unit uPSC_mml; interface uses uPSCompiler; procedure SIRegister_MML(cl: TPSPascalCompiler); implementation procedure SIRegister_TMufasaBitmap(cl : TPSPascalCompiler); begin with cl.AddClassN(cl.FindClass('TObject'),'TMufasaBitmap') do begin; RegisterMethod('procedure SetSize(AWidth,AHeight : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure StretchResize(AWidth,AHeight : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure FastSetPixel(x,y : integer; Color : TColor);'); RegisterMethod('procedure FastSetPixels(TPA : TPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);'); RegisterMethod('procedure DrawATPA(ATPA : T2DPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray);'); RegisterMethod('procedure DrawTPA(TPA : TPointArray; Color : TColor);'); RegisterMethod('procedure DrawToCanvas(x, y: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas);'); RegisterMethod('function FastGetPixel(x,y : integer) : TColor;'); RegisterMethod('procedure CopyClientToBitmap(IOManager : TObject; Resize : boolean;x,y : integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure Rectangle(const Box : TBox; FillCol : TColor);'); RegisterMethod('procedure FloodFill(const StartPT : TPoint; const SearchCol,ReplaceCol : TColor);'); // function FastGetPixels(TPA : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray; RegisterMethod('procedure SetTransparentColor(Col : TColor);'); RegisterMethod('function GetTransparentColor : TColor;'); RegisterProperty('TransparentColorSet','Boolean',iptR); RegisterMethod('procedure FastDrawClear(Color : TColor);'); RegisterMethod('procedure FastDrawTransparent(x, y: Integer; TargetBitmap: TMufasaBitmap);'); RegisterMethod('procedure FastReplaceColor(OldColor, NewColor: TColor);'); RegisterMethod('procedure RotateBitmap(angle: Extended;TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap );'); RegisterMethod('procedure Desaturate(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap);'); RegisterMethod('procedure GreyScale(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap);'); RegisterMethod('procedure Brightness(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap; br : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure Contrast(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap; co : Extended);'); RegisterMethod('procedure Invert(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap);'); RegisterMethod('procedure Posterize(TargetBitmap : TMufasaBitmap; Po : integer);'); RegisterMethod('function Copy(const xs,ys,xe,ye : integer) : TMufasaBitmap;'); RegisterMethod('function ToString : string;'); RegisterMethod('function ToTBitmap : TBitmap;'); RegisterMethod('function CreateTMask : TMask;'); RegisterMethod('constructor create'); RegisterMethod('procedure Free'); RegisterMethod('function SaveToFile(const FileName : string) :boolean;'); RegisterMethod('procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName : string);'); RegisterMethod('procedure LoadFromTBitmap(bmp: TBitmap);'); RegisterProperty('Width','Integer',iptR); RegisterProperty('Height','Integer',iptR); RegisterProperty('Index','Integer',iptR); RegisterProperty('Name','String',iptRW); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TRegExp(cl : TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('Exception'),'ERegExpr') do begin RegisterProperty('ErrorCode', 'integer', iptrw); RegisterProperty('CompilerErrorPos', 'integer', iptrw); end; with cl.AddClassN(cl.FindClass('TObject'),'TRegExp') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create'); RegisterMethod('Function VersionMajor : integer'); RegisterMethod('Function VersionMinor : integer'); RegisterProperty('Expression', 'String', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierStr', 'String', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierI', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierR', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierS', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierG', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierM', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterProperty('ModifierX', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Function Exec( const AInputString : String) : boolean;'); RegisterMethod('Function ExecNext : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function ExecPos( AOffset : integer) : boolean'); RegisterProperty('InputString', 'String', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Function Substitute( const ATemplate : String) : String'); RegisterMethod('Procedure Split( AInputStr : String; APieces : TStrings)'); RegisterMethod('Function Replace( AInputStr : String; const AReplaceStr : String; AUseSubstitution : boolean) : String;'); RegisterProperty('SubExprMatchCount', 'integer', iptr); RegisterProperty('MatchPos', 'integer integer', iptr); RegisterProperty('MatchLen', 'integer integer', iptr); RegisterProperty('Match', 'String integer', iptr); RegisterMethod('Function LastError : integer'); RegisterMethod('Function ErrorMsg( AErrorID : integer) : String'); RegisterProperty('CompilerErrorPos', 'integer', iptr); RegisterProperty('SpaceChars', 'String', iptrw); RegisterProperty('WordChars', 'String', iptrw); RegisterProperty('LineSeparators', 'String', iptrw); RegisterProperty('LinePairedSeparator', 'String', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Function InvertCaseFunction( const Ch : Char) : Char'); RegisterProperty('InvertCase', 'TRegExprInvertCaseFunction', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Procedure Compile'); RegisterMethod('Function Dump : String'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TMDTM(cl : TPSPascalCompiler); begin with cl.AddClassN(cl.FindClass('TObject'),'TMDTM') do begin RegisterMethod('constructor create;'); RegisterMethod('procedure free;'); RegisterProperty('Name','String',iptrw); RegisterMethod('function ToString : string'); RegisterMethod('function LoadFromString(const s : string) : boolean;'); RegisterMethod('procedure Normalize;'); RegisterMethod('function Valid:boolean'); RegisterMethod('procedure DeletePoint( Point : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure SwapPoint(p1,p2 : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure MovePoint(fromIndex,toIndex : integer);'); RegisterMethod('procedure AddPoint( Point : TMDTMPoint);'); RegisterProperty('Count','Integer',iptrw); RegisterProperty('Index','Integer',iptr); RegisterProperty('Points','TMDTMPointArray',iptr); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TMMLSettingsSandbox(CL : TPSPascalCompiler); begin with cl.AddClassN(nil,'TMMLSettingsSandbox') do begin; RegisterMethod('function IsKey(const KeyName: String): Boolean;'); RegisterMethod('function