unit dtm; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, MufasaTypes; type TMDTM = class(TObject) function AddDTM(d: TDTM): Integer; function AddpDTM(d: pDTM): Integer; function GetDTM(index: Integer; var dtm: pDTM): Boolean; procedure FreeDTM(DTM: Integer); Function StringToDTM(S: String): pDTM; function FindDTM(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; function FindDTMs(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; function FindDTMRotated(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean; function FindDTMsRotated(DTM: Integer; var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean; function pFindDTM(DTM: pDTM; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; function pFindDTMs(DTM: pDTM; var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; function pFindDTMRotated(DTM: pDTM; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: Extended): Boolean; function pFindDTMsRotated(DTM: pDTM; var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; var aFound: T2DExtendedArray) : Boolean; constructor Create(Owner: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; private function AreaShape(Color, Tolerance, Size, Shape: Integer; P: TPoint) : Boolean; inline; private Client: TObject; // For decompressing. BufferString: String; DTMList: Array Of pDTM; FreeSpots: Array Of Integer; end; const dtm_Rectangle = 0; dtm_Cross = 1; dtm_DiagonalCross = 2; dtm_Circle = 3; dtm_Triangle = 4; { I am not sure wether I should simply copy and paste the old DTM implementation, or rewrite it from scratch. I recall there was something partially wrong with SCAR-alike DTM conversions to Mufasa DTM's... The old DTM system problaby doesn't perform that well, but seems to be quite stable and complete. If I would rewrite it from scratch, it would probably be faster, and hopefully more efficient.That won't be too hard, especially since I have direct data access now. (TClient FTW!) Rewrite from scratch it will be, I guess. And AreaShape will be turned into a {$I }, inline simply doesn't cut it. ~Wizz } implementation uses Client, dtmutil, paszlib, finder, graphics, // for TColor math // for max ; type TBufferByteArray = Array[0..524287] of Byte; PBufferByteArray = ^TBufferByteArray; constructor TMDTM.Create(Owner: TObject); begin inherited Create; Self.Client := Owner; SetLength(DTMList, 0); SetLength(FreeSpots, 0); SetLength(BufferString, 524288); end; {$DEFINE DTM_DEBUG} destructor TMDTM.Destroy; {$IFDEF DTM_DEBUG} var i, j: integer; b:boolean; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DTM_DEBUG} for i := 0 to high(DTMList) do begin b := false; for j := 0 to high(freespots) do if i = freespots[j] then begin b := true; break; end; if not b then writeln('DTM Number ' + inttostr(i) + ' was not freed'); end; {$ENDIF} SetLength(DTMList, 0); SetLength(FreeSpots, 0); SetLength(BufferString, 0); inherited Destroy; end; type PMSimColor = function (Color1,Color2,Tolerance : Integer) : boolean of object; PMGetCol = function (x, y: integer): TColor of object; Function TMDTM.AreaShape(Color, Tolerance, Size, Shape: Integer; P: TPoint) : Boolean; inline; Var X, Y, S: Integer; SimCol: PMSimColor; GetCol: PMGetCol; Begin SimCol := @TClient(Client).MFinder.SimilarColors; GetCol := @TClient(Client).MWindow.GetColor; Case Shape Of dtm_Rectangle: Begin { Example: 3x3 X X X X X X X X X } For X := P.X - Size To P.X + Size Do For Y := P.Y - Size To P.Y + Size Do If SimCol(GetCol(X, Y), Color, Tolerance) Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; End; dtm_Cross: { Example: 3x3 X X X X X } Begin For X := P.X - Size To P.X + Size Do If SimCol(GetCol(X, P.Y), Color, Tolerance) Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; For Y := P.Y - Size To P.Y + Size Do If SimCol(GetCol(P.X, Y), Color, Tolerance) Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; End; dtm_DiagonalCross: { Example: 3x3 X X X X X } Begin For S := -Size To Size Do Begin If SimCol(GetCol(P.X + S, P.Y + S), Color, Tolerance) Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; If SimCol(GetCol(P.X + S, P.Y - S), Color, Tolerance) Then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; End; End; 4: Begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('The given DTM Shape ([%d]) is not yet' + ' implemented.', [Shape]); End; Else WriteLn('Incorrect Shape'); End; Result := False; End; {/\ Rotates the given point (p) by A (in radians) around the point defined by cx, cy. /\} function RotatePoint(p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint; inline; begin Result.X := Round(mx + cos(angle) * (p.x - mx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - my)); Result.Y := Round(my + sin(angle) * (p.x - mx) + cos(angle) * (p.y- my)); end; function HexToInt(HexNum: string): LongInt;inline; begin Result:=StrToInt('$' + HexNum); end; function TMDTM.StringToDTM(S: String): pDTM; var b: PBufferByteArray; Source : String; DestLen : longword; i,ii,c : integer; begin SetLength(Result.p,0); SetLength(Result.c,0); SetLength(Result.t,0); SetLength(Result.asz,0); SetLength(Result.ash,0); ii := Length(S); if (ii = 0) or (ii mod 2 <> 0) then Exit; ii := ii div 2; SetLength(Source,ii); for i := 1 to ii do Source[i] := Chr(HexToInt(S[i * 2 - 1] + S[i * 2])); DestLen := Length(Self.BufferString); if uncompress(PChar(Self.Bufferstring),Destlen,pchar(Source), ii) = Z_OK then begin; if (Destlen mod 36) > 0 then begin; Writeln('Invalid DTM'); Exit; end; DestLen := DestLen div 36; SetLength(Result.p,DestLen); SetLength(Result.c,DestLen); SetLength(Result.t,DestLen); SetLength(Result.asz,DestLen); SetLength(Result.ash,DestLen); b := @Self.Bufferstring[1]; for i := 0 to DestLen - 1 do begin; c := i * 36; Result.p[i].x := PInteger(@b^[c+1])^; Result.p[i].y := PInteger(@b^[c+5])^; Result.asz[i] := PInteger(@b^[c+12])^; Result.ash[i] := PInteger(@b^[c+16])^; Result.c[i] := PInteger(@b^[c+20])^; Result.t[i] := PInteger(@b^[c+24])^; end; end; end; function TMDTM.AddDTM(d: TDTM): Integer; begin if Length(FreeSpots) > 0 then begin DTMList[FreeSpots[High(FreeSpots)]] := TDTMTopDTM(d); Result := FreeSpots[High(FreeSpots)]; SetLength(FreeSpots, High(FreeSpots)); end else begin SetLength(DTMList, Length(DTMList) + 1); DTMList[High(DTMList)] := TDTMTopDTM(d); Result := High(DTMList); end; end; {/\ Adds the given pDTM to the DTM Array, and returns it's index. /\} function TMDTM.AddpDTM(d: pDTM): Integer; begin if Length(FreeSpots) > 0 then begin DTMList[FreeSpots[High(FreeSpots)]] := d; Result := FreeSpots[High(FreeSpots)]; SetLength(FreeSpots, High(FreeSpots)); end Else begin SetLength(DTMList, Length(DTMList) + 1); DTMList[High(DTMList)] := d; Result := High(DTMList); end; end; {/\ Returns the DTM (pDTM type) in the variable dtm at the given index. Returns true is succesfull, false if the dtm does not exist. /\} function TMDTM.GetDTM(index: Integer; var dtm: pDTM): Boolean; begin Result := True; try dtm := DTMList[index]; except begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('The given DTM Index ([%d]) is invalid.', [index]); //WriteLn('DTM Index ' + IntToStr(index) + ' does not exist'); Result := False; end; end end; {/\ Unloads the DTM at the given index from the DTM Array. Notes: Will keep track of not used index, so it is very memory efficient. /\} Procedure TMDTM.FreeDTM(DTM: Integer); begin try SetLength(DTMList[DTM].p, 0); SetLength(DTMList[DTM].c, 0); SetLength(DTMList[DTM].t, 0); SetLength(DTMList[DTM].asz, 0); SetLength(DTMList[DTM].ash, 0); except //WriteLn('Invalid DTM'); end; SetLength(FreeSpots, Length(FreeSpots) + 1); FreeSpots[High(FreeSpots)] := DTM; end; procedure DTMBounds(dtm: pDTM; var x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); var i: Integer; B: TBox; begin for i := 0 to high(dtm.p) do begin B.X1 := Min(B.X1, dtm.p[i].X - dtm.asz[i]); B.Y1 := Min(B.Y1, dtm.p[i].Y - dtm.asz[i]); B.X2 := Max(B.X2, dtm.p[i].X + dtm.asz[i]); B.Y2 := Max(B.Y2, dtm.p[i].Y + dtm.asz[i]); end; writeln(inttostr(B.x1) + ', ' + inttostr(b.y1) + ', ' + inttostr(b.x2) + ', ' + inttostr(b.y2)); x1 += -B.X1; y1 += -B.Y1; X2 -= B.X2; Y2 -= B.Y2; end; procedure DTMRotatedBounds(dtm: pDTM; var x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer); var i: Integer; B: TBox; begin for i := 0 to high(dtm.p) do begin B.X1 := Min(B.X1, dtm.p[i].X - dtm.asz[i]); B.Y1 := Min(B.Y1, dtm.p[i].Y - dtm.asz[i]); B.X2 := Max(B.X2, dtm.p[i].X + dtm.asz[i]); B.Y2 := Max(B.Y2, dtm.p[i].Y + dtm.asz[i]); end; writeln(inttostr(B.x1) + ', ' + inttostr(b.y1) + ', ' + inttostr(b.x2) + ', ' + inttostr(b.y2)); x1 += -B.X1 * 2; y1 += -B.Y1 * 2; X2 -= B.X2 * 2; Y2 -= B.Y2 * 2; end; { Tries to find the given DTM (index). If found will put the point the dtm has been found at in x, y and result to true. } function TMDTM.FindDTM(DTM: Integer; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; var temp: pDTM; begin if GetDTM(DTM, temp) then Result := pFindDTM(temp, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) else begin x := 0; y := 0; Result := False; end; end; { Tries to find the given pDTM. If found will put the point the dtm has been found at in x, y and result to true. } function TMDTM.pFindDTM(DTM: pDTM; var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; var mP: TPointArray; I, J, H, dH: Integer; Found: Boolean; TempTP: TPoint; begin for I := 1 to High(DTM.p) do begin DTM.p[I].x := DTM.p[I].x - DTM.p[0].x; DTM.p[I].y := DTM.p[I].y - DTM.p[0].y; end; writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); DTMBounds(DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2); writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); {If X2 > X1 then //Exit; If Y2 > Y1 then } //Exit; // Will make sure there are no out of bounds exceptions, and will make it faster with TClient(Client) do begin MWindow.Freeze(); MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(mP, DTM.c[Low(DTM.c)], x1, y1, x2, y2, DTM.t[Low(DTM.t)]); MWindow.GetDimensions(H, dH); end; H := High(mP); dH := High(DTM.p); for I := 0 to H do begin // Use MainPoint's AreaSize and Shape. // for Loop on mP, depending on the AreaShape. then on all the code beneath // this point, use the var that is retrieved from the for loop. Found := True; for J := 1 to dH do begin TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; //Now would be the time to Rotate TempTP if not AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) then begin Found := False; Break; end; end; if Found then begin Result := True; x := mP[I].X; y := mP[I].Y; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Exit; end; end; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Result := False; end; {/\ Tries to find the given DTM (index). Will return true if it has found one or more DTM's. All the occurances are stored in the Points (TPointArray) /\} function TMDTM.FindDTMs(DTM: Integer; Var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; Var temp: pDTM; Begin If GetDTM(DTM, temp) Then Result := pFindDTMs(temp, Points, x1, y1, x2, y2) Else Begin SetLength(Points, 0); Result := False; End; End; {/\ Tries to find the given pDTM. Will return true if it has found one or more DTM's. All the occurances are stored in the Points (TPointArray) /\} Function TMDTM.pFindDTMs(DTM: pDTM; Var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Boolean; Var mP: TPointArray; I, J, H, dH: Integer; Found: Boolean; TempTP: TPoint; Begin Result := False; SetLength(Points, 0); For I := 1 To High(DTM.p) Do Begin DTM.p[I].x := DTM.p[I].x - DTM.p[0].x; DTM.p[I].y := DTM.p[I].y - DTM.p[0].y; End; writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); DTMBounds(DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2); writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); {If