.. _bugreport:

Reporting Bugs

Report all bugs at http://bugs.villavu.com/

Make sure you do a quick search for your bug to see if it already exist. If it does,
click its link and add any information you can into the comments. If your bug does not
exist, follow these steps:

1. Upon opening that page, you should see a "Report Issue" link. Click this.

2. Now, you should select the project to report to. Use the following criteria:

	- If the problem is with the GUI, choose "Simba".

	- If the problem seems to be in the library, choose "MML".

	- If the problem is not in one of the above or you know it is an SRL function
	  causing the problem, choose "SRL".

   If you can not decide, choose "Simba". The developers can move the ticket as needed.

3. Now, choose the Category that the bug is in. This should be self-explanatory; choose
   a topic related to what you were doing when the bug occured. Choose general if you
   are unsure. Developers can, again, change the ticket if required.

4. Select the reproducability. If this is a request for a feature, choose "N/A".

5. Severity should be ranked according to how much the bug affects the program.
   Crashes will be dealt with first, then blocks, etc. This step goes along with
   priority, which should be chosen along with the severity.

6. Version, at this time, is not needed for Simba and MML issues. If the issue occurs
   with an older script, choose "SRL 4 Compatibility".

7. Now write the summary of the bug. Choose something better than "Does not Work". If,
   for example, you were experiencing a crash of the program when trying to use the OCR
   to scan the character "~" on the 30th of February while you were woodcutting willows
   with an iron axe, a suitable Summary might be "Crash While Using OCR on Specific Char".

8. Using the same example for above, a Description should explain the problem while being
   concise. This field is not the field for technical details, simply describe the problem.

9. Include any technical details such as what exactly you did, etc. Use pictures if

10. Finally, hit submit. It should return successful.