Simple stuff, not required, may not be possible/useful: - Compiler arguments in the about form [ ] - Coloured writeln [ ] - Make an TAction for the Colour Picker. [ ] - Portable install (needs fiddling with settings and such) [ ] - --no-extensions flag for Simba. [ ] - CTS/finder speedups and changes [ ] General ideas: - everything subprocedure (lots of code) - jit + comparison function (per cts) generated, call in loop - comparison function (per cts), not generated, call in loop - JIT (Generate comparison functions) [ ] - Comparison functions for HSL/XYZ/L*a*b should check for match on each component before calculating the next. (see FindColorsToleranceOptimised) - Pass color information in struct [ ] - Precalculate screen bitmap in current cts / keep a cache to save comparisons [ ] - Add CTS 3 [ ] - Add a direct RGB -> CIE L*a*b conversion [ ] - Make sure colour conversions are inline [ ] - More documentation: - Cover all functions by at least mentioning the definition [ ] - Write tutorial [ ] - In depth documentation per function [ ] - New interpreters - DWSScript ? [ ] - Lape! [ ] - Integrate script manager [ ] - Basic support. (Install scripts) [ ] - Update functionality [ ] - Uninstall scripts [ ] - Better storage / more stable storage [ ] - Pretty GUI [ ] - Merging / storing usernames when updating [ ] - Make Simba more ``modular'': - Fonts [ ] - Interpreters [ ] - Code completion/hints [ ] - Extensions [ ] - Interpreter system overhaul? [ ]