X2 > X1 then //Exit; If Y2 > Y1 then } //Exit; // Will make sure there are no out of bounds exceptions, and will make it faster with TClient(Client) do begin MWindow.Freeze(); MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(mP, DTM.c[Low(DTM.c)], x1, y1, x2, y2, DTM.t[Low(DTM.t)]); MWindow.GetDimensions(H, dH); end; H := High(mP); dH := High(DTM.p); For I := 0 To H Do Begin Found := True; For J := 1 To dH Do Begin TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; If Not AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) Then Begin Found := False; Break; End; End; If Found Then Begin Result := True; SetLength(Points, Length(Points) + 1); Points[High(Points)] := mP[I]; End; End; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Result := Length(Points) > 0; End; {/\ Tries to find the given DTM (index). If found will put the point the dtm has been found at in x, y and result to true. Will rotate the DTM starting at sAngle, increasing by aStep until eAngle has been reached, or when the DTM has been found. Returns all Angles in an Extended array. /\} Function TMDTM.FindDTMRotated(DTM: Integer; Var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; Var aFound: Extended): Boolean; Var temp: pDTM; Begin If GetDTM(DTM, temp) Then Result := pFindDTMRotated(temp, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, sAngle, eAngle, aStep, aFound) Else Begin x := 0; y := 0; aFound := 0.0; Result := False; End; End; {/\ Tries to find the given pDTM. If found will put the point the dtm has been found at in x, y and result to true. Will rotate the DTM starting at sAngle, increasing by aStep until eAngle has been reached, or when the DTM has been found. Returns all Angles in an Extended array. /\} Function TMDTM.pFindDTMRotated(DTM: pDTM; Var x, y: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; Var aFound: Extended): Boolean; Var mP: TPointArray; I, J, H, dH, R, W: Integer; Angle: Array Of Extended; tAngle: Extended; Found: Boolean; TempTP: TPoint; MaxSubPointDist: TPoint; Begin For I := 1 To High(DTM.p) Do Begin DTM.p[I].x := DTM.p[I].x - DTM.p[0].x; DTM.p[I].y := DTM.p[I].y - DTM.p[0].y; End; writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); DTMRotatedBounds(DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2); writeln(inttostr(x1) + ', ' + inttostr(y1) + ', ' + inttostr(x2) + ', ' + inttostr(y2)); {If X2 > X1 then //Exit; If Y2 > Y1 then } //Exit; // Will make sure there are no out of bounds exceptions, and will make it faster with TClient(Client) do begin MWindow.Freeze(); MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(mP, DTM.c[Low(DTM.c)], x1, y1, x2, y2, DTM.t[Low(DTM.t)]); MWindow.GetDimensions(H, dH); end; H := High(mP); dH := High(DTM.p); For I := 0 To H Do Begin // Use MainPoint's AreaSize and Shape. // For Loop on mP, depending on the AreaShape. Then on all the code beneath // this point, use the var that is retrieved from the for loop. Found := True; SetLength(Angle, 0); Found := True; For J := 1 To dH Do Begin If Length(Angle) = 0 Then Begin tAngle := sAngle; While tAngle <= eAngle Do Begin TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; TempTP := RotatePoint(TempTP, tAngle, mP[I].X, mP[I].Y); If AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) Then Begin SetLength(Angle, Length(Angle) + 1); Angle[High(Angle)] := tAngle; Found := True; End; tAngle := tAngle + aStep; End; End; Found := Length(Angle) > 0; For R := 0 To High(Angle) Do Begin writeln('dtm: ' + inttostr(dtm.p[j].x) + ', ' + inttostr(dtm.p[j].y)); writeln('mP: ' + inttostr(mP[i].x) + ', ' + inttostr(mP[i].y)); TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; writeln('TempTP: ' + inttostr(TempTP.x) + ', ' + inttostr(TempTP.y)); TempTP := RotatePoint(TempTP, Angle[R], mP[I].X, mP[I].Y); writeln('TempTP: ' + inttostr(TempTP.x) + ', ' + inttostr(TempTP.y)); If Not AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) Then Begin For W := R To High(Angle) - 1 Do Angle[W] := Angle[W + 1]; SetLength(Angle, Length(Angle) - 1); If Length(Angle) = 0 Then Begin Found := False; Break; End; End; End; If Not Found Then Break; End; If Found Then Begin Result := True; x := mP[I].X; y := mP[I].Y; aFound := Angle[0]; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Exit; End; End; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Result := False; End; {/\ Tries to find the given DTM (index). Will return true if it has found one or more DTM's. All the occurances are stored in the Points (TPointArray) Will rotate the DTM starting at sAngle, increasing by aStep until eAngle has been reached. Does not stop rotating when one occurance of a DTM has been found. Returns all Angles in a Two Dimensional Extended array. /\} Function TMDTM.FindDTMsRotated(DTM: Integer; Var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; Var aFound: T2DExtendedArray): Boolean; Var temp: pDTM; Begin If GetDTM(DTM, temp) Then Result := pFindDTMsRotated(temp, Points, x1, y1, x2, y2, sAngle, eAngle, aStep, aFound) Else Begin SetLength(Points, 0); SetLength(aFound, 0); Result := False; End; End; {/\ Tries to find the given pDTM. Will return true if it has found one or more DTM's. All the occurances are stored in the Points (TPointArray) Will rotate the DTM starting at sAngle, increasing by aStep until eAngle has been reached. Does not stop rotating when one occurance of a DTM has been found. Returns all Angles in a Two Dimensional Extended array. /\} Function TMDTM.pFindDTMsRotated(DTM: pDTM; Var Points: TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep: Extended; Var aFound: T2DExtendedArray): Boolean; Var mP: TPointArray; I, J, H, dH, R, W, PCount: Integer; Angle: TExtendedArray; tAngle: Extended; Found: Boolean; TempTP: TPoint; Begin For I := 1 To High(DTM.p) Do Begin DTM.p[I].x := DTM.p[I].x - DTM.p[0].x; DTM.p[I].y := DTM.p[I].y - DTM.p[0].y; End; DTMBounds(DTM, x1, y1, x2, y2); {If X2 > X1 then //Exit; If Y2 > Y1 then } //Exit; // Will make sure there are no out of bounds exceptions, and will make it faster with TClient(Client) do begin MWindow.Freeze(); MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(mP, DTM.c[Low(DTM.c)], x1, y1, x2, y2, DTM.t[Low(DTM.t)]); MWindow.GetDimensions(H, dH); end; H := High(mP); dH := High(DTM.p); PCount := 0; For I := 0 To H Do Begin //WriteLn('I: ' + IntToStr(I)); // Use MainPoint's AreaSize and Shape. // For Loop on mP, depending on the AreaShape. Then on all the code beneath // this point, use the var that is retrieved from the for loop. //Found := True; SetLength(Angle, 0); Found := True; For J := 1 To dH Do Begin If Length(Angle) = 0 Then Begin tAngle := sAngle; While tAngle <= eAngle Do Begin TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; TempTP := RotatePoint(TempTP, tAngle, mP[I].X, mP[I].Y); If AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) Then Begin SetLength(Angle, Length(Angle) + 1); Angle[High(Angle)] := tAngle; Found := True; End; tAngle := tAngle + aStep; End; End; Found := Length(Angle) > 0; {If Found Then WriteLn('Angle length after first search: ' + IntToStr(Length(Angle))); } For R := 0 To High(Angle) Do Begin TempTP.X := DTM.p[J].X + mP[I].X; TempTP.Y := DTM.p[J].Y + mP[I].Y; TempTP := RotatePoint(TempTP, Angle[R], mP[I].X, mP[I].Y); If Not AreaShape(DTM.c[J], DTM.t[J], DTM.asz[J], DTM.ash[J], TempTP) Then Begin For W := R To High(Angle) - 1 Do Angle[W] := Angle[W + 1]; SetLength(Angle, Length(Angle) - 1); If Length(Angle) = 0 Then Begin Found := False; Break; End; End; End; If Not Found Then Break; End; If Found Then Begin SetLength(Points, PCount + 1); Points[PCount] := mP[I]; PCount := PCount + 1; SetLength(aFound, Length(aFound) + 1); aFound[High(aFound)] := Angle; Continue; End; End; TClient(Client).MWindow.UnFreeze(); Result := Length(Points) > 0; End; end.