IsDirectory(const KeyName: String): Boolean;'); RegisterMethod('function SetKeyValue(const Keyname, Value : string) : boolean;'); RegisterMethod('function GetKeyValue(const KeyName: String): String;'); RegisterMethod('function GetKeyValueDef(const KeyName, defVal: String): String;'); RegisterMethod('function ListKeys(const KeyName: String; out Keys :TStringArray): boolean;'); RegisterMethod('function DeleteKey(const KeyName: String): Boolean;'); RegisterMethod('function DeleteSubKeys(const KeyName: String): Boolean;'); RegisterProperty('Prefix','String',iptR); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TMDTMS(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TMDTMS') do begin RegisterMethod('Function AddSDTM( const d : TSDTM) : Integer;'); RegisterMethod('Function AddMDTM( const d : TMDTM) : Integer;'); RegisterMethod('Function GetDTM( index : Integer) : TMDTM'); RegisterMethod('Procedure FreeDTM( DTM : Integer)'); RegisterMethod('Function StringToDTM( const S : String) : Integer'); RegisterProperty('DTM', 'TMDTM integer', iptr); SetDefaultPropery('DTM'); RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( Owner : TObject)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TMFinder(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TMFinder') do begin RegisterProperty('WarnOnly', 'boolean', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Procedure DefaultOperations( var xs, ys, xe, ye : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorsToleranceOptimised( out Points : TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorToleranceOptimised( out x, y : Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function CountColorTolerance( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance : Integer) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function CountColor( Color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function SimilarColors( Color1, Color2, Tolerance : Integer) : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColor( out x, y : Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorSpiral( var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorSpiralTolerance( var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorTolerance( out x, y : Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorsTolerance( out Points : TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColorsSpiralTolerance( x, y : Integer; out Points : TPointArray; color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; Tolerance : Integer) : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColors( var TPA : TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColoredArea( var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; MinArea : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindColoredAreaTolerance( var x, y : Integer; color, xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; MinArea, tol : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindMaskTolerance( const mask : TMask; out x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure CheckMask( const Mask : TMask)'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmap( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out x, y : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmapIn( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; tolerance : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmapSpiral( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; var x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; var x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance : integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; x, y : Integer; out Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye, tolerance : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap; out x, y : Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye : Integer; tolerance : Integer; Range : Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy : Boolean; out accuracy : Extended) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindDTM( DTM : TMDTM; out x, y : Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindDTMs( DTM : TMDTM; out Points : TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2 : integer; maxToFind : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindDTMRotated( DTM : TMDTM; out x, y : Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep : Extended; out aFound : Extended; Alternating : boolean) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function FindDTMsRotated( DTM : TMDTM; out Points : TPointArray; x1, y1, x2, y2 : Integer; sAngle, eAngle, aStep : Extended; out aFound : T2DExtendedArray; Alternating : boolean; maxToFind : Integer) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function GetColors( const Coords : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetToleranceSpeed( nCTS : Integer)'); RegisterMethod('Function GetToleranceSpeed : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers( const nHue, nSat : Extended)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers( out hMod, sMod : Extended)'); RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( aClient : TObject)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TMBitmaps(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TMBitmaps') do begin RegisterMethod('Function GetBMP( Index : integer) : TMufasaBitmap'); RegisterProperty('Bmp', 'TMufasaBitmap integer', iptr); SetDefaultPropery('Bmp'); RegisterMethod('Function CreateBMP( w, h : integer) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function AddBMP( _bmp : TMufasaBitmap) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function CopyBMP( Bitmap : integer) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function CreateMirroredBitmap( bitmap : Integer; MirrorStyle : TBmpMirrorStyle) : Integer'); RegisterMethod('Function CreateBMPFromFile( const Path : string) : integer'); RegisterMethod('Function CreateBMPFromString( width, height : integer; Data : string) : integer;'); RegisterMethod('Procedure FreeBMP( Number : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( Owner : TObject)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TTarget(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TTarget') do begin RegisterMethod('Procedure GetTargetDimensions( var w, h : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Function GetColor( x, y : integer) : TColor'); RegisterMethod('Function ReturnData( xs, ys, width, height : Integer) : TRetData'); RegisterMethod('Procedure FreeReturnData'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ActivateClient'); RegisterMethod('Function TargetValid : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function GetError : String'); RegisterMethod('Function