{ implementation of x86 abi } {$ifdef FPC} {$define PS_ARRAY_ON_STACK} {$endif} function RealFloatCall_Register(p: Pointer; _EAX, _EDX, _ECX: Cardinal; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ): Extended; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var E: Extended; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: mov eax,_EAX mov edx,_EDX mov ecx,_ECX call p fstp tbyte ptr [e] end; Result := E; end; function RealFloatCall_Other(p: Pointer; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ): Extended; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var E: Extended; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: call p fstp tbyte ptr [e] end; Result := E; end; function RealFloatCall_CDecl(p: Pointer; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ): Extended; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var E: Extended; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: call p fstp tbyte ptr [e] @@5: mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 @@6: pop edx dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@6 end; Result := E; end; function RealCall_Register(p: Pointer; _EAX, _EDX, _ECX: Cardinal; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint; // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ResultLength: Longint; ResEDX: Pointer): Longint; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var r: Longint; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: mov eax,_EAX mov edx,_EDX mov ecx,_ECX call p mov ecx, resultlength cmp ecx, 0 je @@5 cmp ecx, 1 je @@3 cmp ecx, 2 je @@4 mov r, eax jmp @@5 @@3: xor ecx, ecx mov cl, al mov r, ecx jmp @@5 @@4: xor ecx, ecx mov cx, ax mov r, ecx @@5: mov ecx, resedx jecxz @@6 mov [ecx], edx @@6: end; Result := r; end; function RealCall_Other(p: Pointer; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint; // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ResultLength: Longint; ResEDX: Pointer): Longint; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var r: Longint; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: call p mov ecx, resultlength cmp ecx, 0 je @@5 cmp ecx, 1 je @@3 cmp ecx, 2 je @@4 mov r, eax jmp @@5 @@3: xor ecx, ecx mov cl, al mov r, ecx jmp @@5 @@4: xor ecx, ecx mov cx, ax mov r, ecx @@5: mov ecx, resedx jecxz @@6 mov [ecx], edx @@6: end; Result := r; end; function RealCall_CDecl(p: Pointer; StackData: Pointer; StackDataLen: Longint; // stack length are in 4 bytes. (so 1 = 4 bytes) ResultLength: Longint; ResEDX: Pointer): Longint; Stdcall; // make sure all things are on stack var r: Longint; begin asm mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@2 mov eax, stackdata @@1: mov edx, [eax] push edx sub eax, 4 dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@1 @@2: call p mov ecx, resultlength cmp ecx, 0 je @@5 cmp ecx, 1 je @@3 cmp ecx, 2 je @@4 mov r, eax jmp @@5 @@3: xor ecx, ecx mov cl, al mov r, ecx jmp @@5 @@4: xor ecx, ecx mov cx, ax mov r, ecx @@5: mov ecx, stackdatalen jecxz @@7 @@6: pop eax dec ecx or ecx, ecx jnz @@6 mov ecx, resedx jecxz @@7 mov [ecx], edx @@7: end; Result := r; end; const EmptyPchar: array[0..0] of char = #0; function TPSExec.InnerfuseCall(_Self, Address: Pointer; CallingConv: TPSCallingConvention; Params: TPSList; res: PPSVariantIFC): Boolean; var Stack: ansistring; I: Longint; RegUsage: Byte; CallData: TPSList; pp: ^Byte; IsConstructor: Boolean; EAX, EDX, ECX: Longint; function rp(p: PPSVariantIFC): PPSVariantIFC; begin if p = nil then begin result := nil; exit; end; if p.aType.BaseType = btPointer then begin p^.aType := Pointer(Pointer(IPointer(p^.dta) + 4)^); p^.Dta := Pointer(p^.dta^); end; Result := p; end; function GetPtr(fVar: PPSVariantIFC): Boolean; var varPtr: Pointer; UseReg: Boolean; tempstr: tbtstring; p: Pointer; begin Result := False; if FVar = nil then exit; if fVar.VarParam then begin case fvar.aType.BaseType of btArray: begin if Copy(fvar.aType.ExportName, 1, 10) = '!OPENARRAY' then begin p := CreateOpenArray(True, Self, FVar); if p = nil then exit; CallData.Add(p); case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := POpenArray(p)^.Data; end; end; case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount - 1); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Longint((@Stack[1])^) := POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1; end; end; Result := True; Exit; end else begin {$IFDEF PS_DYNARRAY} varptr := fvar.Dta; {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; end; btVariant, btSet, btStaticArray, btRecord, btInterface, btClass, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} btUnicodeString, btWideString, btWideChar, {$ENDIF} btU8, btS8, btU16, btS16, btU32, btS32, btSingle, btDouble, btExtended, btString, btPChar, btChar, btCurrency {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}, bts64{$ENDIF}: begin Varptr := fvar.Dta; end; else begin exit; //invalid type end; end; {case} case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint(VarPtr); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint(VarPtr); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint(VarPtr); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := VarPtr; end; end; end else begin UseReg := True; case fVar^.aType.BaseType of btSet: begin tempstr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); case TPSTypeRec_Set(fvar.aType).aByteSize of 1: Byte((@tempstr[1])^) := byte(fvar.dta^); 2: word((@tempstr[1])^) := word(fvar.dta^); 3, 4: cardinal((@tempstr[1])^) := cardinal(fvar.dta^); else pointer((@tempstr[1])^) := fvar.dta; end; end; btArray: begin if Copy(fvar^.aType.ExportName, 1, 10) = '!OPENARRAY' then begin p := CreateOpenArray(False, SElf, FVar); if p =nil then exit; CallData.Add(p); case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.Data); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := POpenArray(p)^.Data; end; end; case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint(POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Longint((@Stack[1])^) := POpenArray(p)^.ItemCount -1; end; end; Result := True; exit; end else begin {$IFDEF PS_DYNARRAY} TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := Pointer(fvar.Dta^); {$IFDEF PS_ARRAY_ON_STACK} UseReg := false; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} Exit; {$ENDIF} end; end; btVariant , btStaticArray, btRecord: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := Pointer(fvar.Dta); end; btDouble: {8 bytes} begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),8); UseReg := False; double((@TempStr[1])^) := double(fvar.dta^); end; btCurrency: {8 bytes} begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),8); UseReg := False; currency((@TempStr[1])^) := currency(fvar.dta^); end; btSingle: {4 bytes} begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4);; UseReg := False; Single((@TempStr[1])^) := single(fvar.dta^); end; btExtended: {10 bytes} begin UseReg := False; TempStr:= StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),12); Extended((@TempStr[1])^) := extended(fvar.dta^); end; btChar, btU8, btS8: begin TempStr := tbtchar(fVar^.dta^) + tbtstring(StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),3)); end; {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideChar, {$ENDIF} btu16, btS16: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Word((@TempStr[1])^) := word(fVar^.dta^); end; btu32, bts32: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Longint((@TempStr[1])^) := Longint(fVar^.dta^); end; btPchar: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); if pointer(fvar^.dta^) = nil then Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := @EmptyPchar else Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := pointer(fvar^.dta^); end; btclass, btinterface, btString: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := pointer(fvar^.dta^); end; {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING} btWideString: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := pointer(fvar^.dta^); end; btUnicodeString: begin TempStr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@TempStr[1])^) := pointer(fvar^.dta^); end; {$ENDIF} btProcPtr: begin tempstr := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),8); TMethod((@TempStr[1])^) := MKMethod(Self, Longint(FVar.Dta^)); UseReg := false; end; {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64: begin TempStr:= StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),8); Int64((@TempStr[1])^) := int64(fvar^.dta^); UseReg := False; end;{$ENDIF} end; {case} if UseReg then begin case RegUsage of 0: begin EAX := Longint((@Tempstr[1])^); Inc(RegUsage); end; 1: begin EDX := Longint((@Tempstr[1])^); Inc(RegUsage); end; 2: begin ECX := Longint((@Tempstr[1])^); Inc(RegUsage); end; else begin {$IFDEF FPC_OLD_FIX} if CallingConv = cdRegister then Stack := Stack + TempStr else {$ENDIF} Stack := TempStr + Stack; end; end; end else begin {$IFDEF FPC_OLD_FIX} if CallingConv = cdRegister then Stack := Stack + TempStr else {$ENDIF} Stack := TempStr + Stack; end; end; Result := True; end; begin if (Integer(CallingConv) and 64) <> 0 then begin IsConstructor := true; CAllingConv := TPSCallingConvention(Integer(CallingConv) and not 64); end else IsConstructor := false; InnerfuseCall := False; if Address = nil then exit; // need address Stack := ''; CallData := TPSList.Create; res := rp(res); if res <> nil then res.VarParam := true; try case CallingConv of cdRegister: begin EAX := 0; EDX := 0; ECX := 0; RegUsage := 0; {$IFDEF FPC} // FIX FOR FPC constructor calls if IsConstructor then begin if not GetPtr(rp(Params[0])) then exit; // this goes first RegUsage := 2; EDX := Longint(_Self); Params.Delete(0); end else {$ENDIF} if assigned(_Self) then begin RegUsage := 1; EAX := Longint(_Self); end; for I := 0 to Params.Count - 1 do begin if not GetPtr(rp(Params[I])) then Exit; end; if assigned(res) then begin case res^.aType.BaseType of {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideString, btUnicodeString, {$ENDIF} btInterface, btArray, btrecord, {$IFNDEF PS_FPCSTRINGWORKAROUND}btstring, {$ENDIF}btVariant, btStaticArray: GetPtr(res); btSet: begin if TPSTypeRec_Set(res.aType).aByteSize >4 then GetPtr(res); end; end; case res^.aType.BaseType of btSet: begin case TPSTypeRec_Set(res.aType).aByteSize of 1: byte(res.Dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); 2: word(res.Dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 2, nil); 3, 4: Longint(res.Dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); else RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil) end; end; btSingle: tbtsingle(res.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btDouble: tbtdouble(res.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btExtended: tbtextended(res.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btchar,btU8, btS8: tbtu8(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideChar, {$ENDIF}btu16, bts16: tbtu16(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 2, nil); btClass : {$IFDEF FPC} tbtu32(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EDX, EAX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack) - 3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); {$ELSE} tbtu32(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack) - 3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); {$ENDIF} btu32,bts32: tbtu32(res.dta^) := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); btPChar: pansichar(res.dta^) := Pansichar(RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil)); {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64: begin EAX := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, @EDX); tbts64(res.dta^) := Int64(Cardinal(EDX)) shl 32 or Cardinal(EAX); end; {$ENDIF} btCurrency: tbtCurrency(res.