.. _troubleshooting: Troubleshooting =============== This is a general troubleshooting page and will hopefully cover all potential problems you may encounter. Where is the DTM Editor? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The DTM Editor a Simba Extension. See :ref:`simbaext` for more information on extensions and how to enable the DTM editor. Where are my Extensions? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All extensions are in the *Extensions* folder. If this folder is empty, you may need to manually download the Extensions or reinstall Simba. Simba crashes on start complaining about settings.xml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This means your settings.xml has become corrupt somehow, or Simba may not be able to create it. If a settings.xml exists in your Simba directory, you can delete it. (All your settings will be lost, but this shouldn't be a bug deal) Note that this should no longer happen with Simba 750 and up. .. Anything else?