program DTMEditor_Extension; {$ifndef PS_EXTENSION} var Client : TClient; Simba_MainMenu : TMainMenu; {$endif} {$i mml.simba} const Version = '0.5'; ZoomPixels = 3; //Should be an odd number (1, 3, 5, 7, ..) var Simba_Menu: TMenuItem; frm: TForm; mm: TMainMenu; sm: array [0..31] of TMenuItem; ResizeTimer: TTimer; DotTimer: TTimer; sb: TScrollBox; img, imgZoom: TImage; pnl: TPanel; rbMouseClick: array[0..2] of TRadioButton; lb: TListBox; btnAdd, btnDel, btnMark: TButton; edX, edY, edASize, edColour, edTolerance: TEdit; cbAShape: TComboBox; shColour: TShape; bmpOverlay, bmpBuffer, bmp: TMufasaBitmap; sp: TPoint; Zoom: Single; p: TSDTMPointDefArray; curP: Integer; MarkCol: Integer; PaintDTM, BufferChanged: Boolean; function GetLine(p1, p2: TPoint): TPointArray; var dx, dy: Extended; i, d: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 0); dx := p2.x - p1.x; dy := p2.y - p1.y; d := Max(Round(Abs(dx)), Round(Abs(dy))); if (d = 0) then Exit; dx := dx / d; dy := dy / d; SetLength(Result, d + 1); for i := 0 to d do begin Result[i].x := p1.x + Round(dx * i); Result[i].y := p1.y + Round(dy * i); end; ClearDoubleTPA(Result); end; function InvertColor(Color: Integer): Integer; var h, s, l: Extended; begin ColorToHSL(Color, h, s, l); if (((h + s + l) < 120) and ((l < 75) or (h + s + l > 145))) or (l < 35) then Result := (clWhite * 3 + HSLtoColor(100 - (h / 2.0), 100, 100 - l)) div 4 else if (h + s + l > 200) or (l > 75) then Result := HSLtoColor(100 - (h / 2.0), 100, 100 - l) div 2 else Result := HSLtoColor(100 - (h / 2.0), 100, 100 - l) + clWhite div 3; end; function toSDTM: TSDTM; var i, l: Integer; begin if (Length(p) < 1) then Exit; with Result do begin MainPoint := p[0]; l := Length(p) - 1; SetLength(SubPoints, l); for i := 0 to l - 1 do SubPoints[i] := p[i + 1]; end; end; function DTMPointDef(x, y, Area, Shape, Color, Tolerance: Integer): TSDTMPointDef; begin Result.x := x; Result.y := y; Result.AreaSize := Area; Result.AreaShape := Shape; Result.Color := Color; Result.Tolerance := Tolerance; end; function FindClosePoint(x, y, maxDist: Integer): Integer; var i, d1, d2: Integer; begin Result := -1; if (Length(p) < 1) then Exit; maxDist := Round(maxDist / Zoom); d1 := maxDist + 1; for i := High(p) downto 0 do begin d2 := Max(iAbs(p[i].x - x), iAbs(p[i].y - y)) - Max(Round(p[i].AreaSize * Zoom / 2.0), 1); if (d2 < d1) then begin d1 := d2; Result := i; end; end; if (Result > -1) and (d1 > maxDist) then Result := -1; end; function FixImgPoint(var x, y: Integer): Boolean; begin x := x - sp.x; y := y - sp.y; if (Zoom <> 1.0) and (Zoom > 0.0) then begin x := Round(x / Zoom); y := Round(y / Zoom); end; Result := not ((x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= bmpBuffer.Width) or (y >= bmpBuffer.Height)); end; function getIntFromEdit(Edit: TEdit): Integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Edit.Text, -1); if (Result = -1) then begin Result := 0; Edit.Color := 7435495; end else Edit.Color := clWhite; end; function getX: Integer; begin Result := getIntFromEdit(edX); end; function getY: Integer; begin Result := getIntFromEdit(edY); end; function getASize: Integer; begin Result := getIntFromEdit(edASize); end; function getAShape: Integer; begin Result := cbAShape.ItemIndex; if (Result = -1) then begin Result := 0; cbAShape.Color := 7435495; end else cbAShape.Color := clWhite; end; function getColour: Integer; begin Result := getIntFromEdit(edColour); end; function getTolerance: Integer; begin Result := getIntFromEdit(edTolerance); end; procedure DrawDot(p: TSDTMPointDef; Color: Integer; OnBuffer: Boolean); var x, y, z, w, h: Integer; begin if OnBuffer then begin z := Max(p.AreaSize shr 1, 1); w := bmpBuffer.Width; h := bmpBuffer.Height; BufferChanged := True; end else begin z := Max(Round(p.AreaSize * Zoom / 2.0), 1); if (Zoom <> 1.0) and (Zoom > 0.0) then begin p.x := Round(p.x * Zoom); p.y := Round(p.y * Zoom); end; w := Round(bmpBuffer.Width * Zoom); h := Round(bmpBuffer.Height * Zoom); end; for x := -z to z do for y := -z to z do if (p.x + x >= 0) and (p.x + x < w) and (p.y + y >= 0) and (p.y + y < h) then if OnBuffer then bmpBuffer.FastSetPixel(p.x + x, p.y + y, Color) else img.Canvas.Pixels[p.x + x + sp.x, p.y + y + sp.y] := Color; end; procedure