unit simpleanalyzer; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterPas, Clipbrd; type TScriptVar = record VarName, VarType : string; end; { TScriptMethod } TScriptMethod = class(TObject) BeginPos, EndPos : integer; isFunction : Boolean; Name : string; Parameters,Vars : array of TScriptVar; ParameterLen,VarLen : integer; Returns : String; Methods : Array of TScriptMethod; MethodLen : Integer; function AddMethod( iszehfunction : boolean; TheName : string): TScriptMethod; procedure AddVar( TheName, TheType : string); procedure AddParam( TheName : string); constructor create( iszehfunction : Boolean; TheName : string); function CreateMethodStr : string; Destructor Destroy; override; end; { TScriptAnalyzer } TScriptAnalyzer = class(TObject) ScriptToAnalyze : string; ScriptName : string; Methods : Array of TScriptMethod; MethodLen : Integer; Main : TScriptMethod; HasMain : boolean; Vars : Array of TScriptVar; VarLen : integer; Function AddMethod( iszehfunction : boolean; Name : string): TScriptMethod; procedure AddVar( TheName, TheType : string); procedure analyze; constructor create; Destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation uses mPasLex,strutils; destructor TScriptAnalyzer.Destroy; var i : integer; begin; for i := 0 to MethodLen - 1 do Self.Methods[i].Free; Main.Free; inherited; end; destructor TScriptMethod.Destroy; var i : integer; begin; for i := 0 to MethodLen - 1 do Self.Methods[i].Free; inherited; end; constructor TScriptMethod.create( iszehfunction : Boolean; TheName : string); begin; inherited Create; Self.isFunction := iszehfunction; Self.Name := TheName; end; function TScriptMethod.CreateMethodStr: string; var i : integer; LastType : string; begin if isFunction then result := 'function ' + Name else result := 'procedure '+ name; if ParameterLen > 0 then begin; result := result + '('; LastType := ''; for i := 0 to ParameterLen - 1 do begin; if lasttype <> '' then if lowercase(lasttype) <> lowercase(Parameters[i].VarType) then result := result + ' : ' + LastType + '; ' else result := result + ', '; result := result + Parameters[i].VarName; lasttype := Parameters[i].VarType; end; Result := result + ' : ' + Parameters[ParameterLen - 1].VarType + ')'; end; if isFunction then result := result + ' : ' + Returns else result := result + ';'; end; constructor TScriptAnalyzer.create; begin; inherited create; ScriptName := 'Default'; Main := TScriptMethod.create(false,'!main'); end; procedure TScriptMethod.addVar( TheName, TheType : string); begin; inc(Self.VarLen); SetLength(Self.Vars, self.varlen); Self.Vars[Self.VarLen - 1].VarName := TheName; Self.Vars[Self.VarLen - 1].VarType := TheType; end; procedure TScriptAnalyzer.AddVar( TheName, TheType : string); begin; inc(Self.VarLen); SetLength(Self.Vars, self.VarLen); Self.Vars[Self.VarLen - 1].VarName := TheName; Self.Vars[Self.VarLen - 1].VarType := TheType; end; function TScriptMethod.AddMethod( iszehfunction : boolean; TheName : string) : TScriptMethod; begin; inc(Self.MethodLen); SetLength(Self.Methods, Self.MethodLen); Self.Methods[Self.Methodlen - 1] := TScriptMethod.create(iszehfunction,TheName); Result :=Self.Methods[Self.Methodlen - 1]; end; function TScriptAnalyzer.AddMethod( iszehfunction : boolean; Name : string) : TScriptMethod; begin; inc(Self.MethodLen); SetLength(Self.Methods, Self.MethodLen); Self.Methods[Self.Methodlen - 1] := TScriptMethod.create(iszehfunction,Name); Result :=Self.Methods[Self.Methodlen - 1]; end; procedure TScriptMethod.AddParam(TheName: string); begin; inc(Self.ParameterLen); SetLength(Self.Parameters, self.ParameterLen); Self.Parameters[Self.ParameterLen - 1].VarName := TheName; end; procedure TScriptAnalyzer.analyze; var LastTk : TTokenKind; StartPos,LastPos: integer; LastTkString : string; I : integer; InMethod : Boolean; ExpectingType : boolean; //Params and result WaitingForResult : boolean; StartParam : integer; StartVar : integer; Method : TScriptMethod; InTypes : Boolean; TempName : string; BeginCount : integer; InGlobal : boolean; InParams : boolean; InVarSection : Boolean; Lex : TmwPasLex; begin Lex := TmwPasLex.Create; Lex.Origin := PChar(Self.ScriptToAnalyze); InTypes := False; InMethod := False; InParams := False; Method := nil; BeginCount := 0; ExpectingType := False; WaitingForResult := False; StartParam := 0; InVarSection := False; while (Lex.TokenID <> tkNull) do begin; LastTk := Lex.TokenID; LastPos := Lex.RunPos; Lex.NextNoJunk; case LastTk of // tkInclude : ShowMessage(Lex.Token); // if (FParser.Token[Length(FParser.Token)] = '}') then // FIncludes.Add(StringReplace(LowerCase(Trim(Copy(FParser.Token, 11, Length(FParser.Token) - 11))), '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll])); tkProgram : if Lex.TokenID = tkIdentifier then Self.ScriptName := Lex.Token; tkRoundOpen: begin; LastTkString := Lex.Token; if InMethod and InParams then StartParam := 0; end; tkType : InVarSection := False; tkBegin : begin; InVarSection := False; if InMethod then inc(BeginCount) else if BeginCount = 0 then begin; InVarSection := false; InMethod := true; HasMain := True; Method := Main; Main.BeginPos := LastPos - 4; Inc(BeginCount); end; end; tkCase : begin; if InMethod then inc(BeginCount); end; tkEnd : if InMethod then begin; Dec(BeginCount); if BeginCount = 0 then begin; Method.EndPos := LastPos; InMethod := False; end; end; tkIdentifier: begin; if (InMethod and InParams) or (InVarSection) then begin; { if ExpectingType then begin; FormAnalyzer.SynEdit1.Lines.add(copy( FormAnalyzer.SynEdit1.Lines.Text,StartPos, LastPos - StartPos)); LastTKString := copy( FormAnalyzer.SynEdit1.Lines.GetText,StartPos, Lex.TokenPos - StartPos); for i := StartParam to Method.ParameterLen - 1 do Method.Parameters[i].VarType := LastTkString; end else Method.AddParam(LastTkString); } if not ExpectingType and InVarSection then Method.AddVar(LastTKString,'') else if not ExpectingType then Method.AddParam(LastTKString); end; end; tkVar : begin; if InMethod and Not InParams then InVarSection := True; if not InMethod then begin; Method := Main; InGlobal := True; InVarSection := True; end; if InVarSection then StartVar := Method.VarLen; LastTKString := Lex.Token; end; tkConst : begin; if not InMethod then InVarSection := false; LastTKString := Lex.token; end; tkComma : begin; LastTKString := Lex.Token; end; tkColon : begin; LastTkString := Lex.Token; if (InMethod and InParams) or InVarSection then begin; ExpectingType := True; StartPos := LastPos; end else if InMethod and WaitingForresult then begin; Method.Returns := Lex.Token; WaitingForResult := False; end; end; tkSemiColon : begin; if (InMethod and InParams) or (InVarSection) then begin; if ExpectingType then begin; LastTKString := Trim(copy( ScriptToAnalyze,StartPos + 1, LastPos - StartPos - 1)); if (InParams and InMethod) then for i := StartParam to Method.ParameterLen - 1 do Method.Parameters[i].VarType := LastTkString else for i := StartVar to Method.VarLen - 1 do Method.Vars[i].VarType := LastTKString; ExpectingType := False; end; LastTkString := Lex.Token; StartParam := Method.ParameterLen; StartVar := Method.VarLen; end; end; tkRoundClose: if InMethod and InParams then begin; if ExpectingType then begin; LastTKString := Trim(copy(ScriptToAnalyze,StartPos + 2, LastPos - StartPos - 2)); for i := StartParam to Method.ParameterLen - 1 do Method.Parameters[i].VarType := LastTkString; ExpectingType := False; end; InParams := False; end; tkProcedure, tkFunction : begin; if not InMethod then InVarSection := False; if (not InTypes) and (not InVarSection) then begin; WaitingForResult := LastTK = tkFunction; if Lex.TokenID <> tkIdentifier then begin; ShowMessage('No method name -> exiting'); exit; end; TempName := Lex.Token; Lex.NextNoJunk; if Lex.TokenID = tkRoundOpen then InParams := True else if Lex.TokenID = tkPoint then begin; // FormAnalyzer.SynEdit2.Lines.add('In class definition *cough*'); Lex.NextNoJunk; TempName := Lex.Token; end else if ((Lex.TokenID = tkSemicolon) xor WaitingForResult) or ((Lex.TokenID = tkColon) xor WaitingForResult) then begin; InParams := False; end else begin; ShowMessage('Your missing some stuff in the procedure declaration'); Exit; end; if InMethod then Method := Method.AddMethod(WaitingForResult,TempName) else Method := Self.AddMethod(WaitingForResult,TempName); InMethod := true; Method.BeginPos := LastPos - 5; end; end; end; // SynEdit2.Lines.Add(TokeToString(Lex.TokenID) + '-' + Lex.Token); end; end; end.