program new; var x,y,w,h,i,j,t,t2:integer; begin getclientdimensions(w,h); writeln(inttostr(w) + ', ' + inttostr(h)); freeze(); for i := 0 to 2 do begin setcolortolerancespeed(i); t := getsystemtime; for j := 0 to 100 do findcolortolerance(x, y, 2532562, 0, 0, w -1 , h -1, 1); t2 := getsystemtime; writeln('Time for 101 tries: ' + inttostr(t2 - t) + ' ms.'); writeln('That is ' + FloatToStr((t2 - t) / 101) + ' ms each.'); if findcolortolerance(x, y, 2532562, 0, 0, w-1, h-1, 1) then begin writeln('CTS: ' + inttostr(I) + '; Found the colour at (' + inttostr(x) + ', ' + inttostr(y) + ')'); movemouse(x, y); wait(1000); end else writeln('not found'); end; unfreeze(); end. Compiled succesfully in 7 ms. 826, 597 Time for 101 tries: 1143 ms. That is 11.316831683168 ms each. not found Time for 101 tries: 2565 ms. That is 25.396039603960 ms each. not found Time for 101 tries: 3799 ms. That is 37.613861386139 ms each. not found Succesfully executed