program SRLUpdater; var MainMenuItem, MenuCheck, MenuUpdate,AutoUpdate : TMenuItem; started: Boolean; Timer : TTimer; Updating : boolean; function GetNumbers(const str : string) : string; var i : integer; begin; for i := 1 to length(str) do case str[i] of '0'..'9': result := result + str[i]; end; end; procedure GetOnlineVersion(out PluginsVersion,SRLVersion : integer); begin PluginsVersion := strtointdef(GetNumbers(getpage('')),-1); SRLVersion := strtointdef(GetNumbers(getpage('')),-1); end; procedure GetLocalVersion(out PluginsVersion,SRLVersion : integer); begin PluginsVersion := StrToIntDef(Settings.GetKeyValueDef('PluginsVersion','-1'),-1); SRLVersion := StrToIntDef(Settings.GetKeyValueDef('SRLVersion','-1'),-1); end; function UpdateSRL : boolean; var LocalP,LocalS,OnlineP,OnlineS,I : integer; Contents : String; DeContents : string; Files : TStringArray; Failed,OverWrite : boolean; begin Result := false; if Updating then exit; Updating := True; GetLocalVersion(LocalP,LocalS); GetOnlineVersion(OnlineP,OnlineS); Result := True; if (OnlineP > LocalP) then begin Writeln('New plugin(s) are available'); Contents := GetPage(''); Failed := True; if DecompressBZip2(Contents,DeContents,4096) then if ForceDirectories(IncludePath + 'SRL/SimbaPlugins/') then if UnTarEx(DeContents,IncludePath + 'SRL/SimbaPlugins/',true) then begin; Files := GetFiles(IncludePath + 'SRL/SimbaPlugins/','dll'); for i := 0 to high(Files) do if FileExists(PluginPath + Files[i]) then OverWrite := True; if OverWrite then begin; case MessageDlg('SRL Updater', 'Do you want to overwrite the plugins?' ,mtConfirmation, [mbNo,mbYes],0) of mrYes : Failed := not UnTarEx(DeContents,PluginPath,True) else Failed := not UnTarEx(DeContents,PluginPath,false); end; Writeln('A restart is necessary to activate the new plugins.'); end else Failed := not UnTarEx(DeContents,PluginPath,false); end; if Failed then Writeln('Somehow failed to update the plugins') else Writeln('Succesfully updated your plugins!'); DeContents := ''; Contents := ''; Result := Failed; if not Failed then Settings.SetKeyValue('PluginsVersion',inttostr(OnlineP)); end; if (OnlineS > LocalS) then begin Writeln('SRL is outdated, updating now!'); Contents := GetPage(''); Failed := True; if DecompressBZip2(Contents,DeContents,4096) then if UnTarEx(DeContents,IncludePath,true) then Failed := False; if not Failed then Settings.SetKeyValue('SRLVersion',inttostr(OnlineS)); if Result then Result := Failed; if not Failed then Writeln('Succesfully updated your SRL!'); end; Updating := False; end; procedure OnSRLCheckClick(Sender: TObject); var LocalP,LocalS,OnlineP,OnlineS : integer; begin GetLocalVersion(LocalP,LocalS); GetOnlineVersion(OnlineP,OnlineS); if (OnlineP > LocalP) or (OnlineS > LocalS) then Writeln('A new SRL version is available'); end; procedure SetAutoUpdate(Sender: TObject); begin AutoUpdate.Checked := not AutoUpdate.Checked; Timer.Enabled := AutoUpdate.Checked; end; procedure OnSRLUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); begin UpdateSRL; end; procedure OnUpdateTimer(Sender: TObject); begin; Timer.Interval := 30 * 60 * 1000; //Every half hour UpdateSRL; end; procedure Init; begin; MainMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(Simba_MainMenu); MainMenuItem.Caption := 'SRL'; Simba_MainMenu.Items.Add(MainMenuItem); MenuCheck := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem); MenuCheck.Caption := 'Check for new SRL'; MenuCheck.OnClick := @OnSRLCheckClick; MainMenuItem.Add(MenuCheck); MenuUpdate := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem); MenuUpdate.Caption := 'Update SRL'; MenuUpdate.OnClick := @OnSRLUpdateClick; MainMenuItem.Add(MenuUpdate); AutoUpdate := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenuItem); AutoUpdate.Caption := 'Automatically update'; AutoUpdate.OnClick := @SetAutoUpdate; AutoUpdate.Checked := LowerCase(Settings.GetKeyValueDef('AutoUpdate','True')) = 'true'; MainMenuItem.Add(AutoUpdate); Timer := TTimer.Create(Simba); Timer.Interval := 5000; Timer.OnTimer := @OnUpdateTimer; Timer.Enabled :=AutoUpdate.Checked; started := True; end; procedure Free; begin if (started) then Timer.Enabled := False;//Freeing the components is not needed, as they will be freed upon the freeing of Simba. end; procedure Attach; begin; Writeln('From now on, you shall be alerted as to when your SRL is out of date!'); MainMenuItem.Visible := True; Timer.Enabled := AutoUpdate.Checked; end; Procedure Detach; begin Timer.Enabled := False; MainMenuItem.Visible := False; end; function GetName : string; begin; result := 'SRL Updater'; end; function GetVersion : string; begin; result := '1.0'; end; begin end.