{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Linux OS specific implemetation for Mufasa Macro Library } {$mode objfpc}{$H+} unit os_linux; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, mufasatypes, xlib, x, xutil, IOManager, XKeyInput, ctypes, xtest, keysym, syncobjs, mufasabase; type TNativeWindow = x.TWindow; TKeyInput = class(TXKeyInput) public procedure Down(Key: Word); procedure Up(Key: Word); end; { TWindow } TWindow = class(TWindow_Abstract) public constructor Create(display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow); destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); override; function ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; override; procedure FreeReturnData; override; function GetError: String; override; function ReceivedError: Boolean; override; procedure ResetError; override; function TargetValid: boolean; override; procedure ActivateClient; override; procedure GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); override; procedure MoveMouse(x,y: integer); override; procedure HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; procedure ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; function IsMouseButtonHeld( button : TClickType) : boolean;override; procedure SendString(str: string); override; procedure HoldKey(key: integer); override; procedure ReleaseKey(key: integer); override; function IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; override; function GetKeyCode(c : char) : integer;override; function GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; private { display is the connection to the X server } display: PDisplay; { screen-number and selected window } screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow; { Reference to the XImage } buffer: PXImage; { For memory-leak checks } dirty: Boolean; //true if image loaded { KeyInput class } keyinput: TKeyInput; { X Error Handler } oldXHandler: TXErrorHandler; end; TIOManager = class(TIOManager_Abstract) public constructor Create; constructor Create(plugin_dir: string); function SetTarget(target: TNativeWindow): integer; overload; procedure SetDesktop; override; private procedure NativeInit; override; procedure NativeFree; override; public display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; desktop: x.TWindow; end; function MufasaXErrorHandler(para1:PDisplay; para2:PXErrorEvent):cint; cdecl; implementation uses GraphType, interfacebase, lcltype; { PROBLEM: .Create is called on the main thread. ErrorCS etc aren't created on other threads. We will create them on the fly... More info below...} threadvar xerror: string; threadvar ErrorCS: syncobjs.TCriticalSection; { This is extremely hacky, but also very useful. We have to install a X error handler, because otherwise X will terminate out entire app on error. Since we want the right thread to recieve the right error, we have to fiddle a bit with threadvars, mutexes / semaphores. Another problem is that the script thread is initialised on the main thread. This means that all (threadvar!) semaphores initialised on the mainthread are NOT initialised on the script thread, which has yet to be started. Therefore, we check if it hasn't been created yet. ** Horrible solution, but WFM ** This is the Handler function. } function MufasaXErrorHandler(para1:PDisplay; para2:PXErrorEvent):cint; cdecl; begin case para2^.error_code of 1: xerror := 'BadRequest'; 2: xerror := 'BadValue'; 3: xerror := 'BadWindow'; 4: xerror := 'BadPixmap'; 5: xerror := 'BadAtom'; 6: xerror := 'BadCursor'; 7: xerror := 'BadFont'; 8: xerror := 'BadMatch'; 9: xerror := 'BadDrawable'; 10: xerror := 'BadAccess'; 11: xerror := 'BadAlloc'; 12: xerror := 'BadColor'; 13: xerror := 'BadGC'; 14: xerror := 'BadIDChoice'; 15: xerror := 'BadName'; 16: xerror := 'BadLength'; 17: xerror := 'BadImplementation'; else xerror := 'UNKNOWN'; end; result := 0; mDebugLn('X Error: '); mDebugLn('Error code: ' + inttostr(para2^.error_code)); mDebugLn('Display: ' + inttostr(LongWord(para2^.display))); mDebugLn('Minor code: ' + inttostr(para2^.minor_code)); mDebugLn('Request code: ' + inttostr(para2^.request_code)); mDebugLn('Resource ID: ' + inttostr(para2^.resourceid)); mDebugLn('Serial: ' + inttostr(para2^.serial)); mDebugLn('Type: ' + inttostr(para2^._type)); end; { TKeyInput } procedure TKeyInput.Down(Key: Word); begin DoDown(Key); end; procedure TKeyInput.Up(Key: Word); begin DoUp(Key); end; { TWindow } function TWindow.GetError: String; begin exit(xerror); end; function TWindow.ReceivedError: Boolean; begin result := xerror <> ''; end; procedure TWindow.ResetError; begin xerror := ''; end; { See if the semaphores / CS are initialised } constructor TWindow.Create(display: PDisplay; screennum: integer; window: x.TWindow); begin inherited Create; self.display:= display; self.screennum:= screennum; self.window:= window; self.dirty:= false; self.keyinput:= TKeyInput.Create; xerror := ''; { XXX FIXME TODO O GOD WTF } if not assigned(ErrorCS) then ErrorCS := syncobjs.TCriticalSection.Create; ErrorCS.Enter; try oldXHandler:=XSetErrorHandler(@MufasaXErrorHandler); finally ErrorCS.Leave; end; end; destructor TWindow.Destroy; var erh: TXErrorHandler; begin FreeReturnData; keyinput.Free; { XXX FIXME TODO O GOD WTF } if not assigned(ErrorCS) then ErrorCS := syncobjs.TCriticalSection.Create; ErrorCS.Enter; erh := XSetErrorHandler(oldXHandler); try if erh <> @MufasaXErrorHandler then XSetErrorHandler(erh); finally ErrorCS.Leave; end; inherited Destroy; end; function TWindow.GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; begin result := self.window; end; procedure TWindow.GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); var Attrib: TXWindowAttributes; newx, newy: integer; childwindow: x.TWindow; begin if XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, @Attrib) <> 0 Then begin W := Attrib.Width; H := Attrib.Height; end else begin W := -1; H := -1; end; end; function TWindow.TargetValid: boolean; var Attrib: TXWindowAttributes; begin XGetWindowAttributes(display, window, @Attrib); result := not ReceivedError; end; procedure TWindow.ActivateClient; begin XSetInputFocus(display,window,RevertToParent,CurrentTime); XFlush(display); if ReceivedError then raise Exception.Create('Error: ActivateClient: ' + GetError); end; function TWindow.ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; var w,h: integer; begin GetTargetDimensions(w,h); if (xs < 0) or (xs + width > w) or (ys < 0) or (ys + height > h) then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: The parameters passed are wrong; xs,ys %d,%d width,height %d,%d',[xs,ys,width,height]); if dirty then raise Exception.CreateFmt('ReturnData was called again without freeing'+ ' the previously used data. Do not forget to'+ ' call FreeReturnData', []); buffer := XGetImage(display, window, xs, ys, width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); if buffer = nil then begin mDebugLn('ReturnData: XGetImage Error. Dumping data now:'); mDebugLn('xs, ys, width, height: ' + inttostr(xs) + ', ' + inttostr(ys) + ', ' + inttostr(width) + ', ' + inttostr(height)); Result.Ptr := nil; Result.IncPtrWith := 0; raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: ReturnData: XGetImage Error', []); exit; end; Result.Ptr := PRGB32(buffer^.data); Result.IncPtrWith := 0; Result.RowLen := width; dirty:= true; //XSetErrorHandler(Old_Handler); end; procedure TWindow.FreeReturnData; begin if dirty then begin if (buffer <> nil) then XDestroyImage(buffer); buffer:= nil; dirty:= false; end; end; procedure TWindow.GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); var b:integer; root, child: twindow; xmask: Cardinal; begin XQueryPointer(display,window,@root,@child,@b,@b,@x,@y,@xmask); end; procedure TWindow.MoveMouse(x,y: integer); var w,h: integer; begin GetTargetDimensions(w, h); if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x > w) or (y > h) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('SetMousePos: X, Y (%d, %d) is not valid (0,0,%d,%d)', [x, y, w, h]); XWarpPointer(display, 0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, X, Y); XFlush(display); end; procedure TWindow.HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var ButtonP: cuint; _isPress: cbool; begin _isPress := cbool(1); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3; end; XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, ButtonP, _isPress, CurrentTime);; end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var ButtonP: cuint; _isPress: cbool; begin _isPress := cbool(0); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3; end; XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, ButtonP, _isPress, CurrentTime); end; function TWindow.IsMouseButtonHeld(button: TClickType): boolean; var b:integer; root, child: twindow; xmask: Cardinal; ButtonP: cuint; begin XQueryPointer(display,window,@root,@child,@b,@b,@b,@b,@xmask); case button of mouse_Left: ButtonP:= Button1Mask; mouse_Middle: ButtonP:= Button2Mask; mouse_Right: ButtonP:= Button3Mask; end; result := xmask and ButtonP > 0; end; procedure TWindow.SendString(str: string); var i: integer; key: byte; HoldShift : boolean; begin HoldShift := false; for i := 1 to length(str) do begin if((str[i] >= 'A') and (str[i] <= 'Z')) then begin HoldKey(VK_SHIFT); HoldShift:= True; str[i] := lowerCase(str[i]); end else if HoldShift then begin HoldShift:= false; ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; key:= GetKeyCode(str[i]); HoldKey(key); //BenLand100: You should probably wait here... ReleaseKey(key); end; if HoldShift then ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; procedure TWindow.HoldKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Down(key); end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Up(key); end; function TWindow.IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; begin raise Exception.CreateFmt('IsKeyDown isn''t implemented yet on Linux', []); end; function TWindow.GetKeyCode(c: char): integer; begin case C of '0'..'9' :Result := VK_0 + Ord(C) - Ord('0'); 'a'..'z' :Result := VK_A + Ord(C) - Ord('a'); 'A'..'Z' :Result := VK_A + Ord(C) - Ord('A'); ' ' : result := VK_SPACE; else Raise Exception.CreateFMT('GetSimpleKeyCode - char (%s) is not in A..z',[c]); end end; { ***implementation*** IOManager } constructor TIOManager.Create; begin inherited Create; end; constructor TIOManager.Create(plugin_dir: string); begin inherited Create(plugin_dir); end; procedure TIOManager.NativeInit; begin display := XOpenDisplay(nil); if display = nil then raise Exception.Create('Could not open a connection to the X Display'); { DefaultScreen } screennum:= DefaultScreen(display); { Get the Desktop Window } desktop:= RootWindow(display,screennum) end; procedure TIOManager.NativeFree; begin XCloseDisplay(display); end; procedure TIOManager.SetDesktop; begin SetBothTargets(TWindow.Create(display, screennum, desktop)); end; function TIOManager.SetTarget(target: x.TWindow): integer; begin SetBothTargets(TWindow.Create(display, screennum, target)) end; end.