ReceivedError : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ResetError'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetMousePosition( var x, y : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure MoveMouse( x, y : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ScrollMouse( x, y : integer; Lines : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure HoldMouse( x, y : integer; button : TClickType)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ReleaseMouse( x, y : integer; button : TClickType)'); RegisterMethod('Function IsMouseButtonHeld( button : TClickType) : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SendString( str : string)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure HoldKey( key : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ReleaseKey( key : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Function IsKeyHeld( key : integer) : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function GetKeyCode( C : char) : integer'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TRawTarget(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TTarget'),'TRawTarget') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( rgb : Integer; w, h : integer; CopyData : boolean)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TBitmapTarget(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TTarget'),'TBitmapTarget') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( bitmap : TMufasaBitmap)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TWindow_Abstract(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TTarget'),'TWindow_Abstract') do begin end; end; procedure SIRegister_TEIOS_Target(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TTarget'),'TEIOS_Target') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( client : TEIOS_Client; initval : pointer)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TWindow(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TWindow_Abstract'),'TWindow') do begin {$ifdef mswindows} RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( target : Hwnd)'); {$endif} RegisterMethod('Function GetNativeWindow : TNativeWindow'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TIOManager_Abstract(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TIOManager_Abstract') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( plugin_dir : string)'); RegisterMethod('Function GetError : String'); RegisterMethod('Function ReceivedError : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ResetError'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetDesktop'); RegisterMethod('Function SetTargetArray( ArrPtr : Integer; Size : TPoint) : integer;'); RegisterMethod('Function SetTargetBitmap( bmp : TMufasaBitmap) : integer;'); RegisterMethod('Function TargetValid : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure BitmapDestroyed( Bitmap : TMufasaBitmap)'); RegisterMethod('Function GetColor( x, y : integer) : TColor'); RegisterMethod('Function ReturnData( xs, ys, width, height : Integer) : TRetData'); RegisterMethod('Procedure FreeReturnData'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetDimensions( var W, H : Integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ActivateClient'); RegisterMethod('Function IsFrozen : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetFrozen( makefrozen : boolean)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetMousePos( var X, Y : Integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure MoveMouse( X, Y : Integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ScrollMouse( x, y : integer; Lines : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure HoldMouse( x, y : integer; button : TClickType)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ReleaseMouse( x, y : integer; button : TClickType)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure ClickMouse( X, Y : Integer; button : TClickType)'); RegisterMethod('Function IsMouseButtonDown( button : TClickType) : boolean'); RegisterMethod('Procedure KeyUp( key : Word)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure KeyDown( key : Word)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure PressKey( key : Word)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SendText( text : string)'); RegisterMethod('Function isKeyDown( key : Word) : Boolean'); RegisterMethod('Function GetKeyCode( c : char) : integer'); RegisterMethod('Function GetImageTarget : TTarget;'); RegisterMethod('Function GetKeyMouseTarget : TTarget;'); RegisterMethod('Function ExportImageTarget : TTarget_Exported;'); RegisterMethod('Function ExportKeyMouseTarget : TTarget_Exported;'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetImageTarget( var idx : integer);'); RegisterMethod('Procedure GetKeyMouseTarget( var idx : integer);'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetImageTarget( idx : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetKeyMouseTarget( idx : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure FreeTarget( idx : integer)'); RegisterMethod('Procedure SetState( val : Boolean)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_TIOManager(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TIOManager_Abstract'),'TIOManager') do begin RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( plugin_dir : string)'); RegisterMethod('procedure SetDesktop;'); RegisterMethod('Function SetTarget( target : TNativeWindow) : integer;'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_IOManager(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin SIRegister_TTarget(CL); SIRegister_TRawTarget(CL); SIRegister_TBitmapTarget(CL); SIRegister_TWindow_Abstract(CL); SIRegister_TEIOS_Target(CL); SIRegister_TWindow(cl); SIRegister_TIOManager_Abstract(CL); SIRegister_TIOManager(cl); end; procedure SIRegister_TClient(CL: TPSPascalCompiler); begin with CL.AddClassN(CL.FindClass('TObject'),'TClient') do begin RegisterProperty('IOManager', 'TIOManager', iptrw); RegisterProperty('MFiles', 'TMFiles', iptrw); RegisterProperty('MFinder', 'TMFinder', iptrw); RegisterProperty('MBitmaps', 'TMBitmaps', iptrw); RegisterProperty('MDTMs', 'TMDTMS', iptrw); RegisterProperty('MOCR', 'TMOCR', iptrw); RegisterProperty('WritelnProc', 'TWritelnProc', iptrw); RegisterMethod('Procedure WriteLn( s : string)'); RegisterMethod('Constructor Create( const plugin_dir : string; const UseIOManager : TIOManager)'); end; end; procedure SIRegister_MML(cl: TPSPascalCompiler); begin SIRegister_TMufasaBitmap(cl); SIRegister_TRegExp(cl); SIRegister_TMDTM(cL); SIRegister_TMMLSettingsSandbox(cl); SIRegister_TMDTMS(cl); SIRegister_TMFinder(cl); SIRegister_TMBitmaps(cl); SIRegister_IOManager(cl); SIRegister_TClient(cl); end; end.