unit mmath; // mufasa math {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils,MufasaTypes; function RotatePoints(P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray; function RotatePoint(p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint; implementation {/\ Rotates the given points (P) by A (in radians) around the point defined by cx, cy. /\} function RotatePoints(P: TPointArray; A, cx, cy: Extended): TPointArray; var I, L: Integer; begin L := High(P); SetLength(Result, L + 1); for I := 0 to L do begin Result[I].X := Round(cx + cos(A) * (p[i].x - cx) - sin(A) * (p[i].y - cy)); Result[I].Y := Round(cy + sin(A) * (p[i].x - cx) + cos(A) * (p[i].y - cy)); end; end; {/\ Rotates the given point (p) by A (in radians) around the point defined by cx, cy. /\} function RotatePoint(p: TPoint; angle, mx, my: Extended): TPoint; begin Result.X := Round(mx + cos(angle) * (p.x - mx) - sin(angle) * (p.y - my)); Result.Y := Round(my + sin(angle) * (p.x - mx) + cos(angle) * (p.y- my)); end; end.