{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. OCR class for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit ocr; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, MufasaTypes, bitmaps, math, ocrutil, fontloader, {Begin To-Remove units. Replace ReadBmp with TMufasaBitmap stuff later.} graphtype, intfgraphics,graphics; {End To-Remove unit} type { TMOCR } TMOCR = class(TObject) constructor Create(Owner: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; function InitTOCR(path: string): boolean; function GetFonts:TMFonts; procedure SetFonts(NewFonts: TMFonts); function getTextPointsIn(sx, sy, w, h: Integer; shadow: boolean; var _chars, _shadows: T2DPointArray): Boolean; function GetUpTextAtEx(atX, atY: integer; shadow: boolean): string; function GetUpTextAt(atX, atY: integer; shadow: boolean): string; procedure FilterUpTextByColour(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; w,h: integer); procedure FilterUpTextByCharacteristics(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; w,h: integer); procedure FilterShadowBitmap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap); procedure FilterCharsBitmap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap); function GetTextAt(atX, atY, minvspacing, maxvspacing, hspacing, color, tol, len: integer; font: string): string; function TextToFontTPA(Text, font: String; out w, h: integer): TPointArray; function TextToFontBitmap(Text, font: String): TMufasaBitmap; function TextToMask(Text, font: String): TMask; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} procedure DebugToBmp(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; hmod,h: integer); {$ENDIF} private Client: TObject; Fonts: TMFonts; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} public debugbmp: TMufasaBitmap; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} {$IFDEF LINUX} const OCRDebugPath = '/tmp/'; {$ELSE} const OCRDebugPath = ''; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} implementation uses colour_conv, client, files, tpa, mufasatypesutil; const { Very rough limits for R, G, B } ocr_Limit_High = 190; ocr_Limit_Med = 130; ocr_Limit_Low = 65; { `base' Colours of the Uptext } { White } ocr_White = 16777215; { Level < Your Level } ocr_Green = 65280; { Level > Your Level } ocr_Red = 255; { Interact or Level = Your Level } ocr_Yellow = 65535; { Object } ocr_Blue = 16776960; { Item } ocr_ItemC = 16744447; { Shadow } ocr_Purple = 8388736; { Constructor } constructor TMOCR.Create(Owner: TObject); begin inherited Create; Self.Client := Owner; Self.Fonts := TMFonts.Create; end; { Destructor } destructor TMOCR.Destroy; begin Self.Fonts.Free; inherited Destroy; end; { InitTOCR loads all fonts in path We don't do this in the constructor because we may not yet have the path. } function TMOCR.InitTOCR(path: string): boolean; var dirs: array of string; i: longint; begin // We're going to load all fonts now Fonts.SetPath(path); dirs := GetDirectories(path); Result := false; for i := 0 to high(dirs) do begin if Fonts.LoadFont(dirs[i], false) then result := true; {$IFDEF FONTDEBUG} writeln('Loading ' + dirs[i]); {$ENDIF} end; If DirectoryExists(path + 'UpChars') then Fonts.LoadFont('UpChars', true); // shadow end; { Get the current pointer to our list of Fonts } function TMOCR.GetFonts:TMFonts; begin Exit(Self.Fonts); end; { Set new Fonts. We set it to a Copy of NewFonts } procedure TMOCR.SetFonts(NewFonts: TMFonts); begin Self.Fonts := NewFonts.Copy(); end; { Filter UpText by a very rough colour comparison / range check. We first convert the colour to RGB, and if it falls into the following defined ranges, it may be part of the uptext. Also get the possible shadows. We have large ranges because we rather have extra (fake) pixels than less uptext pixels... This because we can filter most of the noise out easily. Non optimised. We can make it