{ This file is part of the Mufasa Macro Library (MML) Copyright (c) 2009 by Raymond van Venetiƫ and Merlijn Wajer MML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. MML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MML. If not, see . See the file COPYING, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. Windows OS specific implementation for Mufasa Macro Library } {$mode objfpc}{$H+} unit os_windows; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, mufasatypes, windows, graphics, LCLType, LCLIntf, bitmaps, IOManager, WinKeyInput; type TNativeWindow = Hwnd; TKeyInput = class(TWinKeyInput) public procedure Down(Key: Word); procedure Up(Key: Word); end; { TWindow } TWindow = class(TWindow_Abstract) public constructor Create; constructor Create(target: Hwnd); destructor Destroy; override; procedure GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); override; procedure GetTargetPosition(var left, top: integer); override; function ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; override; function GetColor(x,y : integer) : TColor; override; function GetError: String; override; function ReceivedError: Boolean; override; procedure ResetError; override; function TargetValid: boolean; override; procedure ActivateClient; override; procedure GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); override; procedure MoveMouse(x,y: integer); override; procedure ScrollMouse(x,y, lines : integer); override; procedure HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; procedure ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); override; function IsMouseButtonHeld( button : TClickType) : boolean;override; procedure SendString(str: string); override; procedure HoldKey(key: integer); override; procedure ReleaseKey(key: integer); override; function IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; override; function GetKeyCode(c : char) : integer;override; function GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; private handle: Hwnd; dc: HDC; buffer: TBitmap; buffer_raw: prgb32; width,height: integer; keyinput: TKeyInput; procedure ValidateBuffer(w,h:integer); protected function WindowRect(out Rect : TRect) : Boolean; virtual; end; { TDesktopWindow } TDesktopWindow = class(TWindow) private constructor Create(DesktopHandle : HWND); function WindowRect(out Rect : TRect) : Boolean;override; end; TIOManager = class(TIOManager_Abstract) public constructor Create; constructor Create(plugin_dir: string); function SetTarget(target: TNativeWindow): integer; overload; procedure SetDesktop; override; function GetProcesses: TSysProcArr; override; procedure SetTargetEx(Proc: TSysProc); overload; protected DesktopHWND : Hwnd; procedure NativeInit; override; procedure NativeFree; override; end; implementation uses GraphType, interfacebase; type PMouseInput = ^TMouseInput; tagMOUSEINPUT = packed record dx: Longint; dy: Longint; mouseData: DWORD; dwFlags: DWORD; time: DWORD; dwExtraInfo: DWORD; end; TMouseInput = tagMOUSEINPUT; PKeybdInput = ^TKeybdInput; tagKEYBDINPUT = packed record wVk: WORD; wScan: WORD; dwFlags: DWORD; time: DWORD; dwExtraInfo: DWORD; end; TKeybdInput = tagKEYBDINPUT; PHardwareInput = ^THardwareInput; tagHARDWAREINPUT = packed record uMsg: DWORD; wParamL: WORD; wParamH: WORD; end; THardwareInput = tagHARDWAREINPUT; PInput = ^TInput; tagINPUT = packed record Itype: DWORD; case Integer of 0: (mi: TMouseInput); 1: (ki: TKeybdInput); 2: (hi: THardwareInput); end; TInput = tagINPUT; const INPUT_MOUSE = 0; INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1; INPUT_HARDWARE = 2; function SendInput(cInputs: UINT; var pInputs: TInput; cbSize: Integer): UINT; stdcall; external user32 name 'SendInput'; //***implementation*** TKeyInput procedure TKeyInput.Down(Key: Word); begin DoDown(Key); end; procedure TKeyInput.Up(Key: Word); begin DoUp(Key); end; //***implementation*** TWindow constructor TWindow.Create; begin inherited Create; self.buffer:= TBitmap.Create; self.buffer.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; keyinput:= TKeyInput.Create; end; constructor TWindow.Create(target: Hwnd); begin inherited Create; self.buffer:= TBitmap.Create; self.buffer.PixelFormat:= pf32bit; keyinput:= TKeyInput.Create; self.handle:= target; self.dc:= GetWindowDC(target); end; destructor TWindow.Destroy; begin ReleaseDC(handle,dc);//Dogdy as one might have used .create and not set a handle.. buffer.Free; keyinput.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TWindow.GetError: String; begin exit(''); end; function TWindow.ReceivedError: Boolean; begin exit(false); end; procedure TWindow.ResetError; begin end; function TWindow.GetNativeWindow: TNativeWindow; begin result := handle; end; function TWindow.TargetValid: boolean; begin result:= IsWindow(handle); end; procedure TWindow.ActivateClient; begin SetForegroundWindow(handle); end; procedure TWindow.GetTargetDimensions(var w, h: integer); var Rect : TRect; begin WindowRect(rect); w:= Rect.Right - Rect.Left; h:= Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; end; procedure TWindow.GetTargetPosition(var left, top: integer); var Rect : TRect; begin WindowRect(rect); left := Rect.Left; top := Rect.Top; end; function TWindow.GetColor(x,y : integer) : TColor; begin result:= GetPixel(self.dc,x,y) end; procedure TWindow.ValidateBuffer(w,h:integer); var BmpInfo : Windows.TBitmap; begin if (w <> self.width) or (height <> self.height) then begin buffer.SetSize(w,h); self.width:= w; self.height:= h; GetObject(buffer.Handle, SizeOf(BmpInfo), @BmpInfo); self.buffer_raw := BmpInfo.bmBits; end; end; function TWindow.WindowRect(out Rect : TRect) : boolean; begin result := Windows.GetWindowRect(self.handle,rect); end; function TWindow.ReturnData(xs, ys, width, height: Integer): TRetData; var temp: PRGB32; w,h : integer; begin GetTargetDimensions(w,h); ValidateBuffer(w,h); if (xs < 0) or (xs + width > w) or (ys < 0) or (ys + height > h) then raise Exception.CreateFMT('TMWindow.ReturnData: The parameters passed are wrong; xs,ys %d,%d width,height %d,%d',[xs,ys,width,height]); Windows.BitBlt(self.buffer.Canvas.Handle,0,0, width, height, self.dc, xs,ys, SRCCOPY); Result.Ptr:= self.buffer_raw; Result.IncPtrWith:= w - width; Result.RowLen:= w; end; procedure TWindow.GetMousePosition(var x,y: integer); var MousePoint : TPoint; Rect : TRect; begin Windows.GetCursorPos(MousePoint); WindowRect(rect); x := MousePoint.x - Rect.Left; y := MousePoint.y - Rect.Top; end; procedure TWindow.MoveMouse(x,y: integer); var rect : TRect; w,h: integer; begin WindowRect(rect); x := x + rect.left; y := y + rect.top; Windows.SetCursorPos(x, y); end; const MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = $800; procedure TWindow.ScrollMouse(x, y, lines: integer); var Input : TInput; Rect : TRect; begin WindowRect(rect); Input.Itype:= INPUT_MOUSE; FillChar(Input,Sizeof(Input),0); Input.mi.dx:= x + Rect.left; Input.mi.dy:= y + Rect.Top; Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL; Input.mi.mouseData:= lines * WHEEL_DELTA; SendInput(1,Input, sizeof(Input)); end; procedure TWindow.HoldMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var Input : TInput; Rect : TRect; begin WindowRect(rect); Input.Itype:= INPUT_MOUSE; FillChar(Input,Sizeof(Input),0); Input.mi.dx:= x + Rect.left; Input.mi.dy:= y + Rect.Top; case button of Mouse_Left: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; Mouse_Middle: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN; Mouse_Right: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN; end; SendInput(1,Input, sizeof(Input)); end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseMouse(x,y: integer; button: TClickType); var Input : TInput; Rect : TRect; begin WindowRect(rect); Input.Itype:= INPUT_MOUSE; FillChar(Input,Sizeof(Input),0); Input.mi.dx:= x + Rect.left; Input.mi.dy:= y + Rect.Top; case button of Mouse_Left: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; Mouse_Middle: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP; Mouse_Right: Input.mi.dwFlags:= MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP; end; SendInput(1,Input, sizeof(Input)); end; function TWindow.IsMouseButtonHeld(button: TClickType): boolean; begin case button of mouse_Left : Result := (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) <> 0); mouse_Middle : Result := (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MBUTTON) <> 0); mouse_Right : Result := (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) <> 0); end; end; procedure TWindow.SendString(str: string); var i: integer; key: byte; HoldShift : boolean; begin HoldShift := false; for i := 1 to length(str) do begin if((str[i] >= 'A') and (str[i] <= 'Z')) then begin HoldKey(VK_SHIFT); HoldShift:= True; str[i] := lowerCase(str[i]); end else if HoldShift then begin HoldShift:= false; ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; key:= GetKeyCode(str[i]); HoldKey(key); //BenLand100 note: probably should wait here ReleaseKey(key); end; if HoldShift then ReleaseKey(VK_SHIFT); end; procedure TWindow.HoldKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Down(key); end; procedure TWindow.ReleaseKey(key: integer); begin keyinput.Up(key); end; function TWindow.IsKeyHeld(key: integer): boolean; begin Result := (GetAsyncKeyState(key) <> 0); end; function TWindow.GetKeyCode(c: char): integer; begin result := VkKeyScan(c) and $FF; end; //***implementation*** IOManager constructor TIOManager.Create; begin inherited Create; end; constructor TIOManager.Create(plugin_dir: string); begin inherited Create(plugin_dir); end; procedure TIOManager.NativeInit; begin self.DesktopHWND:= GetDesktopWindow; end; procedure TIOManager.NativeFree; begin end; procedure TIOManager.SetDesktop; begin SetBothTargets(TDesktopWindow.Create(DesktopHWND)); end; function TIOManager.SetTarget(target: TNativeWindow): integer; begin SetBothTargets(TWindow.Create(target)); end; threadvar ProcArr: TSysProcArr; function EnumProcess(Handle: HWND; Param: LPARAM): WINBOOL; stdcall; var Proc: TSysProc; I: integer; pPid: DWORD; begin Result := (not ((Handle = 0) or (Handle = null))); if ((Result) and (IsWindowVisible(Handle))) then begin I := Length(ProcArr); SetLength(ProcArr, I + 1); ProcArr[I].Handle := Handle; SetLength(ProcArr[I].Title, 255); SetLength(ProcArr[I].Title, GetWindowText(Handle, PChar(ProcArr[I].Title), Length(ProcArr[I].Title))); GetWindowSize(Handle, ProcArr[I].Width, ProcArr[I].Height); GetWindowThreadProcessId(Handle, pPid); ProcArr[I].Pid := pPid; end; end; function TIOManager.GetProcesses: TSysProcArr; begin SetLength(ProcArr, 0); EnumWindows(@EnumProcess, 0); Result := ProcArr; end; procedure TIOManager.SetTargetEx(Proc: TSysProc); begin SetTarget(Proc.Handle); end; { TDesktopWindow } constructor TDesktopWindow.Create(DesktopHandle: HWND); begin inherited Create; self.dc := GetDC(DesktopHandle); self.handle:= DesktopHandle; end; function TDesktopWindow.WindowRect(out Rect : TRect) : Boolean; begin Rect.Left:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); Rect.Top:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); Rect.Right := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); Rect.Bottom:= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); Result := true; end; end.