unit main; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterPas; type { TfrmMain } TfrmMain = class(TForm) btnGo: TButton; pnlMain: TPanel; Splitter1: TSplitter; Splitter2: TSplitter; eIn: TSynEdit; eOut: TSynEdit; eDebug: TSynEdit; PasHL: TSynPasSyn; procedure btnGoClick(Sender: TObject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation uses v_ideCodeParser; {$R *.lfm} { TfrmMain } procedure TfrmMain.btnGoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Debug(s: string); overload; begin if (Trim(eOut.Text) <> '') then eDebug.Lines.Append(s) else eDebug.Text := s; end; procedure Debug(v: Variant); overload; begin Debug(string(v)); end; procedure Write(s: string); overload; begin if (Trim(eOut.Text) <> '') then eOut.Text := eOut.Text + s else eOut.Text := s; end; procedure Write(v: Variant); overload; begin Write(string(v)); end; var p: TCodeParser; m: TMemoryStream; a, b, c: TDeclarationArray; i, ii, iii, pc: Integer; s: string; d: TDeclaration; Fail: Boolean; begin p := TCodeParser.Create; m := TMemoryStream.Create; try eOut.BeginUpdate; eOut.ClearAll; eDebug.BeginUpdate; eDebug.ClearAll; eIn.Lines.SaveToStream(m); try p.Run(m); except on E : Exception do Debug(e.Message); end; a := p.Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciProcedureDeclaration); Debug('Start converting '+IntToStr(Length(a))+' methods!'); for i := 0 to High(a) do with TciProcedureDeclaration(a[i]) do begin if (Name = nil) then begin Debug('No name found, skipping..'); Continue; end; s := 'procedure _RUTIS_'+Name.ShortText+ '(Stack: TRutisStack; Params: PRutisParamInfoArray; Result: PRutisParamInfo);'+LineEnding+ 'begin'+LineEnding+' '; d := Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciReturnType); if (d <> nil) then s := s+'P'+d.ShortText+'(Result^.Data)^ := '; s := s+Name.ShortText+'('; pc := 0; Fail := False; b := GetParamDeclarations(); for ii := 0 to High(b) do begin d := b[ii].Items.GetFirstItemOfClass(TciParameterType); if (d = nil) then begin Debug('No parameter type found in '+Name.ShortText+', skipping..'); Fail := True; Break; end; c := b[ii].Items.GetItemsOfClass(TciParameterName); if (Length(c) < 1) then begin Debug('No parameter names found in '+Name.ShortText+', skipping..'); Fail := True; Break; end; for iii := High(c) downto 0 do begin if (pc > 0) then s := s+', '; s := s+'P'+d.ShortText+'(Params^['+IntToStr(pc)+'].Data)^'; Inc(pc); end; end; if Fail then Continue; s := s+');'+LineEnding+'end;'; if (i > 0) then s := LineEnding+s; Write(s); Debug('Done "'+Name.ShortText+'"!'); end; finally m.Free; p.Free; eOut.EndUpdate; eDebug.EndUpdate; end; Debug('Done :)'); end; end.