DrawDots(OnBuffer: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(p) do DrawDot(p[i], MarkCol, OnBuffer); end; procedure DrawPoints(OnBuffer: Boolean); var Points: TPointArray; a: Boolean; i: Integer; z: Single; begin if (not PaintDTM) then Exit; a := DotTimer.Enabled; DotTimer.Enabled := False; if OnBuffer then begin for i := 1 to High(p) do Points := CombineTPA(Points, GetLine(Point(Max(Min(p[0].x, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p[0].y, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0)), Point(Max(Min(p[i].x, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p[i].y, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0)))); bmpBuffer.DrawTPA(Points, MarkCol); DrawDots(True); BufferChanged := True; end else begin img.Canvas.Pen.Width := Max(Round(Zoom), 1); img.Canvas.Pen.Color := MarkCol; z := Zoom; if (Zoom <= 0.0) then Zoom := 1.0; for i := 1 to High(p) do begin img.Canvas.MoveTo(Round(Max(Min(p[0].x, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0) * z) + sp.x, Round(Max(Min(p[0].y, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0) * z) + sp.y); img.Canvas.LineTo(Round(Max(Min(p[i].x, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0) * z) + sp.x, Round(Max(Min(p[i].y, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0) * z) + sp.y); end; DrawDots(False); end; DotTimer.Enabled := a; end; function AddPoint(x, y, Area, Shape, Color, Tolerance: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Length(p); SetLength(p, Result + 1); p[Result] := DTMPointDef(x, y, Area, Shape, Color, Tolerance); lb.Items.Add(ToStr(p[Result])); end; function DoAddPoint: Integer; begin Result := AddPoint(getX, getY, getASize, getAShape, getColour, getTolerance); end; procedure setActivePoint(Index: Integer); var a: Boolean; c: TNotifyEvent; begin a := DotTimer.Enabled; DotTimer.Enabled := False; if (curP > -1) and (curP <> Index) then DrawDot(p[curP], MarkCol, False); curP := Index; if (lb.ItemIndex <> Index) then begin c := lb.OnClick; lb.ItemIndex := Index; lb.OnClick := c; end; if (curP > -1) then with p[curP] do begin edX.Text := IntToStr(x); edY.Text := IntToStr(y); edASize.Text := IntToStr(AreaSize); cbAShape.ItemIndex := AreaShape; edColour.Text := IntToStr(Color); edTolerance.Text := IntToStr(Tolerance); end; DotTimer.Enabled := a; end; procedure ResetBuffer; begin if (bmpBuffer <> nil) then bmpBuffer.Free; bmpBuffer := bmp.Copy(0, 0, bmp.Width - 1, bmp.Height - 1); BufferChanged := False; end; procedure UpdateBitmap(EnsurePaint, BufferPoints: Boolean); var b: TMufasaBitmap; tmpBitmap: TBitmap; begin if (Zoom = 1.0) or (Zoom <= 0.0) then if (bmpOverlay <> nil) then b := bmpOverlay else b := bmpBuffer else begin if (bmpOverlay <> nil) then b := bmpOverlay.Copy(0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1) else b := bmpBuffer.Copy(0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1); b.StretchResize(Max(Round(b.Width * Zoom), 1), Max(Round(b.Height * Zoom), 1)); end; img.Width := b.Width; img.Height := b.Height; img.Picture.Bitmap.Width := Max(b.Width, sb.ClientWidth); img.Picture.Bitmap.Height := Max(b.Height, sb.ClientHeight); if (sp.x > 0) and (sp.x + b.Width > sb.ClientWidth - 1) then EnsurePaint := True else if (sp.y > 0) and (sp.y + b.Height > sb.ClientHeight - 1) then EnsurePaint := True; sp := Point(0, 0); if (b.Width < sb.ClientWidth - 1) or (b.Height < sb.ClientHeight - 1) then begin if (b.Width < sb.ClientWidth - 1) then begin img.Width := sb.ClientWidth - 1; sp.x := (img.Width - b.Width) div 2; end; if (b.Height < sb.ClientHeight - 1) then begin img.Height := sb.ClientHeight - 1; sp.y := (img.Height - b.Height) div 2; end; with img.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := clNavy; Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := clWhite; Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width - 1, img.Height - 1); Brush.Style := bsDiagCross; Brush.Color := clNavy; Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width - 1, img.Height - 1); end; EnsurePaint := True; end; if EnsurePaint then begin if BufferPoints then DrawPoints(True); if (sp.x = 0) and (sp.y = 0) then begin tmpBitmap := b.ToTBitmap; img.