{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Settings class for Mufasa Macro Library } unit settings; {$mode objfpc}{$M+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, ComCtrls, xmlread, xmlwrite, DOM,mufasatypes,MufasaBase; type TSettingData = class(TObject) public Val: String; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; { TMMLSettings; class to manage settings with XML. Features: - Loading and Saving to XML. - Showing the settings as a tree. - Changing, Creating settings. (No Deleting yet.) - Bad naming conventions. Bugs: - Don't use '/' as a *name* for a node. It WILL fuck up. It is no problem in values, but in NAMES for nodes, it will simply not work. - Poor naming. } TMMLSettings = class(TObject) private Nodes: TTreeNodes; function KeyNameToKeys(KeyName: String): TStringArray; function WalkToNode(KeyName: String): TTreeNode; procedure InternalLoadFromXML(XMLDoc: TXMLDocument); procedure WriteXMLData(n: TTreeNode; XMLNode: TDOMNode; XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; var XMLChild: TDOMNode; var C: Integer); procedure WalkTree(Node: TTreeNode; XMLNode: TDOMNode; XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; var C: Integer); function GetKeyValueDefLoadFirst(KeyName, defVal, fileName: String): String; public constructor Create(aNodes: TTreeNodes); destructor Destroy; override; function GetNodePath(Node: TTreeNode): String; function ListKeys(KeyName: String; out Keys :TStringArray) : boolean; function KeyExists(KeyName: String): Boolean; function IsKey(KeyName: String): Boolean; function IsDirectory(KeyName: String): Boolean; function DeleteKey(KeyName: String): Boolean; function DeleteSubKeys(KeyName: String): Boolean; function CreateKey(KeyName: String; CreatePath: Boolean = True): Boolean; function SetKeyValue(KeyName: String; KeyValue: String; CreatePath : boolean = true) : boolean; function GetKeyValue(KeyName: String): String; function GetKeyValueDef(KeyName, defVal: String): String; function RenameKey(oldKey,newKey : string) : boolean; function GetKeyValueDefLoad(KeyName, defVal, fileName: String): String; procedure LoadFromXML(fileName: String); procedure SaveToXML(fileName: String); end; implementation uses stringutil; constructor TSettingData.Create; begin inherited; Val := ''; end; destructor TSettingData.Destroy; begin Val := ''; inherited; end; constructor TMMLSettings.Create(aNodes: TTreeNodes); begin inherited Create; Self.Nodes := aNodes; end; destructor TMMLSettings.Destroy; var i : integer; begin for i := 0 to Nodes.Count - 1 do if Nodes[i].data <> nil then TSettingData(Nodes[i].Data).Free; Nodes := nil; inherited; end; procedure TMMLSettings.InternalLoadFromXML(XMLDoc: TXMLDocument); var iNode: TDOMNode; procedure ProcessNode(Node: TDOMNode; TreeNode: TTreeNode); var cNode: TDOMNode; s: string; d: TSettingData; begin if Node = nil then Exit; // Stops if reached a leaf // Adds a node to the tree s := Node.NodeName; TreeNode := Nodes.AddChild(TreeNode, s); if (Node.NodeType = 3) then begin d := TSettingData.Create; D.Val := Node.NodeValue; TreeNode.Data := D; TreeNode.Text := Node.NodeValue; end; // Goes to the child node cNode := Node.FirstChild; // Processes all child nodes while cNode <> nil do begin ProcessNode(cNode, TreeNode); cNode := cNode.NextSibling; end; end; begin iNode := XMLDoc.DocumentElement; if iNode.NodeName = 'Simba' then iNode := iNode.ChildNodes[0]; while iNode <> nil do begin ProcessNode(iNode, nil); // Recursive iNode := iNode.NextSibling; end; end; function TMMLSettings.KeyNameToKeys(KeyName: String): TStringArray; begin Result := Explode('/',KeyName); end; function TMMLSettings.WalkToNode(KeyName: String): TTreeNode; var N: TTreeNode; i: Integer; S: TStringArray; begin Result := nil; if KeyName[length(KeyName)]='/' then setlength(KeyName,length(KeyName)-1); S := KeyNameToKeys(KeyName); if not assigned(s) then Exit(nil); N := Nodes.GetFirstNode; i := 0; while N <> nil do begin if N.Text = s[i] then begin inc(i); if i = length(s) then break; N := N.GetFirstChild; end else N := N.GetNextSibling; end; Result := N; end; { Return the "path" of the given Node. The node should be in Nodes. (TreeView.Items) } function TMMLSettings.GetNodePath(Node: TTreeNode): String; var N: TTreeNode; s: TStringArray; i: Integer; begin