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4) / 10000; btInterface, btVariant, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWidestring,btUnicodestring, {$ENDIF} btStaticArray, btArray, btrecord{$IFNDEF PS_FPCSTRINGWORKAROUND}, btstring {$ENDIF}: RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); {$IFDEF PS_FPCSTRINGWORKAROUND} btstring: begin eax := RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); Longint(res.dta^) := eax; end; {$ENDIF} else exit; end; end else RealCall_Register(Address, EAX, EDX, ECX, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); Result := True; end; cdPascal: begin RegUsage := 3; for I := 0 to Params.Count - 1 do begin if not GetPtr(Params[i]) then Exit; end; if assigned(res) then begin case res^.aType.BaseType of {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideString, btUnicodeString, {$ENDIF}btInterface, btArray, btrecord, btstring, btVariant: GetPtr(res); end; end; if assigned(_Self) then begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) +Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := _Self; end; if assigned(res) then begin case res^.aType.BaseType of btSingle: tbtsingle(res^.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btDouble: tbtdouble(res^.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btExtended: tbtextended(res^.Dta^) := RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btChar, btU8, btS8: tbtu8(res^.Dta^) := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideChar, {$ENDIF}btu16, bts16: tbtu16(res^.Dta^) := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 2, nil); btClass, btu32, bts32: tbtu32(res^.Dta^):= RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); btPChar: TBTSTRING(res^.dta^) := Pansichar(RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil)); {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64: begin EAX := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, @EDX); tbts64(res^.dta^) := Int64(EAX) shl 32 or EDX; end; {$ENDIF} btVariant, btInterface, btrecord, btstring: RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); else exit; end; end else RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); Result := True; end; cdSafeCall: begin RegUsage := 3; if assigned(res) then begin GetPtr(res); end; for I := Params.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if not GetPtr(Params[i]) then Exit; end; if assigned(_Self) then begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) +Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := _Self; end; OleCheck(RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil)); Result := True; end; CdCdecl: begin RegUsage := 3; if assigned(_Self) then begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4); Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := _Self; end; for I := Params.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if not GetPtr(Params[I]) then Exit; end; if assigned(res) then begin case res^.aType.BaseType of btSingle: tbtsingle(res^.dta^) := RealFloatCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btDouble: tbtdouble(res^.dta^) := RealFloatCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btExtended: tbtextended(res^.dta^) := RealFloatCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btCHar, btU8, btS8: tbtu8(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideChar, {$ENDIF}btu16, bts16: tbtu16(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 2, nil); btClass, btu32, bts32: tbtu32(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); btPChar: TBTSTRING(res^.dta^) := Pansichar(RealCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil)); {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64: begin EAX := RealCall_CDecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, @EDX); tbts64(res^.Dta^) := Int64(EAX) shl 32 or EDX; end; {$ENDIF} btVariant, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btUnicodeString, btWideString, {$ENDIF} btInterface, btArray, btrecord, btstring: begin GetPtr(res); RealCall_Cdecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); end; else exit; end; end else begin RealCall_CDecl(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); end; Result := True; end; CdStdCall: begin RegUsage := 3; for I := Params.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if not GetPtr(Params[I]) then exit; end; if assigned(_Self) then begin Stack := StringOfChar(AnsiChar(#0),4) + Stack; Pointer((@Stack[1])^) := _Self; end; if assigned(res) then begin case res^.aType.BaseType of btSingle: tbtsingle(res^.dta^) := RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btDouble: tbtdouble(res^.dta^) := RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btExtended: tbtextended(res^.dta^):= RealFloatCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4); btChar, btU8, btS8: tbtu8(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 1, nil); {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btWideChar, {$ENDIF}btu16, bts16: tbtu16(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 2, nil); btclass, btu32, bts32: tbtu32(res^.dta^) := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil); btPChar: TBTSTRING(res^.dta^) := Pansichar(RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, nil)); {$IFNDEF PS_NOINT64}bts64: begin EAX := RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 4, @EDX); tbts64(res^.dta^) := Int64(EAX) shl 32 or EDX; end; {$ENDIF} btVariant, {$IFNDEF PS_NOWIDESTRING}btUnicodeString, btWideString, {$ENDIF} btInterface, btArray, btrecord, btstring: begin GetPtr(res); RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); end; else exit; end; end else begin RealCall_Other(Address, @Stack[Length(Stack)-3], Length(Stack) div 4, 0, nil); end; Result := True; end; end; finally for i := CallData.Count -1 downto 0 do begin pp := CallData[i]; case pp^ of 0: DestroyOpenArray(Self, Pointer(pp)); end; end; CallData.Free; end; end;