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBitmap); tmpBitmap.Free; end else b.DrawToCanvas(sp.x, sp.y, img.Canvas); if (not BufferPoints) then DrawPoints(False); end; if (Zoom > 0.0) and (Zoom <> 1.0) then b.Free; end; procedure LoadClientBitmap; var w, h: Integer; begin GetClientDimensions(w, h); bmp.CopyClientToBitmap(client.IOManager,true,0,0,0,0,w-1,h-1); ResetBuffer; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; procedure frmResize(Sender: TObject); begin ResizeTimer.Enabled := False; ResizeTimer.Enabled := True; end; procedure frmKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Key = VK_CONTROL) and (img.Cursor = crHandPoint) then img.Cursor := crDefault else if (Key = VK_DELETE) then btnDel.OnClick(nil); end; procedure timerResize(Sender: TObject); begin //TTimer(Sender).Enabled := False; ResizeTimer.Enabled := False; UpdateBitmap(False, False); end; procedure timerDot(Sender: TObject); begin if (not PaintDTM) then Exit; //TTimer(Sender).Enabled := False; DotTimer.Enabled := False; if (curP > -1) then begin if (TTimer(Sender).Tag = clYellow) then TTimer(Sender).Tag := clBlack else TTimer(Sender).Tag := clYellow; DrawDot(p[curP], TTimer(Sender).Tag, False); end; //TTimer(Sender).Enabled := True; DotTimer.Enabled := True; end; procedure edFilterText(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (not ( (Key = VK_DELETE) or (Key = VK_BACK) or ((Key >= VK_0) and (Key <= VK_9)) or ((Key >= VK_Left) and (Key <= VK_DOWN)) or ((Key >= VK_NUMPAD0) and (Key <= VK_NUMPAD9)) )) or (Shift <> []) then Key := 0; end; procedure edChange(Sender: TObject); var pt: TSDTMPointDef; begin with pt do begin x := getX; y := getY; AreaSize := getASize; AreaShape := getAShape; Color := getColour; shColour.Brush.Color := Color; Tolerance := getTolerance; end; if (curP > -1) and TWinControl(Sender).Focused then begin p[curP] := pt; lb.Items[curP] := ToStr(pt); UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; procedure mnuNew(Sender: TObject); begin SetLength(p, 0); curP := -1; PaintDTM := True; lb.Clear; rbMouseClick[0].Checked := True; //Mouse click creates point sm[15].Click; //Zoom sm[20].Click; //Marking Colour cbAShape.ItemIndex := 0; edASize.Text := '1'; edX.Text := '0'; edY.Text := '0'; edColour.Text := '0'; edTolerance.Text := '0'; shColour.Brush.Color := clWhite; if (bmpOverlay <> nil) then begin bmpOverlay.Free; bmpOverlay := nil; end; ResetBuffer; UpdateBitmap(True, False); frm.ActiveControl := lb; end; procedure mnuOpen(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure mnuSave(Sender: TObject); begin end; procedure mnuExit(Sender: TObject); begin frm.Close; end; procedure mnuOpenImg(Sender: TObject); begin DotTimer.Enabled := False; with TOpenDialog.Create(frm) do begin Filter := 'Graphic (*.bmp;*.xpm;*.png;*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.ico;*.icns;*.cur;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif)|*.bmp;*.xpm;*.png;*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm;*.ico;*.icns;*.cur;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Pixmap (*.xpm)|*.xpm|Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png|Portable PixMap (*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm)|*.pbm;*.pgm;*.ppm|Icon (*.ico)|*.ico|OSX Icon Resource (*.icns)|*.icns|Cursor (*.cur)|*.cur|Joint Picture Expert Group (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif|All files (*.*)|*.*|'; Options := Options + [ofFileMustExist, ofOverwritePrompt]; if Execute then begin bmp.LoadFromFile(FileName); ResetBuffer; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; Free; end; DotTimer.Enabled := True; end; procedure mnuClientImg(Sender: TObject); begin LoadClientBitmap; end; procedure mnuClientDesktop(Sender: TObject); begin SetDesktopAsClient; LoadClientBitmap; end; procedure mnuZoom(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; z: Single; begin for i := 0 to sm[12].Count - 1 do sm[12].Items[i].Checked := False; TMenuItem(Sender).Checked := True; z := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag / 100.0; if (Zoom <> z) then begin Zoom := z; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; procedure mnuSetMarkCol(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to sm[19].Count - 1 do sm[19].Items[i].Checked := False; TMenuItem(Sender).Checked := True; if (MarkCol <> TMenuItem(Sender).Tag) then begin MarkCol := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; procedure