPSScript.ExecuteFunction(const Params: array of Variant; const ProcName: tbtstring): Variant; begin if SuppressLoadData then LoadExec; DoOnExecute (RI); FExec.DebugEnabled := FUseDebugInfo; Result := Exec.RunProcPN(Params, ProcName); DoAfterExecute; end; function TPSScript.FindBaseType(Bt: TPSBaseType): TPSTypeRec; begin Result := Exec.FindType2(Bt); end; function TPSScript.FindNamedType(const Name: tbtstring): TPSTypeRec; begin Result := Exec.GetTypeNo(Exec.GetType(Name)); end; procedure TPSScript.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); var i: Longint; begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (aComponent is TPSPlugin) then begin for i := Plugins.Count -1 downto 0 do begin if (Plugins.Items[i] as TPSPluginItem).Plugin = aComponent then {$IFDEF FPC_COL_NODELETE} TCollectionItem(Plugins.Items[i]).Free; {$ELSE} Plugins.Delete(i); {$ENDIF} end; end; end; function TPSScript.AddNotificationVariant(const VarName: tbtstring): Boolean; begin Result := AddRegisteredVariable(VarName, '!NOTIFICATIONVARIANT'); end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnProcessDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; var Continue: Boolean); begin If Assigned (OnProcessDirective) then OnProcessDirective (Sender, Parser, Active, DirectiveName, DirectiveParam, Continue); end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnProcessUnknowDirective(Sender: TPSPreProcessor; Parser: TPSPascalPreProcessorParser; const Active: Boolean; const DirectiveName, DirectiveParam: tbtstring; var Continue: Boolean); begin If Assigned (OnProcessUnknowDirective) then OnProcessUnknowDirective (Sender, Parser, Active, DirectiveName, DirectiveParam, Continue); end; function TPSScript.DoOnNeedFile(Sender: TObject; const OrginFileName: tbtstring; var FileName, Output: tbtstring): Boolean; begin If Assigned (OnNeedFile) then Result := OnNeedFile(Sender, OrginFileName, FileName, Output) else Result := False; end; function TPSScript.DoOnUnknowUses(Sender: TPSPascalCompiler; const Name: tbtstring): Boolean; var lPrevAllowUnit: Boolean; lData, lName: tbtstring; begin if assigned(FOnFindUnknownFile) then begin lName := Name; if FOnFindUnknownFile(self, '', lName, lData) then begin lPrevAllowUnit := FComp.AllowUnit; FComp.AllowUnit := true; if FUsePreProcessor then begin FPP.Defines.Assign(FDefines); Fpp.MainFile := lData; Fpp.MainFileName := lName; Fpp.PreProcess(lName, lData); Result := FComp.Compile(lData); Fpp.AdjustMessages(FComp); end else begin FComp.OnTranslateLineInfo := nil; Result := FComp.Compile(lData); end; FComp.AllowUnit := lPrevAllowUnit; end else begin FComp.MakeError(FComp.UnitName, ecUnknownIdentifier, lName); Result := false; end; end else begin FComp.MakeError(FComp.UnitName, ecUnknownIdentifier, lName); result := false; end; end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnCompImport; begin if assigned(OnCompImport) then OnCompImport(Self, Comp); end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnCompile; begin if assigned(OnCompile) then OnCompile(Self); end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnExecute; begin If Assigned (OnExecute) then OnExecute (Self); end; procedure TPSScript.DoAfterExecute; begin if Assigned (OnAfterExecute) then OnAfterExecute(Self); end; function TPSScript.DoVerifyProc(Sender: TPSScript; Proc: TPSInternalProcedure; const Decl: tbtstring): Boolean; begin if Assigned(OnVerifyProc) then begin Result := false; OnVerifyProc(Sender, Proc, Decl, Result); Result := not Result; end else Result := True; end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnExecImport( RunTimeImporter: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin if assigned(OnExecImport) then OnExecImport(Self, FExec, RunTimeImporter); end; function TPSScript.DoOnGetNotificationVariant(const Name: tbtstring): Variant; begin if Not Assigned (OnGetNotificationVariant) then raise Exception.Create(RPS_UnableToReadVariant); Result := OnGetNotificationVariant(Self, Name); end; procedure TPSScript.DoOnSetNotificationVariant(const Name: tbtstring; V: Variant); begin if Not Assigned (OnSetNotificationVariant) then raise Exception.Create(RPS_UnableToWriteVariant); OnSetNotificationVariant(Self, Name, v); end; { TPSDllPlugin } procedure TPSDllPlugin.CompOnUses; begin CompExec.Comp.OnExternalProc := DllExternalProc; end; procedure TPSDllPlugin.ExecOnUses; begin RegisterDLLRuntime(CompExec.Exec); end; { TPS3DebugCompExec } procedure LineInfo(Sender: TPSDebugExec; const FileName: tbtstring; Position, Row, Col: Cardinal); var Dc: TPSScriptDebugger; h, i: Longint; bi: TPSBreakPointInfo; lFileName: tbtstring; begin Dc := Sender.Id; if FileName = '' then lFileName := dc.MainFileName else lFileName := FileName; if @dc.FOnLineInfo <> nil then dc.FOnLineInfo(dc, lFileName, Position, Row, Col); if row = dc.FLastRow then exit; dc.FLastRow := row; h := MakeHash(lFileName); bi := nil; for i := DC.FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin bi := Dc.FBreakpoints[i]; if (h = bi.FileNameHash) and (lFileName = bi.FileName) and (Cardinal(bi.Line) = Row) then begin Break; end; Bi := nil; end; if bi <> nil then begin if @dc.FOnBreakpoint <> nil then dc.FOnBreakpoint(dc, lFileName, Position, Row, Col); dc.Pause; end; end; procedure IdleCall(Sender: TPSDebugExec); var Dc: TPSScriptDebugger; begin Dc := Sender.Id; if @dc.FOnIdle <> nil then dc.FOnIdle(DC) else dc.Exec.Run; end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.ClearBreakPoint(const Fn: tbtstring; Line: Integer); var h, i: Longint; bi: TPSBreakPointInfo; begin h := MakeHash(Fn); for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin bi := FBreakpoints[i]; if (h = bi.FileNameHash) and (Fn = bi.FileName) and (bi.Line = Line) then begin FBreakPoints.Delete(i); bi.Free; Break; end; end; end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.ClearBreakPoints; var i: Longint; begin for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do TPSBreakPointInfo(FBreakPoints[i]).Free; FBreakPoints.Clear;; end; constructor TPSScriptDebugger.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FBreakPoints := TIFList.Create; FExec.OnSourceLine := LineInfo; FExec.OnIdleCall := IdleCall; end; destructor TPSScriptDebugger.Destroy; var i: Longint; begin for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin TPSBreakPointInfo(FBreakPoints[i]).Free; end; FBreakPoints.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TPSScriptDebugger.GetBreakPoint(I: Integer): TPSBreakPointInfo; begin Result := FBreakPoints[i]; end; function TPSScriptDebugger.GetBreakPointCount: Longint; begin Result := FBreakPoints.Count; end; function TPSScriptDebugger.GetVarContents(const Name: tbtstring): tbtstring; var i: Longint; pv: PIFVariant; s1, s: tbtstring; begin s := Uppercase(Name); if pos('.', s) > 0 then begin s1 := copy(s,1,pos('.', s) -1); delete(s,1,pos('.', Name)); end else begin s1 := s; s := ''; end; pv := nil; for i := 0 to Exec.CurrentProcVars.Count -1 do begin if Uppercase(Exec.CurrentProcVars[i]) = s1 then begin pv := Exec.GetProcVar(i); break; end; end; if pv = nil then begin for i := 0 to Exec.CurrentProcParams.Count -1 do begin if Uppercase(Exec.CurrentProcParams[i]) = s1 then begin pv := Exec.GetProcParam(i); break; end; end; end; if pv = nil then begin for i := 0 to Exec.GlobalVarNames.Count -1 do begin if Uppercase(Exec.GlobalVarNames[i]) = s1 then begin pv := Exec.GetGlobalVar(i); break; end; end; end; if pv = nil then Result := RPS_UnknownIdentifier else Result := PSVariantToString(NewTPSVariantIFC(pv, False), s); end; function TPSScriptDebugger.HasBreakPoint(const Fn: tbtstring; Line: Integer): Boolean; var h, i: Longint; bi: TPSBreakPointInfo; begin h := MakeHash(Fn); for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin bi := FBreakpoints[i]; if (h = bi.FileNameHash) and (Fn = bi.FileName) and (bi.Line = Line) then begin Result := true; exit; end; end; Result := False; end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.Pause; begin if FExec.Status = isRunning then FExec.Pause else raise Exception.Create(RPS_NotRunning); end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.Resume; begin if FExec.Status = isRunning then FExec.Run else raise Exception.Create(RPS_NotRunning); end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.SetBreakPoint(const fn: tbtstring; Line: Integer); var i, h: Longint; BI: TPSBreakPointInfo; begin h := MakeHash(fn); for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin bi := FBreakpoints[i]; if (h = bi.FileNameHash) and (fn = bi.FileName) and (bi.Line = Line) then exit; end; bi := TPSBreakPointInfo.Create; FBreakPoints.Add(bi); bi.FileName := fn; bi.Line := Line; end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.SetMainFileName(const Value: tbtstring); var OldFn: tbtstring; h1, h2,i: Longint; bi: TPSBreakPointInfo; begin OldFn := FMainFileName; inherited SetMainFileName(Value); h1 := MakeHash(OldFn); h2 := MakeHash(Value); if OldFn <> Value then begin for i := FBreakPoints.Count -1 downto 0 do begin bi := FBreakPoints[i]; if (bi.FileNameHash = h1) and (bi.FileName = OldFn) then begin bi.FFileNameHash := h2; bi.FFileName := Value; end else if (bi.FileNameHash = h2) and (bi.FileName = Value) then begin // It's already the new filename, that can't be right, so remove all the breakpoints there FBreakPoints.Delete(i); bi.Free; end; end; end; end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.StepInto; begin if (FExec.Status = isRunning) or (FExec.Status = isLoaded) then FExec.StepInto else raise Exception.Create(RPS_NoScript); end; procedure TPSScriptDebugger.StepOver; begin if (FExec.Status = isRunning) or (FExec.Status = isLoaded) then FExec.StepOver else raise Exception.Create(RPS_NoScript); end; { TPSPluginItem } procedure TPSPluginItem.Assign(Source: TPersistent); //Birb begin if Source is TPSPluginItem then plugin:=((source as TPSPluginItem).plugin) else inherited; end; function TPSPluginItem.GetDisplayName: string; begin if FPlugin <> nil then Result := string(FPlugin.Name) else Result := '<nil>'; end; procedure TPSPluginItem.SetPlugin(const Value: TPSPlugin); begin FPlugin := Value; If Value <> nil then Value.FreeNotification(TPSPlugins(Collection).FCompExec); Changed(False); end; { TPSPlugins } constructor TPSPlugins.Create(CE: TPSScript); begin inherited Create(TPSPluginItem); FCompExec := CE; end; function TPSPlugins.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FCompExec; end; { TPSBreakPointInfo } procedure TPSBreakPointInfo.SetFileName(const Value: tbtstring); begin FFileName := Value; FFileNameHash := MakeHash(Value); end; { TPSCustomPlugin } procedure TPSCustumPlugin.CompileImport1(CompExec: TPSScript); begin IF @FOnCompileImport1 <> nil then FOnCompileImport1(CompExec) else inherited; end; procedure TPSCustumPlugin.CompileImport2(CompExec: TPSScript); begin IF @FOnCompileImport2 <> nil then FOnCompileImport2(CompExec) else inherited; end; procedure TPSCustumPlugin.CompOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); begin IF @FOnCompOnUses <> nil then FOnCompOnUses(CompExec) else inherited; end; procedure TPSCustumPlugin.ExecImport1(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin IF @FOnExecImport1 <> nil then FOnExecImport1(CompExec, compExec.Exec, ri) else inherited; end; procedure TPSCustumPlugin.ExecImport2(CompExec: TPSScript; const ri: TPSRuntimeClassImporter); begin IF @FOnExecImport2 <> nil then FOnExecImport1(CompExec, compExec.Exec, ri) else inherited; end; procedure TPSCustumPlugin.ExecOnUses(CompExec: TPSScript); begin IF @FOnExecOnUses <> nil then FOnExecOnUses(CompExec) else inherited; end; end.