unit Window; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, mufasatypes, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} windows, // For windows API {$ENDIF} graphics, LCLType, LCLIntf // for ReleaseDC and such {$IFDEF LINUX}, xlib, x, xutil, ctypes{$ENDIF}; type { TMWindow } TMWindow = class(TObject) function GetColor(x,y : integer) : TColor; function ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; procedure FreeReturnData; procedure GetDimensions(var W, H: Integer); function CopyClientToBitmap(xs, ys, xe, ye: integer): TBitmap; procedure ActivateClient; {$IFDEF LINUX} function SetTarget(XWindow: x.TWindow): integer; overload; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function UpdateDrawBitmap:boolean; {$ENDIF} function SetTarget(Window: THandle; NewType: TTargetWindowMode): integer; overload; function SetTarget(ArrPtr: PRGB32; Size: TPoint): integer; overload; { Freeze Client Feature. This will force the MWindow unit to Store the current Client's data in whatever internal structure it will use, and returndata / copyclienttobitmap will not renew this data until Unfreeze() is called. } function Freeze: boolean; function Unfreeze: boolean; constructor Create(Client: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; private FreezeState: Boolean; FrozenData : PRGB32; FrozenSize : TPoint; public // Client Client: TObject; // Target Window Mode. TargetMode: TTargetWindowMode; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} //Target handle; HWND TargetHandle : Hwnd; DrawBmpDataPtr : PRGB32; //Works on linux as well, test it out TargetDC : HDC; DrawBitmap : TBitmap; DrawBmpW,DrawBmpH : integer; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} // X Display XDisplay: PDisplay; // Connection Number XConnectionNumber: Integer; // X Window CurWindow: x.TWindow; // Desktop Window DesktopWindow: x.TWindow; // X Screen XScreen: PScreen; // X Screen Number XScreenNum: Integer; // The X Image pointer. XWindowImage: PXImage; {$IFDEF M_MEMORY_DEBUG} // XImageFreed should be True if there is currently no // XImage loaded. If one is loaded, XImageFreed is true. // If ReturnData is called while XImageFreed is false, // we throw an exception. // Same for FreeReturnData with XImageFreed true. XImageFreed: Boolean; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} {$ENDIF} ArrayPtr: PRGB32; ArraySize: TPoint; property Frozen: boolean read FreezeState; end; implementation uses Client, // For the Client Class windowutil, // For utilities such as XImageToRawImage GraphType // For TRawImage ; constructor TMWindow.Create(Client: TObject); begin inherited Create; Self.Client := Client; Self.FrozenData:= nil; Self.FrozenSize := Classes.Point(-1,-1); Self.FreezeState :=False; Self.ArrayPtr := nil; Self.ArraySize := Classes.Point(-1, -1); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Self.DrawBitmap := TBitmap.Create; Self.DrawBitmap.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; Self.TargetMode:= w_Window; Self.TargetHandle:= windows.GetDesktopWindow; Self.TargetDC:= GetWindowDC(Self.TargetHandle); Self.UpdateDrawBitmap; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} Self.XImageFreed:=True; Self.TargetMode := w_XWindow; Self.XDisplay := XOpenDisplay(nil); if Self.XDisplay = nil then begin // throw Exception end; Self.XConnectionNumber:= ConnectionNumber(Self.XDisplay); Self.XScreen := XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(Self.XDisplay); Self.XScreenNum:= DefaultScreen(Self.XDisplay); // The Root Window is the Desktop. :-) Self.DesktopWindow:= RootWindow(Self.XDisplay, Self.XScreenNum); Self.CurWindow:= Self.DesktopWindow; {$ENDIF} end; destructor TMWindow.Destroy; begin if FrozenData <> nil then FreeMem(FrozenData); {$IFDEF LINUX} XCloseDisplay(Self.XDisplay); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if TargetMode = w_Window then ReleaseDC(TargetHandle,TargetDC); DrawBitmap.Free; {$ENDIF} inherited; end; function TMWindow.GetColor(x, y: integer): TColor; begin if Self.TargetMode = w_Window then Result := GetPixel(Self.TargetDC,x,y) else begin with ReturnData(x,y,1,1) do Result := RGBToColor(Ptr[0].r,Ptr[0].g,Ptr[0].b); FreeReturnData; end; end; function TMWindow.ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; var {$IFDEF LINUX} Old_Handler: TXErrorHandler; {$ENDIF} TmpData: PRGB32; w,h : integer; begin Self.GetDimensions(w,h); if (xs < 0) or (xs + width > w) or (ys < 0) or (ys + height > h) then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: The parameters passed are wrong; xs,ys %d,%d width,height %d,%d',[xs,ys,width,height]); if Self.Frozen then begin; TmpData := Self.FrozenData; Inc(TmpData, ys * width + xs); Result.Ptr:= tmpData; Result.IncPtrWith:= Self.FrozenSize.x - width; end else case Self.TargetMode of w_Window: begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} BitBlt(Self.DrawBitmap.Canvas.Handle,0,0, width, height, Self.TargetDC, xs,ys, SRCCOPY); Result.Ptr:= Self.DrawBmpDataPtr; Result.IncPtrWith:= DrawBmpW - Width; {$ENDIF} end; w_XWindow: begin {$IFDEF LINUX} { Should be this. } Old_Handler := XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); Self.XWindowImage := XGetImage(Self.XDisplay, Self.curWindow, xs, ys, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); if QWord(Self.XWindowImage) = 0 then begin Writeln('ReturnData: XGetImage Error. Dumping data now:'); Writeln('xs, ys, width, height: ' + inttostr(xs) + ', ' + inttostr(ys) + ', ' + inttostr(width) + ', ' + inttostr(height)); Result.Ptr := nil; Result.IncPtrWith := 0; XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); Exit; end; //WriteLn(IntToStr(Self.XWindowImage^.width) + ', ' + IntToStr(Self.XWindowImage^.height)); Result.Ptr := PRGB32(Self.XWindowImage^.data); Result.IncPtrWith := 0; Self.XImageFreed:=False; XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); {$ELSE} raise Exception.createFMT('ReturnData: You cannot use ' + 'the XImage mode on Windows.', []); {$ENDIF} end; w_ArrayPtr: begin // Copy the pointer as we will perform operations on it. TmpData := Self.ArrayPtr; // Increase the pointer to the specified start of the data. Inc(TmpData, ys * width + xs); Result.Ptr := TmpData; Result.IncPtrWith:= Self.ArraySize.x - width; end; end; end; procedure TMWindow.FreeReturnData; begin if (Self.TargetMode <> w_XWindow) or FreezeState then Exit; {$IFDEF LINUX} if not Self.XImageFreed then begin Self.XImageFreed:=True; if(QWord(Self.XWindowImage) <> 0) then // 0, nil? begin XDestroyImage(Self.XWindowImage); end; end; {$ENDIF} end; // This will draw the ENTIRE client to a bitmap. // And ReturnData / CopyClientToBitmap will always use this bitmap. // They must NEVER update, unless Unfreeze is called. // I am not entirely sure how to do this, yet. // Best option for now seems to copy the entire data to a PRGB32, // and use it like the ArrPtr mode. // I currently added "Frozen", "FreezeState", "Freeze" and "Unfreeze". // We will have to either "abuse" the current system, and set the client to // PtrArray mode, or edit in some extra variables. // (We will still need extra variables to remember the old mode, // to which we will switch back with Unfreeze.) // Several ways to do it, what's the best way? // Also, should a box be passed to Freeze, or should we just copy the entire // client? function TMWindow.Freeze: Boolean; var w,h,x,y : integer; PtrReturn : TRetData; begin if Self.FreezeState then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.Freeze: The window is already frozen.',[]); Result := true; Self.GetDimensions(w,h); Self.FrozenSize := Classes.Point(w,h); PtrReturn := Self.ReturnData(0,0,w,h); GetMem(Self.FrozenData, w * h * sizeof(TRGB32)); Move(PtrReturn.Ptr[0], FrozenData[0], w*h*sizeof(TRGB32)); Self.FreeReturnData; Self.FreezeState:=True; end; function TMWindow.Unfreeze: Boolean; begin if Self.FreezeState = false then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.Unfreeze: The window is not frozen.',[]); FreeMem(Self.FrozenData); Self.FrozenData := nil; Result := True; Self.FreezeState:=False; end; // Bugged. For params other than 0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight // if other type than w_XImage // Also possibly thread bugged function TMWindow.CopyClientToBitmap(xs, ys, xe, ye: integer): TBitmap; var w,h: Integer; ww, hh: Integer; Raw: TRawImage; Bmp: TBitmap; y : integer; TempData : PRGB32; {$IFDEF LINUX} Old_Handler: TXErrorHandler; Img: PXImage; {$ENDIF} begin Self.GetDimensions(w, h); writeln(inttostr(xs) + ', ' + inttostr(ys) + ' : ' + inttostr(xe) + ', ' + inttostr(ye)); ww := xe-xs; hh := ye-ys; if(xs < 0) or (ys < 0) or (xe > W) or (ye > H) then Raise Exception.CreateFMT('CopyClientToBitmap TMWindow: Faulty coordinates (%d,%d)(%d,%d); Width/Height is (%d,%d)',[xs,ys,xe,ye,w,h]); if Self.Frozen then begin; TempData:= GetMem((ww + 1) * (hh + 1) * sizeof(TRGB32)); for y := ys to ye do Move(Self.FrozenData[y*Self.FrozenSize.x],TempData[(y-ys) * (ww+1)],(ww+1) * SizeOf(TRGB32)); ArrDataToRawImage(TempData,Classes.Point(ww + 1,hh + 1),Raw); Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp.LoadFromRawImage(Raw,true); Result := bmp; end else case Self.TargetMode Of w_Window: begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := TBitmap.Create; Result.SetSize(ww+1,hh+1); BitBlt(result.canvas.handle,0,0,ww+1,hh+1, self.TargetDC,xs,ys, SRCCOPY); {$ENDIF} end; w_XWindow: begin {$IFDEF LINUX} Old_Handler := XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); Img := XGetImage(Self.XDisplay, Self.curWindow, xs, ys, ww, hh, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); XImageToRawImage(Img, Raw); Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp.LoadFromRawImage(Raw, False); Result := Bmp; { If you want to use some internal Bitmap system, BitBlt to it here. Don't forget to free Bmp! } //lclintf.BitBlt(Bmps[bitmap].Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ww + 1, hh + 1, Bmp.Canvas.Handle, xs, ys, SRCCOPY); //Bmp.Free; XDestroyImage(Img); XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); {$ELSE} raise Exception.createFMT('CopyClientToBitmap: You cannot use ' + 'the XImage mode on Windows.', []); {$ENDIF} end; w_ArrayPtr: begin // Will only work if the coords are 0, 0, w, h. // Otherwise, we will need to perform mem copy/move operations. // Copy it to a XImage-alike structure, // then pass it to ArrDataToRawImage. // Basically, Copy the data slices from the array into a XImage, // where the data IS aligned. TempData:= GetMem((ww + 1) * (hh + 1) * sizeof(trgb32)); for y := ys to ye do Move(Self.ArrayPtr[y*Self.ArraySize.x],TempData[(y-ys) * (ww+1)],(ww+1) * SizeOf(TRGB32)); ArrDataToRawImage(TempData,Classes.Point(ww+1,hh+1),Raw); Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Bmp.LoadFromRawImage(Raw,true); Result := bmp; end; end; end; procedure TMWindow.ActivateClient; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if TargetMode = w_Window then SetForegroundWindow(Self.TargetHandle); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LINUX} if TargetMode = w_XWindow then XSetInputFocus(Self.XDisplay,Self.CurWindow,RevertToParent,CurrentTime); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} //Probably need one for Linux as well function TMWindow.UpdateDrawBitmap :boolean; var w,h : integer; BmpInfo : Windows.TBitmap; begin GetDimensions(w,h); DrawBitmap.SetSize(w,h); // DrawBitmap.PixelFormat:= DrawBmpW := w; DrawBmpH := h; GetObject(DrawBitmap.Handle, SizeOf(BmpInfo), @BmpInfo); DrawBmpDataPtr := BmpInfo.bmBits; end; {$ENDIF} procedure TMWindow.GetDimensions(var W, H: Integer); {$IFDEF LINUX} var Attrib: TXWindowAttributes; newx,newy : integer; childwindow : x.TWindow; Old_Handler: TXErrorHandler; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var Rect : TRect; {$ENDIF} begin if Frozen then begin; w := FrozenSize.x; h := FrozenSize.y; end else case TargetMode of w_Window: begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} GetWindowRect(Self.TargetHandle, Rect); w:= Rect.Right - Rect.Left; h:= Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; {$ENDIF} end; w_XWindow: begin {$IFDEF LINUX} Old_Handler := XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); if XGetWindowAttributes(Self.XDisplay, Self.CurWindow, @Attrib) <> 0 Then begin XTranslateCoordinates(Self.XDisplay, Self.CurWindow, Self.DesktopWindow, 0,0, @newx, @newy, @childwindow); W := Attrib.Width; H := Attrib.Height; end else begin W := -1; H := -1; end; XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); {$ELSE} raise Exception.createFMT('GetDimensions: You cannot use ' + 'the XImage mode on Windows.', []); {$ENDIF} end; w_ArrayPtr: begin W := Self.ArraySize.X; H := Self.ArraySize.Y; end; end; end; {$IFDEF LINUX} function TMWindow.SetTarget(XWindow: x.TWindow): integer; overload; var Old_Handler: TXErrorHandler; begin if Self.Frozen then raise Exception.CreateFMT('You cannot set a target when Frozen',[]); Old_Handler := XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); Self.CurWindow := XWindow; Self.TargetMode:= w_XWindow; XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); end; {$ENDIF} function TMWindow.SetTarget(Window: THandle; NewType: TTargetWindowMode): integer; overload; begin if Self.Frozen then raise Exception.CreateFMT('You cannot set a target when Frozen',[]); if NewType in [ w_XWindow, w_ArrayPtr ] then raise Exception.createFMT('SetTarget: Invalid new type.', []); case NewType of w_Window : begin; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} ReleaseDC(Self.TargetHandle,Self.TargetDC); Self.TargetHandle := Window; Self.TargetDC := GetWindowDC(Window); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} UpdateDrawBitmap; {$ENDIF} end; { This functionality is very BETA. We have no way to send events to a window, so we should probably use the desktop window? eg: In mouse/keys: if Self.TargetMode not in [w_Window, w_XWindow], send it to the desktop. } function TMWindow.SetTarget(ArrPtr: PRGB32; Size: TPoint): integer; overload; begin if Self.Frozen then raise Exception.CreateFMT('You cannot set a target when Frozen',[]); If Self.TargetMode = w_XWindow then Self.FreeReturnData; Self.ArrayPtr := ArrPtr; Self.ArraySize := Size; Self.TargetMode:= w_ArrayPtr; {$IFDEF LINUX} Self.CurWindow := Self.DesktopWindow; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Self.TargetHandle:= windows.GetDesktopWindow; {$ENDIF} end; end.