mnuMatchCols(Sender: TObject); var h: Integer; Points: TPointArray; begin BufferChanged := True; PaintDTM := False; h := GetImageTarget; if (bmpOverlay = nil) then bmpOverlay := bmpBuffer.Copy(0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1); SetTargetBitmap(bmpBuffer); if FindColorsTolerance(Points, getColour, 0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1, getTolerance) then bmpOverlay.DrawTPA(Points, MarkCol); SetImageTarget(h); UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; procedure mnuMatchDTMs(Sender: TObject); var p1, p2: TPointArray; dtm, i, h: Integer; begin BufferChanged := True; PaintDTM := False; if (Length(p) > 0) then begin dtm := Client.MDTMs.AddSDTM(toSDTM); h := GetImageTarget; if (bmpOverlay = nil) then bmpOverlay := bmpBuffer.Copy(0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1); SetTargetBitmap(bmpBuffer); if FindDTMs(dtm, p1, 0, 0, bmpBuffer.Width - 1, bmpBuffer.Height - 1) then begin for i := 0 to High(p1) do p2 := CombineTPA(p2, CombineTPA( GetLine(Point(Max(Min(p1[i].x - 4, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p1[i].y - 4, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0)), Point(Max(Min(p1[i].x + 4, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p1[i].y + 4, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0))), GetLine(Point(Max(Min(p1[i].x - 4, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p1[i].y + 4, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0)), Point(Max(Min(p1[i].x + 4, bmpBuffer.Width - 1), 0), Max(Min(p1[i].y - 4, bmpBuffer.Height - 1), 0))) ) ); bmpOverlay.DrawTPA(p2, MarkCol); end; SetImageTarget(h); FreeDTM(dtm); end; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; procedure mnuRefresh(Sender: TObject); begin PaintDTM := True; if (bmpOverlay <> nil) then begin bmpOverlay.Free; bmpOverlay := nil; end else ResetBuffer; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; procedure mnuDTMfromString(Sender: TObject); var s: string; dtm, i: Integer; mdtm: TMDTM; sdtm: TSDTM; begin if InputQuery('DTM From String', 'Enter DTM string:', s) and (s <> '') then begin mnuNew(nil); dtm := DTMFromString(s); mdtm := GetDTM(dtm); sdtm := MDTMToSDTM(mdtm); SetLength(p, mdtm.Count); if (mdtm.Count > 0) then begin p[0] := sdtm.MainPoint; for i := mdtm.Count - 1 downto 1 do p[i] := sdtm.SubPoints[i - 1]; end; mdtm.Free; UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; procedure mnuPrintDTM(Sender: TObject); var mdtm: TMDTM; begin if (Length(p) > 0) then begin mdtm := SDTMToMDTM(toSDTM); WriteLn(''); WriteLn('DTM := DTMFromString(''' + mdtm.ToString + ''');'); WriteLn(''); mdtm.Free; end; end; procedure lbDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); begin Accept := (Source = lb); end; var lbStartDrag: Integer; procedure lbDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); var lbEndDrag, i: Integer; tmp: TSDTMPointDef; begin DotTimer.Enabled := False; with lb do begin lbEndDrag := ItemAtPos(Point(x, y), True); if (lbStartDrag > -1) and (lbEndDrag > -1) and (lbStartDrag <> lbEndDrag) then begin Items.Move(lbStartDrag, lbEndDrag); if (lbStartDrag > lbEndDrag) then begin tmp := p[lbStartDrag]; for i := lbStartDrag - 1 downto lbEndDrag do p[i + 1] := p[i]; p[lbEndDrag] := tmp; end else begin tmp := p[lbStartDrag]; for i := lbStartDrag to lbEndDrag - 1 do p[i] := p[i + 1]; p[lbEndDrag] := tmp; end; setActivePoint(lbEndDrag); if (lbStartDrag = 0) or (lbEndDrag = 0) then UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; DotTimer.Enabled := True; end; procedure lbMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin lbStartDrag := lb.ItemAtPos(Point(x, y), True); end; procedure lbClick(Sender: TObject); begin setActivePoint(lb.ItemIndex); end; procedure btnAddPoint(Sender: TObject); begin setActivePoint(DoAddPoint); DrawPoints(False); end; procedure btnDelPoint(Sender: TObject); var i, l: Integer; begin if (curP > -1) then begin l := High(p); for i := curP to l - 1 do Swap(p[i], p[i + 1]); SetLength(p, l); lb.Items.Delete(curP); if (curP = l) then Dec(curP); setActivePoint(curP); UpdateBitmap(True, False); end; end; procedure imgMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; x, y: integer); var i: Integer; begin frm.ActiveControl := lb; if (not