{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Colour Conversion Utilities for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit colour_conv; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Math; Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte) : TColor; overload; inline; Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer) : TColor; overload; inline; Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;out r,g,b : byte); overload; inline; Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;out r,g,b : integer); overload; inline; Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;out x,y,z : Extended); inline; Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;out R,G,B: integer); inline; Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;out H,S,L : Extended); inline; Procedure RGBToHSLNonFixed(RR,GG,BB : integer;out H,S,L : Extended); inline; Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;out R,G,B : Byte); inline;overload; Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;out R,G,B : Integer); inline;overload; Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; out h, s, l: Extended); inline; implementation Const OneDivThree = 1/3.0; TwoDivThree = 2 / 3.0; OneDivTwoPointFour = 1 / 2.4; Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : byte): TColor; overload; inline; begin; Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16; end; {/\ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to a TColor. R, G and B are integers. /\} Function RGBtoColor(r,g,b : integer): TColor; overload; inline; begin; Result := R or g shl 8 or b shl 16; end; {/\ Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components. R, G and B are bytes. /\} Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;out r,g,b : byte); overload; inline; begin R := Color and $ff; G := Color shr 8 and $ff; B := Color shr 16 and $ff; end; {/\ Translates the given win-32 color in the Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components. R, G and B are integers. /\} Procedure ColorToRGB(Color : integer;out r,g,b : integer); overload; inline; begin R := Color and $ff; G := Color shr 8 and $ff; B := Color shr 16 and $ff; end; {/\ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to X, Y and Z components. /\} Procedure RGBToXYZ(R,G,B : integer;out x,y,z : Extended); inline; var Red,Green,Blue : Extended; begin; Red := R / 255; Green := G / 255; Blue := B / 255; if Red > 0.04045 then Red := Power( ( Red + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100 else Red := Red / 7.73994; if Green > 0.04045 then Green := Power( ( Green + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100 else Green := Green / 7.73994; if Blue > 0.04045 then Blue := Power( ( Blue + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4) * 100 else Blue := Blue / 7.73994; X := Red * 0.4124 + Green * 0.3576 + Blue * 0.1805; Y := Red * 0.2126 + Green * 0.7152 + Blue * 0.0722; Z := Red * 0.0193 + Green * 0.1192 + Blue * 0.9505; end; {/\ Translates the given X, Y and Z components to Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components. /\} Procedure XYZToRGB(X,Y,Z : Extended;out R,G,B: integer); inline; var TempR,TempG,TempB,Tempx,tempy,tempz : Extended; begin; Tempx := X / 100; tempy := Y / 100; tempz := Z / 100; TempR := Tempx * 3.2406 + tempy * -1.5372 + tempz * -0.4986; TempG := Tempx * -0.9689 + tempy * 1.8758 + tempz * 0.0415; TempB := Tempx * 0.0557 + tempy * -0.2040 + tempz * 1.0570; if TempR > 0.0031308 then TempR := 1.055 * ( Power(TempR, (OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055 else TempR := 12.92 * TempR; if TempG > 0.0031308 then TempG := 1.055 * ( Power(TempG, ( OneDivTwoPointFour)) ) - 0.055 else TempG := 12.92 * TempG; if TempB > 0.0031308 then TempB := 1.055 * ( Power(TempB , ( OneDivTwoPointFour )) ) - 0.055 else TempB := 12.92 * TempB; R := Round(TempR * 255); G := Round(TempG * 255); B := Round(TempB * 255); end; {/\ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components. /\} Procedure