library libmml; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses cmem,Classes,interfaces,graphics,client,sysutils,MufasaTypes,dtmutil, dtm; {$R *.res} Const RESULT_OK = 0; RESULT_FALSE = 1; RESULT_ERROR = -1; MOUSE_UP = 0; MOUSE_DOWN = 1; var last_error: String; debug: boolean; { This must be called on Library load } function init: integer; cdecl; begin last_error := ''; debug := true; result := RESULT_OK; end; procedure set_last_error(s: string); begin last_error := s; if debug then writeln('ERROR: ' + s); end; { Validate the TClient. If it is NULL, set last error and return false } function validate_client(C: TClient): boolean; inline; begin result := Assigned(C); if not result then begin last_error := 'PClient is NULL'; if debug then writeln(last_error); end; end; { Create a TClient. You can use multiple, but you'll have to manage them yourself. } function create_client: PtrUInt; cdecl; var C: TClient; begin try C := TClient.Create(''); Result := PtrUInt(C); except on e : Exception do begin // FIXME UINT negative result := PtrUInt(RESULT_ERROR); set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; writeln(format('C: %d, IOManager: %d', [PtrUInt(C), PtrUInt(C.IOManager)])); end; { Destroy a TClient } function destroy_client(C: TClient): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; C.Free; end; { Set (verbose) debug on/off } procedure set_debug(v: Boolean); cdecl; begin debug := v; end; { Get debug } function get_debug: boolean; cdecl; begin exit(debug); end; { VERY IMPORTANT: If you use get_last_error, you must immediately store the resulting string somewhere else. As soon as you do other calls, the last error may be reset or assigned a different memory position, making your old pointer invalid. } function get_last_error: pchar; cdecl; begin exit(@last_error[1]); end; { Turn an array into a pointer. The pointer memory is not managed by FPC, so we can pass it along happily. It'll have to be freed by the external control though } function array_to_ptr(ptr: Pointer; size: PtrUInt; objsize: PtrUInt): Pointer; cdecl; begin result := GetMem(objsize * size); Move(ptr^, result^, objsize * size); end; { Free memory previously allocated by libMML } function free_ptr(ptr: pointer): boolean; cdecl; begin result := Assigned(ptr); if not result then begin set_last_error('TClient is NULL'); if debug then writeln(last_error); end else FreeMem(ptr); end; { Allocate memory with libMML } function alloc_mem(size, objsize: PtrUInt): Pointer; cdecl; begin result := GetMem(size * objsize); end; { Reallocate memory with libMML } function realloc_mem(ptr: Pointer; size, objsize: PtrUInt): Pointer; cdecl; begin result := ReAllocMem(ptr, size*objsize); end; { Mouse } { Returns mouse position of client C to point t } function get_mouse_pos(C: TClient; var t: tpoint): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try C.IOManager.GetMousePos(t.x,t.y); result := RESULT_OK; except on e : Exception do begin result := RESULT_ERROR; set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; end; { Set mouse position of client C to point t } function set_mouse_pos(C: TClient; var t: tpoint): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try C.IOManager.MoveMouse(t.x,t.y); result := RESULT_OK; except on e : Exception do begin result := RESULT_ERROR; set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; end; { Helper function } function ConvIntClickType(Int : Integer) : TClickType; inline; begin case int of 0 : result := mouse_Left; 1 : result := mouse_Right; 2: result := mouse_Middle; end; end; { Return the state of a mouse button given client C } function get_mouse_button_state(C: TClient; But: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.IOManager.IsMouseButtonDown(ConvIntClickType(But)) then result := MOUSE_DOWN; except on e : Exception do begin result := RESULT_ERROR; set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; end; { Set the state of a mouse button given client C } function set_mouse_button_state(C: TClient; But, State, X, Y: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if State = MOUSE_UP then begin C.IOManager.ReleaseMouse(X, Y, ConvIntClickType(But)); result := RESULT_OK; end else if state = MOUSE_DOWN then begin C.IOManager.HoldMouse(X, Y, ConvIntClickType(But)); result := RESULT_OK; end; except on e : Exception do begin result := RESULT_ERROR; set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; end; { Colour } function get_color(C: TClient; x, y: Integer; out color: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try begin color := C.IOManager.GetColor(x, y); if color > -1 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_color(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColor(x, y, color, x1, y1, x2, y2) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.Message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_color_tolerance(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; color: Integer; tol, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColorTolerance(x, y, color, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.Message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_color_tolerance_optimised(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; var len: Integer; col: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColorToleranceOptimised(x, y, col, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_colors(C: TClient; var ptr: PPoint; var len: Integer; color, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Integer; cdecl; var TPA: TPointArray; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; SetLength(TPA, 0); try C.MFinder.FindColors(TPA, color, x1, y1, x2, y2); except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.Message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; len := Length(TPA); ptr := array_to_ptr(Pointer(@TPA[0]), len, sizeof(TPoint)); if len > 0 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; setlength(tpa, 0); end; function find_colors_tolerance(C: TClient; var ptr: PPoint; var len: Integer; color, tol, x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer): Integer; cdecl; var TPA: TPointArray; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try