PaintDTM) or (not FixImgPoint(x, y)) then Exit; if (not (ssCtrl in Shift)) then begin i := FindClosePoint(x, y, 1); if (i > -1) then begin setActivePoint(i); Exit; end; end; if (not rbMouseClick[2].Checked) then //Not Mouse click picks colour begin edX.Text := IntToStr(x); edY.Text := IntToStr(y); if rbMouseClick[1].Checked and (curP > -1) then begin p[curP].x := x; p[curP].y := y; lb.Items[curP] := ToStr(p[curP]); UpdateBitmap(True, False); Exit; end; end; if (not rbMouseClick[1].Checked) then //Not Mouse click moves point begin i := bmpBuffer.FastGetPixel(x, y); edColour.Text := IntToStr(i); if rbMouseClick[2].Checked and (curP > -1) then begin p[curP].Color := i; lb.Items[curP] := ToStr(p[curP]); Exit; end; end; if rbMouseClick[0].Checked then //Mouse click creates point begin setActivePoint(DoAddPoint); DrawPoints(False); end; end; procedure imgMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var b, dx, dy, TheColour, AvgColour: Integer; px, py: Single; w, h: Single; begin with imgZoom.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := clNavy; Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := clWhite; Rectangle(0, 0, imgZoom.Width - 1, imgZoom.Height - 1); Brush.Style := bsDiagCross; Brush.Color := clNavy; Rectangle(0, 0, imgZoom.Width - 1, imgZoom.Height - 1); end; w := imgZoom.Width / (ZoomPixels + 0.0); h := imgZoom.Height / (ZoomPixels + 0.0); TheColour := -1; AvgColour := 0; try if (not FixImgPoint(x, y)) then begin img.Cursor := crDefault; Exit; end; if PaintDTM and (not (ssCtrl in Shift)) and (FindClosePoint(x, y, 1) > -1) then img.Cursor := crHandPoint else img.Cursor := crDefault; px := 0.0; b := Floor(ZoomPixels / 2.0); for dx := -b to b do begin py := 0.0; for dy := -b to b do begin if ((x + dx) >= 0) and ((x + dx) < bmpBuffer.Width) and ((y + dy) >= 0) and ((y + dy) < bmpBuffer.Height) then with imgZoom.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := bmpBuffer.FastGetPixel(x + dx, y + dy); Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := Pen.Color; if {(dx <= 0) and} (dy = -b) then AvgColour := AvgColour + Pen.Color; if (dx = 0) and (dy = 0) then TheColour := Pen.Color; Rectangle(Round(px), Round(py), Round(px + w), Round(py + h)); end else if {(dx <= 0) and} (dy = -b) then AvgColour := AvgColour + clWhite; py := py + h; end; px := px + w; end; finally with imgZoom.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := MarkCol; Brush.Style := bsClear; Rectangle((imgZoom.Width shr 1) - Round(w / 2.0), (imgZoom.Height shr 1) - Round(h / 2.0), (imgZoom.Width shr 1) + Round(w / 2.0), (imgZoom.Height shr 1) + Round(h / 2.0)); if (b > 0) then AvgColour := AvgColour div (b + 1); Font.Size := 8; Font.Color := InvertColor(AvgColour); TextOut(2, 2, 'Colour: '+IntToStr(TheColour)); end; end; end; procedure CreateMenu; var i: integer; begin mm := TMainMenu.Create(frm); for i := 0 to 2 do begin sm[i] := TMenuItem.Create(frm); with sm[i] do case i of 0: Caption := 'File'; 1: Caption := 'Image'; 2: Caption := 'DTM'; end; mm.Items.Add(sm[i]); end; for i := 3 to 31 do begin sm[i] := TMenuItem.Create(frm); with mm.Items do case i of //File 3: begin Items[0].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'New'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuNew; sm[i].Shortcut := 16462{ctrl + N}; end; 4: begin Items[0].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Open DTM'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuOpen; sm[i].Shortcut := 16463{ctrl + O}; end; 5: begin Items[0].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Save DTM'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSave; sm[i].Shortcut := 16467{ctrl + S}; end; 6: begin Items[0].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '-'; end; 7: begin Items[0].