use direct data instead of fastgetpixel and fastsetpixel, but speed isn't really an issue. The entire algorithm is still fast enough. } procedure TMOCR.FilterUpTextByColour(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; w,h: integer); var x, y,r, g, b: Integer; begin // We're going to filter the bitmap solely on colours first. // If we found one, we set it to it's `normal' colour. for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to bmp.Width - 1 do begin colortorgb(bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y),r,g,b); // the abs(g-b) < 15 seems to help heaps when taking out crap points if (r > ocr_Limit_High) and (g > ocr_Limit_High) and (b > ocr_Limit_High) // 50 or 55. 55 seems to be better. and (abs(r-g) + abs(r-b) + abs(g-b) < 55) then // TODO: make 55 a var, and make it so that it can be set begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_White); continue; end; if (r < ocr_Limit_Low) and (g > ocr_Limit_High) and (b > ocr_Limit_High) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Blue); continue; end; if (r < ocr_Limit_Low) and (g > ocr_Limit_High) and (b < ocr_Limit_Low) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Green); continue; end; // false results with fire if(r > ocr_Limit_High) and (g > 100) and (g < ocr_Limit_High) and (b > 40) and (b < 127) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_ItemC); continue; end; if(r > ocr_Limit_High) and (g > ocr_Limit_High) and (b < ocr_Limit_Low) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Yellow); continue; end; // better use g < 40 than ocr_Limit_Low imo if (r > ocr_Limit_High) and (g < ocr_Limit_Low) and (b < ocr_Limit_Low) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Red); continue; end; if (r > ocr_Limit_High) and (g > ocr_Limit_Low) and (b < ocr_Limit_Low) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Red); continue; end; if (r > ocr_Limit_Med) and (r < (ocr_Limit_High + 10)) and (g > ocr_Limit_Low - 10) and (b < 20) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,ocr_Green); continue; end; //shadow if (r < ocr_Limit_Low) and (g < ocr_Limit_Low) and (b < ocr_Limit_Low) then begin bmp.FastSetPixel(x,y, ocr_Purple); continue; end; bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,0); end; // make outline black for shadow characteristics filter // first and last horiz line = 0 for x := 0 to bmp.width -1 do bmp.fastsetpixel(x,0,0); for x := 0 to bmp.width -1 do bmp.fastsetpixel(x,bmp.height-1,0); // same for vertical lines for y := 0 to bmp.Height -1 do bmp.fastsetpixel(0, y, 0); for y := 0 to bmp.Height -1 do bmp.fastsetpixel(bmp.Width-1, y, 0); end; { This filter assumes the previous colour filter has been applied first. I like to call this the `characteristics' filter because we really only filter on characteristics. For the uptext, a few things apply... First of all: *** Remove False Shadow *** if shadow[x,y] then not shadow[x-1,y-1] If there is a shadow at x,y then there should not be a shadow at x-1, y-1; if there is one, then shadow[x, y] is not a shadow. (One could also say, if shadow[x,y] and shadow[x+1,y+1] then shadow[x+1,y+1] is no shadow; because it essentially means the same. However, a smart mind will soon see that this algorithm will be a *lot* more efficient if we start at the right bottom, instead of the left top. Which means we should work with x-1 and y-1, rather than x+1,y+1 Yeah.... My comments are vague. ) *** UpText chars identity 1 and 2 *** if UpTextChar[x,y] then (UpTextChar[x+1,y+1] or shadow[x+1,y+1]) If this is not true, then UpTextChar[x,y] cannot be part of uptext - it has no shadow, and it doesn't have a `friend' (at x+1,y+1) either. We don't need to do this from the right bottom to left top. } procedure TMOCR.FilterUpTextByCharacteristics(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; w,h: integer); var x,y: Integer; begin // Filter 