procedure GetClientDimensions(var w,h : integer); begin Client.IOManager.GetDimensions(w, h); end; procedure SetDesktopAsClient; begin Client.IOManager.SetDesktop; end; function SetTargetBitmap(bitmap: TMufasaBitmap): integer; begin; result:= Client.IOManager.SetTargetBitmap(Bitmap); end; procedure SetImageTarget(idx: integer); begin Client.IOManager.SetImageTarget(idx); end; function GetImageTarget: integer; begin Client.IOManager.GetImageTarget(result); end; function Freeze: boolean; begin Client.IOManager.SetFrozen(true); result := true; //dunno what the result is supposed to mean end; function Unfreeze: boolean; begin Client.IOManager.SetFrozen(false); result := true; //dunno what the result is supposed to mean end; function FindDTMs(DTM: Integer; var p: TPointArray; xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Boolean; begin with Client do result := MFinder.FindDTMs(MDTMs.GetDTM(DTM), p, xs, ys, xe, ye,0); end; procedure FreeDTM(DTM: Integer); begin Client.MDTMs.FreeDTM(DTM); end; function DTMFromString(const DTMString: String): Integer; begin Result := Client.MDTMs.StringToDTM(DTMString); end; function AddDTM(const d: TMDTM): Integer; begin Result := Client.MDTMs.AddMDTM(d); end; function GetDTM(const index : integer) : TMDTM; begin result := Client.MDTMs.GetDTM(index); end; function FindColorsTolerance(var Points: TPointArray; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye, Tolerance: Integer): Boolean; begin; result := Client.MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(points,color,xs,ys,xe,ye,tolerance); end;