.. _scriptref-bitmaps: Bitmaps ======= Bitmaps in Simba are internally all instances of *TMufasBitmap*. Scripts should generally access bitmaps using their *handle*: an integer. All functions referenced here either require a bitmap *handle* or return one. If you want to gain more access over a specific bitmap, see the *GetMufasaBitmap* function. It is highly unrecommended to create bitmaps with: .. code-block:: pascal var bmp: TMufasaBitmap; bmp := TMufasBitmap.Create; Because there is no way to get a *handle* to this bitmap; as it will not be managed by Simba internally. (All Bitmaps created by *CreateBitmap* are managed by Simba, if you don't know what this means: you generally want Simba to manage the bitmaps) If you still want access to the TMufasaBitmap, use *GetMufasaBitmap*, described below. GetMufasaBitmap --------------- .. code-block:: pascal function GetMufasaBitmap(bmp : integer) : TMufasaBitmap; Returns the *TMufasaBitmap* for the given bitmap. They both reference the same bitmap. TMufasaBitmap is a more advanced interface to bitmaps in Simba. There is no way to get a *internal* (integer) reference to a bitmap if you create it with TMufasaBitmap.Create; so the recommended way is to use *CreateBitmap* to get the integer reference/handle and then call this function to get the class reference. .. code-block:: pascal var bmp: TMufasaBitmap; bmph: integer; bmph := CreateBitmap(100, 100); bmp := GetMufasaBitmap(bmph); bmp.SetSize(150,150); // also changes bmph, as they are the same bitmap. CreateBitmapString ------------------ .. code-block:: pascal function CreateBitmapString(bmp : integer) : string; Creates a string for the given bitmap. CreateBitmap ------------ .. code-block:: pascal function CreateBitmap(w,h :integer) : integer; Create a bitmap with width *h* and height *h*. Returns the bitmap reference. FreeBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FreeBitmap(Bmp : integer); Free the bitmap. You should do this when you no longer need the bitmap. Be careful when working with bitmaps: not freeing it when you no longer need it leads to memory leaks, which will eventually make your script crash. (Unless you stop it in time, in which case Simba will free the bitmaps for you) SaveBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure SaveBitmap(Bmp : integer; path : string); Save the given bitmap to the specified path. BitmapFromString ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal function BitmapFromString(Width,Height : integer; Data : string): integer; Load a bitmap from the given string. This command is usually generated with the Bitmap to String feature in Simba. LoadBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal function LoadBitmap(Path : string) : integer; Load a bitmap from a path to a file. Known formats are .bmp and .png. (Possibly others, don't know for sure) SetBitmapSize ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetBitmapSize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer); Change the size of the bitmap. Previous data will be preserved (if possible). GetBitmapSize ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure GetBitmapSize(Bmp : integer; var BmpW,BmpH : integer); Returns the size of the bitmap in *BmpW*, *BmpH*. StretchBitmapResize ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure StretchBitmapResize(Bmp,NewW,NewH : integer); CreateMirroredBitmap -------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function CreateMirroredBitmap(Bmp : integer) : integer; CreateMirroredBitmapEx ---------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function CreateMirroredBitmapEx(Bmp : integer; MirrorStyle : TBmpMirrorStyle) : integer; FastSetPixel ------------ .. code-block:: pascal procedure FastSetPixel(bmp,x,y : integer; Color : TColor); Set the pixel on the bitmap at position x, y to *color*. FastSetPixels ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FastSetPixels(bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray; Colors : TIntegerArray); Set the pixels on the bitmap at position TPA[index] to Colors[index]. FastGetPixel ------------ .. code-block:: pascal function FastGetPixel(bmp, x,y : integer) : TColor; Return the colour of pixel on the bitmap, position specified by x, y. FastGetPixels ------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FastGetPixels(Bmp : integer; TPA : TPointArray) : TIntegerArray; Return an array of the colours on the bitmap; positions specified by *TPA*. GetBitmapAreaColors ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function GetBitmapAreaColors(bmp,xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): T2DIntegerArray; Returns all the colours in the area defined by (*xs*, *xy*, *xe*, *ye*) on the bitmap in a two dimensions integer array. FastDrawClear ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FastDrawClear(bmp : integer; Color : TColor); Draw *Color* on every pixel on the bitmap. FastDrawTransparent ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FastDrawTransparent(x, y: Integer; SourceBitmap, TargetBitmap: Integer); SetTransparentColor ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetTransparentColor(bmp : integer; Color : TColor); GetTransparentColor ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function GetTransparentColor(bmp: integer) : TColor; FastReplaceColor ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FastReplaceColor(Bmp : integer; OldColor,NewColor : TColor); CopyClientToBitmap ------------------ .. code-block:: pascal procedure CopyClientToBitmap(bmp, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer); Copy client area *xs, ys, xe, ye* to specified bitmap. BitmapFromClient ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal function BitmapFromClient(const xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; Create a bitmap from the client. Area specified by *xs, ye, xe, ye*. SetBitmapName ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure SetBitmapName(Bmp : integer; name : string); Assign a name to the bitmap. Mainly for debugging purposes. (It will write the name of the bitmap if it hasn't been freed.) FindBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmap(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the entire client. Returns true if found. If found, *x, y* specifies the position where the bitmap was found. FindBitmapIn ------------ .