2 // This performs a `simple' filter. // What we are doing here is simple checking that if Colour[x,y] is part // of the uptext, then so must Colour[x+1,y+1], or Colour[x+1,y+1] is a shadow. // if it is neither, we can safely remove it. for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 2 do for x := 0 to bmp.Width - 2 do begin if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clPurple then continue; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clBlack then continue; if (bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) <> bmp.fastgetpixel(x+1,y+1)) and (bmp.fastgetpixel(x+1,y+1) <> clpurple) then bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,{clAqua}0); end; // Remove false shadow for y := bmp.Height - 1 downto 1 do for x := bmp.Width - 1 downto 1 do begin if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) <> clPurple then continue; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = bmp.fastgetpixel(x-1,y-1) then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,clSilver); continue; end; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x-1,y-1) = 0 then bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,clSilver); end; // Now we do another filter, with uptext chars identity 1 and 2. for y := bmp.Height - 2 downto 0 do for x := bmp.Width - 2 downto 0 do begin if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clPurple then continue; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clBlack then continue; // identity 1 if (bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = bmp.fastgetpixel(x+1,y+1) ) then continue; // identity 2 if bmp.fastgetpixel(x+1,y+1) <> clPurple then begin bmp.fastsetpixel(x,y,clOlive); continue; end; // If we make it to here, it means the pixel is part of the uptext. end; end; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} { Write to our debugbmp } procedure TMOCR.DebugToBmp(bmp: TMufasaBitmap; hmod, h: integer); var x,y: integer; begin for y := 0 to bmp.height - 1 do for x := 0 to bmp.width - 1 do debugbmp.fastsetpixel(x,y + hmod *h,bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y)); end; {$ENDIF} { Return the shadows of the points in charpoint on bitmap shadowsbmp. Pseudo: if shadow[charpoint[i].x+1, charpoint[i].y+1] then addtoResult; } function getshadows(shadowsbmp:TMufasaBitmap; charpoint: tpointarray): tpointarray; var i,c:integer; begin setlength(result,length(charpoint)); c:=0; for i := 0 to high(charpoint) do begin if shadowsbmp.fastgetpixel(charpoint[i].x+1,charpoint[i].y+1) = clPurple then begin result[c]:=point(charpoint[i].x+1, charpoint[i].y+1); inc(c); end; end; setlength(result,c); end; { Remove anything but the shadows on the bitmap (Shadow = clPurple, remember?) } procedure TMOCR.FilterShadowBitmap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap); var x,y:integer; begin for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to bmp.Width - 1 do begin if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) <> clPurple then begin bmp.FastSetPixel(x,y,0); continue; end; end; end; { Remove all but uptext colours clWhite,clGreen, etc. See constants above. This assumes that the bitmap only consists of colour 0, and the other constants founds above the functionss } procedure TMOCR.FilterCharsBitmap(bmp: TMufasaBitmap); var x,y: integer; begin begin for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 1 do for x := 0 to bmp.Width - 1 do begin if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clPurple then begin bmp.FastSetPixel(x,y,0); continue; end; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clOlive then begin bmp.FastSetPixel(x,y,0); continue; end; if bmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) = clSilver then begin bmp.FastSetPixel(x,y,0); continue; end; end; end; end; { This uses the two filters, and performs a split on the bitmap. A split per