{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. DTM Utilities for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit dtmutil; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, MufasaTypes; Function pDTMToTDTM(Const DTM: pDTM): TDTM; Function tDTMTopDTM(Const DTM: TDTM): pDTM; Procedure PrintpDTM(tDTM : pDTM); implementation Procedure PrintpDTM(tDTM : pDTM); var i : integer; begin; i := 0; WriteLn('MainPoint ' + inttostr(tDTM.p[i].x) + ', ' + inttostr(tDTM.p[i].y) + ' col: ' + inttostr(tDTM.c[i]) + ', tol: ' + inttostr(tDTM.t[i]) + '; ashape ' + inttostr(tdtm.ash[i]) + ' asize ' + inttostr(tdtm.asz[i])); for I := 1 to High(tDTM.p) do WriteLn('SubPoint['+IntToStr(I) + '] ' + inttostr(tDTM.p[i].x) + ', ' + inttostr(tDTM.p[i].y) + ' col: ' + inttostr(tDTM.c[i]) + ', tol: ' + inttostr(tDTM.t[i]) + '; ashape ' + inttostr(tdtm.ash[i]) + ' asize ' + inttostr(tdtm.asz[i])); end; Function pDTMToTDTM(Const DTM: pDTM): TDTM; Var Temp: TDTMPointDef; I: Integer; Begin For I := 0 To 0 Do Begin Temp.X := DTM.p[i].x; Temp.Y := DTM.p[i].y; Temp.AreaSize := DTM.asz[i]; Temp.AreaShape := DTM.ash[i]; Temp.Color := DTM.c[i]; Temp.Tolerance := DTM.t[i]; End; Result.MainPoint := Temp; SetLength(Result.SubPoints, Length(DTM.p) - 1); For I := 1 To High(DTM.p) Do Begin Temp.X := 0; Temp.Y := 0; Temp.AreaSize := 0; Temp.AreaShape := 0; Temp.Color := 0; Temp.Tolerance := 0; Temp.X := DTM.p[i].x; Temp.Y := DTM.p[i].y; Temp.AreaSize := DTM.asz[i]; Temp.AreaShape := DTM.ash[i]; Temp.Color := DTM.c[i]; Temp.Tolerance := DTM.t[i]; Result.SubPoints[I - 1] := Temp; End; End; {/\ Converts a TDTM to a pDTM. /\} Function tDTMTopDTM(Const DTM: TDTM): pDTM; Var //Temp: TDTMPointDef; I: Integer; Begin SetLength(Result.p, Length(DTM.SubPoints) + 1); SetLength(Result.c, Length(DTM.SubPoints) + 1); SetLength(Result.t, Length(DTM.SubPoints) + 1); SetLength(Result.asz, Length(DTM.SubPoints) + 1); SetLength(Result.ash, Length(DTM.SubPoints) + 1); Result.p[0].x := DTM.MainPoint.x; Result.p[0].y := DTM.MainPoint.y; Result.c[0] := DTM.MainPoint.Color; Result.t[0] := DTM.MainPoint.Tolerance; Result.asz[0] := DTM.MainPoint.AreaSize; Result.ash[0] := DTM.MainPoint.AreaShape; For I := 1 To Length(DTM.SubPoints) Do // High + 1 = Length Begin Result.p[I].x := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].x; Result.p[I].y := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].y; Result.c[I] := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].Color; Result.t[I] := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].Tolerance; Result.asz[I] := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].AreaSize; Result.ash[I] := DTM.SubPoints[I - 1].AreaShape; End; End; end.