if Node = nil then Exit(''); N := Node; setlength(s, 0); while N <> nil do begin setlength(s,length(s) + 1); s[high(s)] := N.Text; N := N.Parent; end; result := ''; for i := high(s) downto 0 do result := result + s[i] + '/'; if length(result) > 1 then setlength(result,length(result)-1); end; { Equivalent to 'ls' or 'dir'. It lists the keys in a certain key (directory) } function TMMLSettings.ListKeys(KeyName: String; out Keys: TStringArray): boolean; var N: TTreeNode; begin SetLength(Keys, 0); N := WalkToNode(KeyName); if N <> nil then N := N.GetFirstChild; result := n <> nil; while N <> nil do begin setlength(Keys,length(Keys)+1); Keys[high(Keys)] := N.Text; N := N.GetNextSibling; end; end; { Return wether the given key exists or not } function TMMLSettings.KeyExists(KeyName: String): Boolean; begin Result := WalkToNode(KeyName) <> nil; end; { Return wether the given key is a key. (again, bad naming) What I mean is, a 'key' only has a 'Value', which a 'directory key' has other keys (or none) as childs. } function TMMLSettings.IsKey(KeyName: String): Boolean; var N: TTreeNode; begin N := WalkToNode(KeyName); if N = nil then Exit(False); n := N.GetFirstChild; while n <> nil do begin if n.HasChildren then exit(false); n := N.GetNextSibling; end; exit(true); end; { Perhaps this should just do Exit(not IsKey(KeyName)) } function TMMLSettings.IsDirectory(KeyName: String): Boolean; var N: TTreeNode; begin N := WalkToNode(KeyName); if N <> nil then Exit(N.HasChildren); Exit(False); end; { Get the value of a Key. (String) } function TMMLSettings.GetKeyValue(KeyName: String): String; var N: TTreeNode; begin if not KeyExists(KeyName) then Exit(''); N := WalkToNode(KeyName); if N <> nil then N := N.GetFirstChild; while N <> nil do begin if assigned(n.Data) then begin Exit(TSettingData(n.Data).Val); end; N := N.GetNextSibling; end; Exit(''); end; { newKey is not the entire key path. } function TMMLSettings.RenameKey(oldKey, newKey: string): boolean; var Node : TTreeNode; Path : TstringArray; newstr : string; i : integer; begin result := false; writeln(oldkey); Path := KeyNameToKeys(OldKey); if length(path) = 1 then exit; if pos('/',newKey) > 0 then exit; if not KeyExists(oldkey) then exit; { for i := length(oldKey) downto 1 do if oldkey[i] = '/' then begin newstr:= Copy(oldkey,1,i) + NewKey; break; end; if KeyExists(NewKey) then exit; } Node := WalkToNode(oldKey); Node.Text:= NewKey; result := true; end; { If the key exists - return the value. If it does not exist, create the key - with a possible path, set it to defVal and return defVal. } function TMMLSettings.GetKeyValueDef(KeyName, defVal: String): String; var Res: String; begin if not IsKey(KeyName) then begin CreateKey(KeyName, True); SetKeyValue(KeyName, defVal); exit(defVal); end; Res := GetKeyValue(KeyName); if Res = '' then begin SetKeyValue(KeyName, defVal); exit(defVal); end; Exit(Res); end; function TMMLSettings.DeleteKey(KeyName: String): Boolean; var Node, C: TTreeNode; begin if not isKey(KeyName) and not IsDirectory(KeyName) then exit(false); Node := WalkToNode(KeyName); if Node = nil then // This should not happen exit; C := Node.GetFirstChild; if C = nil then begin TSettingData(Node.Data).Free; Node.Delete; exit; end; While C <> nil do begin TSettingData(C.Data).Free; C := C.GetNextSibling; end; Node.DeleteChildren; TSettingData(Node.Data).Free; Node.Delete; end; function TMMLSettings.DeleteSubKeys(KeyName: String): Boolean; var Node, C: TTreeNode; begin if not isKey(KeyName) and not IsDirectory(KeyName) then exit(false); Node := WalkToNode(KeyName); if Node = nil then // This should not happen exit; C := Node.GetFirstChild; While C <> nil do begin TSettingData(C.Data).Free; C := C.GetNextSibling; end; Node.DeleteChildren; end; { Clear the entire tree. Load from fileName. call GetKeyValueDef. } function TMMLSettings.GetKeyValueDefLoadFirst(KeyName, defVal, fileName: String): String; begin Nodes.Clear; LoadFromXML(fileName); Result := GetKeyValueDef(KeyName, defVal); SaveToXML(fileName); end; { If Key exists, call GetKeyValueDef, else call GetSetLoadSaveDefaultKeyValue } function TMMLSettings.GetKeyValueDefLoad(KeyName, defVal, fileName: String): String; begin if KeyExists(KeyName) then Exit(GetKeyValueDef(KeyName, defVal)) else