{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetië and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. TestUnit/GUI for the Mufasa Macro Library } unit TestUnit; {$Undef ProcessMessages} //Define this for processmessages in ThreadSafeCall {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses {$ifdef linux}cthreads,{$endif}Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, SynEdit, SynHighlighterPas, SynMemo, //Client, MufasaTypes, mmlpsthread,synedittypes, window, // for the comp picker and selector colourpicker, framescript, windowselector, lcltype, ActnList, StdActns, SynEditKeyCmds, SynEditHighlighter, SynEditMarkupSpecialLine,SynEditMarkupHighAll, SynEditMiscClasses, LMessages, Buttons; type { TMufasaTab } TMufasaTab = class(Tobject) private PageCtrl : TPageControl; public TabSheet : TTabsheet; ScriptFrame : TScriptFrame; procedure Clear;//This will 'reset' the ScriptFrame constructor Create(Page : TPageControl); destructor Destroy; override; end; // Tab { TForm1 } TForm1 = class(TForm) ActionReplace: TAction; ActionFindNext: TAction; ActionRedo: TAction; ActionUndo: TAction; ActionSelectAll: TAction; ActionDelete: TAction; ActionPaste: TAction; ActionCopy: TAction; ActionCut: TAction; ActionFindStart: TAction; ActionClearDebug: TAction; ActionSaveAll: TAction; ActionStopScript: TAction; ActionSaveScript: TAction; ActionSaveScriptAs: TAction; ActionRunScript: TAction; ActionPauseScript: TAction; ActionNewScript: TAction; ActionOpenScript: TAction; ActionNewTab: TAction; ActionCloseTab: TAction; ActionTabLast: TAction; ActionTabNext: TAction; ActionList: TActionList; CheckBoxMatchCase: TCheckBox; LabeledEditSearch: TLabeledEdit; Memo1: TMemo; MenuFile: TMenuItem; MenuEdit: TMenuItem; PopupItemReplace: TMenuItem; MenuItemReplace: TMenuItem; dlgReplace: TReplaceDialog; View_CH_Menu: TMenuItem; ViewMenu: TMenuItem; MenuItemFindNext: TMenuItem; PopupItemDelete: TMenuItem; MenuItemDelete: TMenuItem; MenuItemDivider5: TMenuItem; MenuItemSelectAll: TMenuItem; PopupItemSelectAll: TMenuItem; PopupItemDivider2: TMenuItem; PopupItemPaste: TMenuItem; PopupItemCopy: TMenuItem; PopupItemCut: TMenuItem; PopupItemDivider1: TMenuItem; PopupItemRedo: TMenuItem; PopupItemUndo: TMenuItem; PopupItemDivider3: TMenuItem; PopupItemFind: TMenuItem; MenuItemFind: TMenuItem; MenuItemDivider4: TMenuItem; MenuItemDivider3: TMenuItem; MenuItemCopy: TMenuItem; MenuItemSaveAll: TMenuItem; MenuItemTabCloseOthers: TMenuItem; MenuItemTabAdd: TMenuItem; MenuItemTabClose: TMenuItem; MenuItemCloseTabs: TMenuItem; MenuItemCloseTab: TMenuItem; MenuItemNewTab: TMenuItem; MenuItemDivider2: TMenuItem; MenuItemDivider: TMenuItem; PageControl1: TPageControl; ScriptPopup: TPopupMenu; SearchPanel: TPanel; ScriptPanel: TPanel; SpeedButtonSearch: TSpeedButton; TabPopup: TPopupMenu; TB_SaveAll: TToolButton; DebugTimer: TTimer; TrayDivider: TMenuItem; TrayPlay: TMenuItem; TrayStop: TMenuItem; TrayPause: TMenuItem; MenuItemPause: TMenuItem; MenuItemStop: TMenuItem; MenuItemShow: TMenuItem; MenuItemExit: TMenuItem; MenuItemCut: TMenuItem; MenuItemPaste: TMenuItem; MenuItemNew: TMenuItem; MenuItemSaveAs: TMenuItem; MenuItemOpen: TMenuItem; MenuItemRedo: TMenuItem; MenuItemUndo: TMenuItem; MenuItemSave: TMenuItem; Mufasa_Image_List: TImageList; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; MenuItemScript: TMenuItem; MenuItemRun: TMenuItem; PanelMemo: TPanel; SplitterMemoSynedit: TSplitter; TrayPopup: TPopupMenu; StatusBar: TStatusBar; ToolBar1: TToolBar; TB_Run: TToolButton; TB_Pause: TToolButton; TB_Stop: TToolButton; ToolButton1: TToolButton; TB_ReloadPlugins: TToolButton; TB_Tray: TToolButton; TB_NewTab: TToolButton; TB_CloseTab: TToolButton; TB_New: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; TB_Open: TToolButton; TB_Save: TToolButton; ToolButton4: TToolButton; TB_ClearDebug: TToolButton; TB_PickColour: TToolButton; TB_SelectClient: TToolButton; ToolButton8: TToolButton; TB_Convert: TToolButton; MTrayIcon: TTrayIcon; procedure ActionClearDebugExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionCloseTabExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionCopyExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionCutExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionFindNextExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionFindstartExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionNewExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionNewTabExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionOpenExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionPasteExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionPauseExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionRedoExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionReplaceExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionRunExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionSaveAllExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionSaveAsExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionSaveExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionSelectAllExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionStopExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionTabLastExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionTabNextExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionUndoExecute(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckBoxMatchCaseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CloseFindPanel; procedure ColourHistoryMenuClick(Sender: TObject); procedure dlgReplaceFind(Sender: TObject); procedure dlgReplaceReplace(Sender: TObject); procedure EditSearchChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShortCuts(var Msg: TLMKey; var Handled: Boolean); procedure LabeledEditSearchEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure LabeledEditSearchExit(Sender: TObject); procedure LabeledEditSearchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure LabeledEditSearchKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char); procedure MenuEditClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItemCloseTabsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItemExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItemShowClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItemTabCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure MenuItemTabCloseOthersClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OnLinePSScript(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonPickClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonSelectorDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure NoTray(Sender: TObject); procedure PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonTrayClick(Sender: TObject); procedure PageControl1Changing(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean); procedure PageControl1ContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); procedure PageControl1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure PageControl1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); procedure PageControl1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ProcessDebugStream(Sender: TObject); procedure ScriptPopupPopup(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButtonSearchClick(Sender: TObject); private PopupTab : integer; SearchStart : TPoint; LastTab : integer; function GetScriptState: TScriptState; procedure SetScriptState(const State: TScriptState); public DebugStream: String; CurrScript : TScriptFrame; //The current scriptframe CurrTab : TMufasaTab; //The current TMufasaTab Tabs : TList; Window: TMWindow; Picker: TMColorPicker; Selector: TMWindowSelector; property ScriptState : TScriptState read GetScriptState write SetScriptState; procedure SafeCallThread; function OpenScript : boolean; function SaveCurrentScript : boolean; function SaveCurrentScriptAs : boolean; function CanExitOrOpen : boolean; function ClearScript : boolean; procedure RunScript; procedure PauseScript; procedure StopScript; procedure AddTab; function DeleteTab( TabIndex : integer; CloseLast : boolean) : boolean; procedure ClearTab( TabIndex : integer); procedure CloseTabs( Exclude : integer);overload;//-1 for none procedure CloseTabs;overload; procedure SetEditActions; procedure DoSearch(Str: String; Next : boolean; HighlightAll : boolean); procedure RefreshTab;//Refreshes all the form items that depend on the Script (Panels, title etc.) end; procedure formWriteln( S : String); const WindowTitle = 'Mufasa v2 - %s';//Title, where %s = the place of the filename. Panel_State = 0; Panel_ScriptName = 1; Panel_ScriptPath = 2; Image_Stop = 7; Image_Terminate = 19; var Form1: TForm1; MainDir : string; CurrentSyncInfo : TSyncInfo;//We need this for SafeCallThread implementation uses lclintf,plugins, syncobjs, colourhistory; // for the critical sections //{$ifdef mswindows} var DebugCriticalSection: syncobjs.TCriticalSection; procedure TForm1.ProcessDebugStream(Sender: TObject); begin if length(DebugStream) = 0 then Exit; // cut off 1 newline char DebugCriticalSection.Enter; try setlength(DebugStream, length(DebugStream) - 1); Memo1.Lines.Add(DebugStream); SetLength(DebugStream, 0); finally DebugCriticalSection.Leave; end; end; procedure TForm1.ScriptPopupPopup(Sender: TObject); begin SetEditActions; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButtonSearchClick(Sender: TObject); begin CloseFindPanel; end; procedure formWriteln( S : String); begin writeln('formWriteln: ' + s); DebugCriticalSection.Enter; try {$ifdef MSWindows} //Ha, we cán acces the debugmemo Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(s); {$else} s := s + MEOL; Form1.DebugStream:= Form1.DebugStream + s; {$endif} finally DebugCriticalSection.Leave; end; //Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(s); end; //{$ENDIF} procedure TForm1.RunScript; begin with CurrScript do begin if ScriptState = ss_Paused then begin; ScriptThread.Resume; ScriptState := ss_Running; Exit; end else if ScriptState <> ss_None then begin; Writeln('The script hasn''t stopped yet, so we cannot start a new one.'); exit; end; ScriptErrorLine:= -1; CurrentSyncInfo.SyncMethod:= @Self.SafeCallThread; ScriptThread := TMMLPSThread.Create(True,@CurrentSyncInfo); {$IFNDEF TERMINALWRITELN} ScriptThread.SetDebug(@formWriteln); {$ENDIF} ScriptThread.SetPSScript(CurrScript.SynEdit.Lines.Text); // ScriptThread.SetDebug(Self.Memo1); ScriptThread.OnError:=@ErrorThread; if ScriptFile <> '' then ScriptThread.SetPaths( ExtractFileDir(ScriptFile) + DS,IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(MainDir +DS + '..' + DS + '..' + ds))) else ScriptThread.SetPaths('', IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(MainDir +DS + '..' + DS + '..' + ds))); // This doesn't actually set the Client's MWindow to the passed window, it // only copies the current set window handle. ScriptThread.Client.MWindow.SetWindow(Self.Window); // we MUST set the OCR Path writeln(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(MainDir +DS + '..' + DS + '..' + ds)) + DS + 'Fonts' + DS); ScriptThread.Client.MOCR.InitTOCR(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(MainDir +DS + '..' + DS + '..' + ds)) + 'Fonts' + DS); ScriptThread.OnTerminate:=@ScriptThreadTerminate; ScriptState:= ss_Running; //Lets run it! ScriptThread.Resume; end; end; procedure TForm1.PauseScript; begin with CurrScript do begin; if ScriptState = ss_Running then begin; {$ifdef MSWindows} ScriptThread.Suspended:= True; ScriptState:= ss_Paused; {$else} Writeln('Linux users are screwed, no pause button for u!'); {$endif} end else if ScriptState = ss_Paused then begin; ScriptThread.Resume; ScriptState := ss_Running; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.StopScript; begin with CurrScript do begin; case ScriptState of ss_Stopping: begin //Terminate the thread the tough way. writeln('Terminating the Scriptthread'); Writeln('Exit code terminate: ' +inttostr(KillThread(ScriptThread.Handle))); WaitForThreadTerminate(ScriptThread.Handle, 0); ScriptThread.Free; ScriptState := ss_None; end; ss_Running: begin ScriptThread.PSScript.Stop; ScriptState := ss_Stopping; end; ss_Paused: begin ScriptThread.Resume; ScriptThread.PSScript.Stop; ScriptState:= ss_Stopping; end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.AddTab; var Tab : TMufasaTab; begin; Tab := TMufasaTab.Create(Self.PageControl1); Tabs.Add(Tab); Tab.TabSheet.ImageIndex:= 8; // Tab.TabSheet.OnContextPopup:= @TabPopup; PageControl1.TabIndex:= Tabs.Count - 1; RefreshTab; if tabs.count > 1 then begin; TB_SaveAll.Enabled:= True; MenuItemSaveAll.Enabled:= True; end; end; function TForm1.DeleteTab(TabIndex: integer; CloseLast : boolean) : boolean; var Tab : TMufasaTab; OldIndex : integer;//So that we can switch back, if needed. begin OldIndex := PageControl1.TabIndex; if TabIndex = OldIndex then //We are closing the 'current' tab, lets go back in history OldIndex := LastTab; PageControl1.TabIndex:= TabIndex; //ScriptFrame now is now correct ;-D result := CanExitOrOpen; if not result then exit; Tab := TMufasaTab(Tabs[TabIndex]); if (Tabs.Count = 1) and (not CloseLast) then Tab.Clear else begin; Tab.Free; Tabs.Delete(TabIndex); if OldIndex > TabIndex then PageControl1.TabIndex := OldIndex - 1 else if OldIndex < TabIndex then PageControl1.TabIndex := OldIndex; end; if tabs.count <= 1 then begin; TB_SaveAll.Enabled:= false; MenuItemSaveAll.Enabled:= false; end; RefreshTab; end; procedure TForm1.ClearTab(TabIndex: integer); begin TMufasaTab(Tabs[TabIndex]).Clear; end; procedure TForm1.CloseTabs(Exclude: integer); var I : integer; begin for i := tabs.count - 1 downto 0 do if i <> exclude then if not DeleteTab(i,false) then exit; end; procedure TForm1.CloseTabs; begin CloseTabs(-1); end; procedure TForm1.SetEditActions; procedure EditActions(Undo,Redo,Cut,Copy,Paste,Delete : boolean); begin; ActionUndo.Enabled:= Undo; ActionRedo.Enabled:= Redo; ActionCut.Enabled:= Cut; ActionCopy.Enabled:= Copy; ActionPaste.Enabled:= Paste; ActionDelete.Enabled:= Delete; end; var S: String; B: Boolean; begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then begin with CurrScript.SynEdit do begin EditActions(CanUndo,CanRedo,SelText <> '',SelText <> '',CanPaste,SelText <> ''); B:= SelText <> ''; PopupItemFind.Enabled:= B; PopupItemReplace.Enabled:= B; if(B)then begin if(Length(SelText) > 20)then S:= Format('"%s"', [Copy(SelText, 1, 17) + '...']) else S:= Format('"%s"', [SelText]); PopupItemFind.Caption:= 'Find next: ' + S; PopupItemReplace.Caption:= 'Replace: ' + S; end; end end else if Memo1.Focused then with Memo1 do EditActions(CanUndo,False,SelText <>'',SelText <> '',True,SelText <> '') else EditActions(false,false,false,false,false,false); end; procedure TForm1.DoSearch(Str: String; Next: boolean; HighlightAll : boolean); var Res : integer; CurrPos : TPoint; SearchOptions : TSynSearchOptions; begin SearchOptions:= []; if CheckBoxMatchCase.Checked then SearchOptions := [ssoMatchCase]; if Str = '' then begin res := -1; CurrScript.Synedit.SetHighlightSearch('',[]); // CurrScript.SynEdit.SelectionMode:= // CurrScript.SynEdit.CaretXY := CurrScript.SynEdit.CaretXY; CurrScript.SynEdit.LogicalCaretXY := SearchStart; end else begin Writeln('Searching: ' + Str); if next then CurrPos := CurrScript.SynEdit.LogicalCaretXY else CurrPos := SearchStart; Res := CurrScript.SynEdit.SearchReplaceEx(Str,'',SearchOptions,CurrPos); if res = 0 then begin res := CurrScript.SynEdit.SearchReplaceEx(Str,'',SearchOptions,Point(0,0)); if res > 0 then begin; Writeln('End of document reached'); SearchStart.x := 0; SearchStart.Y := CurrScript.SynEdit.LogicalCaretXY.y; end; end; end; if res = 0 then begin; LabeledEditSearch.Color := 6711039; LabeledEditSearch.Font.Color:= clWhite; CurrScript.Synedit.SetHighlightSearch('',[]); CurrScript.SynEdit.LogicalCaretXY := SearchStart; end else begin LabeledEditSearch.Color:= clWindow; LabeledEditSearch.Font.Color:= clWindowText; with CurrScript.SynEdit do begin HighlightAllColor.Background:= clYellow; if HighlightAll then SetHighlightSearch(Str,[]) else SetHighlightSearch('',[]); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.RefreshTab; var Tab : TMufasaTab; Script : TScriptFrame; NewTab : integer; begin if tabs.Count < 1 then begin; Writeln('Cannot refresh tab, since there are no tabs.'); exit; end; NewTab := PageControl1.TabIndex; Tab := TMufasaTab(Tabs[Newtab]); Script := Tab.ScriptFrame; Self.CurrScript := Script; Self.CurrTab := Tab; if Script.ScriptChanged then begin; Tab.TabSheet.Caption:= Script.ScriptName + '*'; Self.Caption := Format(WindowTitle,[Script.ScriptName + '*']) end else begin; Self.Caption := Format(WindowTitle,[Script.ScriptName]); Tab.TabSheet.Caption:= Script.ScriptName; end; StatusBar.Panels[Panel_ScriptName].Text:= Script.ScriptName; StatusBar.Panels[Panel_ScriptPath].text:= Script.ScriptFile; SetScriptState(Tab.ScriptFrame.FScriptState);//To set the buttons right if Self.Showing then if Tab.TabSheet.TabIndex = Self.PageControl1.TabIndex then CurrScript.SynEdit.SetFocus; with CurrScript.SynEdit do begin SetHighlightSearch('',[]); UseIncrementalColor:= false; MarkupByClass[TSynEditMarkupHighlightAllCaret].TempEnable; Invalidate; end; LabeledEditSearch.SelLength:= 0; LabeledEditSearch.Color:= clWindow; LabeledEditSearch.Font.Color:= clWindowText; //Set tha edit buttons right SetEditActions; end; procedure TForm1.ActionTabLastExecute(Sender: TObject); var CurrIndex : integer; begin CurrIndex := PageControl1.TabIndex; if CurrIndex = 0 then CurrIndex := Tabs.count - 1 else Dec(CurrIndex); PageControl1.TabIndex:= CurrIndex; end; procedure TForm1.ActionCloseTabExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if(PageControl1.PageCount > 1)then Self.DeleteTab(PageControl1.TabIndex,false) else Self.ClearScript; //DeleteTab would take care of this already, but yeah, it's neater this way. end; procedure TForm1.ActionCopyExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.SynEdit.CopyToClipboard else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.CopyToClipboard; end; procedure TForm1.ActionCutExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.SynEdit.CutToClipboard else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.CutToClipboard; end; procedure TForm1.ActionDeleteExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.SynEdit.ClearSelection else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.ClearSelection; end; procedure TForm1.ActionFindNextExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if(ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated)then DoSearch(CurrScript.SynEdit.SelText, true, false) else DoSearch(LabeledEditSearch.Text, true, false); end; procedure TForm1.ActionFindstartExecute(Sender: TObject); begin SearchPanel.Visible:= true; if LabeledEditSearch.CanFocus then LabeledEditSearch.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.ActionClearDebugExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Clear; end; procedure TForm1.ActionNewExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.ClearScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionNewTabExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.AddTab; end; procedure TForm1.ActionOpenExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.OpenScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionPasteExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.SynEdit.PasteFromClipboard else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.PasteFromClipboard; end; procedure TForm1.ActionPauseExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.PauseScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionRedoExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.Redo else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.Undo; //? end; procedure TForm1.ActionReplaceExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if(ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated)then dlgReplace.FindText:= CurrScript.SynEdit.SelText; dlgReplace.Execute; end; procedure TForm1.ActionRunExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.RunScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionSaveAllExecute(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; OldIndex : integer; begin OldIndex := PageControl1.TabIndex; for i := 0 to Tabs.Count - 1 do begin; PageControl1.TabIndex:= i; SaveCurrentScript; end; PageControl1.TabIndex:= oldindex; end; procedure TForm1.ActionSaveAsExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.SaveCurrentScriptAs; end; procedure TForm1.ActionSaveExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.SaveCurrentScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionSelectAllExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.SynEdit.SelectAll else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.SelectAll