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the client in the area defined by *xs,ys,xe,ye*. Returns true if found. If found, *x, y* specifies the position where the bitmap was found. FindBitmapToleranceIn --------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the client in the area defined by *xs,ys,xe,ye*. Tolerance defines the tolerance per pixel when matching bitmaps. See :ref:`scriptref_CTS` for more information on tolerance. Returns true if found. If found, *x, y* specifies the position where the bitmap was found. FindBitmapSpiral ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapSpiral(bitmap: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the client in the area defined by *xs,ys,xe,ye*. Returns true if found. If found, *x, y* specifies the position where the bitmap was found. Search starts from a point defined by *x, y*. FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance -------------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapsSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; x, y: Integer; var Points : TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance: Integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the client in the area defined by *xs,ys,xe,ye*. Tolerance defines the tolerance per pixel when matching bitmaps. See :ref:`scriptref_CTS` for more information on tolerance. Search starts from a point defined by *x, y*. Returns true if found. If found, each point in *TPA* specifies a match. FindBitmapSpiralTolerance ------------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapSpiralTolerance(bitmap: integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye,tolerance : integer): Boolean; Searches for the Bitmap *bmp* on the client in the area defined by *xs,ys,xe,ye*. Tolerance defines the tolerance per pixel when matching bitmaps. See :ref:`scriptref_CTS` for more information on tolerance. Search starts from a point defined by *x, y*. Returns true if found. If found, *x, y* specifies the position where the bitmap was found. RotateBitmap ------------ .. code-block:: pascal function RotateBitmap(bitmap: Integer; angle: Extended): Integer; DesaturateBitmap ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal function DesaturateBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : integer; InvertBitmap ------------ .. code-block:: pascal procedure InvertBitmap(Bitmap : integer); CopyBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal function CopyBitmap(Bitmap: integer) : integer) Creates a copy of the *Bitmap*. Returns the bitmap copy. GreyScaleBitmap --------------- .. code-block:: pascal function GreyScaleBitmap(bitmap : integer) : integer Creates a copy of the bitmap, greyscaled. BrightnessBitmap ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal function BrightnessBitmap(Bitmap,br : integer) : integer; Changes the brightness of a bitmap, intensity defined by *br*. Returns a new bitmap with the brightness applied. If you instead want to apply brightness to the current bitmap, see :ref:`filter_apply_bitmap` ContrastBitmap -------------- .. code-block:: pascal function ContrastBitmap(bitmap : integer; co : extended) : integer; Changes the constrast of a bitmap, returns a new bitmap with the contrast applied. PosterizeBitmap --------------- .. code-block:: pascal function PosterizeBitmap(Bitmap : integer; po : integer) : integer; Posterizes a bitmap, intensity defined by *po*; returns a new bitmap with the posterisation applied. .. _filter_apply_bitmap: Applying a filter on the current bitmap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: pascal var b: integer; begin // Dummy bitmap. You'll want something that's not just a blank bitmap. B:=CreateBitmap(100,100); // Apply the filter (Posterize in this case) without making a copy. GetMufasaBitmap(b).Posterize(GetMufasaBitmap(b), 10); // Always free your bitmaps when you no longer use them. :) FreeBitmap(b); end. CreateMaskFromBitmap -------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function CreateMaskFromBitmap(Bitmap : integer) : TMask; FindMaskTolerance ----------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindMaskTolerance(const mask: TMask; var x, y: Integer; xs,ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean; FindBitmapMaskTolerance ----------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindBitmapMaskTolerance(mask: Integer; var x, y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; Tolerance, ContourTolerance: Integer): Boolean; FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn ----------------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function FindDeformedBitmapToleranceIn(bitmap: integer; var x,y: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tolerance: Integer; Range: Integer; AllowPartialAccuracy: Boolean; var accuracy: Extended): Boolean; DrawTPABitmap ------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure DrawTPABitmap(bitmap: integer; TPA: TPointArray; Color: integer); *Draws* a TPointArray on a bitmap. Each point in the TPointArray is *painted* on the bitmap by setting the pixel on the bitmap (position defined by tpa point) to *color*. DrawATPABitmap -------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure DrawATPABitmap(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray); *Draws* a Array of TPointArray on a bitmap. Each point in the TPointArray is *painted* on the bitmap by setting the pixel on the bitmap (position defined by tpa point) to a color. Colors differ per TPointArray (group). DrawATPABitmapEx ---------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure DrawATPABitmapEx(bitmap: integer; ATPA: T2DPointArray; Colors: TIntegerArray); *Draws* a Array of TPointArray on a bitmap. Each point in the TPointArray is *painted* on the bitmap by setting the pixel on the bitmap (position defined by tpa point) to a color. Colors are defined by *Colors*. DrawBitmap ---------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure DrawBitmap(Bmp: Integer; Dest: TCanvas; x, y: Integer); Draw the bitmap to a TCanvas. RectangleBitmap --------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure RectangleBitmap(bitmap : integer; const box : TBox; Color : TColor); FloodFillBitmap --------------- .. code-block:: pascal procedure FloodFillBitmap(bitmap : integer; const StartPoint : TPoint; const SearchCol,ReplaceCol : TColor); CalculatePixelShift ------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function CalculatePixelShift(Bmp1,Bmp2 : Integer; CompareBox : TBox) : integer; CalculatePixelTolerance ----------------------- .. code-block:: pascal function CalculatePixelTolerance(Bmp1,Bmp2 : Integer; CompareBox : TBox; CTS : integer) : extended;')