{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Fonts class for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit fontloader; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, ocrutil; // contains the actual `loading' { We will not give any access to actual indices. } type TMFont = class(TObject) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Copy: TMFont; public Name: String; Data: TOcrData; end; type { TMFonts } TMFonts = class(TObject) private function GetFontIndex(Name: String): Integer; function GetFontByIndex(Index : integer): TMfont; private Fonts: TList; Path: String; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function GetFont(Name: String): TOcrData; function FreeFont(Name: String): boolean; function LoadFont(Name: String; Shadow: Boolean): boolean; procedure SetPath(aPath: String); function GetPath: String; function Copy: TMFonts; function Count : integer; property Font[Index : integer]: TMfont read GetFontByIndex; default; end; implementation uses MufasaTypes; constructor TMFont.Create; begin inherited; Name:=''; end; destructor TMFont.Destroy; begin Name:=''; inherited; end; function TMFont.Copy: TMFont; var i, l, ll:integer; begin Result := TMFont.Create; Result.Name := Self.Name; Move(Self.Data.ascii[0], Result.Data.ascii[0], length(Self.Data.ascii) * SizeOf(TocrGlyphMetric)); l := Length(Self.Data.Pos); SetLength(Result.Data.pos, l); for i := 0 to l - 1 do begin ll := length(Self.Data.Pos[i]); setlength(Result.Data.Pos[i], ll); Move(Self.Data.Pos[i][0], Result.Data.Pos[i][0], ll*SizeOf(Integer)); end; SetLength(Result.Data.pos_adj, length(Self.Data.pos_adj)); Move(Self.Data.pos_adj[0], Result.Data.pos_adj[0], length(Self.Data.pos_adj) * SizeOf(real)); l := Length(Self.Data.neg); SetLength(Result.Data.neg, l); for i := 0 to l - 1 do begin ll := length(Self.Data.neg[i]); setlength(Result.Data.neg[i], ll); Move(Self.Data.neg[i][0], Result.Data.neg[i][0], ll*SizeOf(Integer)); end; SetLength(Result.Data.neg_adj, length(Self.Data.neg_adj)); Move(Self.Data.neg_adj[0], Result.Data.neg_adj[0], length(Self.Data.neg_adj) * SizeOf(real)); SetLength(Result.Data.map, length(Self.Data.map)); Move(Self.Data.map[0], Result.Data.map[0], length(Self.Data.map) * SizeOf(char)); Result.Data.Width := Self.Data.Width; Result.Data.Height := Self.Data.Height; Result.Data.inputs := Self.Data.inputs; Result.Data.outputs := Self.Data.outputs; Result.Data.max_height:= Self.Data.max_height; Result.Data.max_width:= Self.Data.max_width; end; function TMFonts.GetFontByIndex(Index : integer): TMfont; begin result := TMfont(Fonts.Items[index]); end; constructor TMFonts.Create; begin inherited; Fonts := TList.Create; end; destructor TMFonts.Destroy; var i:integer; begin for i := 0 to Fonts.Count - 1 do TMFont(Fonts.Items[i]).Free; Fonts.Free; inherited; end; procedure TMFonts.SetPath(aPath: String); begin Path := aPath; end; function TMFonts.GetPath: String; begin Exit(Path); end; function TMFonts.GetFontIndex(Name: String): Integer; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Fonts.Count - 1 do begin if Name = TMFont(Fonts.Items[i]).Name then Exit(i); end; raise Exception.Create('Font [' + Name + '] not found.'); Exit(-1); end; function TMFonts.GetFont(Name: String): TOcrData; var i: integer; begin i := GetFontIndex(Name); Exit(TMFont(Fonts.Items[i]).Data); end; function TMFonts.FreeFont(Name: String): boolean; var i: integer; begin i := GetFontIndex(Name); result := (i <> -1); if result then begin TMFont(Fonts.Items[i]).Free; Fonts.Delete(i); end; end; function TMFonts.LoadFont(Name: String; Shadow: Boolean): boolean; var f: TMFont; ocrdata: TOcrData; begin if not DirectoryExists(Path + Name) then begin raise Exception.Create('LoadFont: Directory ' + Path + Name + ' does not exists.'); Exit(False); end; ocrdata := InitOCR(Path + Name + DS, Shadow); f:=TMFont.Create; f.Name := Name; if Shadow then F.Name := F.Name + '_s'; f.Data := ocrdata; Fonts.Add(f); {$IFDEF FONTDEBUG} writeln('Loaded Font ' + f.Name); {$ENDIF} end; function TMFonts.Copy: TMFonts; var i:integer; begin Result := TMFonts.Create; Result.Path := Self.GetPath(); for i := 0 to Self.Fonts.Count -1 do Result.Fonts.Add(TMFont(Self.Fonts.Items[i]).Copy()); end; function TMFonts.Count: integer; begin result := Fonts.Count; end; end.