Documentation Documentation =========================== This page is the documentation for the documentation. It is very important to know this by heart when you are writing documentation for Simba. Documentation system -------------------- The documentation system we use is sphinx. The link to sphinx can be found at the bottom of the page. .. note:: It is important to note that there is also a database SQL fulltext engine called Sphinx, but this is not the project we use. We use the Sphinx "documentation system" ( ) Building the documentation -------------------------- In the future, the online documentation will be refreshed every hour. However, if you want to build the documentation yourself, you should install ``python-sphinx``. Move to the ``Simba/doc/sphinx`` directory and run ``make all``. This will place an HTML version of the documentation in ``_build/html``. .. note:: The build instructions are for Linux only. If you want to build the doc on Windows, you are on your own. The sphinx resource site is probably a good place to start. Writing documentation --------------------- Sphinx uses the reStructuredText markup language. It is not a hard language, but looking through the quickstart is a good idea: As stated above, the markup language is not the hard part about writing documentation; the hard part is simply coming up with good content suited for the documentation. Be sure to check :ref:`todo` Directory structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So you have written a new piece of documentation? Great! Now we just need to know where to place it. If you have simply extended a file, then there should be no worries as to where to place your new text. However if you are writing a new chapter, then placing the file in the correct directory is something we'd like you to consider. If you write a chapter for the ``Simba Reference`` or ``Scripting Reference`` or ``Features`` part of the documentation, place it in the ``simbaref``, ``scriptref`` or ``features`` folder repectively. Any other files can be put directly in the root of the sphinx folder. (The same place as ``index.rst``) Capitalisation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The titles of all major sections have all words capitalized. (The ones with ===) The minor sections and subsections (---) and (~~~) have only the first word and Simba specific words (like Simba itself) capitalized. Try to stick to the Python documentation standards. ( )