unit libloader; {$mode objfpc} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, dynlibs; type TGenericLib = record filename: string; handle: TLibHandle; end; TGenericLibArray = array of TGenericLib; { TGenericLoader } TGenericLoader = class(TObject) private PluginLen : integer; Loaded: TGenericLibArray; PluginDirs : TStringList; procedure FreePlugins; procedure LoadPluginsDir(DirIndex : integer); function VerifyPath(Path : string) : string; protected function InitPlugin(plugin: TLibHandle): boolean; virtual; abstract; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ValidateDirs; procedure AddPath(path: string); function LoadPlugin(PluginName : string) : integer; end; implementation uses MufasaTypes,FileUtil; procedure TGenericLoader.AddPath(path: string); var idx: integer; verified : string; begin verified := VerifyPath(path); //IDK who changed this to loading a dir, but DON'T if not PluginDirs.Find(verified,idx) then begin writeln('Adding Plugin Path: ' + verified); PluginDirs.Add(verified); end; end; procedure TGenericLoader.FreePlugins; var I : integer; begin for i := 0 to PluginLen - 1 do begin; if (Loaded[i].handle > 0) then try Writeln(inttostr(I)); FreeLibrary(Loaded[i].handle); except end; end; SetLength(Loaded,0); PluginLen:= 0; end; procedure TGenericLoader.ValidateDirs; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to PluginDirs.Count - 1 do begin; if DirectoryExists(PluginDirs[i]) = false then raise Exception.createFMT('Directory(%s) does not exist',[PluginDirs[i]]); PluginDirs[i] := VerifyPath(PluginDirs[i]); end; end; procedure TGenericLoader.LoadPluginsDir(DirIndex: integer); var PlugExt: String = {$IFDEF LINUX}'*.so';{$ELSE}'*.dll';{$ENDIF} FileSearcher : TSearchRec; begin if (DirIndex < 0) or (DirIndex >= PluginDirs.Count) then Exit; if FindFirst(PluginDirs.Strings[DirIndex] + PlugExt, faAnyFile, FileSearcher) <> 0 then begin; FindClose(FileSearcher); Exit; end; repeat LoadPlugin(FileSearcher.Name); until FindNext(FileSearcher) <> 0; FindClose(FileSearcher); end; function TGenericLoader.VerifyPath(Path: string): string; begin Result := Path; if (Result[Length(Result)] <> DS) then begin; if (Result[Length(Result)] = '\') or (Result[Length(Result)] = '/') then Result[Length(Result)] := DS else Result := Result + DS; end; end; function TGenericLoader.LoadPlugin(PluginName: string): Integer; var i, ii : integer; PlugExt: String = {$IFDEF LINUX}'.so';{$ELSE}'.dll';{$ENDIF} begin ii := -1; result := -1; if PluginDirs.Count = 0 then Exit; ValidateDirs; PluginName := ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(PluginName); for i := 0 to PluginDirs.Count - 1 do if FileExists(PluginDirs.Strings[i] + Pluginname + PlugExt) then begin; if ii <> -1 then Raise Exception.CreateFmt('Plugin(%s) has been found multiple times',[PluginName]); ii := i; end; if ii = -1 then raise Exception.CreateFMT('Plugins(%s) has not been found',[PluginName]); for i := 0 to PluginLen - 1 do if Loaded[i].filename = (PluginDirs.Strings[ii] + PluginName + PlugExt) then Exit(i); SetLength(Loaded,PluginLen + 1); Writeln(Format('Loading plugin %s at %s',[PluginName,PluginDirs.Strings[ii]])); Loaded[PluginLen].filename:= PluginDirs.Strings[ii] + Pluginname + PlugExt; Loaded[PluginLen].handle:= LoadLibrary(Loaded[PluginLen].filename); if Loaded[PluginLen].handle = 0 then Raise Exception.CreateFMT('Error loading plugin %s',[Loaded[PluginLen].filename]); if InitPlugin(Loaded[PluginLen].handle) then inc(PluginLen) else FreeLibrary(Loaded[PluginLen].handle); Result:= PluginLen - 1; end; constructor TGenericLoader.Create; begin inherited Create; PluginLen := 0; PluginDirs := TStringList.Create; PluginDirs.CaseSensitive:= {$IFDEF LINUX}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; PluginDirs.Duplicates:= dupIgnore; end; destructor TGenericLoader.Destroy; begin FreePlugins; PluginDirs.Free; inherited Destroy; end; end.