character, that is. So we can more easily identify it. TODO: * Remove more noise after we have split, it should be possible to identify noise; weird positions or boxes compared to the rest, etc. * Split each colours seperately, and combine only later, after removing noise. } function TMOCR.getTextPointsIn(sx, sy, w, h: Integer; shadow: boolean; var _chars, _shadows: T2DPointArray): Boolean; var bmp, shadowsbmp, charsbmp: TMufasaBitmap; x,y: integer; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} dx,dy: integer; {$ENDIF} shadows: T2DPointArray; helpershadow: TPointArray; chars: TPointArray; charscount: integer; chars_2d, chars_2d_b, finalchars: T2DPointArray; pc: integer; bb: Tbox; begin bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; { Increase to create a black horizonal line at the top and at the bottom } { This so the crappy algo can do it's work correctly. } bmp.SetSize(w + 2, h + 2); // Copy the client to out working bitmap. bmp.CopyClientToBitmap(TClient(Client).IOManager, False, 1{0},1, sx, sy, sx + w - 1, sy + h - 1); {$IFDEF OCRSAVEBITMAP} bmp.SaveToFile(OCRDebugPath + 'ocrinit.bmp'); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} debugbmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; debugbmp.SetSize(w + 2, (h + 2) * 7); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(bmp,0,h); {$ENDIF} // Filter 1 FilterUpTextByColour(bmp,w,h); {$IFDEF OCRSAVEBITMAP} bmp.SaveToFile(OCRDebugPath + 'ocrcol.bmp'); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(bmp,1,h); {$ENDIF} // Filter 2 FilterUpTextByCharacteristics(bmp,w,h); {$IFDEF OCRSAVEBITMAP} bmp.SaveToFile(OCRDebugPath + 'ocrdebug.bmp'); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(bmp,2,h); {$ENDIF} // create a bitmap with only the shadows on it shadowsbmp := bmp.copy; FilterShadowBitmap(shadowsbmp); {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(shadowsbmp,3,h); {$ENDIF} // create a bitmap with only the chars on it charsbmp := bmp.copy; FilterCharsBitmap(charsbmp); {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(charsbmp,4,h); {$ENDIF} // this gets the chars from the bitmap. // TODO: // We should make a different TPA // for each colour, rather than put them all in one. Noise can be a of a // differnet colour. setlength(chars, charsbmp.height * charsbmp.width); charscount:=0; for y := 0 to charsbmp.height - 1 do for x := 0 to charsbmp.width - 1 do begin if charsbmp.fastgetpixel(x,y) > 0 then begin chars[charscount]:=point(x,y); inc(charscount); end; end; setlength(chars,charscount); // split chars chars_2d := SplitTPAEx(chars,1,charsbmp.height); { FIXME: This only sorts the points in every TPA } SortATPAFrom(chars_2d, point(0,0)); for x := 0 to high(chars_2d) do begin pc := random(clWhite); for y := 0 to high(chars_2d[x]) do charsbmp.FastSetPixel(chars_2d[x][y].x, chars_2d[x][y].y, pc); end; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(charsbmp,5,h); {$ENDIF} for y := 0 to high(chars_2d) do begin bb:=gettpabounds(chars_2d[y]); if (bb.x2 - bb.x1 > 10) or (length(chars_2d[y]) > 70) then begin // more than one char {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} if length(chars_2d[y]) > 70 then writeln('more than one char at y: ' + inttostr(y)); if (bb.x2 - bb.x1 > 10) then writeln('too wide at y: ' + inttostr(y)); {$ENDIF} helpershadow:=getshadows(shadowsbmp,chars_2d[y]); chars_2d_b := splittpaex(helpershadow,2,shadowsbmp.height); //writeln('chars_2d_b length: ' + inttostr(length(chars_2d_b))); shadowsbmp.DrawATPA(chars_2d_b); for x := 0 to high(chars_2d_b) do begin setlength(shadows,length(shadows)+1); shadows[high(shadows)] := ConvTPAArr(chars_2d_b[x]); end; end else if length(chars_2d[y]) < 70 then begin setlength(shadows,length(shadows)+1); shadows[high(shadows)] := getshadows(shadowsbmp, chars_2d[y]); end; end; // sort, split messes with the order of chars