Exit(GetKeyValueDefLoadFirst(KeyName, defVal, fileName)); end; { Create the given key. If CreatePath = true, then create every key that is required to create the key. (Say KeyName = 'a/b/c/d/e' and only key a exists, and CreatePath = True, then b,c,d and e are all created. } function TMMLSettings.CreateKey(KeyName: String; CreatePath: Boolean = True): Boolean; var N, newN, nParent: TTreeNode; Path: TStringArray; NewPath: String; i: Integer; begin if KeyExists(KeyName) then begin Exit(False); end; NewPath := ''; N := nil; Path := KeyNameToKeys(KeyName); if length(path) < 2 then begin mDebugLn('CreateKey - Path too short!'); exit(false); end; nParent := WalkToNode(path[0]); if nParent = nil then nParent := Nodes.Add(nil,path[0]); { if path[0] <> nParent.Text then begin writeln('First key doesn''t match. First key should always match'); exit(false); end;} for i := 0 to length(Path) - 2 do begin if Path[i] = '' then begin mDebugLn('CreateKey - Invalid Key Path / Name'); exit(false); end; NewPath := NewPath + Path[i] + '/'; N := WalkToNode(NewPath); if (N = nil) and (not CreatePath) then exit(false); if (N = nil) and CreatePath then begin newN := TTreeNode.Create(Nodes); newN.Text := Path[i]; if (nParent = nil) then begin mDebugLn('CreateKey - This shouldn''t happen...'); newN.MoveTo(Nodes.GetFirstNode, naAddChild); nParent := newN; end else begin newN.MoveTo(nParent, naAddChild); nParent := newN; end; end; if N <> nil then nParent := N; end; if nParent = nil then exit(false); newN := TTreeNode.Create(Nodes); newN.Text := Path[High(Path)]; newN.MoveTo(nParent, naAddChild); end; { Set the value of a key. } function TMMLSettings.SetKeyValue(KeyName: String; KeyValue: String; CreatePath: boolean) : boolean; var N, NN: TTreeNode; begin result := false; if not KeyExists(KeyName) and not CreatePath then begin mDebugLn('SetKeyValue - Key does not exist'); Exit; end else if not KeyExists(keyname) then CreateKey(keyname); if not IsKey(KeyName) then begin mDebugLn('SetKeyValue - IsKey returned false'); Exit; end; N := WalkToNode(KeyName); if not N.HasChildren then begin NN := TTreeNode.Create(Nodes); NN.Text := KeyValue; NN.MoveTo(N, naAddChild); end; if n <> nil then N := N.GetFirstChild; while N <> nil do begin if Assigned(N.Data) then TSettingData(N.Data).Free; N.Data := TSettingData.Create; TSettingData(N.Data).Val := KeyValue; mDebugLn('Setting ' + KeyName + ' to ' + KeyValue); N := N.GetNextSibling; end; result := true; end; { load from xml } procedure TMMLSettings.LoadFromXML(fileName: String); var Doc: TXMLDocument; begin Nodes.Clear; if not fileExists(fileName) then begin mDebugLn('SettingsFile hasn''t been created yet.'); // create file. SaveToXML(fileName); end; ReadXMLFile(Doc, fileName); InternalLoadFromXML(Doc); Doc.Free; end; procedure TMMLSettings.WriteXMLData(n: TTreeNode; XMLNode: TDOMNode; XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; var XMLChild: TDOMNode; var C: Integer); begin if assigned(n.data) and (n.HasChildren) then mDebugLn('WriteXMLData - Has data and children! Please close simba and remove settings.xml. if problem persists, please report your settings.xml'); if assigned(n.Data) then begin XMLChild := XMLDoc.CreateTextNode(TSettingData(N.Data).Val); end else begin XMLChild := XMLDoc.CreateElement(n.Text); end; Inc(C); XMLNode.AppendChild(XMLChild); end; procedure TMMLSettings.WalkTree(Node: TTreeNode; XMLNode: TDOMNode; XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; var C: Integer); var N: TTreeNode; XMLChild: TDOMNode; begin N := Node.GetFirstChild; while assigned(n) do begin WriteXMLData(n, XMLNode, XMLDoc, XMLChild, C); WalkTree(n, XMLChild, XMLDoc, C); n := n.GetNextSibling; end; end; { save to xml } procedure TMMLSettings.SaveToXML(fileName: String); var XMLDoc: TXMLDocument; Simba,DOMNode: TDOMNode; TreeNode : TTreeNode; C: Integer; begin XMLDoc := TXMLDocument.Create; C := 0; Simba := XMLDoc.CreateElement('Simba'); Simba := XMLDoc.AppendChild(Simba); TreeNode := Nodes.GetFirstNode; while TreeNode <> nil do begin; DOMNode := XMLDoc.CreateElement(TreeNode.Text); Simba.AppendChild(DOMNode); WalkTree(TreeNode, DOMNode, XMLDoc, C); TreeNode := TreeNode.GetNextSibling; end; try WriteXMLFile(XMLDoc, fileName); except mDebugLn('Failed to write ' + fileName); end; XMLDoc.Free; end; end.