RGBToHSL(RR,GG,BB : integer;out H,S,L : Extended); inline; var R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin: Extended; begin R := RR / 255; G := GG / 255; B := BB / 255; CMin := R; if G < Cmin then Cmin := G; if B < Cmin then Cmin := B; CMax := R; if G > Cmax then Cmax := G; if B > Cmax then Cmax := B; L := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin); if Cmax = Cmin then begin H := 0; S := 0; end else begin; D := Cmax - Cmin; if L < 0.5 then S := D / (Cmax + Cmin) else S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin); if R = Cmax then H := (G - B) / D else if G = Cmax then H := 2 + (B - R) / D else H := 4 + (R - G) / D; H := H / 6; if H < 0 then H := H + 1; end; H := H * 100; S := S * 100; L := L * 100; end; {/\ Translates the given Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components to H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components. This function does not multiply it by 100. /\} Procedure RGBToHSLNonFixed(RR,GG,BB : integer;out H,S,L : Extended); inline; var R, G, B, D, Cmax, Cmin: Extended; begin R := RR / 255; G := GG / 255; B := BB / 255; CMin := R; if G < Cmin then Cmin := G; if B < Cmin then Cmin := B; CMax := R; if G > Cmax then Cmax := G; if B > Cmax then Cmax := B; L := 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin); if Cmax = Cmin then begin H := 0; S := 0; end else begin; D := Cmax - Cmin; if L < 0.5 then S := D / (Cmax + Cmin) else S := D / (2 - Cmax - Cmin); if R = Cmax then H := (G - B) / D else if G = Cmax then H := 2 + (B - R) / D else H := 4 + (R - G) / D; H := H / 6; if H < 0 then H := H + 1; end; end; {/\ Translates the given H (Hue), S (Saturation) and L (Luminance) components to Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B) components. /\} procedure HSLtoRGB(H, S, L: extended; out R, G, B: Byte); inline; overload; var Temp,Temp2 : Extended; //begin Function Hue2RGB(TempHue : Extended) : integer; begin; if TempHue < 0 then TempHue := TempHue + 1 else if TempHue > 1 then TempHue := TempHue - 1; if ( ( 6 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then Result :=Round(255 * (( Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * 6 * TempHue ))) else if ( ( 2 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then Result :=Round(255 * Temp2) else if ( ( 3 * TempHue ) < 2 ) then Result :=Round(255 * (Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * ( ( TwoDivThree ) - TempHue ) * 6)) else Result :=Round(255 * Temp); end; begin; H := H / 100; S := S / 100; L := L / 100; if s = 0 then begin; R := Byte(Round(L * 255)); G := R; B := R; end else begin; if (L < 0.5) then Temp2 := L * ( 1 + S ) else Temp2 := (L + S) - ( S * L); Temp := 2 * L - Temp2; R := Hue2RGB( H + ( OneDivThree ) ); G := Hue2RGB( H ); B := Hue2RGB( H - ( OneDivThree ) ); end; end; Procedure HSLtoRGB(H,S,L : extended;out R,G,B : Integer); inline; var Temp,Temp2 : Extended; //begin Function Hue2RGB(TempHue : Extended) : integer; begin; if TempHue < 0 then TempHue := TempHue + 1 else if TempHue > 1 then TempHue := TempHue - 1; if ( ( 6 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then Result :=Round(255 * (( Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * 6 * TempHue ))) else if ( ( 2 * TempHue ) < 1 ) then Result :=Round(255 * Temp2) else if ( ( 3 * TempHue ) < 2 ) then Result :=Round(255 * (Temp + ( Temp2 - Temp ) * ( ( TwoDivThree ) - TempHue ) * 6)) else Result :=Round(255 * Temp); end; begin; H := H / 100; S := S / 100; L := L / 100; if s = 0 then begin; R := Round(L * 255); G := R; B := R; end else begin; if (L < 0.5) then Temp2 := L * ( 1 + S ) else Temp2 := (L + S) - ( S * L); Temp := 2 * L - Temp2; R := Hue2RGB( H + ( OneDivThree ) ); G := Hue2RGB( H ); B := Hue2RGB( H - ( OneDivThree ) ); end; end; {/\ Split the Given Color col in H, S, L components. /\} Procedure ColorToHSL(Col: Integer; out h, s, l: Extended); inline; Var R, G, B: Integer; Begin ColorToRGB(Col, R, G, B); RGBToHSL(R, G, B, H, S, L); End; end.