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Exit'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuExit; end; //Image 8: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Open Image'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuOpenImg; sm[i].Shortcut := 16460{ctrl + L}; end; 9: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Load Client Image'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuClientImg; end; 10: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Load Desktop Image'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuClientDesktop; end; 11: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '-'; end; 12: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Zoom'; end; 13: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '25%'; sm[i].Tag := 25; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 14: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '50%'; sm[i].Tag := 50; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 15: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '100%'; sm[i].Tag := 100; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 16: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '150%'; sm[i].Tag := 150; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 17: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '200%'; sm[i].Tag := 200; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 18: begin sm[12].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '300%'; sm[i].Tag := 300; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuZoom; end; 19: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Marking Colour'; end; 20: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Red'; sm[i].Tag := clRed; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 21: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Blue'; sm[i].Tag := clBlue; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 22: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Yellow'; sm[i].Tag := clYellow; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 23: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Green'; sm[i].Tag := clGreen; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 24: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Black'; sm[i].Tag := clBlack; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 25: begin sm[19].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'White'; sm[i].Tag := clWhite; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuSetMarkCol; end; 26: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := '-'; end; 27: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Show Matching Colours'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuMatchCols; sm[i].Shortcut := 16461{ctrl + M}; end; 28: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Show Matching DTM''s'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuMatchDTMs; sm[i].Shortcut := 16452{ctrl + D}; end; 29: begin Items[1].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Refresh Image'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuRefresh; sm[i].Shortcut := 116{F5}; end; //DTM 30: begin Items[2].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'DTM From String'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuDTMfromString; end; 31: begin Items[2].Add(sm[i]); sm[i].Caption := 'Print DTM'; sm[i].OnClick := @mnuPrintDTM; sm[i].Shortcut := 16464{ctrl + P}; end; end; end; end; procedure CreateForm; var i: Integer; begin with frm do begin Width := 800; Height := 600; Caption := 'Simba DDTM Editor - Nielsie95'; OnResize := @frmResize; OnKeyDown := @frmKeyDown; end; CreateMenu; sb := TScrollBox.Create(frm); with sb do begin Parent := frm; Align := alClient; BorderStyle := bsNone; img := TImage.Create(frm); with img do begin Parent := sb; Width := 3000; Height := 3000; BorderStyle := bsNone; OnMouseDown := @imgMouseDown; OnMouseMove := @imgMouseMove; end; end; pnl := TPanel.Create(frm); with pnl do begin Parent := frm; Align := alRight; Width := 230; BevelOuter := bvLowered; imgZoom := TImage.Create(frm); with imgZoom do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 10; Width := 100; Height := 100; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 120; Top := 20; Caption := 'Mouse Click:'; end; for i := 0 to 2 do begin rbMouseClick[i] := TRadioButton.Create(frm); with rbMouseClick[i] do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 130; Top := 40 + (21 * i); case i of 0 : Caption := 'Creates Point'; 1 : Caption := 'Moves Point'; 2 : Caption := 'Picks Colour'; end; Height := 17; Width := 50; OnKeyDown := @frmKeyDown; //For delete "hotkey" end; end; //TBevel doesn't like bsTopLine with TShape.