\documentclass[a4paper]{report} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \title{Mufasa PS Handbook} \author{Merlijn Wajer \and Raymond van Veneti\"{e}} \definecolor{typeGreen}{rgb}{0.0, 0.6, 0.0} \definecolor{typeRed}{rgb}{0.6, 0.0, 0.0} \maketitle \tableofcontents \chapter{Foreword} HOI DIT IS DE MUFASA FUNCTIE LIJST! \chapter{Input} \section{Mouse} \subsection{Types} A few variables are exported for working with Mufasa Mouse Functions. TClickType, which, as the name suggests, defines the click type. \begin{itemize} \item $mouse\_Right = 0$ \item $mouse\_Left = 1$ \item $mouse\_Middle = 2$ \end{itemize} TMousePress, which defines if the mouse button is to be down or up. \begin{itemize} \item $mouse\_Up$ \item $mouse\_Down$ \end{itemize} % TClickType = (mouse_Left, mouse_Right, mouse_Middle); % TMousePress = (mouse_Down, mouse_Up); \subsection{MoveMouse} \textbf{procedure} {\color{blue}{MoveMouse}}({\color{typeRed} {in x, y: }}{\color{typeGreen}{Integer}}) MoveMouse moves the mouse pointer to the specified x and y coordinates. \subsection{GetMousePos} \textbf{procedure} {\color{blue}{GetMousePos}}({\color{typeRed} {out x, y: }}{\color{typeGreen}{Integer}}) GetMousePos returns the current position of the mouse in X and Y. \subsection{HoldMouse} \textbf{procedure} {\color{blue}{HoldMouse}}({\color{typeRed} {x, y: }}{\color{typeGreen}{Integer}}; {\color{typeRed}{clickType :}} {\color{typeGreen}{clickType}}) HoldMouse holds the given mouse button (clickType) down at the specified x,y coordinate. If the mouse if not at the given x, y yet, the mouse position will be set to x, y. \subsection{ReleaseMouse} \textbf{procedure} {\color{blue}{ReleaseMouse}}({\color{typeRed} {x, y: }}{\color{typeGreen}{Integer}}; {\color{typeRed}{clickType :}} {\color{typeGreen}{clickType}}) ReleaseMouse releases the given mouse button (clickType) at the specified x,y coordinate. If the mouse if not at the given x, y yet, the mouse position will be set to x, y. \subsection{ClickMouse} \textbf{procedure} {\color{blue}{ClickMouse}}({\color{typeRed} {x, y: }}{\color{typeGreen}{Integer}}; {\color{typeRed}{clickType :}} {\color{typeGreen}{clickType}}) ClickMouse performs a click with the given mouse button (clickType) at the specified x, y coordinate. \section{Keyboard} \subsection{Types} Types ofzo? \subsection{Exported Vk Keys} Hier dus een lijst \subsection{KeyDown} \subsection{KeyUp} \subsection{PressKey} \subsection{SendKeys} \subsection{IsKeyDown} \chapter{Finding Routines} \section{Colours} \subsection{FindColor} \subsection{FindColorTolerance} \subsection{FindColorsTolerance} \section{Bitmaps} % Dit doe je zelf maar \section{DTMs} \subsection{Types} \subsection{FindDTM} I CAN HAS DTM FINDING! \subsection{FindDTMs} \subsection{FindDTMRotated} \subsection{FindDTMsRotated} \subsection{DTMFromString} \subsection{DTMToString} \subsection{AddDTM} \subsection{FreeDTM} \subsection{GetDTM} \subsection{tDTMtopDTM} \subsection{pDTMtopDTM} \chapter{OCR} \section{Finding text} \section{Indentifying text} \subsection{GetTextAtEx} DAT IS DIT \section{Sorting functions} \section{Math} \section{Client / Window} \section{Files} \section{Web} \subsection{OpenWebPage} \chapter{Easter Eggs} ???? Hakuna matata! Wizzyplugin stuff \end{document}