else if LabeledEditSearch.Focused then LabeledEditSearch.SelectAll; end; procedure TForm1.ActionStopExecute(Sender: TObject); begin Self.StopScript; end; procedure TForm1.ActionTabNextExecute(Sender: TObject); var CurrIndex : integer; begin CurrIndex := PageControl1.TabIndex; if CurrIndex = Tabs.count - 1 then CurrIndex := 0 else Inc(CurrIndex); PageControl1.TabIndex:= CurrIndex; end; procedure TForm1.ActionUndoExecute(Sender: TObject); begin if CurrScript.SynEdit.Focused or ScriptPopup.HandleAllocated then CurrScript.Undo else if Memo1.Focused then Memo1.Undo; end; procedure TForm1.CheckBoxMatchCaseClick(Sender: TObject); begin RefreshTab; CurrScript.SynEdit.MarkupByClass[TSynEditMarkupHighlightAllCaret].TempDisable; DoSearch(LabeledEditSearch.Text, false, true); CurrScript.SynEdit.UseIncrementalColor:= true; LabeledEditSearch.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.CloseFindPanel; begin SearchPanel.Visible:= false; if CurrScript.SynEdit.CanFocus then CurrScript.SynEdit.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.ColourHistoryMenuClick(Sender: TObject); begin View_CH_Menu.Checked := not ColourHistoryForm.Visible; if View_CH_Menu.Checked then ColourHistoryForm.Show else ColourHistoryForm.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.dlgReplaceFind(Sender: TObject); begin DoSearch(dlgReplace.FindText, True, False); end; procedure TForm1.dlgReplaceReplace(Sender: TObject); var Options: TSynSearchOptions; begin if(frEntireScope in dlgReplace.Options)then Options:= [ssoEntireScope]; if(frMatchCase in dlgReplace.Options)then Options:= Options + [ssoMatchCase]; if(frWholeWord in dlgReplace.Options)then Options:= Options + [ssoWholeWord]; if(frReplaceAll in dlgReplace.Options)then Options:= Options + [ssoReplaceAll]; CurrScript.SynEdit.SearchReplace(dlgReplace.FindText, dlgReplace.ReplaceText, Options); end; procedure TForm1.EditSearchChange(Sender: TObject); begin DoSearch(LabeledEditSearch.Text, false, true); end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction); var i : integer; begin for i := Tabs.Count - 1 downto 0 do if not DeleteTab(i,true) then begin; CloseAction := caNone; exit end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //Show close buttons @ tabs PageControl1.Options:=PageControl1.Options+[nboShowCloseButtons]; PageControl1.OnCloseTabClicked:=ActionCloseTab.OnExecute; Tabs := TList.Create; AddTab;//Give it alteast 1 tab ;-). Window := TMWindow.Create; Picker := TMColorPicker.Create(Window); Selector := TMWindowSelector.Create(Window); MainDir:= ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName); PluginsGlob := TMPlugins.Create; PluginsGlob.PluginDirs.Add(ExpandFileName(MainDir + DS + '..' + DS + '..'+ DS + 'Plugins'+ DS)); { For writeln } SetLength(DebugStream, 0); DebugCriticalSection := syncobjs.TCriticalSection.Create; {$ifdef mswindows} DebugTimer.Enabled:= false; {$endif} // Ed end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin for i := Tabs.Count - 1 downto 0 do TMufasaTab(Tabs[i]).Free; Tabs.free; Selector.Free; Picker.Free; Window.Free; PluginsGlob.Free; SetLength(DebugStream, 0); DebugCriticalSection.Free; end; procedure TForm1.FormShortCuts(var Msg: TLMKey; var Handled: Boolean); begin Handled := ActionList.IsShortCut(Msg); { ShiftState := MsgKeyDataToShiftState(Message.KeyData); ShortCut := KeyToShortCut(Message.CharCode, ShiftState);} end; procedure TForm1.LabeledEditSearchEnter(Sender: TObject); begin SearchStart := CurrScript.SynEdit.LogicalCaretXY; with CurrScript.SynEdit do begin UseIncrementalColor:= true; MarkupByClass[TSynEditMarkupHighlightAllCaret].TempDisable end; end; procedure TForm1.LabeledEditSearchExit(Sender: TObject); begin if not CheckBoxMatchCase.MouseEntered then RefreshTab; end; procedure TForm1.LabeledEditSearchKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (ssCtrl in Shift) and (key = vk_f) then begin; LabeledEditSearch.SelectAll; end else if key = VK_ESCAPE then begin CloseFindPanel; key := 0; end; end; procedure TForm1.LabeledEditSearchKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char); begin if key = #13 then begin; DoSearch(LabeledEditSearch.Text, true, true); key := #0; // LabeledEditSearch.SelStart:= Length(LabeledEditSearch.Text); end; end; procedure TForm1.MenuEditClick(Sender: TObject); begin SetEditActions; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItemCloseTabsClick(Sender: TObject); begin Self.CloseTabs; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItemExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Close; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItemShowClick(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Show; Self.WindowState := wsNormal; end; procedure TForm1.MenuItemTabCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin DeleteTab(PopupTab,false); end; procedure TForm1.MenuItemTabCloseOthersClick(Sender: TObject); begin CloseTabs(PopupTab); end; procedure TForm1.OnLinePSScript(Sender: TObject); begin //Writeln('We just completed a line!!'); {$IFDEF ProcessMessages} Application.ProcessMessages; //Don't think that this is neccesary though {$ENDIF} end; procedure TForm1.ButtonPickClick(Sender: TObject); var c, x, y: Integer; cobj: TColourPickerObject; begin Picker.Pick(c, x, y); cobj := TColourPickerObject.Create(c, Point(x,y), 'Untitled'); ColourHistoryForm.AddColObj(cobj); ColourHistoryForm.Show; formWriteln('Picked colour: ' + inttostr(c) + ' at (' + inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y) + ')'); end; procedure TForm1.ButtonSelectorDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Window.SetTarget(Selector.Drag {$ifdef MSWINDOWS},w_window{$endif}); writeln('New window: ' + IntToStr(Window.{$ifdef MSWindows}TargetHandle{$else}CurWindow{$ENDIF})); end; procedure TForm1.NoTray(Sender: TObject); begin if Not Form1.IsVisible then Self.MenuItemShowClick(Sender) else Form1.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); begin RefreshTab(); end; procedure TForm1.ButtonTrayClick(Sender: TObject); begin Form1.Hide; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1Changing(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean ); begin LastTab:= PageControl1.TabIndex; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1ContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); begin PopupTab := PageControl1.TabIndexAtClientPos(MousePos); if PopupTab = -1 then begin Writeln('We couldn''t find which tab you clicked on, closing the popup'); Handled := true; end; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); var NewPos : integer; OldPos : integer; begin if sender <> PageControl1 then exit; NewPos := PageControl1.TabIndexAtClientPos(Point(x,y)); OldPos := PageControl1.TabIndex; if (NewPos <> OldPos) and (NewPos <> -1) then begin; Tabs.Move(OldPos,NewPos); PageControl1.Pages[OldPos].TabIndex:= NewPos; end; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); begin if Sender = PageControl1 then; Accept := True; end; procedure TForm1.PageControl1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin {$ifdef mswindows} PageControl1.BeginDrag(false); {$endif} end; function TForm1.GetScriptState: TScriptState; begin result := CurrScript.FScriptState; end; procedure TForm1.SetScriptState(const State: TScriptState); begin CurrScript.FScriptState:= State; with Self.StatusBar.panels[Panel_State] do case state of ss_Running : begin Text := 'Running'; TB_Run.Enabled:= False; {$ifdef MSWindows}TB_Pause.Enabled:= True; {$endif} TB_Stop.ImageIndex := Image_Stop; TB_Stop.Enabled:= True; TrayPlay.Checked := True; TrayPlay.Enabled := False; {$ifdef MSWindows}TrayPause.Checked := false; TrayPause.Enabled := True;{$endif} TrayStop.Enabled:= True; TrayStop.Checked:= False; end; ss_Paused : begin Text := 'Paused'; TB_Run.Enabled:= True; {$ifdef MSWindows}TB_Pause.Enabled:= True; {$endif} TB_Stop.ImageIndex := Image_Stop; TB_Stop.Enabled:= True; TrayPlay.Checked := false; TrayPlay.Enabled := True; {$ifdef MSWindows}TrayPause.Checked := True; TrayPause.Enabled := True;{$endif} TrayStop.Enabled:= True; TrayStop.Checked:= False; end; ss_Stopping: begin Text := 'Stopping';TB_Run.Enabled:= False; TB_Pause.Enabled:= False; TB_Stop.Enabled:= True; TB_Stop.ImageIndex := Image_Terminate; TrayPlay.Checked := False; TrayPlay.Enabled := False; {$ifdef MSWindows}TrayPause.Checked := false; TrayPause.Enabled := False;{$endif} TrayStop.Enabled:= True; TrayStop.Checked:= True; end; ss_None : begin Text := 'Done'; TB_Run.Enabled:= True; TB_Pause.Enabled:= False; TB_Stop.Enabled:= False; TB_Stop.ImageIndex := Image_Stop; TrayPlay.Checked := false; TrayPlay.Enabled := True; {$ifdef MSWindows}TrayPause.Checked := false; TrayPause.Enabled := False;{$endif} TrayStop.Enabled:= false; TrayStop.Checked:= False; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.SafeCallThread; begin Writeln('Executing : ' + CurrentSyncInfo.MethodName); mmlpsthread.CurrThread := TMMLPSTHREAD(CurrentSyncInfo.OldThread); with CurrentSyncInfo.PSScript do begin; OnLine:=@OnLinePSScript; CurrentSyncInfo.Res:= Exec.RunProcPVar(CurrentSyncInfo.V,Exec.GetProc(CurrentSyncInfo.MethodName)); Online := nil; end; mmlpsthread.CurrThread := nil; end; function TForm1.OpenScript: boolean; begin; Result := False; if CanExitOrOpen = false then Exit; with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do try Filter:= 'Mufasa Files|*.cogat;*.mufa;*.txt|Any files|*.*'; if Execute then if FileExists(FileName) then begin; with CurrScript do begin SynEdit.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName); StartText := SynEdit.Lines.text; ScriptName:= ExtractFileNameOnly(FileName); WriteLn('Script name will be: ' + ScriptName); ScriptFile:= FileName; ScriptChanged := false; RefreshTab(); Result := True; end; end; finally Free; end; end; function TForm1.SaveCurrentScript: boolean; begin with CurrScript do begin Result := (ScriptFile <> ''); if Result then begin; ScriptChanged := false; SynEdit.Lines.SaveToFile(ScriptFile); StartText:= SynEdit.Lines.Text; SynEdit.MarkTextAsSaved; Self.Caption:= Format(WindowTitle,[ScriptName]); end else result := SaveCurrentScriptAs; end; RefreshTab; end; function TForm1.SaveCurrentScriptAs: boolean; begin with CurrScript do begin; Result := false; with TSaveDialog.Create(nil) do try Filter:= 'Mufasa files|*.cogat;*.mufa;*.pas;*.txt|Any Files|*.*'; if Execute then begin; if ExtractFileExt(FileName) = '' then begin; ScriptFile := FileName + '.mufa'; end else ScriptFile := FileName; SynEdit.Lines.SaveToFile(ScriptFile); ScriptName:= ExtractFileNameOnly(ScriptFile); WriteLn('Script name will be: ' + ScriptName); RefreshTab(); Result := True; end; finally Free; end; if result then begin; Writeln('Succesfully saved: ' + ScriptFile); StartText:= SynEdit.Lines.Text; SynEdit.MarkTextAsSaved; ScriptChanged := false; end; end; end; function TForm1.CanExitOrOpen: boolean; var I : integer; begin; Self.Enabled := False;//We HAVE to answer the popup Result := True; if ScriptState <> ss_None then begin if ScriptState <> ss_Stopping then begin result := False; Case MessageBox(0,pchar('Do you want to stop the script?'), Pchar('Script is still running.'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION) of IDYES : StopScript; end; end else Case MessageBox(0,pchar('Do you want to terminate the script?'), Pchar('Script is stopping.'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION) of IDNO,IDCancel: Result := false; IDYES : StopScript; end; end; if Result and (CurrScript.StartText <> CurrScript.SynEdit.Lines.text) then Case MessageBox(0,pchar('Do you want to save the script?'), Pchar('Script has been modified.'), MB_YESNOCANCEL or MB_ICONQUESTION) of IDCANCEL : Result := False; IDYES : Result := SaveCurrentScript; end; Self.Enabled := True; if Self.CanFocus then Self.SetFocus; end; function TForm1.ClearScript: boolean; begin if CanExitOrOpen then begin; CurrTab.Clear; RefreshTab(); end; end; { TMufasaTab } procedure TMufasaTab.Clear; begin ScriptFrame.Free; ScriptFrame := TScriptFrame.Create(Tabsheet); ScriptFrame.Parent := Tabsheet; ScriptFrame.Align:= alClient; end; constructor TMufasaTab.Create(Page: TPageControl); begin inherited Create; PageCtrl := Page; Tabsheet := TTabSheet.Create(Page); Tabsheet.PageControl := Page; ScriptFrame := TScriptFrame.Create(Tabsheet); ScriptFrame.Parent := Tabsheet; ScriptFrame.Align:= alClient; end; destructor TMufasaTab.Destroy; begin ScriptFrame.Free; TabSheet.Free; inherited Destroy; end; initialization {$I testunit.lrs} end.