{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. framescript for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit framescript; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, SynHighlighterPas, SynEdit, mmlpsthread,ComCtrls, SynEditKeyCmds, LCLType, SynEditMarkupSpecialLine, Graphics; type TScriptState = (ss_None,ss_Running,ss_Paused,ss_Stopping); { ss_None: Means the script either hasn't been run yet, or it has ended (Succesfully or terminated) ss_Running: Means the script is running as we speak :-) ss_Paused: Means the script is currently in pause modus. ss_Stopping: Means we've asked PS-Script politely to stop the script (next time we press the stop button we won't be that nice). } { TScriptFrame } TScriptFrame = class(TFrame) SynEdit: TSynEdit; SynFreePascalSyn1: TSynFreePascalSyn; procedure SynEditChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SynEditProcessCommand(Sender: TObject; var Command: TSynEditorCommand; var AChar: TUTF8Char; Data: pointer); procedure SynEditSpecialLineColors(Sender: TObject; Line: integer; var Special: boolean; var FG, BG: TColor); private OwnerPage : TPageControl; OwnerSheet : TTabSheet;//The owner TTabsheet -> For title setting public ScriptErrorLine : integer; //Highlight the error line! ScriptFile : string;//The path to the saved/opened file currently in the SynEdit StartText : string;//The text synedit holds upon start/open/save ScriptName : string;//The name of the currently opened/saved file. ScriptDefault : string;//The default script e.g. program new; begin end. ScriptChanged : boolean;//We need this for that little * (edited star). ScriptThread : TMMLPSThread;//Just one thread for now.. FScriptState : TScriptState;//Stores the ScriptState, if you want the Run/Pause/Start buttons to change accordingly, acces through Form1 procedure undo; procedure redo; procedure ErrorThread(ErrorAtLine,ErrorPosition : integer; ErrorStr : string; ErrorType : TErrorType); procedure MakeActiveScriptFrame; procedure ScriptThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; { public declarations } end; implementation uses TestUnit; { TScriptFrame } procedure TScriptFrame.SynEditChange(Sender: TObject); begin ScriptErrorLine:= -1; if not ScriptChanged then begin; ScriptChanged:= True; Form1.Caption:= Format(WindowTitle,[ScriptName + '*']); OwnerSheet.Caption:=ScriptName + '*'; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.SynEditProcessCommand(Sender: TObject; var Command: TSynEditorCommand; var AChar: TUTF8Char; Data: pointer); begin if Command = ecUndo then begin; Command:= ecNone; Self.Undo; end else if Command = ecRedo then begin; Command := ecNone; Self.Redo; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.SynEditSpecialLineColors(Sender: TObject; Line: integer; var Special: boolean; var FG, BG: TColor); begin if line = ScriptErrorLine then begin; Special := true; BG := $50a0ff; FG := 0; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.undo; begin SynEdit.Undo; if ScriptChanged then if SynEdit.Lines.Text = StartText then begin; Form1.Caption:= format(WindowTitle,[ScriptName]); OwnerSheet.Caption:= ScriptName; ScriptChanged := false; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.redo; begin SynEdit.Redo; if ScriptChanged then if SynEdit.Lines.Text = StartText then begin; Form1.Caption:= format(WindowTitle,[ScriptName]); OwnerSheet.Caption := ScriptName; ScriptChanged := false; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.ErrorThread(ErrorAtLine, ErrorPosition: integer; ErrorStr: string; ErrorType: TErrorType); begin MakeActiveScriptFrame; ScriptErrorLine:= ErrorAtLine; SynEdit.Invalidate; SynEdit.SelStart:= ErrorPosition; formWriteln(Format('Error: %s at line %d',[errorstr,erroratline])); end; procedure TScriptFrame.MakeActiveScriptFrame; var i : integer; begin if Form1.Visible then for i := 0 to OwnerPage.PageCount - 1 do if OwnerPage.Pages[i] = OwnerSheet then begin; OwnerPage.TabIndex := i; if OwnerSheet.CanFocus then OwnerSheet.SetFocus; exit; end; end; procedure TScriptFrame.ScriptThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); begin FScriptState:= ss_None; Form1.RefreshTab; end; constructor TScriptFrame.Create(TheOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(TheOwner); OwnerSheet := TTabSheet(TheOwner); OwnerPage := TPageControl(OwnerSheet.Owner); StartText:= SynEdit.Lines.text; ScriptDefault:= StartText; ScriptName:= 'Untitled'; ScriptChanged := false; FScriptState:= ss_None; ScriptErrorLine:= -1; OwnerSheet.Caption:= ScriptName; SynEdit.IncrementColor.Background := $30D070; SynEdit.HighlightAllColor.Background:= clYellow; SynEdit.HighlightAllColor.Foreground:= clDefault; end; destructor TScriptFrame.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end; initialization {$I framescript.lrs} end.