C.MFinder.FindColorsTolerance(TPA, color, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol); except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.Message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; len := Length(TPA); ptr := array_to_ptr(Pointer(@TPA[0]), len, sizeof(TPoint)); if len > 0 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; setlength(TPA, 0); end; function find_colors_tolerance_optimised(C: TClient; var ptr: PPoint; var len: Integer; col: Integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; var TPA: TPointArray; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try C.MFinder.FindColorsToleranceOptimised(TPA, col, x1, y1, x2, y2, tol); except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; len := Length(TPA); ptr := array_to_ptr(Pointer(@TPA[0]), len, sizeof(TPoint)); if len > 0 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; function similar_colors(C: TClient; col1, col2, tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; if C.MFinder.SimilarColors(col1, col2, tol) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; function count_color(C: TClient; out count: Integer; Color, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try begin count := C.MFinder.CountColor(Color, xs, ys, xe, ye); if count > 0 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function count_color_tolerance(C: TClient; out count: Integer; col: Integer; xs, ys, xe, ye, tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try count := C.MFinder.CountColorTolerance(col, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol); except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; if count > 0 then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; function find_color_spiral(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; col, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColorSpiral(x, y, col, xs, ys, xe, ye) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_color_spiral_tolerance(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; col, xs, ys, xe, ye: Integer; tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColorSpiralTolerance(x, y, col, xs, ys, xe, ye, tol) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_colored_area(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; col, xs, ys, xe, ye, minA: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColoredArea(x, y, col, xs, ys, xe, ye, minA) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function find_colored_area_tolerance(C: TClient; var x, y: Integer; col, xs, ys, xe, ye, minA: Integer; tol: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try if C.MFinder.FindColoredAreaTolerance(x, y, col, xs, ys, xe, ye, minA, tol) then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function set_tolerance_speed(C: TClient; nCTS: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try begin C.MFinder.SetToleranceSpeed(nCTS); result := RESULT_OK; end; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function get_tolerance_speed(C: TClient; out cts: Integer): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; cts := C.MFinder.GetToleranceSpeed; result := RESULT_OK; end; function set_tolerance_speed_2_modifiers(C: TClient; nHue, nSat: Extended): Integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try begin C.MFinder.SetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(nHue, nSat); result := RESULT_OK; end; except on e : Exception do begin set_last_error(e.message); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; end; end; function get_tolerance_speed_2_modifiers(C: TClient; out hueMod: Extended; out satMod: Extended): Integer; cdecl; var h, s: Extended; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; C.MFinder.GetToleranceSpeed2Modifiers(h, s); hueMod := h; satMod := s; result := RESULT_OK; end; { DTM } { FIXME: DTM has not been tested yet! } { Create a MDTM} function create_dtm(PointLen: integer; Points: PMDTMPoint; DTM: TMDTM): integer; cdecl; var i: integer; begin DTM := TMDTM.Create; for i := 0 to PointLen - 1 do DTM.AddPoint(Points[i]); if DTM.Valid then exit(RESULT_OK); DTM.Free; set_last_error('Invalid DTM'); result := RESULT_ERROR; end; { Delete a MDTM. Don't delete it if it is managed! use remove_dtm instead } function delete_dtm(C: TClient; DTM: TMDTM): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; if not assigned(DTM) then begin set_last_error('DTM is NULL'); exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; DTM.Free; result := RESULT_OK; end; { Add a previously created DTM to the DTM Manager } function add_dtm(C: TClient; DTM: TMDTM; var index: integer): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; if not assigned(DTM) then begin set_last_error('DTM is NULL'); exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; index := C.MDTMs.AddDTM(DTM); end; { Remove a previously added DTM from the DTM manager. This also frees the DTM } function remove_dtm(C: TClient; DTMi: integer): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; C.MDTMs.FreeDTM(DTMi); end; { Find a DTM given DTM index i, client C in area x1,y1,x2,y2. Return coord at x, y. } function find_dtm(C: TClient; DTMi: integer; var x, y: integer; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer): integer; cdecl; var res: boolean; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; try res := C.MFinder.FindDTM(C.MDTMs.DTM[DTMi], x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2); except on e : Exception do begin result := RESULT_ERROR; set_last_error(e.Message); end; end; if res then result := RESULT_OK else result := RESULT_FALSE; end; function set_array_target(C: TClient; Arr: PRGB32; Size: TPoint): integer; cdecl; begin if not validate_client(C) then begin exit(RESULT_ERROR); end; if not assigned(Arr) then begin set_last_error('Arr is not assigned'); exit(RESULT_FALSE); end; // FIXME: Catch exceptions. C.IOManager.SetTarget(Arr, Size); result := RESULT_OK; end; exports init, create_client, destroy_client, get_last_error, get_debug, set_debug, alloc_mem, realloc_mem, free_ptr, get_mouse_pos, set_mouse_pos, get_mouse_button_state, set_mouse_button_state, get_color, find_color, find_color_tolerance, find_colors, find_colors_tolerance, create_dtm, delete_dtm, add_dtm, remove_dtm, find_dtm, set_array_target; begin end.