program SRLUpdater; {.INCLUDE ..\Extensions\Updater.sei} function CheckSRL(Name: string; I: integer): boolean; var X: integer; begin Result := True; for X := 0 to Length(UpdaterArr) do if (UpdaterArr[X].Name = 'Plugins') then begin if (Name = 'Check') then Tick(UpdaterArr[X].CheckMenuItem) else Tick(UpdaterArr[X].Timer); Exit; end; end; procedure OpenDefScript(Sender: TObject); var Script: TStringArray; begin SetLength(Script, 6); Script[0] := 'program Untitled;'; Script[1] := '//{$DEFINE SMART} //Uncomment for SMART'; Script[2] := '{.include SRL/SRL.scar}'; if (TMenuItem(Sender).Parent.Caption = 'Reflection') then begin SetLength(Script, 7); Script[1] := '{$DEFINE SMART}'; Script[3] := '{.include Reflection/Reflection.scar}'; end; Script[Length(Script) - 3] := ''; Script[Length(Script) - 2] := 'begin'; Script[Length(Script) - 1] := 'end.'; WriteLn('Opening ' + TMenuItem(Sender).Parent.Caption + ' Default Script...'); OpenScript('', Implode({$IFDEF WIN}#13+{$ENDIF}#10, Script), False); end; function OpenDefMenu(const Blank: string; const ID: integer): boolean; var OpenMenuItem: TMenuItem; begin OpenMenuItem := MoveMenuItem(UpdaterArr[ID].MainMenu, GetIndex(UpdaterArr[ID].MainMenu, GetMenuByName('Open', UpdaterArr[ID].MainMenu)), GetIndex(UpdaterArr[ID].MainMenu, GetMenuByName('Update', UpdaterArr[ID].MainMenu))); OpenMenuItem.OnClick := @OpenDefScript; OpenMenuItem.Visible := True; end; function BeforePlugins(NotNeeded: string; I: integer): boolean; begin Result := ForceDirectories(UpdaterArr[I].Folder); end; function SuccessPlugins(Cont: string; I: integer): boolean; var X: integer; Files: TStringArray; Overwrite: boolean; begin Files := GetFiles(UpdaterArr[I].Folder, {$IFDEF WIN}'dll'{$ELSE}'so'{$ENDIF}); Overwrite := True; for X := 0 to High(Files) do if (FileExists(PluginPath + Files[X])) then begin Overwrite := (MessageDlg('SRL Updater', 'Do you want to overwrite the plugins?', mtConfirmation, [mbNo, mbYes], 0) = mrYes); Break; end; Result := UnTarEx(Cont, PluginPath, Overwrite); end; procedure Init; var SRL, Plugins, Refl: integer; begin if (AddUpdater('SRL', '', '', IncludePath, True, True, SRL)) then begin UpdaterArr[SRL].Hooks[CHECK_FOR_UPDATE] := @CheckSRL; UpdaterArr[SRL].Hooks[ATTACH_HOOK] := @OpenDefMenu; end; if (AddUpdater('Plugins', '', '', IncludePath + 'SRL/SimbaPlugins/', False, False, Plugins)) then begin UpdaterArr[Plugins].Hooks[BEFORE_UPDATE] := @BeforePlugins; UpdaterArr[Plugins].Hooks[SUCCESS_UPDATE] := @SuccessPlugins; end; if (AddUpdater('Reflection', '', '', IncludePath, True, True, Refl)) then begin UpdaterArr[Refl].Hooks[ATTACH_HOOK] := @OpenDefMenu; end; end; function GetName: string; begin Result := 'SRL Updater'; end; function GetVersion: string; begin Result := '0.1'; end; begin end.