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Width := 220; Left := 5; Top := 117; //Style := bsTopLine; Height := 1; end; lb := TListBox.Create(frm); with lb do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 125; Width := 210; Height := 150; DragMode := dmAutomatic; OnDragOver := @lbDragOver; OnDragDrop := @lbDragDrop; OnMouseDown := @lbMouseDown; OnClick := @lbClick; OnKeyDown := @frmKeyDown; //For delete "hotkey" end; btnAdd := TButton.Create(frm); with btnAdd do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 280; Caption := 'Add Point'; Width := 100; OnClick := @btnAddPoint; end; btnDel := TButton.Create(frm); with btnDel do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 120; Top := 280; Caption := 'Delete Point'; Width := 100; OnClick := @btnDelPoint; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 320; Caption := 'X:'; end; edX := TEdit.Create(frm); with edX do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 30; Top := 315; Width := 80; BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft; OnKeyDown := @edFilterText; OnChange := @edChange; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 120; Top := 320; Caption := 'Y:'; end; edY := TEdit.Create(frm); with edY do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 140; Top := 315; Width := 80; BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft; OnKeyDown := @edFilterText; OnChange := @edChange; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 350; Caption := 'Area Size:'; end; edASize := TEdit.Create(frm); with edASize do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 65; Top := 345; Width := 45; BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft; OnKeyDown := @edFilterText; OnChange := @edChange; end; cbAShape := TComboBox.Create(frm); with cbAShape do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 120; Top := 345; Width := 100; Items.Add('Rectangle'); Items.Add('Cross'); Items.Add('Diagonal Cross'); Style := csDropDownList; OnChange := @edChange; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 380; Caption := 'Colour:'; end; edColour := TEdit.Create(frm); with edColour do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 55; Top := 375; Width := 100; BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft; OnKeyDown := @edFilterText; OnChange := @edChange; end; shColour := TShape.Create(frm); with shColour do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 165; Top := 375; Width := 55; Height := edColour.Height; end; with TLabel.Create(frm) do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 10; Top := 410; Caption := 'Tolerance:'; end; edTolerance := TEdit.Create(frm); with edTolerance do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 70; Top := 405; Width := 85; BiDiMode := bdRightToLeft; OnKeyDown := @edFilterText; OnChange := @edChange; end; btnMark := TButton.Create(frm); with btnMark do begin Parent := pnl; Left := 165; Top := 405; Width := 55; Height := edColour.Height; Caption := 'Mark'; OnClick := @mnuMatchCols; end; //edX, edY, edASize, edAShape, edColour, edTolerance end; ResizeTimer := TTimer.Create(frm); with ResizeTimer do begin Interval := 25; OnTimer := @timerResize; Enabled := True; end; DotTimer := TTimer.Create(frm); with DotTimer do begin Interval := 200; OnTimer := @timerDot; Enabled := True; end; LoadClientBitmap; mnuNew(nil); //Initialize end; function ShowForm: Integer; begin frm := TForm.Create(nil); bmp := TMufasaBitmap.Create; try CreateForm; Result := frm.ShowModal; finally if (bmpOverlay <> nil) then bmpOverlay.Free; if (bmpBuffer <> nil) then bmpBuffer.Free; bmp.Free; frm.Free; end; end; {$ifndef PS_EXTENSION} procedure ThreadSafe_ShowForm; var v: TVariantArray; begin ThreadSafeCall('ShowForm', v); end; {$ENDIF} { Simba integration } procedure OnClick(sender : TObject); begin; ShowForm; end; procedure Init; begin; Simba_Menu := TMenuItem.Create(Simba_MainMenu); Simba_Menu.Caption := 'DTM Editor'; Simba_MainMenu.Items.Items[4].Insert(5, Simba_Menu); Simba_Menu.OnClick := @OnClick; end; procedure Free; begin end; procedure Attach; begin; Simba_Menu.Visible := True; end; Procedure Detach; begin Simba_Menu.Visible := False; end; function GetName: string; begin; Result := 'DDTM Editor (by Nielsie95)'; end; function GetVersion : string; begin; Result := Version; end; begin {$ifndef PS_EXTENSION} Client := GetTClient; ThreadSafe_ShowForm; {$endif} end.