{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Linux OS specific implemetation for Mufasa Macro Library } {$mode objfpc}{$H+} unit os_linux; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, mufasatypes, xlib, x, xutil, IOManager, XKeyInput, ctypes, xtest, keysym, syncobjs, mufasabase; type TNativeWindow = x.TWindow; TKeyInput = class(TXKeyInput) public procedure Down(Key: Word); procedure Up(Key: Word); end; { TWindow } TWindow = class(TWindow_Abstract) public constructor Create(display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow); destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); override; function ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; override; procedure FreeReturnData; override; function GetError: String; override; function ReceivedError: Boolean; override; procedure ResetError; override; function TargetValid: boolean; override; procedure ActivateClient; override; procedure GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); override; procedure MoveMouse(x,y: integer); override; procedure HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; procedure ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; function IsMouseButtonHeld( button : TClickType) : boolean;override; procedure SendString(str: string); override; procedure HoldKey(key: integer); override; procedure ReleaseKey(key: integer); override; function IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; override; function GetKeyCode(c : char) : integer;override; function GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; private display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow; buffer: PXImage; dirty: Boolean; //true if image loaded keyinput: TKeyInput; oldXHandler: TXErrorHandler; end; TIOManager = class(TIOManager_Abstract) public constructor Create; constructor Create(plugin_dir: string); function SetTarget(target: TNativeWindow): integer; overload; procedure SetDesktop; override; private procedure NativeInit; override; procedure NativeFree; override; public display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; desktop: x.TWindow; end; function MufasaXErrorHandler(para1:PDisplay; para2:PXErrorEvent):cint; cdecl; implementation uses GraphType, interfacebase, lcltype; { PROBLEM: .Create is called on the main thread. ErrorCS etc aren't created on other threads. We will create them on the fly... } threadvar xerror: string; threadvar ErrorCS: syncobjs.TCriticalSection; //***implementation*** TKeyInput procedure TKeyInput.Down(Key: Word); begin DoDown(Key); end; procedure TKeyInput.Up(Key: Word); begin DoUp(Key); end; //***implementation*** TWindow function MufasaXErrorHandler(para1:PDisplay; para2:PXErrorEvent):cint; cdecl; begin case para2^.error_code of 1: xerror := 'BadRequest'; 2: xerror := 'BadValue'; 3: xerror := 'BadWindow'; 4: xerror := 'BadPixmap'; 5: xerror := 'BadAtom'; 6: xerror := 'BadCursor'; 7: xerror := 'BadFont'; 8: xerror := 'BadMatch'; 9: xerror := 'BadDrawable'; 10: xerror := 'BadAccess'; 11: xerror := 'BadAlloc'; 12: xerror := 'BadColor'; 13: xerror := 'BadGC'; 14: xerror := 'BadIDChoice'; 15: xerror := 'BadName'; 16: xerror := 'BadLength'; 17: xerror := 'BadImplementation'; else xerror := 'UNKNOWN'; end; result := 0; mDebugLn('X Error: '); mDebugLn('Error code: ' + inttostr(para2^.error_code)); mDebugLn('Display: ' + inttostr(LongWord(para2^.display))); mDebugLn('Minor code: ' + inttostr(para2^.minor_code)); mDebugLn('Request code: ' + inttostr(para2^.request_code)); mDebugLn('Resource ID: ' + inttostr(para2^.resourceid)); mDebugLn('Serial: ' + inttostr(para2^.serial)); mDebugLn('Type: ' + inttostr(para2^._type)); end; function TWindow.GetError: String; begin exit(xerror); end; function TWindow.ReceivedError: Boolean; begin result := xerror <> ''; end; procedure TWindow.ResetError; begin xerror := ''; end; constructor TWindow.Create(display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow); begin inherited Create; self.display:= display; self.screennum:= screennum; self.window:= window; self.dirty:= false; self.keyinput:= TKeyInput.Create; xerror := ''; { XXX FIXME TODO O GOD WTF } if not assigned(ErrorCS) then ErrorCS := syncobjs.TCriticalSection.Create; ErrorCS.Enter; try oldXHandler:=XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); finally ErrorCS.Leave; end; end; destructor TWindow.Destroy; var erh: TXErrorHandler; begin FreeReturnData; keyinput.Free; { XXX FIXME TODO O GOD WTF } if not assigned(ErrorCS) then ErrorCS := syncobjs.TCriticalSection.Create; ErrorCS.Enter; erh := XSetErrorHandler(oldXHandler); try if erh <> @MufasaXErrorHandler then XSetErrorHandler(erh); finally ErrorCS.Leave; end; inherited Destroy; end; function TWindow.GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; begin result := self.window; end; procedure TWindow.GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); var Attrib: TXWindowAttributes; newx, newy: integer; childwindow: x.TWindow; begin if XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, @Attrib) <> 0 Then begin W := Attrib.Width; H := Attrib.Height; end else begin W := -1; H := -1; end; end; function TWindow.TargetValid: boolean; var Attrib: TXWindowAttributes; begin XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, @Attrib); result := not ReceivedError; end; procedure TWindow.ActivateClient; begin XSetInputFocus(display,window,RevertToParent,CurrentTime); XFlush(display); if ReceivedError then raise Exception.Create('Error: ActivateClient: ' + GetError); end; function TWindow.ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; var w,h: integer; begin GetTargetDimensions(w,h); if (xs < 0) or (xs + width > w) or (ys < 0) or (ys + height > h) then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: The parameters passed are wrong; xs,ys %d,%d width,height %d,%d',[xs,ys,width,height]); if dirty then raise Exception.CreateFmt('ReturnData was called again without freeing'+ ' the previously used data. Do not forget to'+ ' call FreeReturnData', []); buffer := XGetImage(display, window, xs, ys, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); if buffer = nil then begin mDebugLn('ReturnData: XGetImage Error. Dumping data now:'); mDebugLn('xs, ys, width, height: ' + inttostr(xs) + ', ' + inttostr(ys) + ', ' + inttostr(width) + ', ' + inttostr(height)); Result.Ptr := nil; Result.IncPtrWith := 0; raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: ReturnData: XGetImage Error', []); exit; end; Result.Ptr := PRGB32(buffer^.data); Result.IncPtrWith := 0; Result.RowLen := width; dirty:= true; //XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); end; procedure TWindow.FreeReturnData; begin if dirty then begin if (buffer <> nil) then XDestroyImage(buffer); buffer:= nil; dirty:= false; end; end; procedure TWindow.GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); var b:integer; root, child: twindow; xmask: Cardinal; begin XQueryPointer(display,window,@root,@child,@b,@b,@x,@y,@xmask); end; procedure TWindow.MoveMouse(x,y: integer); var w,h: integer; begin GetTargetDimensions(w, h); if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x > w) or (y > h) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('SetMousePos: X, Y (%d, %d) is not valid (0,0,%d,%d)', [x, y, w, h]); XWarpPointer(display, 0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, X, Y); XFlush(display); end; procedure TWindow.HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var ButtonP: cuint; _isPress: cbool; begin _isPress := cbool(1); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3; end; XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, ButtonP, _isPress, CurrentTime);; end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var ButtonP: cuint; _isPress: cbool; begin _isPress := cbool(0); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3; end; XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, ButtonP, _isPress, CurrentTime); end; function TWindow.IsMouseButtonHeld(button: TClickType): boolean; var b:integer; root, child: twindow; xmask: Cardinal; ButtonP: cuint; begin XQueryPointer(display,window,@root,@child,@b,@b,@b,@b,@xmask); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1Mask; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2Mask; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3Mask; end; result := xmask and ButtonP > 0; end; procedure TWindow.SendString(str: string); var i: integer; key: byte; HoldShift : boolean; begin HoldShift := false; for i := 1 to length(str) do begin if((str[i] >= 'A') and (str[i] <= 'Z')) then begin HoldKey(VK_SHIFT); HoldShift:= True; str[i] := lowerCase(str[i]); end else if HoldShift then begin HoldShift:= false; ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; key:= GetKeyCode(str[i]); HoldKey(key); //BenLand100: You should probably wait here... ReleaseKey(key); end; if HoldShift then ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; procedure TWindow.HoldKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Down(key); end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Up(key); end; function TWindow.IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('IsKeyDown isn''t implemented yet on Linux', []); end; function TWindow.GetKeyCode(c: char): integer; begin case C of '0'..'9' :Result := VK_0 + Ord(C) - Ord('0'); 'a'..'z' :Result := VK_A + Ord(C) - Ord('a'); 'A'..'Z' :Result := VK_A + Ord(C) - Ord('A'); ' ' : result := VK_SPACE; else Raise Exception.CreateFMT('GetSimpleKeyCode - char (%s) is not in A..z',[c]); end end; { ***implementation*** IOManager } constructor TIOManager.Create; begin inherited Create; end; constructor TIOManager.Create(plugin_dir: string); begin inherited Create(plugin_dir); end; procedure TIOManager.NativeInit; begin display := XOpenDisplay(nil); if display = nil then raise Exception.Create('Could not open a connection to the X Display'); { DefaultScreen } screennum:= DefaultScreen(display); { Get the Desktop Window } desktop:= RootWindow(display,screennum) end; procedure TIOManager.NativeFree; begin XCloseDisplay(display); end; procedure TIOManager.SetDesktop; begin SetBothTargets(TWindow.Create(display, screennum, desktop)); end; function TIOManager.SetTarget(target: x.TWindow): integer; begin SetBothTargets(TWindow.Create(display, screennum, target)) end; end.