SortATPAFromFirstPoint(chars_2d, point(0,0)); for y := 0 to high(chars_2d) do begin if length(chars_2d[y]) > 70 then continue; setlength(finalchars,length(finalchars)+1); finalchars[high(finalchars)] := chars_2d[y]; end; SortATPAFromFirstPoint(shadows, point(0,0)); for x := 0 to high(shadows) do begin pc:=0; pc := random(clWhite); //pc := rgbtocolor(integer(round((x+1)*255/length(shadows))), round((x+1)*255/length(shadows)), round((x+1)*255/length(shadows))); for y := 0 to high(shadows[x]) do shadowsbmp.FastSetPixel(shadows[x][y].x, shadows[x][y].y, pc); end; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} DebugToBmp(shadowsbmp,6,h); {$ENDIF} _chars := finalchars; _shadows := shadows; bmp.Free; charsbmp.Free; shadowsbmp.Free; Result := true; end; { GetUpTextAtEx combines/uses the functions above. It will identify each character, and also keep track of the previous chars' final `x' bounds. If the difference between the .x2 of the previous character and the .x1 of the current character is bigger than 5, then there was a space between them. (Add ' ' to result) } function TMOCR.GetUpTextAtEx(atX, atY: integer; shadow: boolean): string; var n:Tnormarray; ww, hh,i,j: integer; font: TocrData; chars, shadows, thachars: T2DPointArray; t:Tpointarray; b,lb:tbox; lbset: boolean; begin result:=''; ww := 400; hh := 20; getTextPointsIn(atX, atY, ww, hh, shadow, chars, shadows); // Get font data for analysis. if shadow then begin font := Fonts.GetFont('UpChars_s'); thachars := shadows; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} writeln('using shadows'); {$ENDIF} end else begin font := Fonts.GetFont('UpChars'); thachars := chars; {$IFDEF OCRDEBUG} writeln('not using shadows'); {$ENDIF} end; lbset:=false; setlength(n, (font.width+1) * (font.height+1)); for j := 0 to high(thachars) do begin for i := 0 to high(n) do n[i] := 0; t:= thachars[j]; b:=gettpabounds(t); if not lbset then begin lb:=b; lbset:=true; end else begin // spacing if b.x1 - lb.x2 > 5 then result:=result+' '; lb:=b; end; for i := 0 to high(t) do t[i] := t[i] - point(b.x1,b.y1); { FIXME: If the TPA is too large, we can still go beyond n's bounds. We should check the bounds in GetTextPointsIn } for i := 0 to high(thachars[j]) do begin n[(thachars[j][i].x) + ((thachars[j][i].y) * font.width)] := 1; end; result := result + GuessGlyph(n, font); end; end; function TMOCR.GetUpTextAt(atX, atY: integer; shadow: boolean): string; begin if shadow then result := GetUpTextAtEx(atX, atY, true) else result := GetUpTextAtEx(atX, atY, false); end; function TMOCR.GetTextAt(atX, atY, minvspacing, maxvspacing, hspacing, color, tol, len: integer; font: string): string; var b, lb: TBox; i, j, w, h: Integer; lbset: boolean; n: TNormArray; fD: TocrData; TPA: TPointArray; STPA: T2DPointArray; begin fD := Fonts.GetFont(font); {writeln(format('W, H: %d, %d', [fD.max_width, fd.max_height]));} TClient(Client).IOManager.GetDimensions(w, h); { writeln('Dimensions: (' + inttostr(w) + ', ' + inttostr(h) + ')'); } { Get the text points } SetLength(TPA, 0); if (atY + fD.max_height -1) >= h then raise exception.createFMT('You are trying to get text that is out of is origin y-coordinate: %d',[aty]); TClient(Client).MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(TPA, color, atX, atY, min(atX + fD.max_width * len, w - 1), atY + fD.max_height - 1, tol); { b := GetTPABounds(TPA); bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; bmp.SetSize(b.x2+1,b.y2+1); bmp.DrawTPA(TPA, clRed); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\found.bmp');} { Split the text points into something usable. } { +1 because splittpa will not split well if we use 0 space ;) } STPA := SplitTPAEx(TPA, minvspacing+1, hspacing+1); { bmp.DrawATPA(STPA); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\found2.bmp'); bmp.Free; for i := 0 to high(STPA) do begin b := GetTPABounds(STPA[i]); bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; bmp.SetSize(b.x2+1,b.y2+1); bmp.DrawTPA(STPA[i], clRed); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\t_' + inttostr(i) + '.bmp'); bmp.Free; end; } SortATPAFrom(STPA, Point(0, atY)); SortATPAFromFirstPoint(STPA, Point(0, atY)); { for i := 0 to high(STPA) do begin b := GetTPABounds(STPA[i]); bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; bmp.SetSize(b.x2-b.x1 + 2,b.y2-b.y1 + 2); for j := 0 to high(STPA[i]) do bmp.FastSetPixel(stpa[i][j].x-b.x1,stpa[i][j].y-b.y1,clred); bmp.SaveToFile('c:\s_' + inttostr(i) + '.bmp'); bmp.Free; end; } { We no longer need the points in TPA } SetLength(TPA, 0); fillchar(b, sizeof(tbox), 0); fillchar(lb, sizeof(tbox), 0); lbset := false; SetLength(Result, 0); SetLength(n, (fd.width + 1) * (fd.height + 1)); for i := 0 to min(high(STPA),len) do begin for j := 0 to high(n) do n[j] := 0; TPA := STPA[i]; b := GetTPABounds(TPA); if not lbset then begin lb:=b; lbset:=true; end else begin { if b.x1 - lb.x2 < minvspacing then begin writeln('GetTextAt: not enough spacing between chars...'); lb := b; continue; end; } if b.x1 - lb.x2 > maxvspacing then result:=result+' '; lb:=b; end; for j := 0 to high(tpa) do tpa[j] := tpa[j] - point(b.x1,b.y1); { FIXME: We never check it j actually fits in n's bounds... This *WILL* error when wrong spaces etc are passed. Added a temp resolution. } for j := 0 to high(tpa) do begin if (tpa[j].x) + ((tpa[j].y) * fD.width) <= high(n) then n[(tpa[j].x) + ((tpa[j].y) * fD.width)] := 1 else raise Exception.Create('The automatically split characters are too wide. Try decreasing minspacing'); end; result := result + GuessGlyph(n, fD); end; end; function TMOCR.TextToFontTPA(Text, font: String; out w, h: integer): TPointArray; var fontD: TOcrData; c, i, x, y, off: Integer; d: TocrGlyphMetric; an: integer; begin fontD := Fonts.GetFont(font); c := 0; off := 0; setlength(result, 0); for i := 1 to length(text) do begin writeln(text[i]); an := Ord(text[i]); if not InRange(an, 0, 255) then begin writeln('WARNING: Invalid character passed to TextToFontTPA'); continue; end; d := fontD.ascii[an]; {writeln(format('xoff, yoff: %d, %d', [d.xoff, d.yoff])); writeln(format('bmp w,h: %d, %d', [d.width, d.height])); writeln(format('font w,h: %d, %d', [fontD.width, fontD.height])); } setlength(result, c+d.width*d.height); for y := 0 to fontD.height - 1 do for x := 0 to fontD.width - 1 do begin if fontD.pos[fontD.ascii[an].index][x + y * fontD.width] = 1 then // if fontD.pos[an][x + y * fontD.width] = 1 then begin result[c] := Point(x + off +d.xoff, y+d.yoff); inc(c); end; end; setlength(result, c); off := off + d.width; end; w := off; h := d.height; { writeln('C: ' + inttostr(c)); } end; function TMOCR.TextToFontBitmap(Text, font: String): TMufasaBitmap; var TPA: TPointArray; w,h: integer; bmp: TMufasaBitmap; begin TPA := TextToFontTPA(text, font, w, h); bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; writeln(format('b: %d, %d', [w, h])); bmp.SetSize(w, h); bmp.DrawTPA(TPA, clWhite); result := bmp; end; function TMOCR.TextToMask(Text, font: String): TMask; var TPA: TPointArray; w,h: integer; i,x,y : integer; dx,dy : integer; c : integer; Pixels : array of array of boolean; //White = true begin TPA := TextToFontTPA(text, font, w, h); Result.w := w; Result.h := h; Result.WhiteHi:= High(TPA);//High(WhitePixels) Result.BlackHi:= w*h - Length(TPA) - 1;//High(BlackPixels) = Length(blackPixels) - 1 = (TotalLength - LenWhitePixels) - 1 SetLength(Pixels,w,h); SetLength(result.White,Result.WhiteHi + 1); SetLength(result.Black,Result.BlackHi + 1); for i := Result.WhiteHi downto 0 do begin Result.White[i] := TPA[i]; Pixels[TPA[i].x][TPA[i].y] := true; end; c := 0; dx := w-1; dy := h-1; for y := 0 to dY do for x := 0 to dX do if not Pixels[x][y] then begin result.Black[c].x :=x; result.black[c].y := y; inc(c); end; end; end.